/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

Previous thread: Don't go there
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
I'm going to regret this, aren't I?
>New Geist preview
>New Deviant preview

Other urls found in this thread:


Dumb Demon Trick #1: Demons can recharge 4 aether a round after hooking up to infrastructure.
Dumb Demon Trick #2: Infrastructure can be a place, object, or a person (such as anyone with the Destiny merit).

Are WOD MUSH's worth playing?

And one last dumb demon trick: you can stockpile about 3 points of aether per watch. Just charge em all up whenever you're in demon form.

A car can probably stockpile about 30 aether. Since it can't be turned off while its a stockpile, you may as well get an electric car for quietness.

A really annoying, and probably short lived, neighbor to have would be a demon that has a bunch of noisy cars, wheedwackers and chainsaws that are used as stockpiles and left on for all eternity.

I havent found any decent ones. Too many spergs, sjws, and furries

Wraith personality quiz time:

>which legion are you in?
>what are your two strongest arcanoi?
>will you transcend or will you fight for power in the underworld?

Damn, just what I expected. I have a shitty wageslave job with irregular hours so I can't ever play a game. I was hoping there might be a decent one.

Lifeweb & Usury
They're kind of anemic compared to wraiths but I gotta say... risen

Plus there's a hell of a lot less spectres there.

>kill self

For what purpose?

And in a chronicle doesn't interpret the Usury levels that apply to health as applying to other supernaturals, or one in which other supernaturals weren't involved, then probably I'd change the Usury bit to Inhabit.

I imagine regret over leaving one's life and loved ones behind to suffer in one's stead.

If Kupala is a earthbound, does it make kolduns infernalists in denial?

It discusses this in various places, although never clearly.

At the heyday of Koldunism, Kupala was basically an Earthbound, but he's one of those rare demons that didn't need much of a reliquary (although one could view his reliquary as a massive swath of Eastern Europe, the Earthbound book specifically mentioned that Baba Yaga's magic excluded him from requiring a Reliquary).

Koldunism definitely seems to have something to do with demons, something extremely weird. Kolduns can do stuff similar to demon tricks (for example, using Way of Spirit to see and blow people up from a mile away) or to actually summon and bind demons (sometimes even into transient, freshly killed vampire bodies).

Of the many implied origins of the "Souleaters" (not mentioned much by name) in V20, there were at least 3:
1. The Watchers
2. The Eldest
3. Kupala

The Old Clan Kolduns at least consider themselves to be very much not infernalists, and Koldunism is never mechanically mixed up with Dark Thaumaturgy, so I personally don't consider them to be thralls per se, though misuse of The Well could result in such.

I rather like the idea that Tzimisce earthbound (Kupala) thralls, though poorly understood, are the source of the "not quite right" souleater like Tzimisce. When Kupala became a true earthbound, that's when his thralls started getting much, much weirder.

And as far as vampiric earthbound thralls, while DtF originally said vampires couldn't become thralls, earthbound thralls have a fuckier system, based off sacrificing willpower dots rather than Faith, through horrific acts of obeisance, very much like lost Autonomy (Devil's Due implies demons could be viewed as banes and thralls, or possessor demons, as fomori). And of course, infernalist vampires are very much a feature of the setting.

Adding to this, the v20 books make reference to Devil's Due mechanics and fluff in various places, especially including The Big Five, leading me to think that when/if "d20" makes an appearance, it will try to square DtF and Devil's Due finally.

Tell me about your current chronicle(s), user.

Can someone explain to me how you're supposed to beat the Arms of the Abyss from level 3 Obtenebration? I get that they have stats for Strength, Dexterity, and Brawl but I'm not seeing anything besides that. Can you even attack and "kill" them (aside from exposing them to sunlight)? If so, how many health levels do they have? Can they soak any damage types?

Also, can someone explain to me how Obtenebration was/is an "OP discipline"? I get that Sabbat players start off stronger than Camarilla characters but the discipline in-and-of itself doesn't really seem all to strong. While I get that some powers may be quite strong (Shroud of Night, Arms of the Abyss, and Shadow Body come to mind), some powers like Shadowplay and Nightshades seem pretty subpar in my opinion.
Can anyone offer any insight here?

is the gaining disciplines through diablerie a VtR-only thing or is it present in VtM as well? I only ever saw the thing about generation reduction

It's a thing on VtM as well, extended rules on diablerie were presented in V20 The Black Hand, A Guide to the Tal'Mahe'Ra

4 hls, soaks nonagg with your sta+fort, and uses your passive cel/pot. Its basically a minion generating power that lets a single lasombra act as an antagonist to basically any number of PCs. Level 4 is ye olde "boss monster" form too.
Level 2 adds +2 to the diffs of all the actions of their enemies as well.

