Kamigakari Thread

Rolled 6, 2, 2, 3 = 13 (4d6)

Last time, on Kamigakari! >A weapons splatsheet is made, With some added terms
>A fairy gets turned into a crater
>Ruth anons pokemon storytime
>Dante is super easy to make, apparently
>Does too much anime put off normies? Is that good or bad?

Today's question: What is your favorite weapon type, among the various forms? What are your favorite enhancements for them?

Baseline things! And stuff:

Expansions and errata:

Expansion Weapons Pastebim (Incomplete)

A character sheet hosted on Google Sheets (for online play!):

Mononoke homebrew guide, FAQ, and a quick rules cheatsheet!

Storytime Pastebin

/jttrpg/ Discord - Look for games in #on-topic, not #general.

Kamigakari is a JTTRPG focused on episodic storytelling, with simple but tight mechanics.

Its design goal is to start players spread out, getting involved with the episode's peculiarities, and eventually coming together to fight a big bad, a la tokusatsu shows, magical girl shows, and/or other such shows in that vein.

TL;DR, it's a Monster-of-the-Week sort of game with an emphasis in the fluff on high power shenanigans of just about every type.
Remember, boys and girls, Japanese schedules suck, so JTTRPGs are optimized toward quick and easy sessions.
That said, they can be adapted for longer ones.

Bookanon with the first order of business. Instead of a camera, i opted for a scanner. Looking around, i couldn't find any good reason not to get a cheap and easy one to use over a camera.

That said, we'll see how it works. It'll be here today or tommorow, and i'll do a few test scans to see where it stands.

I noticed we didn't see anything from kansai user last thread. Anyone know whats up with that?

If we can get people to post some homebrew mononoke they've made, i'd totally be up for making an album on the imgur for it.

Having a resource of crowd-sourced homebrew monsters would be pretty cool.

>Storytime pastebin

Fucking. This is why you don't post threads when you aren't completely conscious kids.

I'll post a couple to get the ball rolling

And tachikoma's. Basically just an altered versoin of a tank, but variety is good.

Someone posted a Draw your Party thing last thread, but the GM couldn't finish it in time for last thread, so I'm posting it here now.

For reference, this is the other game Kansainon was considering making a storytime for. He's the battle loli.

I find it funny his character has a kyuubei face.

Yeah sorry about that. New years came up and I had a ton of work and storytime was at the back of my mind. I kept meaning to update but I always found something to occupy my time.

Speaking of occupying my time, I ended up playing a few rounds of 100% Orange Juice and drunk a bit too much after getting hard bullied, so i'm not very much in a state to storytime, at least not until I feel a little more sober.

Hell I just spent like ten minutes laughing my head off at some really dumb "Simpsons Grail War" jokes me and a few of my players were tossing around. Incidently i'm running a Fate/stay night inspired game after MiO is done, which is coming up soon. I'll see how that pans out for me.

Expect more MiO when I feel a little more lucid.

>someone else rolled their [Essence]
aw shit i thought nobody would notice, and now they made a thread ahead of me

To answer the question, it's gotta be fists. Who needs a shield? Not me. I'm gonna smack these foos in the face.

>Zodiac as OP
pic related, time for some OC

Gonna be honest, i hadn't noticed the zodiac thing. i just a pic basically at random. Still, pretty neato.

It's all good man. Take your time and recuperate a bit, we can wait.

If people can keep thread alive for around 5 hours, i have the first part of the touhou storytime.

I know the majority of you know nothing of touhou, but i think what happens translates pretty well regardless.

is it time for kamigakari memes?

How many could we have?

we must go deeper

zodiac is not my waifu, but she can be cute

Do any of you guys watch anime to get new story ideas?

>implying my immense consumption of mecha and card game anime hasn't given me an eternal wellspring of inspiration


I posted my dumb cyborg last thread and dammit I'm gonna do it again. She's Cybersorcerer A / Legion A, and she dual wields guns.

This is a dragon carrier.

I have a character in an online game like that. Granted, her main style is Elder Mage A, but the tactic of outenduring the opponent still works.

I would say its always time for kamigakari memes.

I've noticed there's not a great deal of gunslingers, in the characters i've seen.

