/5eg/ Fifth Edition General : Magical Items are Fun!

>Unearthed Arcana: Three Subclasses

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Mods, if you're paying attention please do something about Shadman's shilling.

Everyone else, tell us about the most fun you've ever had with a Magical Item!

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Asking again

Anyone ever use Frog God Games' The Lost Lands setting, or any of the supplements? I've been throwing adventures at my players off the cuff and I need a more realized world to put everything in, and I am hearing loads of good stuff about this.

Haven't been to the general in a while. Looks like the handy github tool that compiled player options, spells, etc. died. Is there a replacement?

Dwarven thrower on a Goliath Barbearian

You mean 5etools.com?

You mean...5etools.com?
That thing in the OP pots?

>Everyone else, tell us about the most fun you've ever had with a Magical Item!
Necklace of Fireballs
playing an AT, snuck up on group of Orcs, fireballed them, survivors fled, I cast invisibility and follow them, they meet up with another group, fireballed them, survivors fled all the way back to base, I cast invisibility and follow them. While they were all piling into their main area, I sneak in, they bar the door, set up defensive positions, Head Honcho guzzling down potions to prepare for onslaught...Fireball.

That sounds satisfying as fuck

Can't say I have. What's their deal?

correction, they were Orogs

My DM called me a dick. He wasn't wrong.

I was just rollplaying my low int/wis barbarian haha...

>Last Session of a campaign because DM is leaving for school
>We get some magic items because fuck it
>Gives me a Wand of Fireballs
>We were level 4

I killed so many fucking mooks you don't even know.

threadly reminder the discord is a cancer and discussing it here makes you thatguy

>Everyone else, tell us about the most fun you've ever had with a Magical Item!
Deck of Illusions hands down. Nobody who was present when we found it could cast Identify, so they tried it out and everybody failed the save to discern that it was illusion. So for a bit it was a "Deck of Summoning Lazy Kobolds." Then we tried it in combat and the enemy went right through it, so we all found out it was illusion.
Then it became the "Deck of Sometimes Real Stuff Sometimes Fake Stuff." We called it that for the rest of the campaign because our characters were too proud to admit that they were fooled by a shitty deck of cards.

Mantle of Spell Resistance was the least fun I've had with an item though. You never realize how many magical effects don't count as spells until you fail to get advantage on them.

Can you attune to a magic item that doesn't require attunement? Mainly looking for a way to check the charges on the item without casting identify

What item has charges but no attunement?

>Everyone else, tell us about the most fun you've ever had with a Magical Item!
Sigh, fine...

>DM rolls for random treasure, get item that summons an air elemental... at level 5
>Avoid using item because it's stupid strong
>Later, in Hobgoblin dungeon outside double doors to boss fite with 5 hobgobs, a boss hob, and a flying hobgob devastator
>We all bomb initiative, Devastator fireballs entire party
>Slam door shut, start healing
>Next round Hobgobs manage to open one door
>Devastator fireballs entire party again, dropping 3 of us
>Summon Air Elemental next to Devastator
>Double slam attack does 50+ damage
>Devastator loses concentration on Fly and goes splat, with JUST enough damage to KO her
>DM is being cute and rolls a death saving throw for her because she has one more fireball in her
>Next turn, elemental flies down behind some overturned tables where Devastator fell
>WHAM WHAM the table jumps forward twice, then silence
>MVP of fight: Farts the Air Elemental

The third fireball would have been a TPK, no question.

From publisher blurb:

>The Lost Lands is the home campaign world of Necromancer Game's and Frog God Game's own Bill Webb. This campaign has been continuously running since 1977. Many of the adventures published by Necromancer Games and Frog God Games are directly inspired by this campaign. They have evolved over the decades, and more material continues to flow from it as the dice keep rolling.

>Sages and wizards of legend speak of the Lost Lands—many of the players who have lived and died in Bill's campaign over the years now have a place in history (in the books).

I read one of their adventures, The Spire of Iron and Crystal, and I was blown away. The Blight book, from what I have read, is really attractive; the sheer amount of content they've put out is staggering.

