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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Only 8 threads for the 2000s
Save up jumps for the crash. It'll seem to be booming when everyone lets off what they've built up for thread 2000 but come 2001 we're gonna crash with everyone spent.
Hmm. So how dangerous is Marvel Magic for a Skyfather as a first jump?
Will there be as many jumps as thread 1000?
Probably shouldn't do anything to get someone's attention, because a fledgling Skyfather will probably be very interesting, even to some brings who would be dangerous to a fully mature one.
Doom is likely to try and steal your power. The Chaos King might site up. At some point, Gorr is going to attempt to kill every god everywhere through every moment of the timeline all at once. Thor will probably do that, but he still slaughtered countless gods the old fashioned way. Etc.
You are guaranteed to at least run into two multiversal-threats during your stay, possibly more universal threats.
Just UQ Holder if we are lucky, probably
Considering we barely even got any jumps over Christmas and New Year and few jumpmakers seem to be actively working on anything.
My fingers are crossed for Black Crusade and WoW.
Valeria, if you are there, can you answer a question for Dies Irae? Can the non-standard companion options be purchased more than once?
Aren't we supposed to be getting that within the next few hours?
Derp, I somehow thought this thread was number 2000. Ignore me.
Depends, Captain Quads. Valeria mentioned being without power most of the day so it might not be on schedule like she hoped.
How much would he cost?
That was a pretty decent movie.
What's a good Jump to pick up an eldritch monster form? Not necessarily powers to go with it, but that would be a great bonus.
I might have something WIP wise to show off for Fables, but definitely not any completed Jumps. I used up all of my Jumpmaking magic for the holidays last year and need to let it recover so I can do the same thing this year, sorry.
the queen is here
You come out 50 CP ahead.
I mean, Lovecraft would be the obvious place. Or, if you're more into your eldritch monsters being geometric shapes, you could go to Evangelion.
>DYN Freaks
Kamigawa gets pretty eldritch in how it's Kami look at times?
Wherever good is threatened,
Heroes rise to the challenge and always save the day!
...Except when they don't.
And that's when I go to work.
I zap in two dimensions every day, it's my job.
To be a hero, save the world, and make things right.
Kung fu moles, rescue trolls, punch a zombie, score a goal!
I'm a robot! I'm a rabbit! I'm a knight!
Stretching, swinging, spying, flying, flipping, monster-kicking!
Boone and Sashi always sticking at my side!
No villain's gonna stop...
Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero!
Drop in (Villain)- Prepare for your doom, heroes!
Sidekick- Let's crunch some skulls!
Hero- Let's have a good zap today!
Wise man- You know flip flops are my thang
Starting location
Middleburg central high
The oddysey theatre
Fish stick on a stick
Any interest in this? I can make it easy its premade with 4 backgrounds in the show. Any claims on it?
Kill Six Billion Demons. It even has a perk to give your other forms eldritch aesthetics.
Is Heavens putting a continuity drawback in Tsukihime?
I've considered this series' potential for a jump myself. I think this is a bad idea as they are already jumpers. You'd have your chain of jumping interrupted by ten years of rapidly hopping.
I hope you do it and it is spectacular!
So one vote as its a bad idea, do it. Hah.
Just asking because ive got writers block on the two jumps Im trying to do and I think I could finish this in time for 2000.
If it entertains you, just do it
I mean...I could? Not sure how it'd actually come up besides Ryougi recognizing you, and I'm pretty sure KnK is its own timeline. I don't even know if Fate takes place in Tsukihime's own timeline.
Only if you add a meatloaf recipe that is good enough that giving large solid gold trophies, stranding someone in another world, and dressing up like the makers son is worth it to eat.
What Jump do you recommend to create her ?
Who or what is she
eclipse phase
Fate/Stay Night and Tsukihime are part of the same universe and F/SN starts literally the day after the plot of Tsukihime ends. Just make it that any time you try to go to Fukui a mysterious power makes you unable to even get close or sense what's going on inside of it.
t. Nasufag
It's alright, YJ_user. You've already given us a lot of awesome content. Recharge those batteries and take care of yourself.
Damned Japanese and their naming of Cities.
Star Wars
Thanks Bill! I will.
could you post the most current wip
Bad idea for me.
I truly would like to see it done up.
Hopefully with plenty of Larry influence.
Fem Weaboo Griveous
Who wouldnt want a pigmy elephant and luck to win 33 lotteries?
I love larry
Hero academia
>The day after Tsukihime's plot ends
>mfw this means Melty Blood and Fate run on similar timetables.
>I thought Tsukihime was in the 90s not the early 2000s
I'll need to ask Val since I have no idea how to handle that and need to fact check when I get home.
Can't, on phone right now. There should be a pastebin of it a few threads back.