Way to break the mold dude.

have another

I mean, i think we've already moved on from that at this point.

Okay, I am back. I'm gonna start with just stage one, and see what people think from there.. Touhou, as a series, is split into about 7 stages usually, 6 telling a main story and a seventh with a not completely unrelated extra boss. In the first session, we managed to get through about 2 stages, though stage 1 took far longer than expected.

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself though. Our party, Denjishaku, Mano Mayoko, and Sako Heiji Our fairy, time mage, and Oni respectively started out going about their days. Denji was working at the candy shop for the old lady that lives there, and mano was there presumably buying candy, when a shockwave hit the store. It was less an earthquake and more like space itself shook. It was subtle at first, with people not noticing it. Once the quake became more apparent, Mano went out. Denji, being the dumb fairy she is, ignored it for a while until the quakes got stronger and a box fell onto her head. each time she put one back, another would fall down. So she said fuck it and decided to fix the source of the problem.

Going over to Sako for a moment, she was simply lounging around outdoors, sleeping, when the quakes started. She ignored the first several, but then one strong enough to shake her off the rock she was on came, and she was woken up. A little miffed and somewhat intrigued by the quakes, she set off in their direction.

After having met up by chance, and simply walking in the same direction, the party interact some. And by some, i mean That Sako grabbed denji, shoved a gourd of infinite booze into her mouth, and made her drink till sako was satisfied. Shortly after, the group comes upon a group of fairies in a sparse area of the forest of magic, that are losing their minds over the quakes. These fairies have no idea whats happening, nor who started it, so they are attacking anyone they don't know, and generally panicking. The group makes pretty quick work of the first group, Mano Was using Kairos bleed and sympathetic wounds, Sako was making big punches from across the field thanks to her legacy user weapon, and Denji was electrifying the shit outta people, shitfaced all the while. Afterward, a few more come out of hiding to attack the strange people that just took down their friends. Again, quick work was made of them, but this time mano took an energy shot to the side of the head, and was pretty miffed about it.

Once this was done, the group quickly proceeded to COMPLETELY forget what they were doing. Mano basically stood there steaming, Sako punched a tree down to sit on the stump, and denji, through some stroke of fucking stupidity, tried to abduct one of the fairies. Not to mention having fallen over, vomited, wiped it off and continued on. So while denji was trying to tie up a random fairy to take home and make her "Friend", someone with some degree of sanity entered, and in Comes our First midboss.

In Enters Daiyousei, And with her 4 fairies that were much more composed than their panicking counterparts. She proceeded to go off on Denji for being a maniac trying to abduct someone else. Sako is nonchalant about this, Denji is nearly crying from getting yelled at, and mano decides to ALSO be a psychopath and just annihilate the group of fairies that had just shown up for no better reason than because. Only Denji was getting yelled at, so there was no need to at the time. And so, daiyousei started yelling at mano. At some point during the berating, sako waves, and "Accidentally" slams daiyousei with an attack, again using her godforged regalia's range talent.

Daiyousei, is understandably angry at the group at this point, and mano asks if she wants a 1 on 1 fight. Daiyousei agree's, thinking it the easiest way to deal with this fiasco, and actually metes out a win, knocking out Mano. During this, Denji is laying on top of the sleeping oni, and thats about all they are doing. However, An issue arises for all involved.

The overconfident fairy of ice and number one idiot in gensokyo, Cirno, Has arrived on the scene. Daiyousei is injured, Fairies are laying everywhere, some random chick is laid out on the ground, and there's an electric fairy laying on top of a sleeping oni.

As the thought process continues, eventually, it halts and reaches a verdict.
>Fuck it, Freezing everything

Daiyousei, at this point, is already gone. She saw what was gonna happen coming a mile away. Cirno lets out a torrent of icicles, aiming at sako, but hitting denji. I allowed Mano to get up and heal some since this is a separate combat, but she was quickly taken down again. Denji, using her electricity, attempts to zap mano awake, and succeeds, albeit barely. Cirno, not really noticing, attempts to fire a torrent of icicles at denji all of which narrowly miss. At this point, Cirno has taken a fair amount of damage from various attacks, and decides to pull out her trump card, Perfect freeze. The majority of it's hits missed, but it did immobilize sako temporarily. While immobile, the other two whittled cirno's health down a little more. Once able to move again, the oni wound up, And brought the pain. 70 some damage in one hit straight to cirno's HP. Cirno stood, nearly unconscious. Denji, thinking she's a ghost at this point, attempts to shock the shit out of her, finally taking out cirno, who hits the ground. And this marks the end of the stage, usually.

