/wfg/ - Warhammer Fantasy general

"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be." -John Wooden, Changer of Ways Edition

Previous Thread: >>>Resources (Crunch, Lore and Warhammer Fantasy Role-play)
WFB: pastebin.com/2EJLZq7a
WFRP: pastebin.com/NX6t6eYa
Novels: pastebin.com/bgy1rqd6

>We're looking for these novels for the archive:

>Alternative Warhammer Miniatures and Manufacturers

>Warhammer Wikis

>Warhammer Video Games

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?sp=CAI%3D&search_query=old world wars dwarvfs

first for the lady!

Genuinely made my night. That was an illustration that further cemented my love for Tzeentch.

tfw no cutie Dawi Zharr wife.
>you will never sacrifice worthless subspecies in massive pots of molten metal, to the glory of Hashut as she kindly holds your hand, and softly whispers prayers to Hashut in your ear.

Why even live.

It just counts as two wounds for combat res, it doesn't actually inflict another wound.

You make some really good points, and I hadn't known about Kislev's relationship with the Dark Lands at all, so that's some great stuff to know.

I do think there's potential for Bretonnia to view the Kislevites more favorably though - and not just because of a shared love of horsemanship. I can't describe it well, but looking at Bretonnia's relations with Estalia and the Empire, they're willing to turn a blind eye to things they dislike if relations are good enough (Bibali probably isnt that different from Magritta, but Bibali's are 'true nobles' and the Magrittans are 'peasants), especially with a well-liked ruler like Karl Franz. Between Kislev's long-established aristocracy and well-regarded string of recent rulers, I think they could have good relations - even if they probably just won't understand each other culturally in many ways, beyond sharing fancily dressed and armored horsemen. If anything, I think Kislev would see them more as soft southerners with a strange lady god whose peasants can't even learn to fight properly.

I'd like to think that the Bretonnians probably went up through Kislev on an erranty or two. It seems odd they've barely interacted in the lore, and it seems like such an interesting combination. You don't even see many pictures of Bretonnians fighting in a winterscape, and just imagining their armor covered in frost and bits of snow as they charge alongside axemen screaming praises to Tor and Ursun...

Why does she look like a fat elf with a hobgoblin's dagger?

Different user walking late into the convo but the idea of "x is always y" is just fucking daft to begin with and the sooner writers get over it the better.
Admitedly drow are inclined to evil but even they surely would each have unique codes of conduct. Simularily even if orcs are beasts "can your character bring itself to kill an innocent" is a worthy question.
I'll concide that when you play with boring people who follow trends, patterns and tropes then of course you're going to find they get played out.
>Tl;dr there are no stupid scenarios just stupid people.

>if Lizardmen Spawning Pools use eggs

Shortstack race mixing
[Spoiler] thats my fetish, gobbyboys a cute [/spoiler]

Obligatory bump

You fucked up.

HOW, HOW DID I FUCK UP? it was the autocapitalization, wasnt it?

Well it wasn't the race mixing, I'm all for that, but you know you're shit at this secrecy thing.
And by that you offend Slaanesh equally as much as you appease her with that comment.

user, you're making me feel all warm and fuzzy. Stop that.

Hey /wfg/, I was fucking about at my LGS and found some old Forsaken models- 2 boxes of them. I've always loved the look of the Warriors of Chaos, and now I think I want to play them, in either this or AOS. Are they any good?

try it out with the suggestions given user, then report back and tweak as needed. when is your next game?

Top tier army. Definately go WHFB.
As someone who dabbled with AOS for six months at launch and again after general's handbook I can't ever imagine asking that question. In the least baity way possible, I have to ask, what is there to like about AOS? It's just so boring.