If you view Sabbat as being intended as antagonists (and presumably Black Hand as turbo antagonists) then by action economy alone a single Lasombra with preptime can be a HELLISH challenge for even a large, tough coterie. Add a kerjillion dominated/ghouled flunkies.

Vicissitude is kind of sub par by comparison (in terms of mechanical effects, not what it could be argued to do) and a Tzimisce really doesn't need to, or benefit from, be showing up to fight personally.

I'd wager a pair of Sabbat ancillae (a Lasombra and a Tzimisce) could function as tough, recurring baddies for even a large group of Camarilla elders thereby.

It is indeed riskier but I'm not sure about borderline necessary, after some time people will want to get more powerful

keep in mind that diablerie is much riskier and less borderline necessary in VtR than VtM, you can basically always benefit from it in VtR to balance the fact that everyone risks detachment from doing so, and are guaranteed to instantly become addicts, iirc.

Hell, in VtM's setting, if you run Gehenna, God approves of diablerie so strongly that he eventually forces all vampires to become rampant diablerists or else suffer His wrath.

What I meant about borderline necessary is that in VtM, your "blood potency" is basically fixed unless you pick one of the Best Clans or get Golconda while in VtR, your "generation" can be increased by many safe means.

They also don’t know how to write. It’s so much more fun to play a game via conversation than it is to watch some obese ftm tranny write about their Ventrue’s pantsuit and how much better they are than everyone for eight paragraphs per post.

What is fun is taking a shot of bleach whenever you see “flickering (insert eye color) orbs”

>4 hls, soaks nonagg with your sta+fort, and uses your passive cel/pot.
Hot damn, that's pretty good. If I knew that they used my passive Potence I might've invested into that a little bit.

>If you view Sabbat as being intended as antagonists (and presumably Black Hand as turbo antagonists) then by action economy alone a single Lasombra with preptime can be a HELLISH challenge for even a large, tough coterie. Add a kerjillion dominated/ghouled flunkies.
Whew boy. In the campaign I'm writing, the PCs are FBI Investigators working with the LAPD on Camarilla business. Everyone in the department pretty much loathes them since "The feds are sticking their noses in our jurisdiction again" but the one who really hates them is the Captain of the SWAT team, an undercover Lasombra of the Sabbat who's ghoulified the entire SWAT team and uses them as tralls/minions.
That's gonna be a fun fight for the end of the campaign after they get sold out and exposed (as fakes, not vampires) by the very shifty Camarilla who hired them.

See above. Maybe not be realistic (and certainly not canon-complaint since it takes place post-Gehenna), but it should be fun enough.

>I rather like the idea that Tzimisce earthbound (Kupala) thralls, though poorly understood, are the source of the "not quite right" souleater like Tzimisce. When Kupala became a true earthbound, that's when his thralls started getting much, much weirder.
But then it should've affect more kolduns than regular Tzimisce.

That's pretty interesting. How troublesome is it for them to maintain their positions despite vampirism, or is it?

One easy way to abuse Arms of the Abyss would be to wait til your opponents are in a locale with only one exit, set it on fire, and spend 10+ blood points on Arms of the Abyss spam, so they'd have to run a Hentai Gauntlet to escape.

I'm running Mage the Ascension, heavily tweaked in mechanics, slightly tweaked in lore. The basic plot is the PCs were asked by a powerful Hermetic magus to steal a strange magickal artifact detected at the local museum, before the Technocracy got their hands on it.

The players arrive and find its a [heavily rusted] Excalibur. From there the game turns into a conflict between the numerous factions of the city to obtain, then repair, the Sword in the hopes of using it for their own ends.

The reincarnations of Arthur and his knights want the sword to attempt to overthrow the Technocracy by raiding the city the game takes place in in a great feat of magick, then blaring their success on social media. To this end Arthur has aligned with a powerful Akashic gangster named Laoban Cao Cao, as well as several Taftani.

