>The heroes are invited to a fancy occasion, but the warrior lady doesn't know how to act or dress
Tropes you love
Other urls found in this thread:
>The goblins aren't so bad, it's circumstance that makes them jerks.
>soyboy original poster can't contain his surrogate mommy fetish and so creates many threads surrounding the same topic
>unlovable incel doesn't have a superior femdom fetish
>absolute, unrelenting adherence to capital-G Good is just as bad in the long run as absolute, unrelenting willingness to commit capital-E Evil
>fallen empire full of mysterious ruins
>"last stands" or heroic sacrifice of any sort, the more brutal the better
>necromancer raises a swarm of zombies and skeletons to attack
>group of dwarves on a quest to reclaim their ancestral home
Dunno what this says about me.
>shitposting on Veeky Forums
You do realize you are taking his bait, right?
>mysteryous stranger with unlikely weapon shows up from time to time to help the party
>Heroes retiring to a simple life in the countryside
>Reunions in the afterlife
> twice double digits
>spellcasters having their unique 'styles' of magic or spells named after them
>magical crimes joint task forces
Happened to one of my players. He was playing Maximus Decimus from Gladiator as an Ultramarine who lost his whole squad to an ambush set up by a Genestealer cult during the Tyranic War. Swore to die avenging them, got accepted into the afterlife at the Emperor's side by them.
>Globe trotting adventures that meet foreign and exotic stereotype cultures.
They're good tropes that deserved dubs.
>Former hero comes out of retirement for one last adventure.
>One character stands alone against an incoming horde.
>Putting together a team of specialists for a big mission.
>Character giving a short speech during a losing battle that reinforces their resolve, and allows them to push back.
>The street-rat punks have noble souls and are generally friendly.
I love Spa Days. Not literally, of course.
>the PC's go to the beach/pool
>the PC's visit a hot spring
>the PC's attend a ball
That sort of thing.
>old man past his prime opens a can of whoop ass
>op uses the """""""""""""""""""""""word"""""""""""""""""""""" trope
>user clicks into a thread he dislikes to let everyone know he dislikes it
My absolute favorite
Please say you're not a DM. This works for other media, but NOT rpgs.
>The famous and renowned adventurers are actually pretty incompetent and need the party to pick up the slack for them because they just keep making things worse
>This works for other media, but NOT rpgs.
It could be cool, so long as the guy isn't higher level than the PCs, and there is a deeper motivation to his appearances.
You have good taste, Sir.
A pious hero having his faith and good works rewarded.
> villain starts the fight wearing heavy armor that makes him near impossible to hurt but slow as balls
> after you 'kill' him, he pries himself out of his ruined armor and starts the second phase of his fight, more vulnerable but much faster or stronger now that he isn't being weighed down
Yea he's just describing Waka from Ookami, right? That guy was great, however I think as a player I'd be pissssed if that turned up in a game.
>The polite shopkeeper is an ex adventurer who retired after marrying her companion
>Is stronger than her appearance would suggest
>She hires you anonymously to steal something from an old "friend" of hers
>Is a centaur
> This works for other media, but NOT rpgs.
Not true. I did this as a running gag with an NPC that was desperately trying to join the party and be one of the heroes, but they group kept telling him to fuck off because he was a grandstanding fucktard who put looking good while he was fighting above actually being effective.
Sometimes he would be a complete joke and bitch out, sometimes he would be more of a hindrance than a help like announcing his presence during a sneaky mission. Occasionally he would actually be useful, usually by distracting the enemy during a crucial moment with his overly flash entrance.
His grand contribution to the game was holding a bridge in an apparent heroic sacrifice against enemy reinforcements while the players went in to face the archvillian. The left him behind as he started his usual speech with gusto, ready to face down an army.
When they came out after the final battle, he was STILL doing his opening speech and 'inviting them to face their death'. The army was actually waiting for him to finish, and he didn't want to die, so he just KEPT GOING until the party came back out and announced the dude was dead and the show was over.
