Wizards is now requiring all tournament organizers and retailers that are part of WPN to perform background checks on all their staff. This is also required for events like FNMs at gaming stores, Grand Prix, and Pro Tours.
People are complaining that this is going too far and stores are barely able to make ends meet as it is without having to worry about the added costs of background checks.
Did they make the right call?
Wizards is now requiring all tournament organizers and retailers that are part of WPN to perform background checks on...
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If this is about the pedophile thing, then the billion dollar company should be footing the bill on background checks for people in their program
This is literally impossible to enforce. Also, shifting the costs of background checks to the stores is dickish in the extreme. Sure, the intent is good, but there's no way they can or will enforce this. It's a PR thing only.
It appears USA is not a 'rechtsstaat', where the juridical system would exist to make the country safer for everyone. Actually, it appears USA does not have a justice system, but instead a revenge system.
good idea, but wotc should pay for it.
They're digging themselves deeper into the "judges are volunteers, not employees" hole
Have you considered suicide lately op?
This. Background checks make sense for any event involving a lot of people, they should certainly be mandatory for any involving minors. But Wizards should be footing the bill.
That's the party line and by God are they gonna run it into the ground, no matter how retarded it is. Dammit, I used to like WotC, but the last few years have really soured me on them as a company over shit like this. Acknowledge your judges as part-time employees, they work insanely hard and deserve to be recognized.
>Sure, the intent is good, but there's no way they can or will enforce this. It's a PR thing only.
>We have a zero-tolerance policy. Sex offenders have no place in the Magic community.
>As part of our commitment to safe and inclusive spaces, tournament organizers and retailers will be explicitly required to conduct background checks for all staff (as permitted by applicable law). This includes CFB Events' Grand Prix, local store events like Friday Night Magic, and professional events like the Pro Tour and World Magic Cup as well as convention play run by Wizards.
The mention of zero tolerance and explicitly required makes it seem like more than PR talk.
They better be fitting the bill on this if they're that serious.
They want judges to be upheld to the highest standards and yet won't employ them.
Something's gotta give.
>shifting the costs of background checks to the stores is dickish in the extreme. Sure, the intent is good, but there's no way they can or will enforce this. It's a PR thing only.
This. Shit ain't free, honky
>They better be fitting the bill on this if they're that serious.
Footing the bill, user.
So when do the background checks on players begin?
Hire your fucking judges WotC you cheap shmucks.
the only events I attend to are pre-releases
if WotC pays for my background check I have no fucking issue of having to take one IF the event I'm at will have kids around
my LGS holds pre-releases morning, afternoon, evening, and night. I attend to the nightly events precisely because I don't want to be around kids
if WotC demands I get a fucking background check to hang out with other 20-30 somethings dudes late at night they can go fuck themselves
I think it's a combination of greed and fear of a lawsuit. Imagine if judges were considered some form of WotC contractor and even 1 kid was diddled by a judge who wasn't background checked. WotC would go out of business and Hasbro would have to pick up the pieces of the shit company they only wanted in the first place so that they could make a Dungeons and Dragons cinematic universe.
I think physical card games for the 18+ crowd are ded anyways. Everyone I know who still collects Magic cards is just a turbo autist who checks card prices 10,000 times a day to see if the card they're hoarding went up a penny or not. Nobody actually plays for fun like we did 15 years ago. It's just this sad, sad institution my friends like to call "MtG Finance." I don't know anyone who's made a penny from it except for one LGS owner who screws kids who sell their collections to him.
>tfw you cheat dumbasss teenagers who have no idea they are being sharked
>they bet cash on a game under the table, one guy will bet me bars (valued at $3 each, resale for $10)
>the only time i've been asked to leave or otherwise interacted with the staff besides buying cards is lighting a smoke in the middle of a lengthy duel
>tfw sex offenders, alt-right memes and yu-gi-oh players (they are fucking scum) have made so much static that i get to live anime
This shit is great. All I have to do is say "whoah sex offenders what the fuck? not cool" and everybody is going to look around for chester the molester. If anyone isn't fleecing people at their LGS now is the time to start - gambling is not going to be the "it" concern for MTG for a long time.
Yes they did.
The banning of Jeremy was not made so he would uncover even a bigger scandal (that mtg is full of pedophiles) They fucked up big time as a company.