WoC is indeed a good army to play in Fantasy. It's versatile with only a few crap units and both their playstyle and fluff encourages thematic armies.
As a WoC player I can only say that I absolutely adore Forsaken; they are fast and with a bit of luck they are absolutely devastating. There is also more than one playstyle for them. I tend to run them in either small detachments of 6 guys in a unit or a good 18 man block allthough lately I've been experimenting with fielding two units of 12. The best mark for them imo is Slaanesh as it gets them swiftstride but the hatred from Khorne isn't bad either. Nurgle and Tzeentch are shitty though.
I have to say that I'm extremely jelly since the old Forsaken are one of the best minis ever created by GW yet are pretty much impossible to get your hands on now a days if you're not willing to pay a ridiculous sum.

Forsaken are best played as small Slaanesh marked units and used for harassment and charge redirection.
Have a look at last thread and the one before that for some really good advice for WOC.

If I'm not mistaken there is no Forsaken unit in AoS. They can still be used to great extent for conversions though.

Not him but what exactly is 'harassment' refering to?

That is the key here. Warhammer fantasy is dead, long live Warhammer fantasy!

With the world now frozen in time in order to sale AOS on the table top, as well as to keep making games(way to little lore for a AOS game) the world is in our hands.

Thus we can extend on the fluff as was the original games foundation. History, real life medieval Europe history. So thanks to that we can do the following.

Real life Templars, Hospitalers, Teutonic, and other western military orders gladaly went to the Slavic, and for a brief while, Nordic regions to crusade. This right here alone shows us the west(Bretonnia, Empire) fighting in crusades(errant wars) in Scandinavia (Norsca), and Slavic Europe (Kislev), in order to bring them to the one true light of God(the lady) or to help their fellow Europeans(old world man) against the Mongolians(Krung, hung).

So yes there is room for the two to meet, with enough in common to form a alliance like that formed through the empire and the other two. Perhaps the trade guilds of the old world have united in the want to make permanent safe passage through the dark lands, thus forming a mighty army of Bretonnia, the Empire, and Kislev royalty, with sell swords from the rest, as a new errant war is declared on the Dark Lands.

That’s all heresay though, if you are looking for a 100% fluff backed meeting of the two, the border princes are what you are looking for. After the errant war cleansed it if greenskins, Men from all over the old world moved in to form their own kingdoms. Nearly all already royalty, thus there is room in the fluff to form a Kislev province, living right next to a Bretonnia province in the area known as the border princes. This gives room for everything to happen between the two, wars, alliances, intermarriages, you name it.

Blocking charges, slowing a horde down with a minimum contact flank charge, running after lone models, etc. Basically being a pest.

Friendly reminder that warhammer is problematic.

And this too.


Dawi Zharr are slightly different from their normal kin, real answer, artist creativity. She is missing tusks as well sadly.

As for the hobgoblin dagger, most women in Dawi Zharr society are in harems to high ranking priests of Hashut. Thus their ranking is low in Dawi Zharr society, just above the slaves. So if she wants protection in the form of a weapon a hobgoblin dagger is bout the best she can do. After all she and all the other females are guarded by men put there for that one reason, and it only. So it eliminates the need for them to be armed.

No joke that’s the fluff answer to the dagger. If I had it my way she would be more mutated, with proper horns and tusks, and she would be high priestess of Hashut(sorcereress).

You know what? I really must applaus how much I have calmed down in the last 12 months. If I had seen that a year ago I would have read through it angrily and torn it apart witu righteous fury that someone could dare have such a view.
But now I get laid.


I see. Thank you!

Total War fan here, considering playing the tabletop version. I play dwarfs mainly and was wondering how best to start off collecting and going to some battles? I like the flamethrower / steam-gun guys mainly.

I live in Utah, and will be going to LVO to see whats what (my friend is playing 40k there).

Who would've thunk.

>flamethrower / steam-gun guys
Either way start with a box of thunderers/quarrellers a box of warriors and something else (suggested would be gyrocopter, organ gun, irondrakes or hammerers).
Convert up a hero (or alternately just buy one) and away you go. If you want some more specific advice just tell me what you want to do with you army be it shooting, combat or whatever.

Okay and do they play similar to in Total War? Front line steamguns (with thunderers), and then retreat them behind the ironbreakers when the enemy charges?

