Are there any characters or concepts you would like to play badly but don't...

Are there any characters or concepts you would like to play badly but don't, out of either a sense of inadequacy or plain shame?

I've always wanted to play a character that's a combat AI mistakenly installed into a robotic sex doll in a shadowrun/cyberpunk game, and have her deal with the shame of being a literal sex toy despite her line of work, desperately trying to hide or modify her most obvious attributes or switch to another one more suitable for her abilities.

There's no fetish behind this, I just legitimately think it's a good backstory for a cyberpunk setting that can deal with transhumanism and the harms of vice, but I'm 100% people will be offput by the concept and either veto it on sight or flag me as That Guy or a pervert trying to turn the game into an ERP campaign.

Other urls found in this thread:

holy shit i need more of this semen demon

That's a sex doll, user, it's why I used it as the OP image.

Is that a sex doll?

You shouldn't, now I'm too occupied getting an erection rather than trying to answer you

Try it in Engine Heart so there's no chance of you having sex with anyone except another RealDoll.

Pretty easy to pull off in Eclipse Phase. Sextoys are a pretty common body type.

I'm not gonna post any more any images because it's still a blue board and I don't want to risk a ban, but you can check a gallery here:

Oh cool, I'll check it out

Good job, you doing Slaneesh's work user

>163cm H-Cup
>From $2,190

I wonder if they can make them 130-ish with some customized accessories.
Not that kind of accessories, you deviant

For the longest time I never wanted to play the face, since I don't think i'm very charismatic.

I'm intentionally challenging myself to do so, and see how well I do.

Many sexdolls are squarely in the uncanny valley but this one isn't half bad. No wonder women are shitting their panties.

Take inspiration after some established charismatic characters, ask yourself by time to time things like "what would Aragorn say?", "what is the best question to ask this npc?" "How can i haggle for a bigger reward? Can I make myself look pitiful enough to get an extra? Should I insist on the danger involved in this?", "What would Cicero say?", "What would Hitler say?", "What should I do to act inspiring? How much should I try to emulate Gaston?"

Hell, I just thought of more implications of my concept. Knowing that your only face, the one you can call your own, is being sold around and advertised as the product it's meant to be, the fact that pretty much everyone can or has seen your naked body, or constantly dealing with clients who downplay your abilities because they don't think a rubber-synth body could pull off any of the things you claim to be able to do, it must be a very frustrating life to carry out.

You'd have to hide your physical identity constantly or try to figure out a way of disfiguring/replacing/hiding what you consider to be YOUR face, the amount of emotional distress all of this can cause in the concept of a dystopian society is enormous.

Plus the idea behind the AI. Who made you? Are you stolen goods, with a reward tag on your forehead to be shut down and returned to whatever megacorp that coded you? Are you unique, or one of many? Can your mind be wiped out or reset entirely?

I shouldn't've made this thread. I want to play this character more than ever now.

The character is incredibly selfish and duplicitous, who uses people for his own means, but is outwardly friendly and calm.

I want to play someone else's familiar. PI mean, still playing a sapient being, but maybe an uplifted animal or a lesser intelligent creature.

I think it would be great fun both mechanically and narratively. Mechanically, it would require a lot of teamwork to actually pull off but could result in some pretty great gameplay. Narratively, it could have all manner of subjects to comment on, like loyalty, companionship, compulsion, the entire concept of free will, what it means to be a person even, the general concept of an uneven power dynamic...

Problem is, I brought the idea up once and someone half-joked that it sounded like an S&M thing and I'm pretty sure that's what anyone would think if I brought it up again.

A female character. I already have figured out how she would behave, her general characteristics, but I realise all the time that I make her end up being either too lascivious or a female version of me, in that case I might as well play a self insert paladin/bard Gotta use all the charisma! and be done with it.

Also OP, prolly many peeps are put off by your thread image as it looks like the perfect fetish bait

>No wonder women are shitting their panties.
But how are the regular women reacting?

