What do you guys think of my custom career for WFRP 2e? I noticed there was a lack of general career when I was looking at the Career Compendium so I made my own. I based if off of the Admiral from Shades of Empire.f
All the armies in the Old World are lead by a general. While most are highborn fops, the best are lead by actual professionals, many whom have been groomed for command since birth.
WS +30% BS +20% S +25% T +25% Ag +30% Int +20% WP +20% Fel +30%
A +2 W +8 SB — TB — M — Mag — IP — FP —
Academic Knowledge (Engineering), Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Animal Care, Charm, Command, Common Lore (any four), Dodge Blow, Gossip, Intimidate, Read/Write, Ride, Secret Tongue (Battle Tongue), Speak Language (Kislevian, Reikspiel, or Tilean)
Coolheaded or Suave, Master Orator, Public Speaking, Seasoned Traveller, Specialist Weapon Group (any one), Stout-hearted, Strong-minded
Trappings: Best Quality Hand Weapon, Best Quality Full Plate Armor, Destrier with Saddle and Harness, Army
Career Entries: Captain, High Priest, Ice Witch, Noble Lord, Wizard Lord
Career Exits: Explorer, Merchant, Noble Lord, Politician
Special Requirements: Only Mercenary Generals can come from peasant or burgher backgrounds.
We really needed more human armies. Estalia, Araby, Cathay, Ind, Nippon, and Norsca should have gotten army books. So much potential...
The Crusades in Warhammer were caused by the Skaven.