The players are an Aztec-themed Orphan cowboy who is the chosen of Huitzilopochtli and fights with Jojo-themed powers [Haman, not a stand]. An old English professor who is also a disgraced Hermetic. A japanese shrine maiden. And a dockworker whose Awakening turned him into a horrible fish-man out of Innsmouth haunted by nightmares. The Nephandi are trying to draw him to the Cauls.

Basic alternations from the core setting that allow this campaign are:
>Archmasters are extremely rare to the point that no known NPC has a Sphere Rank of 6+
>Excalibur allows the wielder to perform effects equivalent to archmastery in Mind, letting one twist the Consensus by force
>Obviously allowing large scale Mind to change the Consensus, which RAW I think doesn't work for some strange reason.

I've mentioned the campaign a couple of times before, if anyone has any questions I might have time to answer them.

>Sidenote your gif is very fitting.

>But then it should've affect more kolduns than regular Tzimisce.

It has a flowery explanation in the Old Clan & Koldun section about how they at least believe themselves to not be slaves of the Eldest & Kupala.

Simply put, re: Kupala, there's a hazy idea that a Koldun has a specific sphere of influence: the default, Kupala influenced Kolduns have an easier time. They also take a penalty when performing KS outside of Eastern Europe, as this is Kupala's sphere of influence.

The supposedly "purer" Kolduns use something called a Kraina, also discussed in the new Dark Ages stuff, which has a Kraina or two for earthly geographical locations. The Black Hand book has two other Kraina; one for The Well, and one for Enoch (as in, the underworld base of the Black Hand).

You would presumably have to be embraced in a Well of the Children (like a Hyronist) or in Enoch, respectively, to have either as your Primary Kraina. Inside their region of embrace (the Kraina), the Koldun, instead of a penalty, takes a bonus, and unless they're using the Well, it doesn't cost BP.

You can learn a different Kraina as a secondary path.

But yeah, the book presents normal Koldunism as Kupala-based and basically being demi-infernalist and hence roughly being demi-earthbound thralls.

As is standard for the Black Hand, they may have a point or they may simply be retarded.

>How troublesome is it for them to maintain their positions despite vampirism, or is it?
It's not very hard. As investigators outside the LAPD, they can pretty much check in with the department whenever they want (or at least that's the rationale in-game). This means that unless the LAPD thinks something extremely important is going on (which will happen, whether my players know it or not), they can always just go in during the graveyard shift to minimize contact with kine/sunlight.
Past that, it's the standard tropes of "the clingy secretary at the front desk thinks your hot but beware, if you let her get too close, she might figure out you have no pulse" and "the boss wants to shake your hand on the job well done, I hope you're gloves and/or have a very good excuse as to why your hand is so cold".

>One easy way to abuse Arms of the Abyss would be to wait til your opponents are in a locale with only one exit, set it on fire, and spend 10+ blood points on Arms of the Abyss spam, so they'd have to run a Hentai Gauntlet to escape.
Fuck, that's pretty good. I might use that midway through the campaign, before they meet the big bad guy in actual combat, just so they know that "somebody" from a certain faction wants them dead.
While I want to keep the person's identity a secret until the last moment, I don't just want to spring a OPtenebration boss AND a SWAT rape team on them without them getting at least some forewarning as to the powers they might face.

That sounds bretty gud.

Rare archmages is definitely the best way to handle things I think (at least for the more bizarre powers).

Nice. My favorite scenarios for vampires are ones in which they're in close proximity to areas that are difficult for vampires to survive in, areas with humans that are good at investigation, or areas that humans are potentially very aggressive and able to defend themselves, or more than one of the above.

The various factions are

The local Order of Hermes, who wants to obtain the restored Excalibur and bring it before the Council of Nine on Horizon to make a decision on what to do with it. Their leader is a man in his early thirties named Ahriman who looks a little like Doctor Strange and lives in a mansion out of Scooby Doo.

The Technocracy is heavily interested in stopping Arthur and his men from achieving their goals. Their main representative so far has been a Technocratic master named Agent Jones who looks and acts like K from Men in Black. I don't even try to hide it, its pretty much the exact same character. Calls the PCs slick and everything.

King Arthur and his men, who are all reincarnations of their prior selves except for Galahad, who has become a pseudo-angelic being whose a sneeze away from becoming a Marauder at any given time. He spent so long in Heaven that when he was called down he fell deep into Quiet, and believes he's still there. The Knights plan is what I mentioned above.

