Remember to jack off before posting on Veeky Forums. Studies have shown a greatly reduced incidence of you being a fucking annoyance to everyone when you do this, as well as decreased levels of stress. Whatever you do, do not try to disguise your masturbation fantasies as genuine topics of discussion or creative world building - looking at you, 'Half Of The Board'
A Message From The Committee
Yes, yes, smut is bad or whatever.
When will the quest threads be allowed back on Veeky Forums?
Fuck off, I do what I want you control freak
Can't I jerk off to Veeky Forums?
When /qst/ ceases to exist. It's a click away, user.
>doesn’t realize they are bait threads
>actually thinks they are fetish threads
Half of the board in this instance is like 3 people making the same thread over and over.
Never, it's gone, now fuck off about it.
Shit, I forgot. Give me something to fap to real quick.
>Doesn't realize baiting has become it's own fetish by now
here you go buddie
Isn't that cute?
But it's WRONG!
>Give me something to fap to real quick.
What's your poison user?
Fine, have a Japanese ((((dwarf))))
>people complain Dwarves are all the same.
>makes Dwarves different.
>people complain that it isn’t dorfy enough.
>draw an elf
>call it a dwarf
Of course you can, just dont post what you're doing
The sad part is that this is kind of a bait thread for baiters. Maybe OP dont realizes that and just want to do his good action of the day
>draw a dwarf.
>call it an elf.
Only idiots complain about generic dwarves, dont fix whats not broken, dwaves should always be dwarfy.
>being this scared of sex
Veeky Forums truly is the soyboy board
Stop saying that word it makes you sound like a dipshit
Inb4 this thread gets deleted and the dozens of amazon fetish threads don't
That's because Amazons are a way of life, not a fetish.
Anyway, Veeky Forums needs fetish threads to even out the community. One, there are plenty of people here who erotic roleplay alongside their normal roleplaying. Two, it's a form of gatekeeping for the community. Those who are uncomfortable by pretend sexuality are just uncomfortable with pretend in general, and make poor roleplayers and community members. Also normies reeee and whatever.
No, two threads already got nuked, only two(ish) left
Except for the fact that you have several boards just for this. It's entirely unnecessary that you bring it here
I feel like you thought you were being snarky, but it seems as though you were just unfamiliar with the meme you replied to.
If shitposting /pol/tards bother you that much, just add "soyboy" to your filter list. You won't have to update it until March when they come up with a new term for people they can't form a coherent argument against.
I wasn’t trying to be snarky (make a joke yes) but probably.
Shut up soyboy.
Do you not understand how gatekeeping works?
Maybe you need to masturbate more, getting a boner at the sight of the slightest sign of sexuality is not healthy.
Also, eat less soy.
Nice metathread you have here. Shame if something were to happen to it.
>Those who are uncomfortable by pretend sexuality are just uncomfortable with pretend in general, and make poor roleplayers and community members
I probably ERP more than you do, and you're 1000% full of shit. Stick to f-list you fucking asshole
Stop saying that you retard
It sounds like something a gay dude would call his boyfriend
You have no idea about the effort it takes to rev up my engine.
>/qst/ is dead, and blue, /wst/ and /erp/ both got sentanced to /trash/, which is isn't even a real board.
What board? Veeky Forums has slowly become more and more like reddit with every exodus. Besides drawthreads, which is just the OC donut shop, we have lost every content creator on the board. You complain about fetish threads, but that's the only creative outsource people on the board have left. Everyone else, who was quarantined in their own generals, has been driven out. If you complain about thread quality, well it's because people like you who complained ran everyone else off. Now you're stuck with people like yourself, and wonder why Veeky Forums has gotten worse.
This, unironically.
>A Message From The Committee
How can you have a committee if its just one person?
>not posting your fetish in every thread
oh fuck off you whiny cunt
>I wasn’t trying to be snarky (make a joke yes) but probably.
The original meme is "draw a girl, call it a boy". I'm sure someone here can post the picture of leftgirl with derogatory comments and rightgirl with 'OMG SO HOT'.
>pick random thot
>make her wear swirly contact lenses
No, it doesn't. If you want to "discuss" your degenerate garbage you can go to /d/, or you can go to hell, either or. Isn't isn't the "roleplay board", this is Traditional Games.