Normally, At the end of a stage, you simply move on to the next one after some banter. Not so with these idiots. Instead, Denji tries to wake up her abductee, now dubbed Ami. When she sits up just enough, sako takes the opportunity to shove her gourd into ami's mouth, ensuring this new addition is utterly shitfaced. Denji tried to stop it, but in the end she couldn't even make the oni budge. So she tried another approach, and tried to move ami, to much greater success.

However, the damage was done. She was incoherent and incapable of moving much. So denji had sako pick up ami, and carry her to the candy store. They laid her at the entryway, where she promptly vomited.

Denji Tried to clean her face with a towel, then tried to write her a note in Shit-faced fairy chickenscratch, and then the group went off properly to stage 2.

And thats the end of part 1. I leave you with this representation of what fairy barf is probably like.

If anyone has any questions, i'd be happy to answer them. Prose is not my strong suit, so there will be some fuzzy details here and there.

Huh, normally we have people awake this late. i wonder whats up with that?

What's the best attitude to go into this game with?


extreme hot-bloodedness

or with an open mind i guess

I wonder if ruth user will storytime this week. Haven't seen isekai gm in forever either.

Every group is different, even if it's made up of people you've played with before.

A degree of lightheartedness and tolerance for the bizzare is useful for kamigakari though.

Hopefully their lives are getting back on track in the wake of the holidays.

Also putting that Pokémon storytime together probably took a while.

Update on this, i forgot my disc drive wasn't hooked up. Now i need to open up my case just to do that. When i get around to that, i'll scan a couple pages to see how well it works, and we can finally start from there.

What styles did your party go for?

I was hoping someone would ask that. Mostly because it changed slightly from my previous overview.

Denjishaku rolled with elemental adept A/B, going with Shock and magnet respectively. They are using a ring of sabboth with wind put on it, and use Strike as their main mode of offense.

Mano Mayoko is Elder mage A/Time wizard A, and uses an ancestral mirror as a laser, with free kairos bleed from Elder mage A's first ulty.

Lastly, we have Sako Heiji, a God hand A/Legacy user A, using the anti-demon god driver with the talents to increase range to combat zone and increase size by 1.

They are also a Divine soul Fairy, Magus Magician youkai, and Scion Oni respectively

>free kairos bleed from Elder mage A's first ulty

So they are starting at level 5?

Nope, 4. Elder mage A is their main style, so they can take ulti's from it starting at 3.

You can't actually take sub-style ulti's till level 10 with the "Style ultimate" Talent

Is the setting usually this chaotic?

Chaotic? yes. Dumb? not usually.

Most people in gensokyo tend to hold liquor better than that, though.

Here's a quick rundown of the plot of the first several games in the windows series.

Touhou 6:
>Vampire girl wants to be able to go outside whenever, tries to cover gensokyo in red mist. Find out later all she needed was an umbrella

Touhou 7:
>Winter is lasting way too long. Find out a ghost bitch and her half-phantom gardener gathered all of spring to make a cherry blossom tree bloom. Also find out that its evil, and would kill gensokyo if it went into full bloom. Ghost girl still unaware of this, to this day.

Touhou 7.5 Fighting game
>An oni is looking for other oni. Uses power over density to cause people to party and get violent, in hopes of baiting out other oni.

Touhou 8
>Night isn't stopping. Come to find out princess kaguya Tale of the bamboo cutter is immortal and as a result was trying to hide from moonbitches by sealing away the real moon behind a fake one. Afterwards, fight another immortal bitch because kaguya thinks its funny.

Its like that up until around 12. Put simply, everyone in gensokyo is belligerent, stupid, has an agenda, or a mix of the three.

There's not enough stuff like this

Man, WIL 4 is pretty wild, even then. That's 4 times as strong as most starting campaigns!