The Yellow Dragons, a group of sorcerer-thugs with wuxia powers led by Laoban Cao Cao, who dressed like a Chinese nobleman and is probably physically the strongest person in the conflict excluding Enkidu. Aligned with Arthur.

Yakuza: Extinct, eliminated by Laoban single-handed midcampaign during the Night of a Hundred Broken Swords. The shrine maiden's brother was a member.

The Nephandi, mostly represented by Ummu-Hubur, the biblical Leviathan, an kaiju-sized Umbrood currently swimming off the coasts of California.

Nicolas, the vampire Prince of Los Santader. Previously held up base in an abandoned Void Engineer facility off the coast deep under the ocean. Players raided it and forced him to flee after summoning a demon to save him. Current whereabouts unknown.

There's other minor factions like the Nosferatu [hate Nicolas for diablerie] and the Celestial Chorus [represented by a vampire-hunting nun] but those are the main ones.

Fuck i miss this place. I just got a reminder why i dont go the cesspools that is OPP.

I take 1000 magefags over the faggots of opp forums

These threads have rushed any desire I have to actually play the game. I'm waiting for scion to get modern fantasy but without all the hangups I have with WoD


Did you get in trouble for saying a no-no word, user?

>Did you get in trouble for saying a no-no word, user?

Nah i just peek there to discuss Chrod after seeing nobody was making a general here. Saw the cocksucking that goes in that forum about how perfect the games are and ....ugh no.

I'm still annoyed

What a pathetic bunch

You should have been perma banned. No room for problematic language in MY fantasy horror rpg community!!!!

OPP forums is heavily occupied by the special ed crowd so watch your whore mouth next time

You right-wingers must have your safe spaces or you just melt like little snowflakes, huh?

>Penitent Legion
>Argos & Castigate
>Do the Ferrymen still have a recruitment policy?

What they're doing playing wod? There are far worse things in the lore.

>You right-wingers must have your safe spaces or you just melt like little snowflakes, huh?
Not really. It's just hard to play with people that sperg out at anything "problematic"

Oh no! Were you verbally and concisely warned to stop acting and talking like an obnoxious 12 year old? Poor baby. Back to your coloring book.

There is mention in the Changeling book Isle of the Mighty, of a Technocratic faction called The Knights of Avalon - it's sort of like the Kingsmen, inscrutably British Technocrats with a penchant for subtlety and a hard-on for Advancing Britannia.

Yes, I imagine it must be like sharing a forum with NEETs that sperg out about Rose Bailey's genitals every other thursday.... or have the same Dragonball Z style argument about "Dante, what does the Scanner say about Caine's Power Level?" on any day ending in 'y'... or organise arbitrary circle jerks about splat hierarchies to cover for their own drooling insecurities. Like that?

>Oh no! Were you verbally and concisely warned to stop acting and talking like an obnoxious 12 year old? Poor baby. Back to your coloring book
Is saying "retarded" childish now?

Yes. That's why I was doing it was I was 12, along with other choice insults culled from medical history, such as "spastic" and "mongoloid". I didn't know any better then. As a grown adult you have no excuse. Whining that you got asked simply and politely not to be an asshole makes you look like a total loser.

You're supposed to be 18+ to post here. Act like it.

Shut the fuck up, you filthy fucking spastic mongoloid.

>act mature on Veeky Forums

What an oxymoron

>They also don’t know how to write. It’s so much more fun to play a game via conversation than it is to watch some obese ftm tranny write about their Ventrue’s pantsuit and how much better they are than everyone for eight paragraphs per post.
>What is fun is taking a shot of bleach whenever you see “flickering (insert eye color) orbs”

That seems about par for the course for vtm, the only unusual thing is that they are a tranny

>One easy way to abuse Arms of the Abyss would be to wait til your opponents are in a locale with only one exit, set it on fire, and spend 10+ blood points on Arms of the Abyss spam, so they'd have to run a Hentai Gauntlet to escape.

Can I use Arms of the Abyss to make amateur hentai videos?

Im using my X-card on you.

>You right-wingers must have your safe spaces or you just melt like little snowflakes, huh?

Hi, I'm the poster you replied to. It isn't so much about having a safe space, more about having a free space. I have no issue with transgender people or anyone who looks different than me. I just don't like my horror games bogged down by trigger warnings, knee-jerk ideologies, or language policing. I'd point out any alt-right shit if there were any (like the weird racism that is often found in D&D games) But WoD is the realm of the SJW.