Tsukihime, Fate, Notes and KnK are all in the same "world" but, like the different routes in the games, can be regarded as different variations of the world. The easiest way to resolve it would be to simply state that this is a variation in which there was no Grail ritual designed by the three families. Going to Fuyuki would simply be visiting another town, which has no real significance.
If you think it'd work, then do it. Make sure to get in a smart-alek comment about how this seems really familiar.
Plus, more perks to sub in for the hero are always good.
Do you prefer "hard" power (punches, powerlevels, and explosions), or "soft" power (schemes, charisma, and battles by proxy)?
Ryuogi shows up in go as a assassin iirc.
Yeah, but that would make a continuity drawback pointless.
What does magic count as?
Depends entirely on how it's being used.
Soft for sure. Anything can be solved with enough magitech inventions.
Emiya Shirou shows up as well. And he cannot possibly have existed in GO, since the grail was never corrupted and there could therefore not have been a fire in which he cast off all that he used to be.
As far as I know there's no official statement that KnK shares the same universe with the other two
Go is a mess designed to get money from NEETS
>Fate/complete material III: World material - FAQ with Nasu: Miscellaneous, p.136
>Q: About Tsukihime, which has the same background world setting as Fate/stay night, which story happened first chronologically? And how many years apart are they?
>A: The end of Tsukihime is the beginning of Fate/stay night.
Also, KnK is confirmed to be in a different Earth than the main Nasuverse. The same goes for Prisma Ilya, Fate Extra and Fate/GO. As for separate timelines in the same "Earth" that only happens in between F/SN and F/HA where Rin and Ilya decide to test out the 2nd magic. It fails spectacularly and all 4 main F/SN routes merge into one coherent timeline where people remember the events of each route and as long as someone didn't die in one route then they came back to life/never died at all.
What does stealth count as?
>As for separate timelines in the same "Earth" that only happens in between F/SN and F/HA where Rin and Ilya decide to test out the 2nd magic. It fails spectacularly and all 4 main F/SN routes merge into one coherent timeline where people remember the events of each route and as long as someone didn't die in one route then they came back to life/never died at all.
.t Angra Maniyu
Hard. Soft power is a lot harder to writefag for.
>4 main F/SN routes
Heaven's Feel
>Angra Maniyu
not Angry Manjew
You disappoint me, user.
Ilya's route that was never included in the original game. No joke. It's a lesson that you either should or shouldn't mess with the second magic, depending on your opinion of fracturing the space-time to bring several timelines into one.
Hard, usually. Explosions and martial arts are cool and I prefer those if I'm faced with stiff conflict most of the time. It's a lot easier to talk things out when everyone is tired too.
Isnt that literally the very first level in GO?
What would his build be?
>E in everything except maybe Luck
>Tracking skill
>NP involves summoning his brothers
So, because Rin and Illya decide to fuck around with the Second Magic, they make a timeline where the two of them, plus Sakura and Saber, all waifued Shirou at once?
Stealth straddles 'sharp' and 'soft'
Pretty much. They all live with him too.
....If you also pick up The Power Is Jumper’s! and Hell Lord, and aren’t afraid to use time-travel (or the ‘Start at the Begining’ UDS drawback combined with a 3000+ age) you should be able to take out one threat before it’s an issue (Gorr) and turtle through Amatsu-Mikaboshi’s hissy-fit.
Can’t comment on the rest.
Do you use your "hard martial art explosions" to tire out Val?
Technically that's still kind of vague on what counts as 'the end of Tsukihime'. After all the epilogue takes place some time after any of the routes end. Like at minimum it's occurring after the second Tatari incident (a.k.a. White Len), but might be even later.
There's also the question of what Nasu counts as the beginning of Fate/Stay Night. Like sure the sensible interpretation would be 'when the game begins', but Nasu is weird enough that it could be something different. Like for example during one of Shirou's flashbacks to the fire.
Although I remember something about Nasu retconned things so that 'Tsukihime' and 'Fate' worlds are separate by adding in 'Dead Apostle Ancestors as an organization and Servant Summoning don't exists in the same timeline. Except Strange Fake'.
So it's a timeline were Saber didn't disappear at the end of the war?
Nor the other servants
This is unimportant.
How exactly was that possible?
Have any of your companions taken advantage of a genderswap?
Why? What was the result? Did they go back?
Because there war hasn't ended thanks to someone
I /think/ it has something to do with them sending the grail, and bad guys, away and never finishing the war.
>As it turns out, in any city, in any country, you can go to a library, pull a certain musty book off the shelf where it was misfiled, and learn the mark of a minor deity that'll happily give you magic.
How’d you set that up? I’m guessing Creepypasta was involved.
Either do to second magic nonsense, and/or most of Hollow Ataraxia taking place in a dream world Avenger created to help keep Bazett from dying.