>Ex-solider, knight, warrior etc.> His team gets massacred, barely surviving a horrific battle in the past. >Loses his nerve. >Goes into hiding in remote village or town. > Town gets raided by bandits, or knights. >Comes out of hiding to protect the villagers he's grown fond of.
nothing beats a good Big Guy brushing off blows like they're nothing
Oh shit your love my group then user, they're completely helpless
>Various gangs/bandit clans put aside their differences to help the pcs fight off the ultimate evil
like in scary movie 3 but if they had been successful
>Villain ignores blows that should be provide ample amounts of pain due to his massive stature.
>The Good Kingdom are thought police moralfags
>The hero wizard is a control freak with a spy network because being "good" makes him right
>The party learns the hard way that they've been in the wrong
>The only crime the Evil Empire has committed is offending the moralfag's blind adherence to tradition and backwards thinking
>After freeing the dragon/demon/sufficiently sentient Monster it will come to your aid exactly once to repay its debt
>every fantasy/mmo anime ever
I can assure you that your players hated this character.
>Old Villain showing up to show the New Villain how it's done, either as a friend of the heroes or as a just another villain
>Destined love turns out to have some icky implications about free will for one or both parties
I don't see much stuff that actually plays around with how that stuff works when everyone theoretically has free will in the setting.
Also I have a disturbing fetish
Fuck off reddit
>hero and hero-turned-villain come together to fight existential threat, reminisce about old times
I guess that doesn't really apply to tabletop so well but I love seeing that shit.
>nitpicking this hard over one word
Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment, but you're a fucking idiot.
Are you me? Seriously. Top tier taste.
It means you're all fucking plebbit posters. These are all over used and tired meme ways to tell stories and they need to die. If it's "classic" it's trash and boring. It's right up there with moralfags making religious groups in their setting ANYTHING other than evil. Shouldn't fucking happen.
>The party must fight the anti-versions of themselves
>The world around the PCs isn't just static
>The King is actually terrifying but he can't be everywhere at once so he relies on the party
>The empire isn't completely evil
Better call the clean-up crew, 'cause that user got REKT.
>PCs are sent on a mission to a derelict station
>they encounter notzombies or notxenomorphs
>religious groups in their setting ANYTHING other than evil. Shouldn't fucking happen.
Now I know you're baiting.
But why can't you have a mix of religiously-motivated behaviors? Two people can interpret the same set of scripture very differently after all.
Trope is attested as a word as early the 16th century, you absolute mongoloid.
>the heroes are invited to a fancy occasion and the barbarian lady (or dude) knows exactly how to dress and behave, much to the astonishment of the rest of the party (or doesn't know initially, but learns quickly and could easily pass for a noble at the event)
I'm a massive sucker for showdowns with the main villain being about clashing ideals more than who can stab better so I'm always happy when the players/GM are willing to let there be back and forward verbally as well as with weapons.
The players in the game I run managed to talk down one of the two main villains by convincing her that her her goal wasn't going to work during the fight.
I also really like villains who believe they are right. People the PCs can understand, even if they disagree with them.
>Hardened Criminals/Soldiers doing "one last job".
Patrician tastes.
>Yet another Amazon thread
Just end this board already
>Another faggot doesn't actually read the thread but comments anyways because his pussy ass is trigger by an OP image thread
>the protagonist doesn't give a fuck
>>The polite shopkeeper is an ex adventurer who retired after marrying her companion
This is so damn comfy and nice.
>Find an ancient magical sword that only the chosen few can wield
>PC isn't worthy
>Still manages to kick ass with it because powers or no it's still a sword
>the huge violent brute is excellent with children
>fighter finds a magical talking sword
>tells it to shut up
>the sword gets sad and cries
>the fighter finds a magical talking sword
>is to dumb to understand its insights
That, but add in
>Most nobles are offended by the warrior lady
>But the highest ranking one present enjoys it
>Optional: said higher ranking noble was also a warrior themselves and shares stories with the warrior lady
you are a fan of the classics that define the genre. There is no shame, only fun.
not him, but I admit, as a GM I've been tempted to try to implement an expy of The Mysterious Stranger from Fallout as a sporadic and inexplicable ally to my PCs.
>>and more
This thread is filled with so many niggahs!
My niggahs!
>the world is divided in three main forces
>the evil empire
>the good kingdom
>and a single entity that's powerful enough to fuck up any of the other two, but instead reamins neutral because it doesn't care at all
>evil general treats their subordinates well so long as they don't outright slack off or betray them
The young naive healer who wants to help people and make the world a better place!