Plus, I love using terms like retard, spastic, mongoloid, and gypsy. I never apply these words to people who suffer from these conditions, on the internet or in real life. When people go after others for saying something that may offend a person, it is usually some misguided form of empowerment rather than anything constructive.

If there were a racist character whose player didn't abuse terms like nigger or chink or whatever, I don't think there should be a problem. It is all fantasy.

Just let it die.
It has suffered long enough.

But nothing has went wrong so far!

That's retarded

This place has really gone to shit

Vampire the Requiem, just started with a new party, both experienced players and complete newbies, but no one except us two DMs is familiar with VtR specifically
So far we've had one intro session with premade characters to show them what's what and see what everyone wanted out of the game (as well as weed out spergs and idiots)
We're going to start a modern campaign set in Paris, lots of political intrigue, investigation, backdrop of religious wars and instability at the court. There's going to be some very bloody episodes with a short-lived King of the Night and some nasty racial tensions between Nosferatu and Gangrels on one side and Ventrue and Daeva on the others
I'd say we have about 20-25 NPCs on hand to throw at them but we're trying to expand that roster
It's also incredibly refreshing to have players that don't know shit about Requiem discover the game and the universe as it unfolds
All in all, it's a very good start and we haven't had a single That Guy

COUGH mage COUGH. Hopefully my fellow cabalmate finally learns the art of pdf-fu and posts the last session to reinvigorate the thread somewhat.

>You're supposed to be 18+ to post here. Act like it.
Take your own advice, user.

Here, nerd.


Latest Mage session, hot off the presses.

Yeah but lasombra don't show up in cameras.

>Yeah but lasombra don't show up in cameras.
Will the tentacles show up on camera is the real question, they don't have to ..... uh .... tentacle themselves.

Although I am pretty sure someone out there would have misused arms of the abyss in order to mastrubate.

While it'd be extremely interesting to have clan weaknesses apply to the fruits of your disciplines (lasombra minions giving themselves away via no reflection or a flickering one, baali minions being burned or having control hindered by holy symbols, toreador minions being distracted more than usual) by RAW there's no reason to think Obenebration doesn't show up on camera.


I got the bizzare image of the masquerade being broken because of someone's amateur porn video.

Here's two questions for nu-werefags.

How do you voice your spirits?
I remember the books are clear that all spirits can speak First Tongue, and some have a tendency to learn a human language if they're in a particularly urban area. The question is, how would you actually voice them? Do they have verbal ticks? Are their speech patterns distorted? Can they even communicate in sentences, or do they bark words with only vague correlation to one another? At what point do you think the spirit is "intelligent" enough to drop all of that, or is there even a point like that?

Secondly, modern spirits - spirits of cars, vehicles, buildings, computers, what have you. When you ST a game, how do you paint them? Do you try to avoid giving them animalistic traits (after all, animal spirits are their own thing)? How can you make a train spirit look alive without either making it a caterpillar magath or having your players laugh that Thomas the Tank Engine is coming to raw their ass?

I would probably have a spirit train be either a 2spoopy Doom Train or have it be personified as a sinister Conductor.

Spirits of rank 1 use animal rules for defense and I would generally interpret them as fleeting animalistic things or otherwise barely sentient, rank 2 being simplistic and instinctive but intelligent (still linked to their object/creature/place though), and rank 3 being (gimmicky) people.

I would have tech spirits typically resemble the object coming to life at lower levels or speaking to them, and higher levels would either be a humanized personification or a monster based off the object, whichever is less silly.

Of course, dark animism is a little silly no matter how you slice it.

So what's the announcement from Midwinter Convention

I'm in several right now with more planned for the future after they finish. They're all run and played by the same group of friends using Roll20 and a shared Discord server for all our games, but there are a handful of us that only play in one or two of the three chronicles, mostly the Changeling players since one of them is definitely too busy to be in multiple games right now and the other's generally really iffy on grimdark stuff (though he seems to have eased into the setting over time since he joined an Anarch game he's been telling me about and is openly considering joining our Werewolf game). Currently, I'm working on an Ascension chronicle and waiting for Wraith 20th to come out so I can run that as well, though it'll be a while before I run games for the group given that I've still got a lot of prep work ahead of me.

