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NIPPLE TUTORIAL. Tfw Duncan will never paint your nipples with reikland fleshshade.

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Posted just before this thread went up-

Beep boop reinforcements have arrived.

What projects are you guys working on this weekend?


Purestrain Genestealers.

>Orks are a shooting army
Codex 5+ strikes again!

Putting in my orders for a bunch of resin bits, shopping for a beginner airbrush kit

It's not hard to make non-shit female models GW, just stop being gayfaggots slurping space marine cum

Where's that Demons codex lads

Some nice beep boops there

Why are you trying to bring back this meme?

They do need something to compensate for to hit modifiers, but the codex could actually do this a number of ways.

Painting more of my Xenonian Guard.

Question (again)

If tanks measure from their body normally, why the frik do hover tanks have a specisl rule saying they do?

I'm still learning about the game but so far ultra marines are interesting me

They just need an auto hit on 6 rule.

Addendum, since I just caught something. I'm assuming Swarmlord was meant to be Broodlord, and I was writing that assuming as much. I just derped out a bit.

I'd say they start to show their worth at 2000+, yeah. At that point, you start seeing things where the high numbers on their guns truly make a difference. That being said though, they're still a bit of a take it or leave it option IMO. There's other stuff nids have that can get the same job done, depending on your play style.

>getting into Death Guard because a Chaos army is the only type out of the big 3 faction types I don't own
>look up DG battle reports on youtube

>has either Typhus Zombiespam, Mortarion, or both
>the vast majority are backed up by Plague Drones, and that's just about the whole army

Why are 40k players such unimaginative, waac faggots?

I fucking know how Zombie Hordes and Mortarion play.

One is a one-trick spam gimmick and the other is a Primarch that I'm never going to field on principle Lord of Wars should've never been moved to regular 40k.

Is there seriously not one Death Guard player out there who wanted to play something other than standardDGtournielist.jpg?

Maybe try a, yknow, actually fluffy list? Have a bunch of footslogging Plague Marines backed up by termies and some Blight Haulers?

Maybe try a deepstrike/daemon-centric list, centered around terminators dropping into the enemy's face and summoning hordes of plaguebearers?

Maybe try some gimmicks with the multiple -ld and -t effects Death Guard have?

But nah. Better play the same DG list literally everyone else is playing. That'll sure rake in the view.

ffffffFUCK I'm mad. reeeee.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They are seen as an enemy of hipstes, but if you enjoy the looks then plug your ears and play.


Well there are certainly some advantages to playing the poster boys.

That's really good.

Some hovering tanks (or hovering vehicles in general) have the special rule Hover: measure from this models body instead of its base

otherwise you measure from the base always

Working on converting a Daemon Prince into a Greater Daemon Flyprince of Nurgle.

It's my first project where I'm actually trying to sculpt with greenstuff, instead of merely using it to fill gaps/reposition limbs.

It's going OK. Not great, but better than I thought.

What are you using for skin?

How to forget about my crush?

Because they have nothing else that's viable. Zombies take care of infantry hordes that will fuck up death guard otherwise.

That and deathguard have no other options outside their codex. And bloat drones a need to pin down stuff that will just lazily zone the army.

Don't blaim the players.

By learning to value people that value you.

If you find a way to do this, tell me how.

That would do a lot, but they could, and should get some stuff on top of that.

By that I mean the likely reroll shooting subfaction rule, the likely double shooting on at least one vehicle, and the likely unit specific stratagems. Like flashgits being able to hit on 5s ignoring mods, or lottas firing a flat 3 shots, or whatever.

Kill her and eat her.

Do you think the old-style (2008-2010ish) games workshop plastic cutter handles would be good for prostate stimulation?

These ones, for reference.

But don't tanks do that already?

Feels like they have a character that has a special rule where people can't shoot him unless he's the closest unit.

Damn, that's deep.

Because the rule is actually that a model measures from its base unless it doesn't have one, in which case it uses the model. Most Hover tanks have a small flying base and so the rule tells you not to use that. On the other hand airborne flyers with the tall base do generally measure using the base. See the sidebar on page 176.


