/edhg/ - EDH/Commander General

A Very Puzzling Edition

Previously: RESOURCES

>Latest News:

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their decks strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commanders color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread Question:
What's the worst card you deeply love?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What's the worst card you deeply love?

Ashes of the Fallen in Isamaru Hound of Konda, so Oathkeeper brings Isamaru back.

Really weak in edh, but I'm glad my locust god finally has a use for it with kindred discovery and exiling the monkey for a R to cast firestorm and win. I love fast mana so I usually put this guy in any deck with red, same with dark ritual, etc.

Any feedback on this? It doesn't have to be too competitive but I'd like to be able to win every once in a while. I'm trying to think if it's worth making room for some of the cards in the Maybeboard.


field of ruin if you want to be a bro and like ramp. it also makes everyone shuffle.

>thread question
Debt of Loyalty, Jabari's Influence, and Preacher

That aside, would pic related work the way I want it to?
Cage everything in the pic, and then use Mairsil's copy of the library search, then before it resolves untap himself and use the extra turn ability, and then after that tucks him use the resolving search ability to bring him back.
Or, like with graveyard returning things, would he have to already be in the library before the search ability even goes on the stack for him to be a legal search target for it?
Or, since the search doesn't target, would he still be a legal search result even if he entered the library after the search ability was activated but before it resolved?

You got too much going on. I mean, I like your Myr Landshaper + Splinter Combo, but it doesn’t really do anything for Gishath. Not to mention you don’t have enough creatures for Gishath to work and get atleast one Dino every swing.

If you want a Naya Hate deck, do that, but if you want a Dinosaur deck, you’re off the mark.

I love me some Dismiss into Dream, really bad but oddly satisfying to resolve.

Question for you all. I'm trying to set up and EDH community in the New London / Waterford area of Connecticut. Anyone have any tips on starting a play group from scratch?

Funny monkey is legit good in edh.

some of your guys favorite Naya card draw?

Permanents only, I'm taking full advantage of Primal Surge.

>What's the worst card you deeply love?

The card I probably most deeply love is Trinket Mage, I put him in every blue deck i make along with a package for him.

That being said, I don't think people would call him bad, so its probably actually Commit//Memory
It is way too mana intensive to actually be good, but I just love that it will answer literally fucking everything. Spells? Yeah. Problem permanents like enchantments that most colors cant answer? You bet. No hand? Get a full grip. Someone needs to discard? You got it. Graveyard hate? I can do that.

Not sure if it works either. Because the activated ability for Timestream Navigator is explicit for Timestream Navigator, unless if Mairsil substitutes the name with his own upon placing a cage counter on Timestream Navigator.

Check Facebook and leddit for existing nerd groups to snag up members. Find a decent place and bring friends until it takes off. Post about it in said existing groups and also make your own. Mostly pray

Slate of Ancestry is right up your alley.

>thread question
Squee. He's a really good loot card, and good emergency blocker. But half the decks I put him in he has no business being in. I just really have to run my copy because Squee is the best goblin.

Facebook, reddit (big maybe), discord?

desu I feel like EDH is one of those game formats that just doesn't work if you don't know the people you're playing with from a completely unrelated context.

Any activated ability of a permanent that references that permanent's own name is automatically substituted with the new permanent's name if another permanent gets a copy of that activated ability.
Experiment Kraj is a prime example of copying activated abilities.

It's important to remember this doesn't apply for text templated as "a card named ~," like Mirror-Mad Phantasm. This is relevant because if you copy Phantasm's effect you'll shuffle back the card copying it, and flip your whole deck into the grave since you (probably) don't have a Mirror-Mad Phantasm in your deck.

How strong can this guy be? Anyone gonna build him?

has a lackluster ability and is too expensive to be awesome 1v1 , maybe kitchen table for group play

>judging a card based on the objectively inferior format variation


And? He is still garbage either way. Compare him to edric and he will appear like complete garbage

>Or, since the search doesn't target, would he still be a legal search result even if he entered the library after the search ability was activated but before it resolved?
Right there. Portal isn't asking you to target a permanent card in your deck. Once the ability resolves, you search your deck for any permanent card that's in it. If you toss Mairsil in there before it resolves, you can go search him out.