>Dark Ages Vampire
A sort of distant prequel to the MN chronicle that we have on hold. Somehow two of the members managed to convince us all to play vikings, so the game's turned out to be a metal-as-fuck Einherjar game about our coterie sailing around pillaging shit and protecting our ye olden Norse way of life. I've talked about it before on here a couple of times as has a friend of mine (the Gangrel who dueled that Get of Fenris) and those who remember'll know that I've been loving it. The current party consists of our Brujah captain Brynhild, her second-in-command Gangrel warrior-poet Ulf, the volva Valdaermen with True Faith Renja (she was formerly just Brynhild's ghoul but the storyteller let her become a mage because he's lowkey insane and True Faith 3 canceled out her condition, which sucks for her since the chronicle has very long timeskips and she thus would've died offscreen if she didn't have an alternative means of preventing aging ), the foreign French Toreador Cecily, and me as the depressed Wraith of my smug Malkavian loli witch Bergljot.

The description says they can't be used for manipulation. It only gives typing and driving as examples of manipulation, but the implication seems like they only grab or grab and crush. So I guess it depends what kind of hentai you want. The scene may also be difficult to light.

People got so assblasted that a Gangrel and a Get of Fenris were going to duel, it briefly stopped the OTHER kind of shitposting.

Any news of the chadwolf?

>Werewolf the Apocalypse
Run by the guy playing the Gangrel. We're actually having what's technically our first real session today, but each of us got a solo session prior to that which was a lot of fun to play through and helped to generate hype for the game. It's set in a fictional archipelago near the US's west coast in a sept called Sanctuary that's so far done a far better job than the rest of the world at warding off the Wyrm, however, some werewolves are concerned that the Garou guarding the islands might be growing weak and lazy thanks to their prolonged success. Since I've got more space to write with now I'll go into a bit greater detail about the members of the pack than I did for the Dark Ages coterie.

>Pack Name: Lion's Fangs
>Pack Totem: Lion (Rage Across the World 20th, PG 121)
>Individual Members:

A Get of Fenris Metis Ahroun whose deformity is near blindness. She was the unintended result of a Black Fury and a Get hatefucking and prior to her First Change was raised by the former thanks to her father freaking the fuck out, frenzying, and trying to kill her after he learned of her existence. She sleeps in a cage that she seems perfectly content with, although the local Children of Gaia who know about her have a tendency to complain and protest about her treatment. On an unrelated note, Palla has the most broken build of us all and apparently is going to be dealing out an average of forty aggravated damage per turn if all goes according to plan.

One of the guys who only plays in one chronicle currently, but he might join future ones. He's a Silver Fang Homid Galliard who's mute as a result of damages he suffered at a young age during a house fire. After getting mugged he blacked out, experienced his First Change, and got an info-dump from the Garou that recruited him into the tribe. As of now, his main goal seems to be restoring honor to his tribe and quelling the rumors about incest and incompetence that plague them.

>How do you voice your spirits?
All my characters, sadly, have the same voice. I am not good voice actor.

>When you ST a game, how do you paint them?
I go for Giger-like biomechanical aesthetic. The bigger the rank of spirit, the less it looks like normal object and more like a crossbreed of machine, flesh and Essence. But generally, I try to remind all the time that spirits are not humans, they are alien to the world of Flesh.

Similar to what said, wouldn't making humanized personifications sort of defeat the point?

Boy, do I remember. Although wasn't it just one autist sperging out? It was at least a couple of weeks ago so the specifics are eluding me.

Shadow Lord Homid Philodox made by the player of the Toreador. She's the silver-tongued mother of a Metis and the oldest of our ragtag band of edgy teens and young adults, which is definitely fitting for someone whose role is mediating disputes. Her camp is the Children of the Crow and she's been accordingly working towards replacing problematic leaders within the nation -- presumably with the intent of making a more accepting world for her cub, but unsurprisingly, she's the least open out of all of us about her intentions and activities

Edgy as fuck and also me. He's an Uktena Lupus Theurge who's learning hedge magic as a member of the Path Dancers camp and is obsessed with turning that magic against Black Spiral Dancers and other servants of the Wyrm. Characteristically of those born under the waning moon, he's more than a bit of a forceful ass in his dealings with spirit, but this extends over to his interactions with normies and other Garou as he seeks to assert his dominance in most situations. Prior to his First Change he was raised in a pack by two Kinfolk wolves and the pack's death at the hands of BSDs is what prompted his original shift. As for his deed name, it comes from a threat he threw out against a retreating foe when he claimed that Gaia would have her vengeance on them regardless of their escape, scouts having found their crushed body beneath a tree a few days afterward which has caused occasional tales of Heralds's "prophetic vision" to circulate around the caern ever since.