I like to have a solid line of ironbreakers and lot of guns, and generally just nuke the scary enemies whilst the ironbreakers whack the minions with grenades.

The irondrakes have circle bases and the others have squares? Whats that all about?

>Front line steamguns (with thunderers), and then retreat them behind the ironbreakers when the enemy charges?
Yes and no. Units cannot coinhabit the same space as they do in TWWH but you can put thunderers in front and make a flee reaction against a charge (redirecting the enemy into your combat blokes).
>The irondrakes have circle bases and the others have squares? Whats that all about?
GW no longer support WHFB which uses square bases. As such they are transitioning models onto circle bases for their new game. That being said just pur them all on squares.
>I like to have a solid line of ironbreakers and lot of guns, and generally just nuke the scary enemies whilst the ironbreakers whack the minions with grenades.
So the tabletop game generally uses less and smaller units than TWWH but noboding is stopping you from ammassing a large force. Also you have to have a certain amount of "core" (thunderers, quarrellers and warriors) and there are limits on the amounts of other things you can take.

That being said, start small. Get a lord/hero you like the look of. A box each of thunderers and quarrellers. A box (or two) of ironbreakers to put your general in. And a organ gun (maybe a cannon too) for the big scary stuff. That will be more than enough for a decent sized begginers game.
Also have a look at battlescribe for list buidling (1000, 2000 and 3000 are genetally the three game sizes with 3000 being the most common).

hey user, here is an 8th ed battle of orcs vs dwarves.

perhaps that might get you an idea of how the game goes.

the round bases are age of shigmar, the successor game to warhammer fantasy, it draws a lot of flack but thats irrelevant, it isnt warhammer fantasy so steer clear if you want your dwarves like total war (square bases are what warham fantasy uses, though honestly I personally wouldnt stop you if you showed up with round bases for your dudes considering.

As for getting models. Try ebay first for cheap stuff.

if you want to see more dwarf vids try
youtube.com/results?sp=CAI%3D&search_query=old world wars dwarvfs

Also check out dwarf armybook in pastebin 8th ed.

pic related is the rulebook on how your army must be composed.

>The great crusade is inspired by the Islamic Arab and Berber conquest of Spain and the early Crusades against Muslims. But in racist the Warhammer Fantasy looniverse the Islamic conquest of Spain are not only criminal enterprises, but are successfully repelled, and the Crusades are noble defensive wars that ends with massive slaughter of Arabyans (because killing orientals is morally justified) and tearing down their cities (because destroying oriental cities is morally justified). One should also note how in the Warhammer looniverse not only are the Arab and Berber invasion of Spain prevented, but there are no failed crusades. In other words for the racists of Games Workshop there can be no case of the white man being defeated by the inferior evil oriental races.

This is obvious satire.

Okay thanks anons. I'll start off with the irondrakes and see how bad I suck at painting before getting more.

I'll try and watch some battles at LVO and see how complex it is.

>He takes the setting seriously
Do you have more of it user?

quiktips for painting. I'm not even particulary good just trying to save you from first modelitis.

make sure to cut off mold lines/bits of plastic it will ruin you.

1.prime the model first
2. don't overapply paint, 2 thin layers is better than one thic mistake.
3. do all of it's basic colours, aka the armour, the beard, then go ahead with trimmings/fun stuff.

4. Since your new, don't paint beards pure white/pure black to begin with, never ends well. use Nuln Oil wash to simulate depth liberally on beards.
5. since you are new, use nuln oil on everything.

good luck user

>Pseudo ottomans
Isn't their land, well, pretty much dead snf populated by zombie egyptians? And did he really expect geedubs not to be lazy fuckwits?

What do you guys think of my custom career for WFRP 2e? I noticed there was a lack of general career when I was looking at the Career Compendium so I made my own. I based if off of the Admiral from Shades of Empire.f


All the armies in the Old World are lead by a general. While most are highborn fops, the best are lead by actual professionals, many whom have been groomed for command since birth.