What's that? That sounds pretty cool, sounds like it has a Lost World vibe. Would be cool include it with ToA.

Good roleplayin chops there user

Hey 5e general, I am gonna be running White Plume Mountain for my group as a one shot. And one thing that rubs me kind of wrong is the villain Keraptis is talked about a lot but he never shows up in the adventure. The last encounter in the adventure sends two efreet at the party or if they've been having too easy a time it says to send in 4 efreeti. I'd like to have my players fight Keraptis himself in the final encounter. Maybe have him and either 1 efreet or some other minions to fight the party.

How would you guys go about making him into a villain? Should I build him like I would a character of higher level then the party? Should I make him a lesser lich to explain why he's still alive after a thousand years? Any help?


Apart from the mechanics of it, how does charm actually affect your characters?

A bunch of different wands

>cant bring myself to write up a character sheet
>dozen of character ideas stuck in my head
>know I will never get to play them due to shitty friends and no local store to play with
how do you do it Veeky Forums?

Is 5e big in Japan?
What about in other countries?

Write a book.

Not 100% on how to build but do not build a bad guy like a PC. They have different rules for a reason, D&D is shite at PvP combat. Now if you want him to have some ability that is close to what a pc can have that normally works out, but that's about as far as you should go.

I went with 2d6 for the arcane strike, what do you guys think? Is it worth using now or is it still too expensive when you could just quicken spell a booming blade/green-flame blade?

Do you think I should drop the once per turn clause?

Why the hell are there four concurrent /5eg/ threads?

>how do you do it Veeky Forums?
Roll for bonds, flaws and ideals and create an actual person, then choose the race and class that fits the concept

Just use the archmage stats.

because the shadfag won't stop making them.

Why are D&D modules so fucking bad for this? HotDQ is the same way, you gotta make sure the BBEG gets more than a goddamn note drop before the 3/4 mark of the module.



Maybe try Roll20 or something if you don't have a local group

aside from bad writing, it's probably to prevent players from going "okay we got a name, now let's go fuck that guy in particular!"

The main thing each module should do is preface with something along the lines of "this is a tool kit, you and your group may want explore more of less of what is outlined in this book. As a DM you should read through this and have some rough ideas for if your players decide to go with something we have not entirely fleshed out."

My players tried attacking Valindra, what do I do?

I understand your complaint but White Plume Mountain is about the journey, not the destination. It's the quintessential "funhouse" dungeon - that there is, in theory, some sort of background involved with the adventure is secondary to people going inside the dungeon and doing shit inside it

A deranged wizard building a dungeon for some contrived reason or another was already cliche by the time the original module came out.

I don't know who that is, but let it play out to its logical conclusion.

She's a lich and will annihilate them all They have been acting incredibly salty lately.
They're basically murderhobos.

She's supposed to piss off to Thay and let her zombies fight the party if they start a fight in her home. If the party makes that impossible, then just fucking kill them. They have to learn at some point not to murderhobo, and there's really no good reason for that encounter to end in a fight unless your players are retarded.

If the situation has already resolved itself and the party is somehow not dead and Valindra is still alive, she'll probably sic the Red Wizards on them.

As I said above, play it out to its logical conclusion.

If I kill them, their fucking salt is going to overflow. I don't want to deal with that shit. Even having them charmed is causing an immense amount of fucking salt. It's bullshit and they're always trying to start shit with npcs. They need to learn their actions have ramifications.

The red wizards being sicced on them is a fantastic idea though.

So, as a part of our campaign the GM has sent us to the tomb of horrors. I don't know much about ToH other than it is legendarily bad and the only way to win is not to play. So, I figured that if this is the legendary traps for days type deal, then I would do some later thinking.

We've got a tempest cleric that can create just honestly way to much water all in one go. He can concentrate and keep creating tsunamis of water for 8 straight hours.

I figure that if we deluge this place at WORST, we get a pissed off, soaking wet demi litch to drag his corpsey ass up here and fight us. Best case scenario, it drowns anything alive down there and activates a fair few traps before we have a chance to activate them with our faces.