Last but not least is the storyteller of our Vampire game. He's playing a Glass Walker Homid Ragabash who's a longstanding rival of a local Brujah elder. So far he's been very entertaining and even goes as far as spending literal WP points on flirting and telling jokes.

>Changeling the Dreaming
The last out of the World of Darkness chronicles we're currently in. It's run by Cecily/Rozeta and was initially focused on court intrigue but has slowly shifted more toward adventure because of a mass change in the group composition; I'm the only person of the starting motley left and I'm playing a different character than I was initially since I dun goofed and got revealed to be a Thallain Shadow Court plant earlier than expected (the character didn't die, but she's now an NPC antagonist since she can no longer work with the group and had to go into hiding). In any event, despite the change of the cast and tone, the focus remains on an election for high king that's being held in Scandinavia. The political side of things is still very much there, but now it's less about maneuvering events to support our ideal candidate and moreso focused on making sure that the event isn't compromised by external forces and dirty tactics. Also the setting's a bit different from normal Changeling in a couple of ways in that the chronicle's occurring around a possible turning point for Kithain society as a whole toward a more democratic style of government.

A Nocker and her sentient chimerical golem butler that keeps rapidly switching between getting keked and destroying every single combat encounter we face without breaking a sweat. She's an Unseelie Wilder who ran away from home and joined the court as a form of teenage rebellion against her overbearing Seelie parents. Mostly shy and reserved.

Not gonna lie, I know barely anything about this character's past. I'm sure he has one of course but it hasn't been relevant ingame yet (or has flown over my head if it was) and if he shared his character sheet with us before then it's long since been lost to the sands of time. What I do know is that he's a Seelie Satryr Wilder who jokes more than a Pooka and that he's generally the voice of reason for the motley.

I should note as well that Liliana joined House Balor ingame. She had resistance to cold iron prior via a merit, so by joining it she made herself pretty much completely immune to it, albeit a great cost in the fact that she's now forced to do their dirty work and has eerie glowing eyes that mark him as obviously supernatural.

>Jason Rowe
My Seelie Satyr Grump. He was a king before the Accordance War and his vivid memories of his past life have spawned a grudge against the Sidhe, however, his focus remains on pursuing the Thallain that destroyed his kingdom and fulfilling his duty to prevent tragedies like that. To that end he's nominally Seelie and works as a Thallain hunter aligned with House Scathach.

Same guy as the one who plays Sigma. Leon's a Seelie Arcadian Sidhe Wilder (if you haven't noticed already we have a lot of Wilders) who was formerly aligned with House Gwydion but has since renounced his allegiance during the course of the game out of shame for a major screw-up he made that we're still all recovering from. He's somewhat pompous and is very strict about upholding honor, tradition, and order in the face of what he perceives as the only alternative -- absolute chaos. Over time he's lightened up to a degree, however, clashes between him and the rest of the group are pretty common. Unrelatedly, he travels around with an enchanted childhood friend of his who got turned into a slime girl, which kinda seems magical realm-y but so far he hasn't done anything creepy with that and plays up any lewd aspects for laughs OOC.

Our other Unseelie Nocker Wilder played by the same person who plays Ulf. Unlike Liliana, she's much more stand-offish and shares Jason's hatred of the Sidhe, although she's not afraid to shittalk other Kiths either. She's a local of Iceland who lives not too far away from her mother and, if I recall correctly, she does work as a mechanic. Her chimerical motorcycle and its weaponry are a major asset in battle.

Yes and no since it also comes from gay elemental spirits from Eastern Europe

Wtf. Pls no more walls of shit text.

Wall of text of someone's campaign and character roster.
Wall of text of back-and-forth Caine getting turned into a lawnchair.

Sit the fuck down and pick the better poison.

>Wall of text of back-and-forth Caine getting turned into a lawnchair
Are mages still butthurt about not being able to defeat Caine?

>Are mages still butthurt about not being able to defeat Caine?

Dont start this shit yet again.