WS +30% BS +20% S +25% T +25% Ag +30% Int +20% WP +20% Fel +30%
A +2 W +8 SB — TB — M — Mag — IP — FP —

Academic Knowledge (Engineering), Academic Knowledge (Strategy/Tactics), Animal Care, Charm, Command, Common Lore (any four), Dodge Blow, Gossip, Intimidate, Read/Write, Ride, Secret Tongue (Battle Tongue), Speak Language (Kislevian, Reikspiel, or Tilean)

Coolheaded or Suave, Master Orator, Public Speaking, Seasoned Traveller, Specialist Weapon Group (any one), Stout-hearted, Strong-minded

Trappings: Best Quality Hand Weapon, Best Quality Full Plate Armor, Destrier with Saddle and Harness, Army

Career Entries: Captain, High Priest, Ice Witch, Noble Lord, Wizard Lord

Career Exits: Explorer, Merchant, Noble Lord, Politician
Special Requirements: Only Mercenary Generals can come from peasant or burgher backgrounds.

We really needed more human armies. Estalia, Araby, Cathay, Ind, Nippon, and Norsca should have gotten army books. So much potential...

The Crusades in Warhammer were caused by the Skaven.

Most got ravaged by undead but that's it. Khemri is next door, it doesn't really share territory.

Also Tilea and the border princes. Strigany would also be neat as fuck.

>We really needed more human armies
true. empire boys are all the same, even if you can change the cheerleeaders fab' outfits from red/green to blue/yellow. as I keep reading lore, I just can't fathom why it's so popular, it's complete boredom compared to anything else. the vanilla of icecreams. it's nothing without something added to it by other factions, eg the pistachio of O&G or the cherry of chaos...

anyone have the quote from that empire guy who converted to chaos and mentioned the barbarism that chaos had? Its the only thing he said before he went to the chaos wastes. it was written in a gamebook i believe and scanned

are you talking about archaon?

nope, he didnt even have a wiki page im pretty sure. it was on a thread about barbarism a couple of months ago

Have you used that kind of a tactic before? With what composition? How did it turn out and what did you think you lacked? What do you usually play against?

I think your idea will do fine, but you really need to come triumphant in the chaff war. High str shooting/magic will also criple your support units, so you need to have an answer for that.

Since Chaos Dwarves and Hashut consider the bull centaurs to be biologically perfect if a female CD where to be mutated into one would she have the same societal status as a non-mutated man?

The idea of empire is neat for army building. Some more unique stuff of the provinces apart from the state troops would be nice to break the uniformity if the player wanted it.
Like drakwald rangers or hochland sheepshaggers or Nordland Berserkers.

Propably. Likewise if she was magically gifted I'd guess.
Of course that's just my opinion.

I love that entire set of those style drawings. They're awesome sauce.

It sucks how much the Empire list was gutted in 6th edition.
They lost:
- Outriders (They came back in later editions)
- Reiksguard on foot
- Kislev Winged Lancers
- Kislev Horse Archers
- Dwarfs
- Halflings
- Ogres
- War Wagons
- Halfling Hotpots
- Steam Tanks (Came back in White Dwarf)

That's most of the characterful units gone completely, the only exceptions being the Helblaster and Flagellants.

Very, Warriors of Chaos are one of the most newbie-firendly armies in WHFB, their higher stats will grant you a big margin of error while you get the hang of the tactics involved, and you can assemble an army without falling into 30 years of debt

Yes but it’s tricky. In the capital female Dawi Zharr have a good life, females with mutations especially so.There are(or was pre forge world). Female bull Centaurs, lamasu, Taurus, and even priestesses. This Should still be the same, however Forgeworld wanted to make them more chaos then fire dwarfs, and so no it says” a chaos dwarf sorcerer may use his magic to help mutate the fetus inside a female chaos dwarf, thus increasing the birth rate of Bull Centaurs, at great risk to the mother”.

