Ok so I’m currently playing in a savage worlds game, and I feel like the Gm may be pulling some bullshit. In his defense this all happened while I was doing something incredibly stupid because that’s what the charecter would have done. So basacally, I charge a very powerful enemy with super powers and use the Extra action power to attack twice I miss the first attack and the enemy uses improved counter attack and misses Then I land the second. This is where the issue shows up. After I roll dmg for the second attack the enemy I’m fighting supposedly uses a power to in the middle of my turn disappear completely before the dmg of my attack goes thrugh. After he disappears I wait for a few moments and he dosent seem to come back. After walking into the next room he does a grapple to choke my charecter. That’s my second problem. The DM insists that the penalty to the enemy’s attacks only apply to normal fighting, and shooting rolls, and not to things such as an opposed fighting roll for a grapple on me and such. That just dosent make sense to me really because any enemy can just get a decent opposed fighting roll and snatch up my character that’s going Mach 2. If any one knows how the supper power book can make that first issue I have something that’s possible I’d be very glad to hear it, and if any one knows specifics about the second issue that would help a lot to.
Ok so I’m currently playing in a savage worlds game, and I feel like the Gm may be pulling some bullshit...
Also if there’s any questions about specifics just ask. I like the DM but if he’s just gonna bullshit me and punish me for trying things without giving me any chance of succes I just wont do anything like this again.
Doesn't sound like it matters. Maybe it's home brewed.
It does sound like bullshit although I don't own the super powers companion. So you might want to just crack open the books and research it yourself. Or ask your DM where exactly in the books is he pulling all these rules from.
Did both those things all he’d say is it wasent an illusion. And the next closest thing would be the intangible power but that requires an action and a spirit roll.
Sounds like your DM is bullshitting you. I'd mentally file this away, and if he does another bullshit thing, start looking for another game.
First sounds like bullshit or him misunderstanding the initiative rules and what a character on hold can do.
I haven't read the superpowers companion, so it's possible that he is correct about the rules for super speed, but you should check the rules and talk with him outside of game if you want them changed.
Well that’s the issue in the initiative I had gone first so he Haden’s even had a turn in which he could hold it ready any actions. I was just hoping some one with better knowledge of the powers might now some way that could be pulled off. So many things that happened in that time seemed to just be things he decided to come up with out of no where without much thought of it making any damn sense. Was honestly kinda hoping I had missed something with a few of these. But after researching and thinking over the whole thing for the past 4 hours it just seems like more bullshit
>shitvag worlds
wow sounds really great
I've never played it, but if the most biting thing you have on hand is 'shitvag worlds' then it's gotta be pretty solid.
>this thing was described as a shitty vagina so it must be really good
Your weak bants is weaaak, my dude. Which means you have no real complaint. Which means the game is probably not bad.
Now, you find an actual thing to talk about and I'll find an actual reason not to assume you're wrong out of hand.
Also, protip: soy protein actually blocks estrogen intake, it doesn't increase it. This insult is actually worse than that first one.
>loves shitty vaginas
>defends soy
kek you're pretty fucking far gone, aren'tcha?
virt pls go
>accuses other people of loving the thing that they have mentioned in every post in this thread
Seems like somebody's having trouble admitting they have a fetish.
Awww, I guess you "people" really do always project!
...Wait, are you the same guy that that didn't know what projecting is?
No, I'm the guy who laughed at you for saying "this game is called shitty vagina that means it must be great" at which point you started projecting your love for shitty vaginas onto me
Okay, so you're a different guy who doesn't know how projection works.
Projecting is when you accuse someone of something you are guilty of yourself, taking the initiative in lashing out as a sort of deflection mechanism. It simply doesn't operate if you were outright accused to begin with. That steps outside of what triggers psychological projection.
Now let's break down the interactions:
You say the game is bad, comparing it to shitty vaginas.
I say that is some weak-sauce banter.
You accused me of "loving shitty vaginas" ()
I pointed out how you conspicuously kept mentioning shitty vaginas and joke that you have a fixation on them ()
You claimed I was projecting ()
But that's backwards, you're the one that made the first accusation and first asserted "bad thing == shitty vaginas".
So the only way anybody could be projecting in this scenario--and you'll appreciate this, I bet--is if you were projecting at the start by publicly decrying shitty vaginas (or perhaps Savage Worlds? Hmm.) and then was projecting *that* projection.
>autistic screeching
Yep, confirmed for fuck tons of projection
>projecting your screeching onto others
You just gotta own it, man. Tell people about it with candor and they'll all call you brave. Bet it'll do a wonder at parties.
but also:
>dunking on yourself this hard by keeping a system you don't like at the top of the board
>screeching continues
kek how mad can one shitvag fan get?
Sounds like a koan for the ages.
"What's the sound of one hand clapping?"
"How mad can a stranger get on the internet?"