The 15 most expensive cards from Rivals of Ixalan.
The 15 most expensive cards from Rivals of Ixalan.
Do you have XLN's prices at launch for comparison?
Phoenix started out at 7 or 8 dollars. Wonder why it keeps going up.
It triggers a bunch of Red's etb matters effects multiple times, which is why I want one.
Wow, I didn’t even think of that. The card just went from “Hey, neat art.” To “Now I want one.”
This thing made me look into phoenix tribal for our edh shitbrew round.
It's even too shit for that.
My immediate thought was "Yay, all the gank I want for EDH hasn't been dragged up by standardfags'
>$12 is the most valuable card
>red/white avacyn was worth $50 when she first got printed
The absolute state of standard card value
I'm just glad to see a real good phoenix. There have been decent ones sure. But none that have been truly great.
Less expensive cards is a good thing you fucking retard.
people still play this game
less expensive CONSTRUCTED PLAYABLE cards are a good thing.
Nice picture for ants you fucking faggot.
No, it just means no one wants the cards, genius.
Would you be happy to buy packs if you knew the most valuable card you could pull was worth less than 10 bucks? No one would buy packs and stores wouldn't make money on the secondary market.
I'm all for economic standard but not like this, there's a right way and then there's WOTC one.
Azor's Gateway is gonna go up. Everything else will probably come down slightly.
Also it's not on this list but...
>Arch of Orazca at 43 cents
How the fuck is this thing at bulk prices already? Snag a set while you can.
Dire Fleet Daredevil and Blood Moon will see play in Modern+
Poisoner will see Standard play
Everything but Jadelight will be EDH
Cut, Print, See you at Pro Tour
People are down on the new set because the last one, despite having a few cards that immediately slotted into Eternal formats, didn't make a dent in Standard against the Energy juggernaut. However it's all but certain WotC isn't even going to risk a repeat of that and will likely announce some Energy bans this week. Meaning some of these cards are likely being undervalued.
MtG still exists
They should just ban energy
They should have had energy hate like they planned to. Proactive energy hate, not passive or reactive.
If I could buy booster boxes at 55$ that would be great. That way I could at least break even.
Wuhu pulled a phoenix and huatli. Sell now??
just means they mean nothing, they have no value.
so go ahead, buy them, they aren't worth anything for constructed.
the absolute state of this company.
if you ever wanted to guess if WoTC was failing in some fashion, just know that the fact they will have to ban an archetype because it stops them from selling packs of their newest set.
R&D is in absolute fucking chaos right now, I'm sure, heads surely must roll by now, and if they don't, then pack it up they'll slowly crash standard and without it, the rest of the game will just drift away.
Happy to see that I got the third most expesive card of the set
literally a set of jank rares
most of the playable cards are only playable in EDH
This is pretty normal, Kaladesh was much the same before release.
Cards that will spkie and are currently undercosted:
>copy pirate
>Dead man's chest
>vampire girl
>path to mettle
>possibly tetzimoc
Note that "cards that will spike" doesn't mean they will retai their value or that they will will actually be good, just that they will see some play at least in a tournament list eventually and shoot up in price at least a bit.
I mean, kinda, they created a whole new team in R&D after the copycat combo (which is from the same block as energy) and the first set they were fully involved with is dominaria so we'll see what happensw once that set and probably a couple more afterwards comes out.
That's how it is on their website you colossal faggot. How blind are you that the name and prices aren't big enough for you?
It's cardboard. They either lower the price or recognize the existence of the secondary market and start creating more powerful cards.
Kaladesh had Chandra at least.
Still for ants.
Phoenix is now at 13.
Also silent gravestone. Everyone should want two in their sideboards.
and i just complained to my friend that i pulled a shit mythic.
Anyway, i think the owl phoenix would look amazing in foil.
Why is Kumena so expensive?
>Shit mythic
Also, yes it does look great in foil
adding more cooks to the broth is not a good fucking idea.
WoTC is run by idiots and at one time, a few smart people, the whole company is ran like a company from the 80's, even to this day, and its all from a single god-damn building.
My complaints is the same as Elenda. Walking Ballista is still in standard. This one is less vulnerable to it though.
Not if the cards all suck, and besides that it's always bad for limited players.
Seriously, kill yourself.
Can anyone comment on the cardboard quality of Rivals of Ixalan? The prerelease was last night. Did WOTC finally fix the quality?
Sell those asap.
merfolk is very popular with casuals and ug merfolk can be a fun deck.
no one is buying into kumena for competitive reasons.
Owl of Minerva.
More cooks in the kitchen.