By crushing her in a different way.

you'd have to remove the handles from the cutters or they'll be awkward to insert, but sure I guess

Eat her and kill her

I mean with how sensitive your butt's inside supposedly is, unless moldlines are trimmed that might not be a good idea.

Sisters of Battle, Knight, Echer, Sisters of Silence, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, Ecclesiarchy and Genestealer Cults.

I went from almost having finishing the basic colour from over 100 models still waiting and my birthday show resulting in the model count almost tripling.

The backlog never ends!

I use Duncan's pale skin formula.

For whatever reason the playerbase fucking hates fun

Yeah, that'd be the plan. I don't want to shove the metal bit inside that would be uncomfortable.

I can file down the mold lines with my citadel branded files.

No they don't.
The rules just says use base if they have it, or the hull if they have no base.
Hover tanks have bases, so they'd use the base if they didn't have a special rule.
Compaired to fliers.



Tanks (like rhinos, landraiders etc) Don't have bases, so you measure from the body/hull.
Hover tanks usually have bases, (Deldar boats, Tau transports etc) and the bases are smaller than the model, so you measure from the hull of the model and not the base to make it fair


Just buy a dildo you fucking degenerate

Okay then, good luck have fun.

Culexus assassin's face when a chaos sorcerer summons 6 flamers on top of them.

there's a lot of people in the world you could be falling madly in love with but if you keep obsessing over the same dude[tte] you'll never meet them


I'm waiting for Florida to stop being wet so I can seal the troops. Then I need to start planning the next wave of 30 infantry which should be two engineering squads and a third squad that needs to look...different.

I'm torn between giving my next 'different' squad a bunch of grenade poses or maybe reloading poses or perhaps something else entirely. My current non-standard squads are a squad of medics and wounded troops, and a squad of dead guys.

Oh, and I need to finish a destroyed tank turret but I have no idea how to paint a vehicle that's had all it's paint ripped off by an explosion and its outter hull flash-rusted without an airbrush. Maybe I'll use pigments.

And THEN I need to do something about two of my tanks having sponsons even though I don't have sponsons in my army list. So far I'm thinking pic related.

These people were playing the waaclists against armies like Orks and Grey Knights.

There's literally no excuse.

So how do I build an army centered around Primaris that isn't shit?

Hellblasters around a Captain and Aggressors?

I'm open to using other stuff but I'd prefer using as much Primaris as possible because I like the models.

I play Smurfs btw.

What are you going to use the mine clearer as?

Plot twist: I'm already married

Would this paint scheme look good on Custodes or Tau?

What's the matter? The CIA got you pushing too many pencils huh? Had enough?

Bring girlyboy and assbacks

just dropping by
>Tau codex when?

Well, you could always just make one yourself instead of relying on others to do it for you. Just saying.

Rumor is around March

oh, in that case make a latex mask of your crush and make your partner wear it when you fuck (unless your partner is your crush in which case what's the problem)


I could see it on tau.


>Year of the Xenos
>"Here's this Imperium codex no one asked for or wanted!"

guess its at least 2 more months of painting something else then

>getting into DG

My army isn't built yet, hence why I was looking up battle reports so I could better understand how they played on the field.

Just finished assembling a dunecrawler and Techpriest Dominus, still have to assemble about 30 skittles and paint 1500 points of Guard and Space Marines for a tournament two weeks from now

>Xenoscum pretending that gold marines won't be 10,000 times more popular than them.

Doing finishing touches like free hands on pic related. I’m using my botched transfer sheet to trace my Kabal symbol over them. But I can’t decide which of the bumps to turn into red gems and which ones to leave alone.

>Year of the Xenos

>Here's some new Nurgle stuff again, again! Ain't it neat?

>by the way the army made to fight alongside them is not included!

Here you go. Tourney list even.

that looks real nice user

It's not lore rape if an IG regiment has been allied with a Rogue Trader family for so long that in the modern 40k that the current Trader ends up being the boss of the regiment?

