>Paladins in contemporary settings
Paladins in contemporary settings
the desire of DEUS VULT /pol/tards
I mean... yes? Godly warriors in a modern age is what OP asked for.
Holy Avenger
Modern Paladin is not the worst concept, I would enjoy smiting the scum of this stinking planet
So I smite people with my gun?
Orthodox priests In Russia bless weapons IRL. In an RPG that could actually result in dealing additional holy damage.
>not knowing gun paladins have their own martial art
I've been wanting to do this forever. How do I do it?
Cults instead of holy orders
The ethnic cleansing aspect of it kind of precludes a good alignment, doesn't it?
This is a rhetorical question. Don't answer
Ethnic cleansing is a hallmark of Abrahamic religion, so no. According to some interpretations of the bible, blacks are soulless beasts of the field and Jews are Satan spawn. According to the Torah all non Jews are cattle. According to the Koran, everyone in the world must be Islamic or must die.
You know the answer.
Nations have the right to decide their own ethnic makeup.
This horseshit will never look not-stupid, let alone work
Is that fucking Solid Snake middle right?
Not as stupid as a guy waving a stick and throwing a fireball from nothing.
I would argue that institutions like the masons are for that shit. The pen is mightier than the sword.
it looks great and doesn't work
> According to some interpretations of the bible
>Jews are Satan spawn
user you do know that most of the bibles is the jewish religion? The new testament is very short compared to the old one
These two guys looks more like Blackguards.
You know how many professions have oaths or codes that seem to be a basic description? Serve and protect, Do no harm, etc?
Now imagine if someone held to those codes as fiercely as they hold on to dear life. There you go.
I have never seen someone so autistically assblasted over an rpg class.
The idea of a tactical team of paladins trying to take Jerusalem thru holy guerrilla warfare sounds really cool desu
according to your post your a moron.
>Not Constantinople
Come the fuck on man. Pilgrims are already guaranteed safe passage to Jerusalem.
>being a christcuck is badass u guise look at my LARPing costume from /k/ and my sick tone-deaf 40k references
that's nice sweetie
But I prefer San Futuro's n°1 superhero exterminator
>When you’re so brainwashed by buzzfeed and CNN you can even let others post modern Paladins
>confirming people's assumptions about you
nice job
K /pol/tard time to take your meds and go to your containment board
So which is more /pol/: calling christians christcuck and wanting to worshiop Odin or wanting to liberate the Holy Land in the name of Christendom?
why do all the christcucks make paladins christian?
Why not have a buddhist paladin, or a hindu paladin, or a muslim paladin (jihad is a lot cooler than "le deus vult")
>When you’re an intolerant atheist not realizing the irony of feeling morally compelled to shit on Christians trying to post modern Paladins
Christcuckoldry. Nothing more /pol/ than pretending that conformism is anti-conformist.
We wuz vikangz is just neckbeard behavior.
>So which is more /pol/
Using buzzwords and bait while acting like a flaming cunt, insisting only you can be right
>why do all the christcucks make paladins christian?
I have no idea. I mean, it's not like there's medieval epics where paladin are specifically referred to as champions of christendom upon which the paladin of fantasy are based or anything?
>Why not have a buddhist paladin, or a hindu paladin, or a muslim paladin
Why not a hindu pope while you're at it?
>The progressive left is /pol/
At last I truly see!
gentlemans clubs
>When the thread goes to shit because the first response was a “Go back to /pol/“ troll
>implying masochistic spiritual soyboys aka Christians should be tolerated.
It's not morality that compels me it's just plain old disgust. Which also happens to be a reliable moral compass.
nothing about the modern paladin archetype (holy warrior) needs to spcifically refer to Christianity.
Go back to r*ddit
It really isn't, given that disgust is subjective
>not realizing both are both are at fault for this
Only thing better about /pol/ is that they can have a sense of humor and be ironic at times
Thread is complete dogshit due to crusading atheists imposing their moral authority, so I’ll post my futuristic Witch Hunter from Destiny™
While destroying what remains of another board. Great.
Quite irrelevant. A christcuck like yourself ought to know that the heart is a surer guide of morality than reason.
Thanks for ruining the thread with your politics instead of, y’know, hiding it or something.
Maybe the OP and I wanted to play a modern Paladins and wanted art?
No, but really, thanks for “saving” us from the /pol/ that’s not ITT
bhuddist paladin is a bhodisatva
or a sohei
Muslim paladins are the followers of islam who are tasked with waging jihad. Mujadeen
or possibly a gazi
I don't know much about islamic culture.
