Can you guys supply me with any warrior art, that would fit horror/sort of grim setting...

Can you guys supply me with any warrior art, that would fit horror/sort of grim setting? I'm looking for portraits of warriors - humans, males or females. I'll post some stuff I have, but its all a bit too clean and not gloomy enough.

Innistrad art seemed like a good source, but did not yield quite proper art.




Last one. Maybe even something like this.



OP here.

Any women in such role also extremely appreciated. All I seem to find is "badass" and "muh independence" art, when it comes to female warriors.


I'll see what I can do. Don't have many pics of the type you seem to be after though.

OP here.

Nice art, but I need medieval/D&D style only. Still appreciated.












This one is kinda risky due to battle damage, so spoilered.


Can be portraits, too. The gloomier, the better.




OP here.

This is a good example of exactly what I am not looking for. Character is elevated above point of view, has assured, strong stance. I require just the opposite.

Appreciate the dump, though.


I'm just trawling through my folder seeing what might fit.

So more beat down and sad? Something like this?

This is the last pic I got that might fit. Hope there's one that's to your taste.

OP here. Nice! This is what I can really make good use of! I'm setting up basically Innistrad setting. Rather dark and gloomy bot not full edgy grimdark.