I play it every system/campaign/etc I love it so much.
>elite group of warriors make their last stand, charge in to death
>party member is mortally wounded protecting another member, dies while confessing love
>father/mother figure party member
>Fighter on quest of vengeance meets target finally, DM gives bonus to rolls
>Tiefling Paladin trying to prove society's view on him/her wrong
>Most nobles are offended by the warrior lady
>But the highest ranking one present enjoys it
>Optional: said higher ranking noble was also a warrior themselves and shares stories with the warrior lady
see: pam and the swedish guy in archer
>highest ranking one present enjoys it
>The senior Noble (King, local Duke, whatever) is a giant troll
>If it's "classic" it's trash and boring.
Contrarians are the worst.
Hating something because it's classic and loving something because it's classic are both retarded, you should hate it or love it for its own reason.
Religion is inherently corrupt and only attracts the weak minded. Combine the two and you will always get an evil organization that is, at bear, able to appear good to the sheep. Any PCs with more than 2 int should be able to figure it out.
It's impossible to like classic on it's merits. It's too overdone and over used to have merits. It's only worth is as a trope to be subverted. Orcs shouldn't be evil, dumb, brutes. Elves and human shouldn't be allies. Princess should never fall for the hero. God/churches shouldn't be benevolent forces. Etc.
>Implying it's not the same faggot every time
This is why older anime is often so much better.
>Shy kid who's a pushover until someone harms their friends and then goes fucking ballistic
2/10, you’re trying way too hard.
>the warrior lady sits on your face
>hur dur I don't like your opinion so it must be a troll, that'll show him
Fuck off.
0/10, doubling down never works.
So, everyone in Faerun is weak-minded then?
I once did this for one of my campaigns, the dude was just straight up a Hunter from Bloodborne who by some strange dimension fuckery ended up helping the party with some horrifying abomination but my players absolutely loved the encounter.
>Religion is inherently corrupt and only attracts the weak minded.
Care to explain?
>the smug and haughty noblewoman with a biting tongue and an infuriating smirk
>doesn't address the points
>calls me a troll
You're just missing the smug anime face. Nor does it change the fact that everything I said is correct. Last response you're getting from me.
>Religion is inherently corrupt and only attracts the weak minded
t. fedora-lord
>Last response you're getting from me.
Good. Try to do better next time. You’ll get there.
With knowledge in your artillery you are quite the opponent, good sir!
>former villain joins the heroes because the new villain is so evil that even he's against it
These are all old, tired tropes.
And they are all fun
Those who follow a god, yes.
The existence of a god or gods is objectively false. (If it's nit false in your setting, you're a bad GM, and I won't be addressing it. It's like having a setting where tape is legal.) So only two people would ever be part of a religious structure. The stupid masses and the intelligent but power hungry. There is no reasonable middle ground.
>new villain is about to kill the heroes
>at the last second their arch-nemesis intervenes and lets them escape, at great personal risk
>"there's no way in hell I'm gonna let SOMEONE ELSE kill you"
Holy fuck dude
>objectively false
Fedora core athiests are the fucking worst religious nuts of all
>players actions have long running impacts down the line
>apparent evil guys cut throat tactics and fear tactics are actually benefitial to the city overall.
>gigantic, powerhouse brute is actually clever and speaks quite clearly and pleasantly
>thief who steals shit on the regular but it's so he can later give it to less fortunate.
>professional killer who prays for forgiveness after each hit
>huge strong gentle giant guy and small smart firecracker girl
>couples who fight in tandem
>evil couples who are sickeningly sweet to one another while being evil
>villains who have the power of love
All of it is my absolute jam
>being this much of a fedorafag
>calling others plebbit
The absolute state
>two fundamentally good people are forced to fight over irreconcilable differences in their ideologies
>"good" person realizes their ideology/cause isn't as good as they thought, while "bad" person understands the depths of their own evil, and both work together towards a more neutral third path
>evil couples who are sickeningly sweet to one another while being evil
>villains who have the power of love
These and villains that genuinely care for their loyal minions and servants.
this made me laugh