Just kidding, I don't care about anything you have to say on this topic but I'm sure we'll all get a screenful.


>Also OP, prolly many peeps are put off by your thread image as it looks like the perfect fetish bait

I just hope the thread continues with its intended purpose and isn't derailed or deleted.

How much muscle mass? Is he really smart or not?
Depending on that you may actually either end up playing litterally Gaston, the one from the Beauty & the Beast.

This terrifies me, because it’s almost human enough to fall into the category of “airbrushed human” in terms of appearance and only the sorta plasticiness of the skin gives it away and christ it’s just a powered endoskeleton away from being a god-damn Terminator

Your char can easily spiral down psychosis, and I guess you'd end up really soon with self mutilation and substitute augmentics to create a sort of new-self, in a way deatch from the previous identity

As long as you don't plan on continuing to whore yourself I don't see why people would care your android character was a sexbot.

this is why when I make this kind of thread I only include the premise and then give my own example in a reply.

Maybe. Hire some cosplay person to make the accessories.

Just go for it. Play a line of female characters. Eventually they stop being luscious self inserts and turn into real people... usually. At this point, I play about 50/50 mix of male/female characters, and out of my last 3 or 4 female characters, only one has been moderately promiscuous.

>a Terminator
>not a loving wife-bot to satisfy your longing for an affectionate embrace and some transhuman contact

I'm amazed how far along we've come into sex dolls.
When are we getting aliens and shit though?

Sounds like at no point it ever was, it always was a killbot chip installed in the wrong body by accident.

>tfw you will never have a sexbot with superhuman strength programmed to force herself on you and make you her bitch

Stop stop, I can only get so erect.

>What would Cicero say?
My gentlemen of Latin descent

Here's the non-watermarked gallery. It's fucking frightening because you're right, it's only an airbrush away from looking human.

Normal people actually enjoy speaking with an being around their significant others, and women do not want to pursue the sort of autist who would prefer mechanical company to that of another human being. Women shouldn't be shitting their panties and I doubt any are.

Are you under 30? Because this is distinctly possible, just focus on saving money now so you can afford it in 30 more years.

Also all the drugs you're gonna need to get it up.

>As long as you don't plan on continuing to whore yourself I don't see why people would care your android character was a sexbot.
Because a lot of people are so hyped up by exaggerated tales of magical realming in tabletop games that anything that even remotely seems to resemble any kind of sexual thing or obscure fetish gets called magical realm.

It's one reason I stopped running online games listed on Veeky Forums gamefinder threads. Even shit that are just RPG plot staples get redefined as magical realm. Any character or NPC gets kidnapped for whatever purpose? If they're female and captured by men, it's just assumed it's a rape fetish thing. Better not describe them in literally any kind of restraint, else that's BDSM. Have any character tortured, abused, hypnotized? That's mindbreak. It goes on and on.

>When are we getting aliens and shit though?
Just as soon as the market will bear it. They've already got lolibots.

>please choose preferred penis or penises from the bucket

You underestimate the pettiness of women.

>Normal people actually enjoy speaking with an being around their significant others, and women do not want to pursue the sort of autist who would prefer mechanical company to that of another human being. Women shouldn't be shitting their panties and I doubt any are.
I think it's because one woman one time said something on the Internet about how she didn't like the concept of sexdolls, so that means that every single woman agrees with the sentiment.

I can’t wait for the day I can have my own personal combat maid sex doll

Undead elf woman who looks like uncamouflaged fap bait (long legs, athletic, unreasonably busty), but played as a cold, cynical robot powered by death energy who will call you out on being a necrophiliac if you attempt magical realm.

Thank god we have people working on evolving our species even if it is just so they can finally get a girl

>Normal people actually enjoy speaking with an being around their significant others
Not to rain on your parade, but have you seen divorce rates over past decade?

My fellow Roman of patrician gens,
you can't understand how exhilaratingly frustrating is translating pieces of Cicero's speeches and how utterly depressing is translating his letters to his brother, especially after the death of his little daughter.