Wizards is trying to kill LGSs and neckbeards anyways, but I wonder how they'll keep the "official" events thing going if they drive the volunteers away and dont want to hire people
Wise advice
19 posts in? that's a new record!
hopefully, that nigger can go back to talking about games instead of bitching about drama and how the professor fills his fat, rotten asshole with his beta male semen
This all strikes me as kind of silly. If I was a pedo it would just mean that I go and play at events rather than judge
As for stores having to check their Judges, at least in Australia, background checks for volunteer positions are free, so there's that for conventions or majors. As for FNMs, 9 times out of 10 here it just means that one of the staff or owners will be judging anyway.
Everyone pretty much agrees that WotC horrifically underpays employees and they can only find retards and purple hairs with no experience to work there. They were paralyzed and had to tie up Hasbro's lawyers to find them a solution to this problem.
Sprinkles the cosplayer should've been a paid brand ambassador on WotC staff. Jeremy should've been banned immediately (not 6 months later) when he started making le edgy Veeky Forums banter on Twitter about her being a cosplay thot. Judges should be paid and vetted. Cards should not be of a lower physical quality now than they were 25 years ago.
WotC is a poorly run company so some faggot in Wisconsin was able to singlehandedly fuck their shit up. It's pathetic.
Well some asshole at a pokemon card tournament almost shot the place up, so, yeah.
in a vacuum i think the whole background check stuff is a wise choice no matter who said they should do it. however i do now realise that WOTC is filled with dumbass, greedy CEOs like every other big corporation is filled with either dumbass, geedy CEOs or literal fucking sociopath who probably backstabbed their parents 40 years ago to get ahead.
yes i am exrtremely biased and cynical about big corporations (which is kind of odd considering im very optimistic and idealist in almost every other regards. figures.)
He shouldn’t have been banned at all. She IS a fucking cosplay thot. That’s it.
Jeremy may be an asshole shitlord, but I don’t think anyone should be banned because they said something that hurt someone else’s feelings.
As the rulers of the world, the corporate illuminati, I think I should be able to ban anyone for anything I feel like.
So this is how it ends.
It's time for a revolution, a new company.
In Australia the employee has to pay for their own 'Working with Children' background check.
Mind you, in Aus the check is also FREE if you are a volunteer or charity worker rather than an employee also sticks about for two years and can be used anywhere you go after you've got it. Like, for example, my Blue Card would be valid if I wanted to become a Judge for MTG even though I got it because I do IT support for a company that often means physically going on school grounds to install equipment.
I'm not sure if other countries have it be per-job.
Oh that and going by the law, you already needed a Blue Card to be a judge (As you are a volunteer in the area of children's sport and activity recreation), though I'm not sure if it's been enforced before.
So as a whole, in Aus 'You need a blue card' is a comically easy requirement and I doubt it will cause any trouble here.
Its free in Canada if its a volunteer job. I'm not sure if judging counts as volunteer work but if not I think its 25$ other wise.
He's an asshole who didn't deserve to be banned for life, and she's a thot who deserved to be paid for her work for wotc just like the judges all do.
>in Australia, background checks for volunteer positions are free
Who pays for them
What work for WotC did she do?
>Did they make the right call?
Yes, they want LGS to close.
Wether that's a good idea in the long term for the survival of the game is not clear but it's what the reptilians making the corporate edicts want to happen.
The government? As part of it's general public safety initiative, since it runs the blue card service?
What a bunch of dicks. Just hire some official judges already, you cheap fucks.
>creep betting xanax with teenagers on games lights up a cigarette during a children's card game
whoa dude so anime. everyone at the shop probably thought you were a badass protagonist
holy shit, you're the guy who is head of his high school tabletop club, bitching about how evil religion is in yesterday's cliche thread
what up
There's a reason gun stores have a fee to run your paperwork and background checks even if you're basically just picking up a gun you've already paid for, at least here in America. They'll learn quickly why if they push the costs off on the stores.
Are you employed by the hosts of the event? Are you judging the event? If you answered no to these questions, you're fine.
If this was for judge staff that would be fine by me but this new policy also is stated to include all employees for any lgs that wants to host an fnm. Wotc is only showing they have no problem with overstepping the bounds and controlling small businesses through overreaching policy.
Wotc should not be requiring businesses to spend money or worse pawn the cost onto the employees themselves.
The background check should be involved in the enrollment of the wotc judging program and nothing more.
I work at a small store where this new policy if fully implemented will force us to fire a longtime employee because of a mistake he made when he was a kid in college 35 years ago just so we can keep sanctioning so we don’t lose our store. The guy got drunk as a kid and groped a girl he had a crush on who turned out to be a cops kid so he was put through the ringer and tagged for life. The owner has known the guy since even before the fuck yo in high school and is going to be forced to fire one of his oldest most loyal employees because otherwise we lose wotc sanctioning and with that the financial revue mtg and dnd adventure league brings to the store.