Either that or, realistically, it would cause the whole tomb to collapse in on itself as the foundation, the mortar joints, and everything sort of just got swamped and let go, creating a massive pile of rubble to dig through so we could get some treasure.

Unfortunately, after the DM realized we were serious he stopped us and outright said that if we tried to do that we would ultimately party wipe, insisting that it was because of something in the dungeon, and not that he just wanted us to enter and complete the tomb like normal (which I would have accepted anyway).

So, 5eg, what the fuck is in this tomb that would tpk us if we're standing outside pouring a raging torrent of water on it?

Also, any specific tips for tomb of horrors beyond "use your brain". I've tried being cautious and thinking of it as a puzzle, but so far we've come to a gate of mist and a mouth holding what I can only assume is a sphere of ahnihilation. No clue how to move on.

get a better group.

>If I kill them, their fucking salt is going to overflow.
you didn't kill them, they killed themselves for attacking something way the fuck out of their league
>b-b-but user, we didn't KNOW!
Yeah, maybe that's why you shouldn't try to murder every god damn thing you come across.

Just try having fun instead of being a massive fucking faggot.
I mean seriously, you sound like the worst kind of entitled little child.

Nothing that I can remember, no. But the Tomb of Horrors is a dungeon more or less designed for the DM to passive-agressively tell cocky players to fuck off. It takes a very particular type of group to unironically enjoy it for reasons other than the gimmick of playing the TOMB OF HORRORS (!!!). It's entirely possible that your DM has rediscovered the original spirit of the adventure and cranked up the bullshit lethality even more

actually there's no fucking way you can flood it, due to the free ice cream.

My DM was jew levels of tight when it came to giving out magic items, so i never got any.

More like retards won't stop making them despite a perfectly serviceable thread having been made by the shadfag first.

go away shad, we aren't going to use your shitty thread

Literally all you have to do is take out the advertisement for an unrelated site in the OP. Then people will post in your threads.

>perfectly serviceable
>link to porn website in the OP

Can't you go bother the paizo or OSR generals or something?

>I figure that if we deluge this place at WORST, we get a pissed off, soaking wet demi litch to drag his corpsey ass up here and fight us.
why exactly would the demi lich gives two fucks about it?

I mean, I am having fun? I was perfectly happy to accept it if the DM said "no please do not just ruin this thing from the outside, just do the regular dungeon run" but apparently he said that there's a very specific thing that makes that impossible. I was just incredibly curious as to what would TPK us if we went with my plan.

I had assumed it was a gelatinous cube and that if we kept pumping shitloads of water into it, it would become enormous and kill everything, but the DM firmly denied that. Like, I ain't even mad, at all. I'm just very curious now.

Like, the orb of ahnihilation wouldn't kill us just because of the water, right? unless they explode when overloaded or something. Otherwise, it'd just make it difficult to fully dunk this nasty boy.

I'm particularly attached to this character, and it seems the DM has a plot he intends us to go through (that I keep trying to get the party back to) so I don't know why he'd have us do tomb of horrors. Isn't it true that you literally cannot actually kill the demi lich unless you have +5 magical weapons?

and orb of annihilation would prevent the water from getting any higher than where it is. I don't know everything about the ToH, so I don't know if anything normally get aggroed by the water, but the demi lich isn't even going to notice the place got flooded.

I figure he'd be more than a bit perturbed to have all his shit put below sea level. Like, no exaggeration, the amount of water this guys character can create is enough to fill a largeish lake. putting that much water into any structure is going to cause serious degredation, and would certainly cause the demilich himself to get swept around by the currents (since our watery lad can apparently waterbend this stuff according to house rules). I hope you understand, this wasn't just going to make things a little damp, it was going to completely submerge everything in the structure.

But, again, that was just me trying to do some lateral thinking to at least get some advantages for the party before we ventured inside.

Unfortunately because of autists like you it is a matter of principal to not use any thread with shad faggotry at this point. Keep crying and whining about it every thread though, I'm sure that will eventually win people to your side.