Seems lackluster as fuck

>a 2 can't be blocked this turn
>Tap three merfolk (even assuming they're tokens), draw a card
Shit. Cheap as shit cards make you draw
>Tap five

There are better unblockable tron commanders, better card draw commanders, and better counters commanders. This is lackluster and useless.

He means the abilities, All those merfolk require initial resource investment.

a strong value engine after the right setup. you want to be packing all the tutors to grab your lords as soon as you can. find a way to pump up your dudes with +1/+1 counters each turn and hold up mana for blue control spells.

That card isnt worth a fuck even as a creature in a GU deck.

>3cmc commander that draws your entire deck as it resolves
>powerful tribal synergy that makes its own combos

don’t take advice from Veeky Forums

How the fuck does it draw your whole deck as it resolves. Did you misread the card?

Not him but i guess he mistook the card for Tishana

Hey! I live on the Outer Cape!
We might as well be on opposite sides of the country.

>What's the worst card you deeply love?

Void Shatter or Praetor's Grasp. Also a fan of Ring of Three Wishes.

untapping merfolk is the easiest thing ever, my dude

It really doesnt draw you shit and uses tons of resources. It's a shit tribal synergy, it just requires tribal creatures to do things, only the +1/+1 is synergetic, and you have to tap five fucking merfolk

Go ahead, show me the combo so I can laugh in your face over your 4+ card combo that will be a total pile of shit.

The safety of Magic events is of paramount importance to us.

Recently, a few former judges and players had their sex offender status posted to social media. In accordance with our policy, the majority had already had their access to Magic organized play suspended indefinitely, and were not active in the Magic community.

We learned, however, that an individual reported to the Judge Conduct Committee was inadvertently not decertified by Magic Judges nor reported to Wizards. You can read more about that here. However, once this was brought to our attention, Wizards immediately coordinated with Magic Judges—an independent community-run organization that operates and manages the judge community and its Judge Conduct Committee—to address the situation. That individual has now been indefinitely suspended as a player and the Magic Judges decertified the individual's status as a Magic judge. When Wizards learns that a DCI member or a Wizards Play Network (WPN) retailer is on a sex offender registry, we take immediate action to remove them from organized play and our promotional programs. We have a zero-tolerance policy. Sex offenders have no place in the Magic community.

As part of our commitment to safe and inclusive spaces, tournament organizers and retailers will be explicitly required to conduct background checks for all staff (as permitted by applicable law). This includes CFB Events' Grand Prix, local store events like Friday Night Magic, and professional events like the Pro Tour and World Magic Cup as well as convention play run by Wizards.

how do i as a green blue player counter huge board states other than cyclonic rift?


ITT you will find people legitimately defending pedophiles

I posted the original article by the person who did the doxxing (on a different account), and was banned instantly. As in, /r/magictcg recognized what I submitted and instabanned me without mod intervention.

Other similar cards. Evacuation, Whelming Wave, etc. Otherwise you need to beat their creatures down with your own, or make it hard to attack you with stuff like Propaganda and Statecraft.

Illusionist's Gambit, Clone Legion, and Mirror Match favorites of mine. (remember you can still assign the creatures you had before casting mirror match as blockers in addition to the new clones)
Also, if you need to deal with noncreature things, The Great Aurora and Wave of Vitriol are fun.

Oh, and Aetherspouts and War Tax.

>Wizards forcing stores to pay money for background checks on employees
>Wizards forcing VOLUNTEERS to get a background check, something that once again they aren't paying for

Literally killing WPN participation and the judge community.

As is being a judge gets you fuck all compared to what it used to, and they are making it even harder. Slowly killing their own community.

To top it all off, a blanket ban for being a sex offender is fucking stupid. Sure, its a terrible idea to have someone that molests kids in a position to take advantage of them, but a lot of sex offenders are people that drunkenly pissed outside or mooned the wrong person.

If they go much further with this kind of stuff WPN stores will be completely gone, you miss out on so much just to get into their special club in the first place. Start making stores pay for the privilege and no one will join in.

Make a Huger board than your opponent, faggot.

its literally a free database and takes all of 2 minutes to use

>If they go much further with this kind of stuff WPN stores will be completely gone
Ok? WPN does fuck all anyway, most people do not even go to store anymore.

>ITT you will find people legitimately defending pedophiles

Looks like it's the only place.

