Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Lumpy Edition

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>Math-hammer 40k

First for the best.

Chart-user here. Space Marine (character specific) is done too now. You can find them both (with SM generic) in the doc in the OP. Next up is Deathwatch. Happy autism!

>It ain't gonna suck itself!


Looks believable. That means that it's fake.

Boxed game is SoB vs GSC.

If they put sisters in the first half of the year it would just be too obvious.

SoB vs Emperor's Children you mean.

Anyone here used repulsors in game and can tell me about how they perform? I have quite a few primaris infantry and think a combined transport and tank might be fun, but its quite a large point investment for them.


reminder orks are just for fun and will always be shit

>its gonna be SOB vs Tyranids to determine the fate of Ophellia

God I fucking wish that were true. Already play GSC and want to start Sisters if they ever get plastic.

>protagonists not Marines
>antagonists not Orks or Chaosfags

When will they learn?

which army will i have more fun playing, nids or GSC?

What do they mean by campaign box?

Do you enjoy Starship Troopers bug swarm or xenomorph insurgency with increased access to Guard allies?

List capped from Veeky Forums so its fake, move on with your lives

Something like Dark Imperium that features two armies and has a vague tie in to a campaign like the Konor campaign?

Armageddon probably


Still no leaked Demon Codex?

it's still on pre-order I think

pre-orders arrve tommrow bub

Who is author of this pics?

My LGS has it so I though it has already released online: My bad

>inb4 Buy It.
Hell no: I'm a proud Imperium player

if your lsg has it, go take some pics dumpkompf!

You want pics in italian?
Btw he keeps the codex sealed until sell

Why proud Imperium heretic wants daemon codex?

Know the enemy

> NO adeptus titanicus


Be the enemy

>Hell no: I'm a proud Imperium player

So last general I asked about Chapters who worship the emperor as a God, I am looking for 10 canon chapters to make up a deathwatch kill team.

I have found six so far
Black Templars
Fire Angels
Red Hunters
Star Phantoms
Silver skulls
Fire Hawks

Only the fire hawks will cause problems cause the chapter is dead in the time period unless i just bullshit he has been in the DW while the rest of his chapter died,

Thtas a pretty cool cake

both the cakes are cool. If this guy is that talented of a baker, it's too bad he's a fucking retard on the side


Both cakes are elementary grade if you know anything about cakes
Actually, you don't even need to know anything about making cakes to make ones like that. Hell, they could easily be outdone without breaking a sweat

Theres some Dark Angels in the Ravenwing novel that refer to him as a god, so guess there are a select few in most chapters that are worshippers.

It can be easy and cool. im not claimning he shows great technical skill, its just a nice little idea that he has created not awefully

I should try baking some cakes then, I guess he's just a full time retard instead

I've got a handful of questions for ork players as of 8e. I've only played a handful of games so far.

Do trukkboyz accomplish anything for their cost aside from being a distraction?

Where do Dreadmobs stand?
Are Killa Kanz cost effective? Rokkits seem good, but tankbustas allow for far more shots with rerolls and can be stuffed in an 'ard vehicle or deepstrike via a chinork. Do Kanz go MSU or full 6-pack?

How about Deff Dreads? They seem slow and frail.

Gorkanaut (fire magnet) or Meka Dread (KFF) to support my dread mob?

Lootaguns seem good with good S and D2, but -1 AP seems incredibly detrimental. Do they still ping out vehicles?

Best loadout for 10 nobz? Stabbas w/some klaws? All big choppas? kombi skorchas?

Big Gunz or Mek Gunz?

Are Killkannons/Supa Kannons ever worthwhile with Orkish BS5+?

Mega Kannons on a wazbomma or Tellyportas for a potential instagib?

>Codex 'Arlequins

Is this an ork supplement?

>get Daemons Codex
>checking it out
>other gods get new names for their Heralds
>GUO gets a wounds buff
>Slaanesh loses Heralds on mounts and name stays the same
>Exalted Seeker Chariot got worse and it's point value went up
>the Masque and Heralds get -2AP base and damage 2
>Seekers can now reroll charge range instead of being able to advance and charge base
>for some reason Masque kept being able to advance and charge
>Keeper of Secrets stays the same despite the buff to GUO but at least gives -1 to hit against enemies in melee
fuck you too GW

Reposting my battle report from last nights game.

The Blood Angels escort cruiser "Scarlet Harvest" recieves an Imperial distress signal from a nearby system. Responding immediately, they arrive planetside to find only carnage and a group of unidentified Astartes. When the mysterious marines fail to respond to standard hails the sons of Sanguinius assume the worse and make ready for engagement.

1000 pt game using a combination of objectives and kill-points. Legion of the Damned (Deathwatch Army Rules) vs Blood Angels. The Legion deploys in a battalion led by two captains, three kill teams, a unit of bikers, a unit of flamestorm aggressors, and a venerable dreadnought. The Blood Angels deploy a vanguard detachment with one unit of intercessors, a unit of terminators, a librarian dreadnought, a terminator ancient, and a unit of vanguard veterans.

Despite the Blood Angels deploying first the Legion manages to seize the initiative and advance up the board. Johnny leads his squad out of a building on the left flank while the firebats and bikers move up the right side and manage to inflict a few casualties to the enemy terminators. The legion captain descends upon the enemy deployment zone leading a group of legionnaires armed with shotguns and shields, charging into the intercessors.

they're both keyword nids so i can run both yeah?