Hey, I'm not the one that's eventually going to be banned for spamming duplicate threads.

Demi-liches aren't really aware of their surroundings until a fresh soul comes along.

>Can't you go bother the OSR generals or something?
delet this

You act as though that means there's no one else to make a new one. Face it, your thread is shit and no one wants to be apart of your blatant attempt to promote shadshit, because at this point you are.

ah, I see. So the orb wouldn't even just have a rate at which it destroys the water? I had figured it would be related to the surface area of the orb, pulling in a certain amount of matter around it per second, meaning if you could increase the volume output of water to be greater than the amount consumed by the sphere you could start to fill it. But, it doesn't matter anyway, we're in the bastard. I found that poem with all the hints in it, but I'm not sure what they want me to do with the orb of annihilation. Is it just a red herring? It feels like it's just there for one player to stick their hand in and die so that everyone can focus on it despite it doing nothing.

No offense but OSR isn't hot enough at the moment for trolls to put forth the effort. It's a blessing and a curse in some ways.

>It feels like it's just there for one player to stick their hand in and die so that everyone can focus on it despite it doing nothing.
that's basically 90% of ToH

Yes that is literally what it is

>Also, any specific tips for tomb of horrors beyond "use your brain".
Secret doors.
Fucking everywhere.

Stop spoiling yourself about the module and wait till you play it, in any case your DM probably changed stuff to make it fit the campaign better from what it sounds like

Eh, I think Orogs should be more intelligent than that... also how come none of them managed to detect you, take a shot at you or whatever? Must have been some wicked stealth rolls (yeah, invisibility doesn't make you undetectable).

>(yeah, invisibility doesn't make you undetectable).
no but invisibility plus expertise in stealth plus spiderclimb, plus loud explosions help. In addition to that, my party was following behind me, killing any that remained and causing a lot of noise on their own.

really? That's interesting. So, do they just float around and hope that people show up in search of treasure? Do warforged or any other non souled creature potentially set them off?

I think I may have had pass without trace on me, as well from another party member

So, would truesight be useful at all for ToH or is there a miasma of "no truesight here, fuck off" around the whole place?

Also, the thorny brambles on top of the barrow triggered one of our characters flaws and so he turned the upper area of the ToH into a pleasant series of hedgerows with mowed grass and a gravel path.

What's a good way to build an Elric of Melnibone expy in 5e? EK or Blade Pact warlock seem like good start points, but what else from there? Is it worth throwing in some barb levels to represent the weapon taking over in combat? What about Polearm master for some variance in weapon flavor?

>really? That's interesting. So, do they just float around and hope that people show up in search of treasure? Do warforged or any other non souled creature potentially set them off?

pretty much. Despite their mental stats, they are basically a (un)living trap. the MM says "This "demilich" contains only a fragment of the lich's malevolent life force- just enough so that if it is disturbed, these remains rise into the air and assume a wraithlike form. The skull then emits a terrifying howl that can slay the weak-hearted and leave others trembling with fear. Left alone, it sinks back down and returns to the empty peace of its existence."

So if something were to attack it, it would attempt to destroy it then go back to being a very decorative paper weight. It's chamber flooding probably wouldn't even register to it.

They're still my friends.

But I have no fucking idea what's wrong with them.

well, that's hilarious. if I had done that, the legendary tomb of horrors would have just had the added difficulty of being underwater. So, is there any actual way to kill it? We were contracted to kill the demilich by the city, as people had gone missing on the road near the barrow. I figure normal shit won't do it.

I have a magic lamp that can produce 10 pounds of holy oil (among other things) per day, and thus my character has learned to use prestidigitation (or thaumaturgy?) to light her thumb and just spit the holy oil as a small gout of fire. would literal holy fire do anything against this malevolent paperweight?