Now for what it’s worth, In old lore there was one, and only one Dawi Zharr sorcerer who holds his own keep outside of the capital, and he not only used dark sorcery to not only mutate the Dawi Zharr fetuses, but shockingly managed to prefect it. He is the only chaos dwarf to have Dawi Zharr Minotaurs, his mutants have hoofs, horns, tusks, and the face of a bull. It’s believed that these are the peak of Dawi Zharr mutation, however Hashut has not blessed the Dawi with it in great numbers, they are very very rare, as in not enough exist to give them rules.

Thus it’s kept a secret from the rest of the Dawi Zharr Empire. Said sorcerer has great relations with the beastmen, and makes a killing supplying them with goods, arms, and unbelievably even some of his childern(Minotaurs). The reason it seems he keeps it a secret is, you guessed it, not many female Dawi Zharr survive the birthing process.

So in short, old lore has them as exalted members of society, hidden away less the Dawi Zharr society collapses due to low birth rates, New lore is “hur dur chaos!” With the high priests of Hashut just breeding them much how the humongous covans do in 40k. To the point that the Dawi Zharr are now numerous, and no longer on the brink of extinction if so much as one more large slave revolt happens.

Make if that what you will.

There's no LVO tournament? Why?

if we are sharing painting tips:

>Black primer will make colors look worn and serious, White primer makes vivid colors stand out a lot, Grey primer is a good in-between. I'd always recommend black or grey primer
>You should assemble (and trim) the models before painting, shields are the exception, as once they are assembled, you will be unable to paint behind the shield
>Get used early on to the concept of dry-brushing, it's a quick and easy way to highlight borders, there's a million tutorials online
>Expect to half-ass your first models in some way, so try to resist the temptation to start with your favourite models
>Painting eyes almost always looks goofy and bad, just use a wash to make the area darker instead
>Experiment every once in a while with some basic model, try to apply new techiques and colors
>If you have golden parts, give them a brown undercoat before painting, yellow is an utter bitch to shade

>5. since you are new, use nuln oil on everything.
Nuln oil is a crutch, it looks great on everything, but shouldn't be your go-to option, for best results, use whichever wash fits "your base coat, but darker" or go nuts with multi-color shading, it can have great results
>2. don't overapply paint, 2 thin layers is better than one thic mistake.
Pic very related, take this one piece of advice by heart, Games Workshop paints have the advantage of being liquid enough to be useable straight from the pot (just give them a very vigorous shake before using)

most likely, but just because of her new "religious" status and no other reason

I'd not be surprised if she/it got looked down by other bull centaurs, but don't know enough Chaos Dorf lore to tell

do female beastmen exist? what do they do if they encoutner a human or elf in the wild?

can you fuck them?

Shit all over them

They do exist, but it's only in passing. Beastmen reproducing by raping human females is better though. Not even because magical realm

Yes, they exist, they will either flee any encounter or do the Beastmen thing and brutally murder any human or elf and eat the remains

Everything can be fucked if you are brave enough, just like how you can fuck a feral grizzly bear if you want, but the implications behind the question makes me question your sanity

One warning: the dwarfs are the easiest faction to play boring as fuck. They have excellent units in the book, but their two weaknesses (slow, very little magic) tend to make players go retard and put all their money on their two advantages (hardy as fuck, amazing shooting). This makes a very static, grinding game with little laughter from neither you or your opponent. Before making your purchases just close your eyes and think about what you imagine a good game would be like and what are the most awesone units they have. Buy them, paint them awesomely and bring them to the table. They are dwarfs, they will do fine and you will learn how to play them well. Then you can start to take more competitive approach, buy some more warmachines and try out some annoying combos. But just don't start with the lamest possible playstyle in the game or you will ruin the taste for both you and your mates.

Their old metal range was the coolest set of minies ever produced. Luckily I own many of those. Epic games, user!

you just have to remember that these people are not worth arguing with. I mean if he is dumb enough to take warhammer seriously then do you really think anyone is going to get through to him?

>Have you used that kind of a tactic before?
I usually rely on the Oblique Order as my battleplan allthough I'm far from mostly sucessful with it, probably because I'm honestly terrible at positioning. This time would however be the first time I centered the plan on the knight unit, which I'm looking forward to test out.
I usually play against Vampire Counts or Dark Elves allthough other opposition isn't exactly uncommon.