I can see it having potential. Give merfolk unlockable - get some token generating, using with Wanderwine and Paradox engine for intense card draw and casting - if you can get omniscience out even better. Maybe early ramp and token generation into a late game draw + cast deal. I see potential, certainly for only 3 mana a 2/4 with those abilities is good value either way.

You need a full background check user, you can't just check the website of sex offenders. This is because they are also including violent crimes against minors.

Read the shit.

>Most people do not even go to store anymore
This is not OK. Even if you are a kitchen table chad you want an LGS around to recruit players from when players from your own group die, move away, or just stop playing. The stores die and the game dies.

Azami is strictly better, but she's not a fish, so yeah.

>Azami is strictly better

I don't think you understand the term "strictly better".

I don't think you know what strictly means.

>This is not OK. Even if you are a kitchen table chad you want an LGS around to recruit players from when players from your own group die, move away, or just stop playing. The stores die and the game dies.

Good goy user. How will the like 97% of players who never set foot into an LGS survive?

Although it has a lot of text all abilities are lackluster. I would give it 35/100.

>How will the like 97% of players who never set foot into an LGS survive?

Probably by playing on middle school cafeteria lunchtables.

I don't think you would be able to join them though.

Is everyone at your LGS a sex offender or something? How is this going to kill Magic this time?

or at their house at the kitchen table like god intended. why anyone would support jew LGSs is beyond me. they over charge for everything, are packed with sweaty NEET virgins, and filled with try hard fags. they are a dying business for a reason user

Just read the link user, pretty much stores are required to do background checks now. Not just on employees, but volunteers and other people closely affiliated with the store as well. A check is about 20$ a pop. Depending on turnover or the number of volunteers or people affiliated with the store this is a relatively steep cost just to be part of the shitty WPN, that barely gives you anything anymore. Just access to FTV, foil tokens, and some lands and shit.

It is also means that stores have to pay money to do a background check for you if you are a judge. If you do it at multiple stores each store has got to shell out.

On top of that, you now have to be comfortable sharing sensitive information (like your SSN) at each store you judge at. Its essentially entirely too much hassle be a traveling judge now. (Or a judge at all really, considering how many hoops they are making you jump through for damn near no reward anymore)

>$20 per
that is not even bad

Unwinding clock, Paradox Engine, Merrie Commerce. Any of those (or all) and a few merfolk and you can be using his abilities multiple times per your own turn or per other people's turns, which could help you churn out card draw or counters.

Have you never moved user? You have to go to an LGS when you move to find the good players and poach them, otherwise you will have no group.

>Safe and inclusive spaces
>Sex offenders have no place in the Magic community.

That doesn't sound inclusive. Are they seriously discriminating based on sex offender status? I'm so triggered.

That does not draw your whole deck after he resolves. It only draws you a handful of cards assuming that you already have those 4 permanents out on the board. You know what I could do with less than those 4 permanents? Just combo out and win the game.

Also unwinding clock doesn't work here.

>It is also means that stores have to pay money to do a background check for you if you are a judge
Just make the prospective judges pay for it themselves.

What's the best card to combat super friends? Something that stops activated abilities of non land permanents, but not just revoker or pitying needle. Anything?


Immortal Sun.

You have to weigh it against what WPN status gives you. If you make less than 200$ extra from being a wpn store and have to check more than 10 people its now just not worth it.

Plus you are now free to do all sorts of stuff you couldn't do as a WPN store before, like host proxy tournaments or have alcohol on site, both of which could work to bring you more money.

If the only reason to be in WPN is to get free stuff, and the cost of being in WPN is more than the free stuff, then its not worth it to be in WPN, savvy?

It's not the best but it helps to Shut It Down™

>what's the worst card you deeply love?

Form of the Dragon

Derp, forgot pic

Oh wow, not only do I have to train myself, then volunteer on my own time, then get no promo cards because of the dumb new system I also have to pay for the priveledge at each store I go to?

Do you not see how this shit is fucking stupid and would stop any new judges from bothering?

this has nothing to do with EDH. Fuck off /pol/

>That does not draw your whole deck after he resolves

I never said that, although you could with Paradox Engine and Omniscience out.

No, because most judges do it anyway despite all the shit they already have to put up with.

Not everyone is an Ayn Rand wannabe like you.

Oh and also combos might be frowned upon depending on the meta. If you want to win that way then that's fine but most of my playgroups have combos banned.