But honestly user let's think about why they had to do that. They added professional playtesters to their r&d team for the first time then. They had somehow never thought to do that before. This competitive game was not playtested by the multimillion dollar company that produces it.
Since they got the new R&D people on board for Dominaria I really think they just said fuck it for this set.
The problem with this set is the kaldesh block. Should energy get banned, many of the cards will see an increase in their value.
It's just another exciting episide of creatures: the tappening, unblockable edition. Boring and bland. Half of the rares are pure EDH fodder. I can't for the life if me understand how they could ever print two consecutive blocks with abysmal power levels while simultaneously leaving in one of the strongest standard blocks in years. Do they just not playtest at all? Do they really just create sets for limited play?
The "limited balance" thing is just an excuse for making all of the good cards mythic, which makes WoTC money
This basically, but add in a lack of innovation for new ways to make money and double down on exploiting whales and nerds.
Kumena is actually really good. 2/4 is a serious body in Merfolk because it dodges bolt and anger of the gods. While 5 Merfolk is unlikely to happen, the 3 Merfolk Draw is pretty relevant. The casting cost is also very achievable, I was surprised he wasn’t 4cmc.
He’ll definitely get some major testing in Modern although he might not make the cut. Standard he’ll see play for sure.
But user, we thought of a new way to add a +1/+1 counter to a creature!
Yes lets go back to that magical fucking time of play blue or go home where creatures were fucking worthless, where turns were just one aide masturbating for a minute,and the only interaction was “I counter spell”
I've been watching a bunch of Alpha Investments recently. Does anyone here invest (successfully) in Magic? Do you have any tips if I don't want to wait 5-10 years for supply to eventually start drying up? Starting capital is not an issue for me.
You sound like a butt-blasted Timmy who kept playing you're big dumb dragons into essence scatter.
At least then we'd have a playable counter spell instead of Almost-Mana-Leak-But-Not-Quite and Cancel Variant no. 87.
And then games would be literally nothing but fucking comtrol decks. Because thats what happens when control gets nice things. Its spreads like cancer and lockdowns everything
>add in a lack of innovation for new ways to make money
This is the biggest problem.
GOOD! Maybe all these dumbass players who whine and bitch can toughen the fuck up and learn to play around control or get the fuck out of the game and play Hearthstone.
Oh yes because a robust and enjoyable game is literally just “play control or play really shitty agro that will loose half the time.” And god forbid people want to play combo
The hell are you on about? Hexproof and can't be countered get passed around kike candy these days. There's a fucking standard creature that can't be countered that gives all your creatures the same uncounterable shenanigans.
Go play Gwent.
>Does anyone here invest (successfully) in Magic?
The time to invest was years ago when Rudy got his stuff cheap and no one was really focusing on the reserved list.
But if money is no issue then start with the RL/Modern+Legacy staples.
Also be aware that fakes are getting better and better.
It bothers me that they seem to invest more money into shilling bad ideas here than into getting some good ideas.
I'm sure u/g merfolks will see standard play but will they be as dominant a tribal as zombies were?
Doubt it. For now I don't see Kumena being worth $10+
>Starting capital is not an issue for me.
then invest in a real fucking investment like stocks or crypto instead of fucking magic cards.
>wasting money on magic the pedoing
The most important thing is that Kumena isn't the core of the deck, it's a nice card that solves boardstalls but a deck without him also looks viable
Don't listen to the other guy.
Only invest in the reserved list. If capital is not an issue only invest in graded cards. Get only 10s or at least 9s. Otherwise buy non graded cards if they're underpriced. Otherwise invest in sealed products that have reserved list cards. The foils of the reserved list sets sell for a huge premium and the sealed products of those are probably the most interesting, because they should be the most cheap and available. Those will probably see a big growth.
I wish I had the money back when I started in 2000 instead of being a middle schooler. Life is so unfair.
Stamped, foil and unopened make it worth a bit more? regular version is being sold for £8.50 so would this be like 12-13???
Last i know regular foil Blood Sun is around 45. You can probably sell the stamped one for around 35-40 i think.
What is kike candy?
Stamped makes it worth less, not more. Foil and unopened is good, but since the set only just came out quality isn't yet an issue (though just wait till everything starts curling. If you intend to save it put it under a heavy brick).
Man I wasn't expecting 35-40! Hope you're right about that user
It's in a top loader and under my textbook right now but thanks for looking out for me, appreciatecha
>despite having a few cards that immediately slotted into Eternal formats
Which ones? The reprint of Opt doesn't count.
Buy a box. 7 each plus all the rest. Sell all the rest and buy another box.