If that's the only "creative outsource" (What did he mean by this?) left then it's better to not have one at all. I do agree this place reeks of reddit, because every person that actually played TTGs has left
>, because every person that actually played TTGs was chased off by board police and "no fun allowed"
What's a good alternative to f-list? I like it except for all the furries, divas, and Herms.
what's wrong with that?
The problem isn't the degenracy, its that all the creative people who once could spin degeneracy into interesting ideas were all chased off by the reditors and the "quality control" fags
>someone new enough to not know /d/lite is posting instead of lurking
Or you can stop being a faggot. Your call, OP.
Literally nothing. Nothing is as good. It's popular for a reason; nothing else can compare. It's still a shithole, but it's the best there is.
Who even uses /d/ anymore? That place is a shallow shell of what it once was. Nearly all the ood /d/ fags migrated to /aco/
You have an entire fucking board for it now. Go there.
Christ, I don't understand how people are still bitching about this shit. It's been well over a fucking year.
>wow no I don't just want quest threads I want them on THIS board, not THAT board
Fuck off. None of the "new board growing pains" arguments faggots like you have been making since 2016 should've survived 2017.
Don't you just hate nu-janitors?
With their unwarranted smugness and faux above it all attitude, like they getting that "job" is a fucking accomplishment.
>Where's the le epic OC that I saw in the screencaps? :(
Fuck off reddit
Fuck off, I didn't vote for you
>thread made by a powerhungry manchild of a mod to agree with himself and delete everyone else who doesn't
It's like I'm in /asp/
I thought shitty meta threads were against the rules
/qst/ has never existed basically.
>implying these "board police" actually care about the rules when it inconveniences them
They just want the world to cater to their wants, and feel personally insulted whenever they see something they disagree with.
Psychological studies have shown that if you stack the deck in someones favor, even if you tell them you are doing it, people get real cocky and arrogant about it, and act as if their success is all them.
It’s whu rich people are such pricks.
Quests were just something fun that OC creators did on Veeky Forums while they were engaged in other Veeky Forums activities. Once quests were banned, the OC creators suddenly didn't have as much fun on this board, so they drifted away.
Veeky Forums used to be OC central, but quests were never anything more than a way to kill time on Veeky Forums, so splitting the content creators off from the roleplaying board was poorly thought out idea.
>Don't you just hate nu-janitors?
Old janitors were worse. And the worst harm to Veeky Forums doesn't come from random janitor's hand, but from Hiro himself.
That's a bad lie. Largely because most of the quest creators really only did quests, and most actually came from other places than Veeky Forums (and many even came from outside Veeky Forums). That's why most of the quests in /qst/ have nothing to do with Veeky Forums.
Also, please, stop trying to dredge up this dead topic every chance you have. As long as /qst/ exists, that's the place for quests. Stop shitposting on this board.
Honestly, the only reason why Quests became such a cancerous problem was because moot was a fag who told all the other boards "quests go here", so we ended p getting a shit load of unrelated crap quests from /a/, which resulted in the /a/utists flooding the board.
Had moot never done that, and instead left each board to contain their own quests internally, then we wouldn't have had any of the problems that resulted in the need to create /qst/ and as a result the loss of many of our content creators.
tldr, its all moot and /a/'s fault
And what the fuck are you doing about it?
Nothing. Fucking nothing.
You're not producing any OC, you're not making any interesting threads, you're just fucking complaining
Be the change you want to see
>inb4 "but I tried and it didn't work"
You're not trying hard enough
No, this is just another bad lie.
Quests started to get out of hand when people actually started to advertise Rubyquest on sites like F-list. A sudden influx of people with very little exposure to traditional games and Veeky Forums came here, and developed their own culture seperate and distinct from Veeky Forums. And, distinct from Veeky Forums as well, since continuous threads that required people to read through an archive of past threads didn't really fit the transient structure and post/bump limits of Veeky Forums.
So, moot decided to make a special board to better accommodate the unique aspects of quests.
And, rather than seeing such an obvious attempt to help allow quests to run with fewer threads and without forcing competition with other types of threads, the questers bitched and moaned because on a smaller board, they had less ease of advertising their quests.