Green tide is top tier actually.

But I want to start now. Just don't know what sept to do. Or to make my own.

I think I'll finally go play a game, I'd hate to bring unpainted plastic but I live in a tiny apartment with poor ventilation and roommates with breathing problems so no priming until summer for me

I too want to start now, but im holding off till codex is here to decide which units to get, how to equip them and how to paint them
until then i paint some dryads or something


Reposting from a few threads ago, hopefully I'll get some responses this time. What do you guys think of my Pure Tzeentch list? For reference to the new stuff, check this: drive.google.com/file/d/0By4SQd_H1eW8QVZBYUpDUXBfbDg/view

Tzeentch Daemons, 2000 points (2000 points total)
++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Chaos - Daemons) ++

+ HQ +

Warlord Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot w/ Blue Horrors, The Everstave, Flickering Flames, Infernal Gateway, Tzeentch Trait 6

Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot w/ Blue Horrors, Staff of Change, Flickering Flames, Gaze of Fate

+ Troops +

Horrors: 30x Pink Horror w/ Icon and Instrument
Horrors: 30x Pink Horror w/ Icon and Instrument
Horrors: 30x Pink Horror w/ Icon and Instrument

++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Daemons) ++

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Chaos w/ Wings, Malefic talons, Undecided Psyker Power, Warp Bolter

Daemon Prince of Chaos w/ Wings, Daemonic Axe, Undecided Psyker Power, Impossible Robe (Via Stratagem)

+ Elites +

Exalted Flamer
Exalted Flamer
Exalted Flamer

Flamers: 5x Flamer, Pyrocaster
Flamers: 5x Flamer, Pyrocaster

I'm a bit worried since it lacks anything resembling a super heavy, but at the same time I feel like it should end up doing pretty decently, especially with deep strike stratagem shenanigans.

Ork heads remain alive for an impressive period after decapitation. So what is going on in that Ork's head in this picture?

still learning as I said but they just seem awesome to me.
haha indeed my friend

The gold accents look great. Very nice.

There are rogue trader families that just straight up own full armies, some even include space marines and xenos.


I'm not trying to win tournaments, m8.

That is a lot of bloops.

Sexy colour scheme, though.
I'm pretty damn busy for the next two weeks, so no models for me now, but I have two more Dragoons to build, I need to mount all the assorted arms on my custom Dominus,find a way to cover up the flat back of the Volkite where it normally attaches to the arm and then get 20 Kairic Electros de-Tzeenched and ready to be turned into Corpuscarii when I find some guns worth using as Electrostatic Gauntlet counts-as. My Fulguritie Kairics were getting lonely.

Also got a MASSIVE pile of things to strip or paint.

>Year of the xenos
>edition of Imperium vs Chaos

Finished my second guy today, other than the eyes. I posted in the general last night after painting my blue tau, just wanted to thank you guys for the advice, im pretty happy with how he turned out

Best loadout for cultists? Autoguns or Pistol+CCW?

Playing EC if that matters.

>Year of the Xenos

GW never stated that tho

Ah well then that's okay. Glad you helped me here.

It's just a way to cover up the useless sponsons that I thankfully magnetized. But I hope to use them (along with my Engineers) in fluffy games and campaigns where they clear paths across minefields for the rest of the army's assault. Not sure how I would simulate the minefield but I'm thinking "Any unit that moves across this marked area without mine equipment takes D6 mortal wounds. Engineers and Crab Russes push the minefield perimeter back each time they move, but cannot advance or will take D6 mortal wounds."


At the very least I'm getting the start collecting. since those have been the core units for tau.

I actually have this one. Its neat.

Which are the best sites for commissions? I want a very big order so one that isn't too expensive would be great.

Just get the stuff that's been core for the force forever, and don't glue any guns/options to any suits. Use your brain, obviously quad melta commanders are getting the bat when the codex rolls around. Crisis suits are probably going to get a buff.