>all these SJW shitbags doing damage control for a giant evil corporation which knowingly exposes children to pedophiles
You "people" fucking disgust me. Is there no depth of hypocrisy to which you will not sink?
They didn’t even expose the guy. An independent group did and they reacted.
>playing magic in the first place
This also affects the ability to host dnd adventure league.
Of course they didn't. They have been knowingly putting registered sex offenders in positions of power over children for decades because they did not want to lose the free labor from people who would never report anything to the government or police.
Best to be ahead of that sjw tide of pressure than behind right?
>If you have the wrong opinions than you are subhuman
W e w l a d
If you are a disgusting hypocrite who would defend for political reasons a large group of active pedophiles who have been seeking out contact with children I have strong reservations about your humanity.
Look where you are, faggot.
This isn't your liberal shit tumblr/reddit/facebook safesite.
Kill yourself
It's free in Sweden, period. Of course, that does lead to every company ever getting background checks for everyone they even consider hiring, just because they can.
Cool response, my friendo.
Did they teach you that at community college?
Shit, wait...
You don't have to do much at all to qualify as a judge.
Do i hate people who abused children? Yes
do i hate people who have a romantic and physical attraction to teens, but who are mature enough to know that they would be taking advantage of a person who is at the most vulnerable point of their lives, potentially traumatising them for the rest of ther lives, and therefore allow their attraction to manifest as friendliness and mild flirtation at the worst, doing everything they can to make that young person's life better? No.
Splitting some mighty fine hairs right there I tell ya wut.
Maybe I'm just cynical, but I can only assume that the intent is to put this off onto their business partners, who will have to ignore it for financial reasons and then point to the fact that the organizer/store was not complying with WotC requirements so that if something happens and someone tries to sue they can displace any liability onto the local store or organizer.
Its the diference between hating rapists and hating people who have romantic relationships. Forcing another person into something that will hurt them is wrong. Thought crimes are an abhorrent concept and to judge someone based on thought alone is petty and pointless. Actions make the man.
T. Aristotle
Look its a pedo.
NICS background checks return results near instantly and cost 20 bucks. Quit yer bitchin, i pay for and submit to a background check at least once every othet month. Its a nonissue. If stores really cant afford it, make the applicant pay for it.
So your answer is make minimum wage lgs employees pay for it. Good idea fuck them hourly employees that clean up after your stanky ass just so you can sling cardboard at other neckbeards on Friday nights.
Some quick googling says that a background check can cost between $10 to $45 per person and how intense you want it to be and an average processing time of 2-4 business days. That poses a serious issue for stores in my opinion. If a store were to hire a someone on Thursday, by these rules they would have to cancel FNM because the background check wouldn't be complete or pay a premium to get it done the next day, which will either see a loss in profits or cost them more money. The same would apply if a background check ended up taking longer than usual. Not to mention that as points out, the whole legal conundrum of volunteer or employee is pretty difficult in the US and the only way to get an answer currently is through a lawsuit that forces a ruling on it. If WotC expects stores to look after all of the background checks it will be unenforceable, there are just too many small parties that cannot be easily managed, if WotC were to add it as part of becoming a Judge, then it is totally enforceable and the cost can either be a fee for judges or something that Wizards pays.
There are good intentions behind this, it just needs serious refinement.
The flipside is if even a single instance happens after this goes into effect and the people had done all the paperwork involved, it goes to the next level.
The real death of the game/company will be similar to what is going on in hollywood right now. Either wotc comes to its senses and axes all these people, or they will gain even more power and get ballsy. Both avenues will end with (((females))) at wotc accusing (((males))) of sexual misconduct.
We are already seeing ripples of wotc knowing this and taking steps to minimize it. Why did LSV stop working for them to go back to playing? Not because he had a burning desire to play, it was because his affair with another noted magic personality came to light around this time. Wotc didn't want their name attached to something like that.
Companies that operate like this are more concerned with hiding shit than fixing shit, they will eventually hide stuff for so long, and turn their attention to it so fervently, that they will forget the bigger picture. They will continue to make steps like this, follow them. They will eventually push too far and someone will eventually catch a "rape" charge and then its all tinders and kindling after that.
Mark my words.
