>Using archaic spellings for certain fantasy terms while the rest of the setting uses modern English
Using archaic spellings for certain fantasy terms while the rest of the setting uses modern English
Other urls found in this thread:
Yt cometh to passe yn these tymes thatte men who so lacketh wit are unknowinge of how thynges be rightwys yclept, such thatte a greate serpente be the same as a wyrm
We've got pills for that now, dewormers.
I wish we had a pill to remove this baiter.
>Not using old germanic words that are still somewhat understandable because they are the root of the modern english version.
Imagine being such a faggot that such minute petty easily-ignore'able things like this ruin an entire game for you. Sure am glad I'm not you, OP.
You'd have to be a Germanic language (other than the bastard of the family) speaker to pull it off.
Imagine thinking that OP won't be encouraged by your reply that was exactly what he was fishing for
Like english?
At least I changed the paradigm a little. I'm trying to help this meme, our meme grow. Do your part to support local memes and content creators. Vote Yes on Prop 267.
IF trolls like this are allowed to spam the same thread over and over, am I allowed to spam threads I liked reading?
Would it be OK if I spammed that "what are legitimate reasons to have ultimate bioweapons" thread once a day?
user, it doesn't work if you force it.
At best, you get "milhouse is not a meme" and "no frogs on Veeky Forums".
>millhouse is not a frog?
Find a pier
No he's not allowed. Mods are just certified vegetables. Make a new thread when you have new insight on whatever it is.
my god are you desperate for attention
I could get behind this. Post milhouses instead of pepes. There's gotta be a Milhouse for everything
How many times has he made this thread now?
Are you including other variant threads of nonsensical questions and pointless argument starters?
"He's" been doing this shit for over a decade.
Sic Semper Cannabis
>Jouer un jeux de role dans les Moyens-Ages
>La noblesse ne parle pas Français
>Les prĂȘtres ne parlent pas Latin
>Les paysans ne parlent pas une langue germanique
Wye duss thys bawthyr ewe anune?
Ye olde sage
Don't announce your herbs.
>I say to you againe, doe not call up Any that you cannot put downe; by the Which I mean, Any that can in Turne call up somewhat against you, whereby your Powerfullest Devices may not be of use. Ask of the Lesser, lest the Greater shall not wish to answer, and shall commande more than you.
I dunno, it sounds pretty cool to me.
Ah, pubes aged to finest perfection! This is what makes my potions too strong for you, traveller.