>you really need to come triumphant in the chaff war.
This is something I've been struggling with. If you have any neat guidelines for how to play the chaff war as WoC I'd really appreciate it. I usually just try to position my hounds so that they block the movement of the most important enemy unit as possible, which, if I'm sucessful means that I've delayed them for one turn.

>High str shooting/magic will also criple your support units, so you need to have an answer for that.
Luckily we don't have too much artillery in our meta so I think that I've brought enough target saturation for the horsemen to hopefully clear the threat before it can completely wreck me.
Magic is another area in which I think that I have plenty of room for improvement. I tend to rely on buffing my own forces with whatever availible Nurgle magic I get and pretty much ignore the offensive spells. I wouldn't exactly be ungrateful if some kind soul would provide me with a basic guideline for how to properly use Nurgle magic, especially on a footslogging caster.

They stopped having a fantasy tournament because its not supported anymore by GW, not because its not popular. It would have more attendees than AOS.

I don't know how to greentext, but here goes:

Chaff war is hard for chaos, especially against dark elves who have massed small arms fire, which you know chaos lacks. Honestly, I would take a small fire mage with the fireball ring to clear space you otherwise can't. The point is both to have your hounds/horsemen in the way of the enemy, but also and imo most importantly to make sure there are no enemy units in your way when the important charges go off. In the end you should always be the one who has the control on where both your and your opponent's units can go in their movement phase.

Just started painting an O&G army and I am really looking forward to that loss of control when the shit hits the fan and your carefully assigned battleline goes boom and it may or may not be to your advantage.

Thanks for the input. Regarding:
>I would take a small fire mage with the fireball ring to clear space you otherwise can't.
If I were to take one, how should I go about customizing it? Should I go lvl 2 or is lvl 1 enough, and is it something which should be mobile or is it just fine in an infantry unit? I've never tried Lore of Fire, but I guess that Fireball is a must have with it, or should I go for some other spell since I'd have the ring or would two types of Fireball be the best way since it woulf allow me to potentially waste two chaff units?

Hmm, I'm a little inbetween lvl 1 and 2. Former would be cheaper and do his job with 2 fireballs (always take fireball, it's the point of the lore), yet there's a couple of spell in fire that would benefit your army (flaming weapons & flame cage). Give him the charmed shield and be happy blasting away inside infantry. Riding amongst knights could work also, but he might end up in combat too early. Never tried that one though.

Cheers mate. I took a look at the Lore of Fire and it looks like it has a couple of useful spells. The chance at getting Flame Cage seems to me to make up for the cost of lvl 2. I'll definitely reconsider including him in my next match.

I might even get the Fire Sorcerer the Skull of Katam to increase his usefulness.

Thanks for the advice. I'm reading through their books and the previous thread to get a feel for tactics, ideal loadouts for an army, and there's a lot of interesting stuff you can do with them. I picked up the finecast Wulfrik the Wanderer kit a while back just to have something cool to look at, so I might use him for something.

They do technically have stats, they're just watered down versions of their 8th edition versions, with the random ability mechanic kept in.

The main reason why is simply because AoS is clearly designed for anyone to essentially just pick up and play- you don't need the tactical acumen and thought put into a really good game of WFB. As someone new to wargaming in general, who doesn't really trust their brain to do the smart stuff, AoS is a bit less of a risk for me, I guess? But I think I'll be buying and building for WFB, especially since my LGS still has so much original WFB stuff.

Nice! He's really underused in chaos lists.

What have you been working on recently /wfg/?

What's generally the best edition to play?

well the last Model I finished a day or 2 ago was It was on my backlogue awhile as greenstuffing the gaps on my demigryphs was hell on earth and deterred me greatly.
as of now with them down my empire army is 'complete' but fortunately I have a budding vc list which I've posted some pics of here, blue spirit hosts and mantic zombies for example.