Here we go again...

You sound like a retard.

You know, sometimes I can't help but wonder whether the community missed the point somewhere. Does anyone ever actually get to learn stuff like Sabbat Disciplines? I mean, I was under the assumption that V:tM is heavily based around personal horror - i.e. Sure, there's vampires summoning demons and shit, but the real struggle is losing touch with your humanity after becoming a horror that feeds on blood to live.

I was under the impression that this kind of stuff is for antagonists to use. Like, for a nasty surprise when some dark conspiracy comes to light and when a friend is torn apart by great, shadowy arms that come from nowhere. Or for the players to go "Oh fuck, how is he doing this? I've been a vampire for two centuries, and I've never seen unholy shit like that in my entire existence!"

It's sort of like the issue with crossovers, where logically you assume that the cosmology of the gameline you're playing is the real one. For instance, Caine's irrelevant in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, since the Judeo-Christian god doesn't really features in the Trinity. Or like how Mages are generally irrelevant in Vampire, since the cosmology relating to Gehenna implies a fundamentally different cosmic truth (i.e. God's real, the Red Star is a sign of His wrath instead of a harbringer of Ascension) which is mutually incompatible.

Somebody always wants to play the speshal snowflake with the rare discipline or be the sabbat guy in a cam game.

pretty sure 99% of ST fags let them too.

>You know, sometimes I can't help but wonder whether the community missed the point somewhere.
>I was under the assumption that V:tM is heavily based around personal horror - i.e. Sure, there's vampires summoning demons and shit, but the real struggle is losing touch with your humanity after becoming a horror that feeds on blood to live.

And yet we have people arguing who can create the wackier alternate reality or make a celestial spirit their waifu/husbando. Sometimes I too feel half of the people here would be more at home in /exg/ or similar.

>The description says they can't be used for manipulation. It only gives typing and driving as examples of manipulation, but the implication seems like they only grab or grab and crush. So I guess it depends what kind of hentai you want. The scene may also be difficult to light.

Well lack of fine manipulation isn't that much of a problem, as long as they can grab things without dealing damage.

It makes no sense. Retarded pretty much means "slower", slow wits in that case

I don't see a problem in Sabbat disciplines/vampires.

A Sabbat neonate is going to struggle with losing his humanity in any sect, he's just going to lose it quicker than the neonates from the Camarilla because he passed from a regular human to a sect made of monsters.

This is why 'Wormwood' in the Gehenna book is my favorite scenario. That scenario basically goes "Look, all those vampires delving into the Caine thing, the ancient conspiracies? They're sort of missing the point, that vampirism is ultimately a curse from God. All that really matters, at the end, is how you come to terms with yourself and square things with your soul. Ravnos fighting three kung-fu masters, Tremere dabbling with all kinds of magic in an attempt to get his body back, and Set emerging from the Underworld are ultimately all irrelevant."

I mean, the other scenarios are really, really dumb. The Lilith one is incoherent, the one with Saulot is basically a railroad, and the last scenario has nothing for the PCs to do except just try to survive the whole mess up until the end.

Don't assume xir ability you fascist, white, straight male. This is a safe space!

Imagine a Tzimisce making porn.
Vicissitude allows for all kinds of fetish.

Any vtesfags around? I'm itching to make some new deck. What are some nice concepts for a horde-ish, combat competent and self sustaining decks? Was thinking of going aabbt+smiling jack, maybe tension in the ranks.

Look, the Tzimisce-involved plot of Bloodlines rears its head!

Vampires could already make snuff films. Not having most vital organs helps with that.

>horde-ish, combat competent
pick one, hordes are for swarm bleed, combat competence comes from beefier minions

If you're looking for something mixed bag there's CHI FOR Ravnos or PRE SER Setites

because words can't describe how bad an idea that is, I made you a picture.

Was thinking of having heavy bloat with tribute to the master and mesu beshet. Also pic related. I've had a fair bit of success with a vote aabbt, though the table I play in isn't that vote heavy. Was wanting to do something wall-ish and combat-ish while doing almost the same thing as that previous aabbt exploration.

Bloat is viable defense but you need some way to oust. Wall-ish also mean defensive. so likely you wanna go one of:
wall + politics
bloat + politics
bloat + bleed
or combo

Baali with The Horde can do something similar to Aabbt, except more aggressive. With bloat to help you with the taxing drain of being Baali.