"something something, Catilina, abutere patientia nostra?!" Still haunts me in my sleep, and in the times I look for inspiration for a speech

I think a bunch of women have the same opinion, but then so do a bunch of men. You know, normies.

I think they're going in the wrong direction. The devil is not in making the bot look like a human, but move and react like one. A perfect facsimile of a hot girl is not going to give me a boner if it moves like a stop-motion animated AT-ST. Certainly not as much as an obvious android that can dance and cuddle and pretend to listen and rip spines out of burglars then make weird shrines out of them.

Everything starts somewhere. No man, really, have you seen how many times Greek legends and adventures started simply because some demigod of sorts wanted to get laid? Simply because a goddes was petty enough to want a golden apple for herself we got the War of Troy!

Is Zeus the patron god of bards, and the inspirer of their inability to keep their junk between their legs still?

Divorce rates show that when people no longer enjoy being with their partner they tend to go their separate ways and are free to do so in a modern context. If anything that supports my point. If you don't like your SO you'll just break up.

I can see a few niche markets for sex dolls and maybe with a normative shift even some wider appeal, but implying they'll replace women is laughable. Lonely mid-40s divorced men and autistic NEETs may buy them en masse but those are not the sort of prime meat that would make women "shit their panties." It's like a cat lady saying "HA HA I BET MEN ARE SHITTING THEIR PANTS NOW THAT I CAN BUY CATS"

I just wonder how many of those are women who discovered that their husbands are deceptive psychopaths like that user who use them as advanced sex dolls.


That's because people mistake short term lust (romantic love) for long term feelings (actual love). Romanticism is one of the worst things to ever happen to western society. If people would approach marriages as business deals and form a union where both people had large benefits divorce rates would go down. We should never have listened to people who said feelings and emotions were important.

probably around 0

>Can I also be pretty?
>gives her long hair

He has street smarts and has decent strength.

>Divorce rates show that when people no longer enjoy being with their partner they tend to go their separate ways and are free to do so in a modern context.
Women are also free to take half a man's shit in that context. Which is pretty much the only reason why marriage as a construct exists. The one time dump cost of buying a sexdoll is dwarfed by the potential lifetime cost of a divorce.

>but implying they'll replace women is laughable
When we entirely eliminate sex, what reason do men have to make women anything more than close acquaintances? Women lose access to the resources of men, which the state will inevitably try to resolve through some sort of bachelor tax. This is nothing new, we've been here before.

Oh boy, I can't believe I forgot to react to this little gem. Maybe if cats start working office jobs and outearning men we'll have a reason to worry.

This is kind of a lose roll on sanity moment for me, but not in the mental damage, but in the gain insight way, because I understand now.
I get it.
This is amazing. I didn't know it could come this far and it's just going to get better, this is just the beginning. Those hookers in Europe and Canada are right to be fucking scared, this hunk of plastic is unnaturally and almost horrifically gorgeous.

I didn't care, but now I do, I care a fucking lot.

I'm afraid I can't relate, I just took a high school course on his life, with Against Verres and about 24 of his letters as set texts. I still love him though

One thing that I found was that, although I had a bit of an interest in classics beforehand, most of the people on my course got really into Cicero, on account of him being very relatable.
Also, the class in the year above me were obsessed with him to the point of lighting candles and wearing veils for the class where they covered his death.
Classics in my schools was a bit of a cult ngl.

>Not to rain on your parade, but have you seen divorce rates over past decade?
Dropping in the developed world for the most part?

Let me guess, your next move will be to post a faulty statistic about how more than 50% of marriages end in divorce and everyone hates marriage these days, even though that number is only as high as it is because of serial marriages where the same person marries and divorces five times in a ten-year period.

Look at it like a sideways step in order to later advance. Looking like a human has to have somewhat widespread acceptance first before true replacement can happen, the moving and acting like a human.

It's what the market will bear, user, just to gain incremental acceptance until you get your dream come true, and looking great while she rips spines out of burglars.

This both cracks me up and hits the feels at the same time. But I can't stop laughing.