>But I have no fucking idea what's wrong with them.
they haven't had a DM that's willing to let them suffer for their stupidity.

a standard 5e demilich can be killed in the usual ways


force them to use character voices if they aren't already. It's weird, but doing intentional character voices prevents power gaming and general shittery, as they have to act out being such a relentlessly shit human. Like, it's easy to say that you attack a guy outright for teh lulz, but it's hard to have a character, with a name and a voice affectation and mannerisms and everything, decide to be a murder hobo. solidifying actual roleplaying can be most easily done by forcing them to roleplay mundane things like getting food and talking to people. in shadowrun our DM made us roleplay getting fast food and going through the line, using discounts and shit, having the order fucked up, etc. etc.

>having the order fucked up,
I'm 80% sure it's not even murderhoboing if you set fire to their shitty soyshack for that. I mean if you don't do it some other Runners will, so really you're doing the community a service by making sure it's done right. The Sixth World is a dangerous place.

It's worth not reading disgustingly shitty literature (and I'm taking other fantasy as a measuring stick mind you) and making a character based on the titular Mary Sue but don't let that stop you. I see you've already decided to get some meme feats as well so I proudly present you with a That Guy diploma.
Now fuck off and make your own character based on your ideas.

Hexblade Pact of the Blade Warlock.

Ask your DM to allow the Hex Warrior feature to make the weapons sentient via your patron.

Honestly the extra effects for each element of arcane strike seems like it's overloading the kit.

It's also worth nothing that using arcane strike doesn't prevent you from using two weapon fighting or activating multi-attack abilities that require your first action to be an attack. Booming blade and green flame blade count as spells and so cannot be used with multiclass options like fighter, bladesinger (probably the most useful due to stat synergy), etc

god you must be fun to play with.

So yesterday I had an idea about Final Stands. I've written up a little handout to give to players once they die.

I'm looking for how this can be abused to subvert the 'spirit' of the action, which is supposed to be the player trying to help others with their last moments, rather than trying to come back to life or save their own ass.

What do people use for online character builders nowadays? Orcpub seems to have been gutted.

No I've just worked in fast food in a bad part of town. You make fucking sure you don't fuck that shit up because someone will LITERALLY set you and your store on fire.

>Honestly the extra effects for each element of arcane strike seems like it's overloading the kit.

I gotta disagree, in my test run, it was very situational due to the effects being tied to such a low damaging source. Look at Battle Master Maneuvers they recharge on short rests, did more damage, could be used multiple times per turn, did not have a weapon restriction, and were not tied to the class as a whole. While here the sorcery points are tied to the main draw for Sorcerer. You could be quicken spelling a booming blade or GFB, or Twinning Booming Blade, Haste, or something vs a small 1d6 + possible rider effect.

>It's also worth nothing that using arcane strike doesn't prevent you from using two weapon fighting or activating multi-attack abilities that require your first action to be an attack.
Correct, nor do the battle master maneuvers or Smite. So you could use it with a booming blade or something. In my playtest, I used a Shadow Blade + Longsword, I felt more inclined to use a Quicken Spelled Blade cantrip than even trying to use the Arcane Strike feature due to the much lower damage and secondary effect having a chance at missing entirely.

>Booming blade and green flame blade count as spells and so cannot be used with multiclass options like fighter, bladesinger (probably the most useful due to stat synergy), etc
Also true, not sure what that has to do with this? EK's get War Magic and can do this a well, but better because they are not limited to the Bounded weapon if you're talking about Arcane Frenzy.

>for the purposes of any roll during this turn, you choose the outcome
I'm not exactly sure what this means. Can they just decide to roll 20s on all their attacks and damage that turn?

i like their tome of adventure design

it isn't Online but I use MorePurpleMoreBetter character sheets

Those also got nuked?

Gave my level 2 fighter Blackrazor

>Orcpub seems to have been gutted.
Officially, yes. Unofficially, you can find .orcbrew files for all the missing stuff online and manually import it into Orcpub to get everything back.

The main hiccup with this seems to be sharing the character sheet with people. Since you can't see other peoples imported orcbrew files on their sheets right?

Sadly yeah, but he does have a patreon now. So you might be able to get them from there. I just have a blank template from right before the purge. it's missing XGTE so that sucks.