Keep in mind, i'd intended this as a one-shot with no actual progression.

Thats not entirely the case anymore, but we'll see how the original plan goes first.

One thing i will say though, they were super enthusiastic about divvying the loot.

There was almost no fighting over who wanted what, even though i ended up giving them something that bestows ice and another thing that halves fire, among other things. They were calm and friendly about it, to the point it weirds me out a bit.

I think I've truly experienced slice of life in RP. No sort of obligations running about, no extreme desire to confess love to another character and inadvertently cause netori, nor anything terrible in the background.

But that ain't the whole of the [Episode]. Not yet, at least.

At level 3 onwards you can pick [] talents if they're from your main style. Is there a difference between Dragon Carrier's Crystal Enforcer and Second Stage Transformation? One of the ◎'s is darker than the other.

I almost forgot, Crystal Enforcer lets you treat certain dragon carrier talents (That mainly use doubles) as if one half of the cost has already been paid. So does that mean you can use any number?

No difference, just a weird formatting thing. It confused me too at first.

Pretty much, yes. Since doubles uses any matching pair, and one part is treated as paid, you can use any other number because crystal enforcer essentially acts as a free overflow dice.


No problem user. That can get confusing.

Also, in regards to halving effects on armor, if an enemy attack has an element on it, you halve all of it because players don't have weaknesses to exploit in the same way enemies do.

I know this doesn't pertain to your thing, but i just figured that out earlier.

Months after reading the pdf and I'm still figuring things put too.

Indeed. A lot of it is worded weirdly.

i wonder if this would be a good system for running a game set in the spongebob universe as long as you re-fluffed things.

It can get pretty wacky.

I mean, if you meme hard enough, i don't see why not.

I dunno why you'd want to do that, but you certainly could.

mostly cause I couldn't think of a better system to do spongebob in off the top of my head.

Do you use the default setting, or are you homebrewing?

I use the default setting, but based on these threads I may be the only one who does.

Not really. Someone DM'ed the basic setting for us, and its surprisingly good.

I'm touhouanon. I'm homebrewing, but only because i'd had an idea for what to do, but the system i was going to use was a train wreck so i ported it to this one.

Any news on ruthanon or kansaianon?

Kansainon: No idea on Ruthanon.

Yeah, but that was almost 2 days ago.

Can't help but wonder, you know? Screencapping those storytimes for thread is a neat exercise for me, and the stories are great themselves.

Ruth user here; the isekai campaign is having its first session in four weeks today. Super excited!

Fuck yeah, thats pretty awesome.

On an unrelated note, a DnD campaign i'm in also had its first session in over a month today. It was absolutely hilarious.

Okay, so the scanners drivers won't install properly on my computer. Gonna try it on my cousins later and see where it goes from there.

His is about as close to factory default as can be, so if it doesn't work on his, i may have a bricked scanner. Bricked drivers, technically, since they are the ones not installing anything, but without the drivers the scanner itself is a paperweight, so we'll see how this goes.

Luckily, i wasted nearly no money on this due to having giftcard bux.

What happened?

Well, our barbarians donkey has been a point of contention for a long time. We were basically aware that it was a baleful polymorphed important dude, but we couldn't do much about it. Until recently, we found someone that could break the enchantment. So our wizard and cleric teleported to said person with the donkey, person broke the enchantment, and gave the two a chest full of gems worth around 20K.

Upon returning, they tried to play it as if nothing had happened. The cleric rolled a 0 on his bluff. when this failed, they tried to give him a way lower price than he wanted for the donkey forgetting he could appraise gems, and then he finally finds out that his donkey is no longer a donkey and no longer part of the party, and he's now attempting to kill the 3 or so people involved in that. Isn't the first time he's attempted murder, won't be the last.

All the while, we realized my character had been steering the ship we were on for around 3 days straight, so i handed it off to someone else, and passed out on the deck. I was then carried to a bed, and then promptly woken up around 2 hours later to the events above. Instead of actually helping, i decided to ransack the kitchen.

On top of this, our bard and his cohort are drawing up all sorts of outlandish designs for the cohort to make, like a mecha dinosaur with wands put on it somewhere.