Following the bold Legion push the Blood Angels begin their first turn. Terminators move up the board towards the bikes and the vanguard veterans counterstrike behind Legion lines along with the terminator ancient. Uncontested, the librarian dreadnought soars across the battlefield, casting its warp powers before charging into the bikers and destroying them in only a single turn. It makes the mistake of consolidating into the firebats, however, and loses 4 wounds to their power fists. Meanwhile, the attack vanguard veterans succeed in killing the legion captain and venerable dreadnought with little trouble (securing him first blood and slay the warlord).

>playing Slaanesh


my mistake only the Masque gets -2AP base
Exalted Seeker Chariot no longer becomes worthless at 1-3 wounds with it's WS and got +2 wounds, but is still not worth taking with the points increase and the debuff to Scything Impact.

Johnny has the squad double back, heading for the sudden threat with bolters blazing. On the other side of the field the remaining captain executes a terminator with his bolt pistol before joining his brothers in combat with the Intercessors. The firebats attempt to hold out against the librarian dreadnought but only manage to slow it down, reducing it to two wounds before dying. During their turn the blood angels continue their relentless assault with the terminators piling in to the combat within their own deployment and the vanguard veterans sweeping through the other side of the map.

Redpill me on the Night Lords

Desperate to prevent a total rout Johnny charges the squad into the vanguard veterans and manages to kill a couple. Unfortunately, the Legion is fighting another doomed last stand as the terminators kill the remaining captain, the Intercessors, finish of the sappers, and the librarian dreadnought closes in on the last remaining kill team. By some miracle the librarian dread fails its charge, giving the kill team the opening they need to hammer it with krak missiles, finally peeling off the final wound and putting the Legion on the board with slay the warlord. Of course, this further enrages the blood angels and the last surviving Legionnaires are quickly put to the blade - resulting in a Legion of the Damned tabling and Blood Angels victory.

They suck.

Wow, it's still fucking garbage. I wish this was surprising, but they've been incapable of making the Defiler worth taking for decades.

some of them did nothing wrong


>Can you name all the Primarchs? If not, about how many can you name?

Now, this may be unusual, but...

>Can you name and possibly give a short summary of the actions or personality of the twelve Apostles besides Judas?

fuck you it's almost 4am and my army got next to nothing with our codex

in terms of lore or gameplay?

hang in there ausfag

>Next up is Deathwatch
Nice, thanks for your time man, we really appreciate it

I'm almost out of drugs and alcohol and I don't get paid for two days.
If I had depression I'd probably want to die right about now.

If you're supposed to make some kind of comparison, it's retarded. Knowledge of both things come from in depth reading and research of their respective sources
Basically boils down to "do u know about thing? And how about do u know about this completely unrelated thing?"

post pics

>can I name all the primarchs
>can I name/give a short description of the apostles
Why would I know background figures from a religion I don't practice?

Does anyone have the statline for the new great unclean one?

Well you DO deserve to die so it wouldn't be half bad, really.

>massive stable crab walker
>bs 5+ on the move
the fuck gw

> t. moralfag

Back to tumblr


Still in store, posting in between some stuff, by the time I get home and start taking pics someone else will probably beat me to it.
I refuse.

>Keeper of Secrets stays the same despite the buff to GUO
Because the GUO got a model closer to the size of an Imperial Knight than a fucking Dreadnought.

When Slaanesh get an XBOX HUUGE Keeper expect to get a better profile.

Also Slaanesh Loci gives Advance+Charge. So it's better to get reroll charge on Seekers.

I'm not wrong, you know.

Context, bud.
If this were the Christianity general, people could name the apostles and maybe not the primarchs.
Tough to be fair they are still pretty divested topics.

if they havent, will you? pretty please I'll call you master :3



Names yes, personalities no. I remember Simon being into fishing

Not really. Now if you'll excuse me, bacl to drugs and painting. Enjoy your boring life, user

BA looking good user.

Not that user, but
>has to use drugs to get a kick
>calls others boring
fucking ironic

Oh I wasn't listing the Seekers change as a bad thing, I was pointing it out to compare it to the Masque keeping advance+charge for some reason.
Well I can't deny those Slaaneshi dubs, so sure, when I get home in like, over 12 hours I'll see if someone else beat me to it and start taking photos for you if they haven't.

That's why boyz are the only useful unit. You have to prepare for a huge as fuck loss of orks. And boys are the most efficient unit to lose.
It's kind of fun too because you don't have to worry much you just slug them across the board and see what happens.

I think orks just need drastic point decreases and possibly nerf their out put a tiny bit more.
Like if you're going to make us pray for multiple 6s we need enough dudes for that to equal the output of any other army

I find it immensely humorous that a junkie somehow thinks they're in a position to offer me lip service.


I thought so too. I asked for advice on how he did his bases for when I do mine in the future

are there any decent lists that let you run nids and GSC together?

When you cook a stew user, is it just water, vegetables and meat? Boring as can be? Or do you add some spice?

Let your life be like the stew anons. Get some flavor every once and a while

Would there be any preserved places at all on Terra with grass and/or trees and water and shit? Maybe for the super wealthy, restricted sort of place?

GO read the rules for GSC in the index

genestealers nids+ genestealers gsc

>Whoa dude is just like a natral plant man.
>Life is like a stew man, just chill
please leave

>thinking drugs are bad
guess you guys better go off painkillers, stop drinking alcohol and coffee too

Please kill yourself, puritan

If you weren't a retarded addict you'd maybe realize there are better ways of doing so

question for eldar players.

What are the best cost efficient (point wise) eldar models?

Thanks Master-kun

fake based off of june. They need to outsell 8th ed release, there aren't enough ork autists to do that.

orks should be able to shoot overwatch while they charge instead of shooting normally that turn.