>A gang of Mushroom-men hire you to ______________
A gang of Mushroom-men hire you to ______________
>have sporadic encounters
Spore a dungeon
I love you.
You win.
Carry their spores.
recently, the city of [whatever name you want] has had a population boom. This city has become extremely trendy with the affluent upper class nobles, who come there because many others of their subculture are already there. Here they wear armour that was popular 100 years ago, visit fake rural taverns complete with rustic wood furniture and authentic straw, drink craft mead, better than the "mass produced dwarven swill", and advertise their "rustic" or "artisan" salted pork.
An extremely popular food among these nobles are mushrooms. Mushrooms have always been a staple to this city, as they were extremely plentiful to the forests surrounding it, but have been "discovered" but the up and coming rich youthful population, who pay huge amounts for what was once a common street food. Now there is a mushroom gold rush, dung heap workers, labourers, herders, have all become rich off collecting mushrooms in the forest and swindling the recent youth populace with this "exotic" delicacy.
However, much to the ire of the druids,hunters, and the others connected to nature in the realm, this practise has angered the mushroom men, who although slow to anger will come in fury. Mushrooms are a collective consciousness; a hive mind, and even the smallest mushroom has a place in the hive mind. The mushroom men did not used to mind the gathering of mushrooms from the city, as it did not impact the collective mind, but now it has become too common, and it has become empty, and whole swathes of forest have been cleared of their mushrooms.
The mushroom men have hired you, the adventurers, to create a new delicacy for the affluent youth. You will have the task of finding the ingredients, cooking up food, and creating plans and schemes to get it popular with the new population, all of these plans involving subterfuge, murder, and underhand tactics. You will have a time limit, and when it runs out the mushroom men will come out of their holes at night and raid the city.
trip balls
We invent mushroom women
>Mushrooms are a collective consciousness
>eat them
Badger them.
but what about the Yuan-Ti?
We introduce smashed avocado on toast.
Once the rich can no longer afford their luxurious homes and lifestyles, they'll be forced to get dead-end jobs and fall into poverty.
Kill hole-kun.
Rescue the Princess from a dragon turtle.
Found the Aussie
This guy gets it
>save our inexplicably human princess. She is kept in one of our eight castles by a Tarrasque who leads an army of Kappa. The most help we can offer you is in field support from supplies left in bricks and item containers around our occupied kingdom. Naturally we're sure you shall act with stealth and discretion given the cir
>Or, yeah, just run through like a maniac stomping on everything, that works...
Tutor them in advanced pugilistic techniques.
...Fuck their mushroom-women
Mushroom men can possess creatures who eat them, they want you to find the biggest and most powerful monster you can and get it to eat them.
Retrieve a sample of highly valuable to the outside world (and dangerous to mushroom society if lost) royal spores which another band of heroes had been sent in to gather.
Germinate their spores
God damn dude.
>teach them how to be a fun guy
Save them from an italian plumber.
You cheeky bastard.
He, you're a fungi