So, after their tantrum, the mods decided to force questers onto /qst/ rather than making it optional, and now go and and ban the questers who literally can't stop shitting up Veeky Forums because they're so upset that they got their own board with special features.
lol nu-janis already dickriding moot's old corpse
have you considered nu-killing yourself
tell your mod husband to ban me then, you fucking loser
hope you're proud of yourself
I think it’s clear this thread backfired immedietely.
You're acting like a fucking five year old you sniveling shit nugget
>Quests started to get out of hand when people actually started to advertise Rubyquest on sites like F-list. A sudden influx of people with very little exposure to traditional games and Veeky Forums came here, and developed their own culture seperate and distinct from Veeky Forums. And, distinct from Veeky Forums as well, since continuous threads that required people to read through an archive of past threads didn't really fit the transient structure and post/bump limits of Veeky Forums.
>So, moot decided to make a special board to better accommodate the unique aspects of quests.
What the shit are you on about, those things were years apart. Ruby Quest was a distant memory when quests became a problem.
It was literally the result of all the quests from every other board getting dumped on Veeky Forums that made them from a minor board thing into a culture apart, just like the user you replied to said.
Congrats, you just proved that you know absolutely nothing at all! /qst/ cane after moot already sold the site to gook
then delete it till you have it down to you talking to yourself like on /asp/
>What the shit are you on about, those things were years apart. Ruby Quest was a distant memory when quests became a problem.
You're trying to come up with an arbitrary definition of when quests became a problem based on when quests you personally didn't like became more prominent. And, quests with themes from other boards were always a thing on Veeky Forums. Acting like there was a massive influx of quests from other boards is silly, because there really were never that many quests on those boards to begin with.
Democracy is the worst form of leadership desu
Shitty "veiled" fetish threads are too, mods are just in a permanent comatose state.
good, neopuritans deserve all the hate they can get
It's quite telling that it's questfags trying to hijack this thread. Questfags and Lewdites were the worst people on this board, and it's no surprise they overlap.
And what the fuck have you contributed lately?
I swear Veeky Forums is more sexually frustrated than /r9k/
I wouldn't call it frustration, it's more of a creative imagination...
More the entirety of those two groups.
Even if I didn't do anything, that's at least a net of zero, rather than the worthless shit they generated that made this board worse.
Aww, did some boobs hurt your feefees?
look at this big booby witch
>People who don't mind lewd stuff happening from time to time are sexually frustrated
>Not the neopuritans that lose all ability to concentrate in the game at the slightest sign of bodily functions
Literally delusional.
Pls no user, tits make me feel uncomfortable and remind me I shouldn't have consumed so much estrogen in my teens.
>Had moot never done that, and instead left each board to contain their own quests internally, then we wouldn't have had any of the problems that resulted in the need to create /qst/ and as a result the loss of many of our content creators.
>tldr, its all moot and /a/'s fault
Pretty true. Before the /a/ flood of haremshit quests, there were only one or two people complaining about them here. Then suddenly every other quest on Veeky Forums was a choose-your-railroad waifu sim.
I think that we're more sexual than /r9k/, but I wouldn't say that we're frusturated
Fucking die you fucking thumb
>People who don't mind lewd stuff happening from time to time are sexually frustrated
That's one thing. That actually includes a lot of the people who you'd call "neopuritans", but actually is just "Everyone who's not a tosser". Most people are fine with some moderated sexuality in their games.
>people who need to insert their fetishes into their tabletop games and have to discuss them at every possible opportunity, to the point where they try to develop settings entirely based around their fetishes
That's the lewdites, and who OP is complaining about.
I can invent words too!
That's my special word to describe autists like you
look at this big booby witch and her friends
>I-It's not the lewdsters its the people complaining about the lewdsters!
At least /r9k/ is honest about it. Here its "How are traps treated in your fantasy world" and "Amazoness party member wat do" which are thinly veiled fetish threads. That's why you get some puritanical people here. If sexual themes weren't constantly brought up you wouldn't have people complaining nearly as much about it.
absolutely desperate
>Dwarf an elf
>Call it a draw
I think that’s too fun a word though.
Then again, so is lewdite.