Has anyone ever given you flak for playing The Devil's Checkers, Veeky Forums? Have you given your soul over to the Enemy for those sweet, sweet spell slots?
Has anyone ever given you flak for playing The Devil's Checkers, Veeky Forums...
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>Have you given your soul over to the Enemy for those sweet, sweet spell slots?
I guess, when I was playing a warlock.
No, which is a shame 'cause I'd actually love to meet such a person.
I know a dude who genuinely thinks the Warp and the Chaos Gods of 40k are kind of real and also the good guys.
He thinks he can do magic.
He's a fat retard who thinks he's manipulating people, when mostly we try to help him be less repulsive.
At one point, we concluded that if the Warp is real, this guy must be a Blank, because he's just so unpleasant, in a difficult to define way.
No one really talks about him.
magic is real though?
I assure you, it's not as fun as you think. Especially when they manage to trap you. Had a dude invite me to a church lunch social, and we were friends so I said okay even though I'm not the churchgoing sort. Turns out he'd had an epiphany recently and become a hardcore christfag, and the lunch social was basically an intervention/hardcore pentecostal preaching session directed at myself and other duped "wayward souls". Shit was fucking insane.
If magic was real AND every single living being could use it to some extent, he would be least among all of its practitioners.
not every being can use it.
Everyone got harassed about it in the 80's after all those suicides. The good part was that the negative press attracted slutty goth chicks who hoped it was genuine Satanism.
>I assure you, it's not as fun as you think
I'm an argumentative bastard at heart, though, and can be persuasive when I want to be. Mostly I want to get a few to sit down to an actual D&D session and take them through it, see what happens.
Best-case scenario, they realize they were wrong and recant their position, which has been known to happen. Worst-case scenario, I get to DM a true clusterfuck for the first time in ages.
>"Alright, then, Baalhammon the Wizard casts magic missile at the tavern wench!"
"Okay. She screams in pain, falls over, and dies. Most of the tavern patrons scatter in fear, but several pick up chairs or bottles to defend themselves. You can easily hear people screaming for the guards to come. Your Intelligence is 17? You can easily guess that you have thirty seconds, maybe a minute - that's five or ten rounds - before the guards arrive."
>"Wait, what? But I performed dark magic!"
"Yeah, and you killed a person. That wouldn't fly in real life, why would it fly here?"
>"Because this is supposed to be a Satanic game!"
"That doesn't make any sense, people aren't just going to let you get away with murder in broad daylight. Now roll for initiative, unless you want to surrender."
No. In Britain the arrival of D&D was met with mild curiosity followed by mostly indifference.
Not grimdark enough, from what I can tell, and not enough class warfare. For some reason Britain likes its sci-fi and fantasy grim and full of class warfare allegory and frequently post-apocalyptic.
I've got a Catholic friend who was going to get into D&D (bought the books and everything), but his SUPER Catholic fiance chimed in last minute so now he's not going to play. I'm honestly not sure if it's a whole "devil's game" thing or if she's just uncomfortable with him getting yet another hobby to distract him from college work, but I'm guessing it's the former.
I also don't know if I should bring it up or not. I mean on one hand he was so excited to play and get started with TTRPGs (I've DM'd a one shot for him and his brother before, and his brother has even been playing FATE recently and wanted to help the guy get started as well), but on the other hand that's entirely his business, and it's not like he or his fiance have tried to keep anyone else from playing. I'll probably talk to her about it one day, but it seems like it would be an uncomfortable conversation if I did.
Anyone else have any similar experiences?
Any more details of that story you would like to share user? It sounds interesting if nothing else and could give us some insight into the mindset of people who decry our hobby as satanic in this modern era.
In a way, yes. I've had several friends whose GFs/SOs have tried to make them stop playing, or at least make doing so a hassle. Both were because they're kind of insecure and hate their boyfriend doing something fun they're not involved in, even if they know that they wouldn't find it fun. One of my friends from high school had a really controlling, clingy girlfriend who would berate and crybully him if he went without her, but if he invited her she'd either scold him for even trying, or come along and try to be as disruptive and vocally disdainful as possible. They're married now, and I feel really bad for him.
I have another friend whose girl is less extreme but otherwise the exact same way. She'll be "fine" and not mind him being out for as long as he's out, but will start a giant shitstorm and cry and scream at him for "abandoning her" and making her feel left out, despite her often being invited or flat out not being able to come. This applies to everything he does without her. Just recently we had a friends night out and went to dinner. It was planned months in advance, was during a time she worked, and was at a place that she couldn't eat at (vegan+allergies). She even said she didn't care about us going. She blew up as soon as he got home and texted her. She does the same thing most game nights, to the point my friend has had to drop out of several campaigns and cancel the one he was wanting to run
Imagination is the same as reality, so if you think about killing people or casting spells (and we all know that even in fiction magic is just an illusion and a trick of the devil and you have to sell your soul for it) is exactly the same as doing it in real life, and it distracts you from the bible and honoring and loving Jesus. Some highlights from the actual event included a +500lb woman rolling around on the floor while gibbering, a goth girl getting slapped by a pastor who had just vaulted over one of the pews to get her, a large group of fat hicks circling around me to "lay hands" and throw water on me, and capped off with the priest screaming at the top of his lungs in what sounded like Swedish but was apparently the direct word of God (disguised so the servants of the devil can't understand) pulling out a hunting bow and some blunt arrows, wrapping the arrows in pages of the bible, and shooting them at an invisible demon of apostasy and sodomy hovering over the church. Also a woman had the diabetes slapped out of her, because it's caused not by insulin imbalance but by tiny satanic squids that latch on to your limbs to prevent prayer
Backwoods Pentecostals: not even once
>wrapping the arrows in pages of the bible
Aw, you missed a chance, user. Shame on you.
Well I used to go to a christian youth group actually. I also used to be fairly religious. Now I’m not at all. Irrelevant to D&D, I just read the bible and realised it was a load of bs. Not trying to cause a religion argument here; just clarifying my position for the sake of this story.
So we didn’t actually have to be christian to attend this club. I think the idea was to have a friendly reach out to youth in a way that was more palatable than a church. Anyway last time I went they were allowing people to play mtg and various fantasy themed games like munchkin. So me being the forever-dm I asked if I could run a game of D&D. Of course they said no because ‘muh satanism.’ Thing is this is in the England and its not the 1980s anymore. It’s just really silly how scared of games they are.
>and capped off with the priest screaming at the top of his lungs in what sounded like Swedish but was apparently the direct word of God (disguised so the servants of the devil can't understand) pulling out a hunting bow and some blunt arrows, wrapping the arrows in pages of the bible, and shooting them at an invisible demon of apostasy and sodomy hovering over the church.
Now that's a sermon I would pay to see. I really hope you recorded this shit, user.
I can't comprehend being okay with Magic and not D&D.
Holy fuck... Glad you got out of there safely.
Yeah it’s just ‘hurr durr not D&D, that’s the satanic one I hear.’ Its just normie combined with christianity to make a complete retard.