TL;DR An absolute shitstorm.

Guy who told [Twilight of the Gods] afore, and that's definitely not the default setting. being the sort of crazy guy that i am, i'd totally do a custom setting, too, probably something like Isekainon's thing

Aw, yeah!

Shadow gate lets you swap positions with other people, but is there an ability that lets you create a portal?

If you mean set down a sustainable portal that lets anyone move from point A to point B, then no. Not really.

why not just refluff Shadow Gate as creating a portal?

I mean, the name basically already implies you are using shadows as a portal to start with, so thats pretty redundant.



So how'd the session go ruth user?

It went well! It was nice to finally play again, even though we didn't do any actual dice-rolling. We finally met everyone's parents, and learned the terrifying details of everyone's home life. Turns out Su and Rei are the only ones with happy family lives, and Ryuko is surprisingly *very* business-oriented.

I think we're only two-or-so episodes away from the 'finale' of Season 1, as the GM puts it. I'm not quite sure what Season 2 will entail, but I'm guessing it's a cross-country trip since that's the grand prize for the school's annual contest that the episodes have been hinting at.

Well shit, sounds like your session back went better than my DnD one. That ended with our barbarian trying to kill half the party.

We didn't get up to half as much shenanigans as yours, though. Here's hoping your next session is just as much fun, with half the attempted murder.

funny thing is, we ended jojo style with me about to cast grease under the barbarian.

So it can only get better from here.

Is there any use for obstacles created with Boulder Upheaval? Aside from using them for storm smite.

an interesting predicament.

Rest in piece

Obstacles prevent engagements, and can be used for Cover and Shift:Hidden

To elaborate a little, obstacles don't count as parts of an engagement, so being on the opposite side of one to an enemy doesn't mean you will be hit by an area attack.

Cover reduces damage you take by 5 so long as you are near an obstacle.

Shift:Hidden can help to assure a hit and increase the damage of it, with +2 to active checks and +5 to damage on your next attack. It also prevents you from taking physical attacks with target X#, which is a large portion of mononoke talents. It doesn't prevent magical ones though, so use carefully.

On top of this, depending on how your GM makes maps, it can be used to block off portions of the combat zone, should you need some time to set something up.

Are there any non-God Hand styles that work well with Improvised Weapon? I'm making a Jackie Chan-esque "fights with ladders" character and wondering what to pair God Hand with. Not Arc Slayer preferably

Just some ideas.
>Dark Hunter A
Super mobility or knocking people on their ass (And then attacking them)
>Arc Slayer B
I know you said you don't want Arc Slayer but it has counterattacks, and Jackie Chan lived off of those
>Legion A
Lets you do neat stuff like attack twice in one turn

I mean, you gotta take god hand to even use improvised weapons, but yeah what said is pretty correct.

Legion A or Dark hunter A would probably be the best of the two, one giving mobility and the other versatility. With how jackie chan fights in movies, i'd argue for legion, due to stuff with ladders and shit.

Y'know, thinking about this, i wonder what the additional rules actually add.

There's apparently 2 parts to the section for it in book two, and i can't help but wonder if any of it makes obstacles better, or anything for that matter.

Legion looks like it could be fun, not sure about Dark Slayer. The mobility is nice but I want to focus more on damage output

In my headcannon, Demon Eyed are people who have replaced one of their own eyes with one from a monster.
Is that neat or stupid? You decide!

Then legion is the way to go. Its focus is on expanding or focusing attacks, and is great at working in conjunction with weapon attacks, which you will make a lot of if you want to use improvised weaponry.

One particular tactic you may want to make use of is to use Target assessment with Focused fire. To my knowledge, there's nothing stopping you from using these together. Also, Field CQC for that jackie-chan tomfoolery.

Its not necessarily wrong, per se. I'd argue that would be a human with the "Unclean" Racial talent, or vice-versa though. Still, its a neat concept, and one i'd like to hear of people doing.

Actually, fuck me, you could actually do that in-game. All you need is a level and a monsters eye's you want to take, and you could switch over which talents you use to demon-eyed by using the "Unclean" talent.

Thats fucking amazing, now that i think on it.