Right now I have a mantic necromancer body I've got to paint up(then do a head conversion, super easy) then that's all my miniatures painted.

I am trawling ebay for cheap varghulfs/hexwraiths though as I'd like both of them eventually

temped to get some mantic skeles but unsure

I agree that they could flesh out these factions a lot more. Maybe some day
Nah, I'm pretty sure their geographical equivelant is either Nehekara or Badlands

Debating whether or not to open those Forsaken now or wait until I have more guys to try and work on a unified scheme, but I am learning to paint resin with this Wulfrik model.

Pretty much what said, though I should also point out there are harpies that in the lore have the upper bodies of a beautiful, if wild, women.

I have a Bretonnian Bowman I've been trying to paint up. First time I've painted in a long while, and I wasn't skilled to begin with.

Forgot the Lady's Blessing.

>picked up the finecast Wulfrik the Wanderer kit a while back just to have something cool to look at, so I might use him for something.
His trophy 'rack' means that he would make a good BSB. I've always thought that he looks kinda nurglish.

I'm working on my Nurgle Knights. If anyone is interested I could post them when they're finished.


Yeah, white has ended up surprisingly hard to work with, even when I tried to make it more of a light grey. I knew yellow would be difficult as fuck, but white?

Hey user I hope thats grey primer.

I find white the absolute worst to work with due to how claggy it gets too, ceramite white particularly. I usually put a little marble/ball bearing inside the paint, add a few drops of water and shake vigourously.

anyway it's a good start but of course keep going, as user says your white on the model looks claggy. fixable though.

yes, I always enjoy people posting their doodz in here user.

That is grey primer, don't worry. I didn't want to use black since I knew I was going to be using lighter colors like white, but I didn't want to go white primer because peasants need to look a little grungy.

Honestly not sure how to fix the white, but I hope I can manage something with a real thin coat or something like that.

So recently I came across a quirk/exploit of a sort.

Due to Magic Mushrooms, Night Goblin Shamans add an extra die to *all* casting attempts. RAW, this includes Bound Spells (meaning the Ruby Ring of Ruin). This extra die isn't a Power Die, so does not contribute to Irresistable Force/Miscasts (which would destroy the Ring either way), but does count towards a "natural roll" of 3+ for casting.

tl;dr, 1 power die = 5 in 6 chance of getting Ruby Ring off, while occasionally requiring two dice for dispel.

So I am thinking of modeling a level 1 Shaman with the Ruby Ring as a "techpiece" and was wondering how to model the Magic Mushrooms/Ring interacting with each other.

Getting into the hobby I actually thought he was a Nurgle Champion due to the paintjob and trophy rack. He's in desperate need of a new model.

Just build your own by making any barbarian/viking champion

Nice get

because of his habit of collecting heads he struck me as khornate

Before GW axed WHFB and shat out Khorne models by the dozens I considered doing a mortal khorne army for a while.
Now my motivation to work on that is gone, but this guy's conversion work was finished.

>He's in desperate need of a new model.
I beg to differ, he looks great.


Anyone here know much about Dark Elf Core in 8th? I'm wondering on whether Corsairs are worth the cost.

My Dark Elf-playing mate frequently uses corsairs for his core. With 2 attacks each with an additional hand weapon and a 4+ armour save they make for fine infantry.

True white in warfare models ususally looks iffy
Try a sepia wash to simulate worn leather perhaps?

To be fair, Norsca is basically Warriors of Chaos. Just more marauders

As for Cathay and Nippon, I could see their armies using the Empire army book.

they don't have to interact directly, and it seems like a PITA to convert. If resources and time are not a problem, a shaman panicking because it's hand is on fire would be ideal imo, solves the problem of modelling a >ring in 28mm
I personally assume that every night goblin shaman is high on shrooms by default

Good luck catching people offguard with your gobbo fire-flinga'

I'm trying to go for L'Anguille colors, pretty much like pic related. I figured peasants would go between actually being able to afford articles of clothing of those colors, and just having to display them on shields.

why the fuck would a frenchman be wearing a lizard weapon