I don't play Magic but I find it hilarious that this could have all been avoided if they had been a little less SJW and told some attention whore to go stuff it. Women are the ruiner of empires.
If you don't play Magic and you don't know what is going on why are you here you stupid faggot?
dear aristotle
shit floats when you throw it in water sometimes
t. a faggot whos not retarded
Fuck you diogenes.
I'm here for the drama, senpai. And I have an idea of what's going on. Not perfect, but I've seen the threads here and elsewhere in the nerdsphere.
Did someone get molested or something?
>so poor you cant spend twenty bucks on a background check
>profits so low you cant afford to spend twenty bucks diring the hiring process
How the fuck does the applicant have shoes on? How the fuck can the store even afford to keep the doors open? Are you retarded?
Dont hire someone on thursday and tell them to work the next day? Have you fucks never had a job before?
Doesn't really matter anyways. I give it 5 years before MTG is dead in the water tops
One could argue, for example, that the most "just" system would be one that redistributes criminal punishment based on rate of solved crimes of that type. A bicycle thief for example would get punished not only for his own crime, but for all those bicycle thieves that do not get caught. This makes the crime itself not viable according to game theory and therefore prevents crime in the first place, which is arguably more just than "righting wrongs".
Try posting a pepe meme on twitter and see for yourself.
They've been in process for a while now, user. Try posting something that goes against the progressive narrative on an account with your real name and see how fast you get targetted.
That whole thing about MtG judges demanding money is rippling to other games in a bad way.
Privateer Press ended their similar ambassador program some time ago after the lawsuit. Infinity people are worried about the WarCor program in similar way.
Most people understand what does signing up for "volunteer work" means, although MtG judges have a lot required of them for it.
>get punished not only for his own crime, but for all those bicycle thieves that do not get caught
>therefore prevents crime in the first place
What? All this would do is fill up all the prisons as fast as they could build em. That's a shitton of tax money to pay for an army of criminals to be housed and fed by the corrections system.
US uses those inmates as legal slave labour, so it pays them to do that.
A Working with Children Check in Australia is free for volunteers... No real issue.
Surely something similar exists in US states...
That sounds like a serious violation of the criminals rights. After all, he's being punished for crimes he didn't commit, rather than just ones he did and punishing an innocent (Relatively speaking, he IS innocent of many of the crimes there) guy is very not just.
Why is people getting fairly compensated for their labor bad?
You don't get a return even close to making it worth it from a financial standpoint.
Nigger you're seriously retarded if you think that breaks even cost-wise.
As far as I can tell, in most american states there isn't really such a provision. Which really seems to point at an issue with the working with children check system than what WOTC is trying to do.
To my understanding it all started with a lawsuit in California where some volunteers were honestly being overworked, like 10 hours of work with no breaks and I believe they were trying to secure breaks to eat and go to the bathroom.
It has more to do with how you would classify and define those employees, would they qualify for benefits, and who is responsible for if anything goes very badly
The US does not which is why people are criticizing WoTC for not having thought this shit out enough.
>volunteers being overworked
>needing permission from daddy club owner to peepee or poopoo
The actual state of MTG nerds. What the fuck are they going to do, fire you? Just walk the fuck away and if anyone complains just be like "bitch, this is my time not yours" before dipping your balls in their coffee.
>All this would do is fill up all the prisons as fast as they could build em
Not every punishment is a prison sentence
How many right a criminal has and how his rights weigh up against the interests of the judicial system is another entirely arbitrary convention, mate.
Most judges are bugmen who only have social contact with MtG players and judges. They'll do whatever is asked of them so they don't get a social death penalty from the store or WotC.
>How many right a criminal has and how his rights weigh up against the interests of the judicial system is another entirely arbitrary convention, mate.
So is saying that doing it the aforementioned way is 'Just'.
Okay when you start handing down fines in line with '(criminals) get punished not only for (their) crime, but for all those that do not get caught' what do you expect will happen? When Jamal gets fined like $200,000 for stealing a bike, what happens when he doesn't pay it? Does he just get a bigger fine?
Strange then that for-profit prisons are so widespread in the states.
This is exactly the kind of culture that breeds organized crime.
Exemplar punishment is useless, having the highest rate possible of crime prevention and punishment is the only way to improve a society.
If some people don't get punished because they have money, because they know the right people, because the police are incompetent, etc. people don't feel safe and criminals aren't deterred
I do not disagree with you, it was a weird as fuck case, was just trying to say how a lot of this shit show got started.
I thought corruption was one of the major causes