I'm playing Grixis :c
Immortal sun probably is the best choice, it's just expensive to play, and I really don't benefit from its anthem effect

>Announcement that affects judges has nothing to do with the format made by judges for judges

OK then. Did you even bother reading wizards announcement? I don't think this is a /pol/ thing, I think everyone can agree that putting child molesters around children is bad. Wizards fucked up by not offering this service themselves for free to WPN stores and maintaining this database themselves.

cmc commander that draws your entire deck as it resolves
Yeah, you fucking did, or you responded to this reply chain without reading shit like an idiot.

Frankly it's something that all LGSs that host any sort of events for any sort of game should have been doing in the first place for volunteers.

>If you make less than 200$ extra from being a wpn store and have to check more than 10 people its now just not worth it.

Are you thinking they have to do it every event or something? Background checks have expiration dates, so it's good for however long that is, which tends to be a measure of years rather than months.

If it were good for a year, that's $200 a year. That's covered by selling like three FtVs.

It's been pointed out that Pokemon does this shit already, because they have a much larger child audience, and it doesn't seem to have killed it despite it already being a much smaller market.

I'm not handing over my SSN to someone unless we are really close or he is my employer.

If we are really close then he would automatically assume I'm not a child molester.

If you think handing out your SSN like candy is normal you need to reevaluate how secure your identity is.

What are some 4 cost targets for derevi birthing pod i should look for?

I mean how many children even play this game? Most people are at least 15+ and fat nerds, if I was gonna molest someone it wouldn't be a lardass nerd. I literally havent seen a minor playing magic for a few years either way. I don't think it's that big a "threat" to the players, particularly since many sex offenders are not necessarily child predators. It's still a bit of an oversight on wizards part but it's not like anything has happened (no kids murdered yet) and I honestly don't think it's too likely to happen either.

No, I didn't, so take your belt off and hang yourself. Why are dumb cunts like you always the kind hanging in these threads? I'm obviously a different fucking poster you dumb virgin cunt. Kill yourself and learn to fucking

You don't get the ftvs for free, you still have to pay for them. WPN stores are just guaranteed to be able to order a set number based on rank. Low level stores get like 5, so no, its not covering it most years.

And don't forget, you miss out on a bunch of shit like proxy tournaments that could make you money just by going WPN. Many stores already don't feel its worth the hassle, so it just might be the straw that breaks the camels back is all I am really saying.

Honestly it's probably a good thing if more stores leave wizards support so that we *can* do proxy events and change the player base attitude towards proxies in general. Sick of having to pay 30$ for a piece of cardboard if I want to be even mildly competitive.

>You don't get the ftvs for free, you still have to pay for them.

Yeah, you buy them at cost well below the $35 MSRP, and then sell them for $80-$100. That's pretty much the entire point of FtVs.

This combined with the other horseshit that already drives people away from WPN could stop people

>Look around collection for some jank cards for EDH and replacements for Phyrexian Reclamation before I order it online
>Find some boxes of Urza-period cards my big bro left me
>Looked through it once before, found some Rancors, Thran Dynamo, not much
>Check again; no big money, but tons of jank I never noticed before
>Avalenche Riders, Malevolent Awakening, Black Market, Splinter, No Rest for the Wicked, Wellwisher and 2 Phyrexian Reclamation+Plaguelords
Any stories of finding jank again, that you previously never thought was usable, but find out is gold in EDH?

bruh if your store cant spare an extra 200 annually the background checks are probably the least of your issues

>our store cant spare 200 to make sure there are not child molestors around

t. pedo

then dont be WPN if it bothers you so much, but i wont be going to a store without background checks and the fact that this is even a thing prove a lot of other people wont either

The background check is going to keep out more new legit judges than pedos. It's yet another hastle to get the joy of >doing it for free

It's more about how worth it is to be WPN versus paying the money.

WPN has been shit for a while and it really only was worth it for the stores that were just barely making it. This decision will likely kill it.

Assuming of course that wizards even bothers to enforce this shit. I can't honestly see them policing stores in any way other than making them lose their wpn status if their is some big social media outcry over one of their judges raping kids or something.


I don't think "Hey do you mind if we make sure you aren't a pedophile or rapist?" is going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

then dont be WPN? im not see a problem here

Great, since you are so closely affiliated with a store that you get to see their employees background checks, I'm sure you have no problem sharing your SSN with me so we can do yours.

Hello, new victim of identity theft.