Ehh depends, we don't have much idea of what iteration of Marvel it takes place in. Most assume modern Marvel with all of its problems so pretty bad. But just turtle in your warehouse when the universe gets reset and your golden.
I wouldn't announce your a baby skyfather thought, if your a random godling it should be easy enough to slip though the cracks, but chances are you will start shit if the Gods start to realize your a budding pantheon in the making.
And I actually don't see Gorr as a problem. From his perspective its hundreds if not thousands of years before his campaign starts in earnest and he only goes after Modern Thor because he wants revenge. Your a single godling who disappears thousands of years before he begins enslaving and killing the Gods in a massive scale. Its not like the story really effects the gods already on Marvel Earth, and its a possible future already erased afaik.
Chaos War and the other stuff, bit more of a problem.
My pervading theory of Hollow Ataraxia is that Unlimited Raise Dead: Infinite Ruin is a more literal approach to creating a Marble Phantasm, as in Bazett and Avenger are living through the layered illusions until they succeed in becoming reality by 'tricking' Gaea into thinking one of the good endings is what really happened.
When I want to accomplish something soft power, when I'm fucking around or maintaining a role in a world usually hard power. Usually I have some role or background I follow to the letter, while I'm using a duplication power to have an alternate persona getting shit done in the background.
>My fingers are crossed for Black Crusade and WoW.
Lol. Hoping for the impossible.
Once you're a few hundred years old and everyone has like, 8 shapeshift perks it's hard to pin down a definitive species, let alone gender. Usually this results in hilarious romcom shenanigans with people not recognizing each other and falling in love.
How long did it took to fuck yourself?
There is no point on denying it
Basically it comes down to second magic nonsense like says. it is more than heavily implied that while the events of the dream world never happened, the characters in the play were all still existing in the real Fuyuki.
The Holy Grail was dismantled 10 years after the 5th war. The 5th war technically didn't end until after the true end of Hollow Ataraxia (which is 6 months after Stay Night) because the power of Angra Mainyu kept the holy grail war from ending until he and Bazzett finally came to terms with her surviving and living in the real world
There was never a need to trick Gaia.
Bazett wasn't dead, she was close to death. Avenger helped her remain alive for 6 months until Caren found them and began to give her treatment. This allowed Avenger to spare enough power to start up the time loop.
From what I remember reading about things it Avenger somehow using some of their wish granting nature to keep Bazett on life support until it was no longer needed do to Caren showing up and finishing healing her.
Your idea however makes more sense, then again Mister Useless and/or Kill Everyone No Other Options being able to make a time looped dream world to keep someone alive doesn't make much sense in general.
Previous chain? About jump 3 or 4, I went to otoyomegatari as a drop in and picked up a twin.
Well if you mean by 2000 I wish I could promise Godzilla Heisei and/or Mazinger but I can't. I will try to get updated WiPs by then though.
I mean, Angry Manjew said that the anything that happened in HA could happen after the loops are over, but that does not explain how the servants are still here
Being a jumper means I don't have to choose.
But I prefer to exert soft power. Carrots are nicer than sticks. They have more colors and usually taste better. Pragmatic healing, working with the story's protagonist, actually using communication as a tool and striving for compromise in certain issues are boring, but so are stories that could be solved with a 15-minute conversation in good faith.
Some motherfuckers always want to ice-skate uphill, though.
I can't stop fucking myself in real life. The question is when I stopped.
>They have more colors and usually taste better.
Only because of selective breeding. You could breed some more colorful and tasty sticks if you put your mind to it.
Good daughteru?
Rin and Ilya's second magic shenanigans allowed the ones that died to live again due to the merging of the four routes, and until the events of HA they were fine on mana due to the war having not technically ended. The only unsafe one was Lancer but who knows, maybe he pimped himself out to cover his mana cost
A servant can easily exist outside of a HGW but the mana cost is exponentially higher such that the only person from F/SN who can safely keep a servant without any help is Sakura (Rider is 100% safe). Caster would be able to manipulate the ley line to support herself (and Assassin if he doesn't annoy her too much), Saber is supported by both Rin and Shirou, Lancer would be supported by his harem, Ilya and Berserker have survived together outside of a HGW before so it'd be fine for them to do it again, Gilgamesh is fine since he's a real boy. The only one who would have any actual problem is Archer, but since he's a Counter Guardian then he may have some help from Gaia? Or he'd be un-summoned soon after F/HA ends because Rin can't fully support one servant, let alone two.
She's a top-tier daughteru
Here's a timeline based on known dates and displayed moon phases, assuming the whole "DAA are mutually exclusive with Servant Summoning" thing mentions doesn't come into play.
How do I get infinite clones?
Be a robor, use supcom
Could the flowers from nier cure harry potter werewolfs?