One can generally sort magic systems by three adjectives and which of them apply:
Casting has no negative effects on the bearer.
Casting does not require huge effort
Casting the same spell over and over will give the same (or very similar) results
>0 Adjectives: Martial supremacy
Magic is difficult, dangerous and most importantly unpredictable.
>1 Adjective
Magic is either
>safe (but takes a lot of time/effort and isn't very predictable) or
>easy (but costs you something and still isn't predictable) or
>consistent (but it takes a long time, costs resources and may damage you)
Magic is usually not the preferred method, but may have applications that martials don't have (e.g. spying)
>2 Adjectives
Magic is either
>safe and consistent but not easy (it may take you a long time to cast but when you manage you do what you intend to and even if not you won't lose much anyway)
>safe and easy but not consistent (you can throw out fireball after fireball spell and you better do if you want any hope of actually creating a ball of fire)
>easy and consistent but not safe (you can throw fireball after fireball and they'll all work, but you will tire out, lose materials or be otherwise harmed)
>all three Adjectives: Caster supremacy
Magic is safe, easy AND consistent. You can sling spells all day long, with all of them doing what you want and never being worse off.
The purpose of this thread is three-fold:
1.) Is this a good system to characterize magic systems?
2.) What are examples for each type? I know that SR falls under (easy, not safe, consistent), DnD (3.5 onwards) magic under (easy, safe, consistent), DnD (pre 3.5) under (not easy, safe, consistent), Psykers under (easy, not safe, not consistent). But for the rest I have no Idea what fits them. I'd especially would like to know which one falls under (not easy, not safe, not consistent)
3.) Which one do you consider a personal favorite, and why?