>Those hookers in Europe and Canada are right to be fucking scared
>Prostitutes protest as Spanish sex doll company plans to open sex robot brothel in UK

Holy shit.

Do any, uh, demonstrative videos exist?

Just wait until we get them with a half decent roboskeleton and ai so they seem like real, albeit more uncanny valley, people.

For sake of argument. The theory is that marriages (or even just partnerships) that started over the lust would decline if real dolls are commonplace. Those that actually come from common interest BESIDES sex would be fewer, but hold stronger.

Cyberpunk as fuck.

>divorce rates would go down
Yeah, because fewer people would get married. You can't teach that kind of thinking to most people. The ones that are willing to compromise and improve themselves for the sake of their spouse are already having great marriages, and there's far more selfish shitheads out there that would never agree to that even though they think they love someone enough to marry them. Those people just wouldn't get married if they realized it was a contractual deal and not just a pinky-promise not to fuck other people.

>what would Cicero say?
Carthage must burn.
I realize this is a bill on the local sewers, I still say in summation, Carthage must burn.

>Elon Musk releases brain upload technology from his moonbase. Everyone can live forever by transferring themselves into robotic bodies.

>You are in a terrible automobile accident.
>You wake up in a Delphine/163/H sexbot
>"Sorry man, it was the only available body."

>Not Cato the Elder
M8y u dun mixed up ur Romans

That's Cato, not Cicero. Both opposed Caesar though so I guess I can kind of see why you'd mistake them. Except that's Cato the Younger and that quote comes from Cato the Elder.

It's an interesting theory, but there are plenty of chads/promiscuous people in general, so I doubt it would hold true. Maybe when sex dolls reach a level of human interaction/mobility the case may change...

>self-driving car with one of those as a micro-brothel
>limo with half a doze

>how non-human can we make them look and still be marketable
>how young can we make them look and still not get arrested

>Be you, worker at X company
>Not the best, neither the worst
>Boss is meh, as is the rest of the staff
>You are just working to sustain your basic expenses rn
>Work day ends, you go back home
>The first thing you see when you get inside is your Gunaikabot 5000 turning towards you
>Before you can even take off your shoes she dashes towards you, grabs you and drags you into a waltz across your small living room
>you can hear the faintest whirring of her joints every time she moves
>thanks to her internal connection and control of the electrical stuff throughout your home she turns on the radio
>you recognise the sound of The Great Blue Danube
>then it clicks to you
>"What happened tho time? What did you break?"
>Music stops
>Her servoes stay still for a fraction of a second, her eyes widened, clearly expressing the "unforseen possibility" behavioural pattern
>"Did you know that the other apartments of our floor got some of their valuables stolen recently, and nobody did anything?"
>"The tief tried to break in here today."
>In that moment you hear a groan, an extremely painful one, coming from the room next to
>You go in there
>"I hope you like it"
>"It's... it's absolutely beautiful."
>You can see the shape of what once was a man, contorted and bent in ways that should be achievable normally
>Bones peek out of the limbs and form intricate pattern, horrifying, yet awe-inspiring, in its peculiar kind of way

>fap bait
pick one, unless you're magical realming it all to shit to make her hawt, then its you who's magical realming, not them

>don't hit on me silly boys
Hot people act in a certain way because people who are hot get treated in a certain way.

Hating people for seeing you sexually when all the characteristics are on display is nonsensical.

I mean the crux is your magical realm needs girls that are mean. Protip: you can be mean without being a vampire. It actually hurts more if you are rejected by a flesh and blood girl.

Fucking Byron man

Sounds like THE perfect plot for a Blade Runner rip off.
"This summer, lieutenant Jack Macloud kills an underground robotic mafia..while in the body of a robotic prostitute. Prepare to lube and lock in..CyberS3x?" I cant think of a fitting title.
Who would be the main villain? A robo-pimp I presume

"Please, please, please tell me I can trade this in when an alternative becomes available. They have loaner hovercars, right? Same thing!"