Right now, mid price on a prerelease Blood Sun is $64 USD. Now, the set literally just dropped and all of that is hype, so I don't think it'll hold that price. If you want that kinda cash, find a store and sell it off ASAP (like, on Monday ASAP). You'll get about half that if you sell to a store (never take less than half on cards of value like this, bargain up where you can, it never hurts to ask if the store can do you a little better), which is a fine deal.
Your other option, if you want to gamble, is to chance Blood Sun being a hit card in Modern/Legacy and keeping it until it spikes from play in those formats. This is hardly a guarantee but you never know.
Your call, user.
Is this the new Homelands?!
With this printrun even if it will see play in other formats the price won't spike. LIke 60 bucks, are you for real?
Didn't say I agreed with the price, just reporting what it is as of right now on TCGPlayer, mid price. Like I said, you want that kinda dosh out of it? Flip it immediately.
>and keeping it until it spikes from play in those formats
I am absolutely positive Return to Dominaria will be the new homelands.
That whole shady shit they have going on with the new RnD team assures it. Its going to be ultrasuper safe and no card will be "playable." The only good thing about the set will likely be the artwork since they basically have to make that fucking 10/10 since the set is hyped beyond the moon.
I just got back from the prerelease and literally all I saw was X aggro. Where X was the tribe they got the most cards of. and aura control. Worst part is it was immediately clear that aggro was WAY better. At the end the bottom half of the matches were all aura control and the top half was all aggro. The top half would finish their matches in 5 to 10 minutes then we would wait to time for the aura control players to slowly grind out their games.
At my table when we were making decks cards like silent gravestone or blood sun were called out and was met with "No real reason to add it there's not any X in this set." or "There is cheep enchantment removal at common to risky to play X."
It was one of the worst prereleases I have ever been to. I'm used to each match being against a different deck or arch type. Instead 3 of my matches were against aggro vampires with flying and 1 being against aggro dinos. I didn't even see any cards that cared about ascend played besides that one one drop white 0 / 3 dino.
So I've been gone forever but I might have the time and the itch to play again in 2019. Would it be reasonable to gamble on the new R&D team getting its shit together and Wizards unfucking itself and thus start drafting RIX now occasionally to maybe build a card base for post 2018 rotation Standard?
No because WotC literally sells boxes for to much to make it worth while. A store should at minimum see 50% profit on each pack sold like in the good old days. Until that happens which it will never happen since WotC is filled with Jews now it will never be profitable to "invest" in magic. Its like with bitcoin the only people that will make money are the people that are already in it.
Isn't all of this still going back to the stupid new rotation and them backpaddling from it?
They will play it so safe everything will be more overcosted then the theros enchantment creatures. WotC made the new team specifically not to make broken shit so the new team will be scared shitless to push anything at all.
With the significantly more powerful sets rotating out, it could kinda fix itself though.
The problem will me muscle memory. Many players have expectations as to what effects cost what. Even if everything is perfectly balanced and even dun the fact that it costs more will make players unhappy.
I haven't been playing for years now, so it wouldn't really hit me, and I might get some good trades on top from this.
What makes me cautious is allegations of shady shit in R&D and the current fucky state and unhappiness all around, though.
Honestly, now is kind of a bad time to get into it. Wait for Dominaria, see if it is any good at all. If so and you still want to, get into Magic. Otherwise, just stay away, you'll save money and energy.
All the shady shit is hasbro and Jews. Its come to light that they stopped the treasues because they want to sell more masters sets. Its also come to light that some cards that were rubber stamped for some sets were removed at the last moment and reprints put in their place because "there were to many expected high value cards." So that they can use those cards in other sets. Its why recently you get sets where some cards just don't make any sense at all. The effect doesn't connect with anything at all. It was just shoved in because they want X "chase" cards in the set.
>giving opt to modern doesn't count
okay every human female?
What are you talking about?
All I know of is that some cards of Iconic Masters were originally planned to be the treasure cards from Ixalan and they should have had the layout of Azcanta and all the other.
This could be but they kind of must deliver this time. We'll see.
I should sell my Blood Sun asap right? Got that with Vraska from the previous set, Elenda and Silent Gravestone.
From what I noticed yeah, and generally those in position of power are female in most of the new artwork.
>Its come to light that they stopped the treasues because they want to sell more masters sets.
Link? I believe you but I wanna read about it.
Alright Veeky Forums, can a dinosaur ramp deck actually work now that we have rampant growth and a decent payoff card?
I know you need at least 13 dinosaurs to make Thunderherd Migration work
The whole Ixalan block has been garbage with no valued reprints and no reasonably decent cards that could be used in formats outside of Standard. Disappointing set all up to be honest.
I was dino control against 3 merfolk aggro decks. Still had fun though and ended 3-2