"I fail to see the problem."

Lighting candles and honouring Cicero?
Down here many would actually be Marc Antony 2.0 Handless&Headless Bogaloo.

The prcocess against Verres goes to show how lobbyists always had been around


>There's no fetish behind this
stop lying to yourself

>Well, thanks for the effort, though I do want my dick back at the earliest convenient opportunity.
>Sorry man, we can't do another body swap just because....
>Nah, the body is fiiiiine, just needs the dick.

Me and my wife went at it from a contractual angle, but it took us about 8 years before we accepted it and developed our philosophy. We're both very headstrong though, and that worked to both our advantage and detriment.

wait can I afford this? ah, okay, cool

So, pic related?

>"Fuck man, check the scrap pile. I think it was flopping around near your boots. That was a really bad accident."

user, you could always write a story for yourself.

that ass is fat

And this is why I've never played it - the risk of having to explain the character to people who not only miss the point but hit everything around the point.

You misunderstand user, no roasties care about the fact that autists are fucking sex dolls. What worries them is that once they hit the wall, autists will have an equal, if not superior synthetic alternative to the used roast beef between their legs, and will have no need to marry them and take care of their bastard children well into their thirties just to get some pussy. Normal women have nothing to worry about, but those whose self-imposed only value is their soft meat will be "bankrupt" on the sexual market past their prime. I welcome sex dolls with open arms, they'll help to straighten out our society's morals, and on top of that, hasten AI research and keep incels from reproducing via voluntary eugenics. It's a win-win-win, and there's legitimately no downside.

Marriage as a construct exists solely to promote the nuclear family (or its nearest cultural equivalent) within a communitarian nation. That is all it has ever existed for. The current time situation is odd. Gender roles are being morphed without changing the underlying sociological structures they were supposed to accommodate (and vice versa in some cases). Claiming any certain result is silly. Women currently can support themselves without a husband and yet many marry. Asexuals marry. Some men make less money than their wife. Etc etc. I'm not denying the underlying biological impulse here, I'm denying how you imply that if circumstances change beyond the parameter of "woman make baby and man make pointy stick ooga bokga" there will be total alienation between the sexes. If sex dolls are put in a closet between uses then they haven't exactly replaced women, have they?

Your last question doesn't make any sense to me because I have a number of female friends I do not and have not slept with, and some I am or have been sleeping with, so the sex appears to be irrelevant to the friendship. By extension and by analogy to the case of asexual marriage, long term intimate partnerships should continue. Unless the sex bot is also a full fledged AI in which case they'll just replace both sexes with robots.

This user gets it, besides, the only other thing that'd hasten AI development would be WW3

Marriage as a construct exists for the sake of inheritance rights.

Sort of off-topic, but a while back Veeky Forums had a really good idea for a story about a battlefield medic gynoid (female to cause potential shooters to hesitate) with a "womb" that was used to regrow organs on the spot. The area she's in is attacked, she's the only survivor, and she then finds a pregnant female who was also wounded in the attack and is on the verge of death. The gynoid can't save the woman so she cuts out the fetus and keeps it in her womb, but that will only be able to keep it alive temporarily since the "womb" is just supposed to regrow and maintain a single organ. The rest of the story would be the gynoid trying to move through hostile territory and keep the fetus alive to get to her side of the fence before it's too late.

Not really something I wanted to play, just something OP's post made me think about.

I like this thread, we have people discussing sexbots, /r9k/ lite, /pol/ite, /d/ lite and even Romaboos

Panda! Go for the panda!

I guess it was mostly because the module was "The life and times of Cicero" so it does focus on his perspective. That said, there were some Caesarians in my class.
Marc Antony was portrayed as "Caesar's dogsbody who got a bit uppity cause Cleopatra emasculated him"

As far as I was taught, Verres was a big win for Cicero, shaming the judges into convicting an obvious Bad Man(tm), despite him bribing some/most of them.

>Down here many would actually be Marc Antony 2.0 Handless&Headless Bogaloo.