I honestly don't know much about culture at all so take these with a grain of salt.
Im pretty sure a hindu paladin would be a seikh.
wiki searching came up with this
>sense of humor
ah yes alllll those right wing comedians about
>He can’t tolerate different views
You’ll learn to live in a multicultural society when you pass puberty.
No, but really, I’m glad you don’t wield power. The world needs less bigots
The boards been going to shit recently with all these fetish threads, but it’s not so bad, I’m sure it’ll recover in a week or two
>nothing about the modern paladin archetype (holy warrior) needs to spcifically refer to Christianity.
Except the fact that it draws direct inspiration from Three Hearts and Three Lions, which is a rewriting of Carolingian epics.
>You’ll learn what it means to live in a multicultural society when you pass puberty.
Fixed that.
>oh shit its /pol/bait hopefully no one will take it
>fuck someone took it!
>shit I know, I can fix it by being a passive aggressive pussy and make snide remarks
Fuck off
Sikhs are not Hindu.
Respect different views even if you don’t agree with them? Please start by posting modern Paladins or leaving/hiding the thread. Thanks.
So angry that people want to post modern paladins lmao look at you
So, what kind of mounts would a modern paladin have?
and? Barbarians draw inspiration from northern european warriors and conan the barbarian, it doesn't mean you can't have an african inspired barbarian or jungle barbarian
>it doesn't mean you can't have an african inspired barbarian or jungle barbarian
Don't make me go there.
>Respect different views even if you don’t agree with them?
No, that is an ideal you get taught during puberty. What comes after puberty is reality.
>Regular Paladin detects evil
>Mr. Rogers detects your potential to be the best person you can be.
>Regular paladins smite evil lords
>Mr. Rogers convinces them that they need to spend their evil gold on improving children's lives
>Regular Paladins torch the den of corruption that is NYC
>The population of NYC assembles to sing Mr. Rogers theme song whenever he visits the city
For show? A horse.
For fight? Modern combat vehicles with religious decals and nicknames. Like tankers name their tanks goofy things, so I imagine a paladin’s tank would be called St. Big Bess or Mr. Smite
>Pic semi-related
Swiss Guard’s armory. They protect the Pope
The "What will you take" seems so out of place. It makes so much more sense to say, "What'll you have?". And the subsequent text say, "WE WILL HAVE JERUSALEM".
Apparently I can’t into posting pics
Go back to /pol/, please. The adults are trying to talk
>The population of NYC assembles to sing Mr. Rogers theme song whenever he visits the city
He's like gamera
not an argument
>Why u so angry
I’m not, you’re just projecting while trying to be smug, and if you really wanted to get the thread back on track you’d actually talk about paladins and post art instead of bitching
>itt: people who don't get paladins
I want to bite that bait!
Nearly every picture ITT is by me.
>Pic related
Swiss Guard. Real actual modern Paladins even if they do look goofy.
Please leave or hide the thread. There’s no /pol/ here.
Answer me this, loyal brethren of Veeky Forums!
Did this user know what his words would cause when he made his contribution to the thread and if he didn't, if he acted in ignorance, does he still deserve judgement for his deeds?
>/pol/fags upset about fetish shit the very next day after fetish shit is used to get three /pol/ threads shitcanned
>Modern combat vehicles with religious decals and nicknames.
Can you imagine how cool a modern holy order would be? You think the pope would still have political power if he had his own private army? Also power armor is a must have
>Gamera is a friend to all children and Mr. Rogers
But it's the most important part. The Old gives context to the New. Jews are, by definition, those who refused Christ, and therefore apostate. That they continue to deny the savior is surely the lies of the adversary at work.
Yeah, there’s a distinct kind of troll that derails threads by deliberately bringing up politics. “Go back to /pol/“ guys are an especially insidious kind because not only does it cause the OP to have to defend himself and distance himself from the topic he wanted to discuss, it draws in actual /pol/ and lefty/pol/ to duke it out
Why would Catholics give a flying shit about retaking Istanbul when it isn't in any way related to or a pillar of the catholic faith
Probably ESL
What if they were Orthodox?
He's just a persistent nutter
Because the Latin Empire is the perfect place to stage attacks into the Holy Land.
I'd just take Russian Military gear and stick their crosses and heraldry on it. The fact that they tend to have face covers on their infantry helps to evoke that too, since balaclavas can look like chain coifs. The helmets with the face shields are perfect for modern paladin so you don't have to make anything strange like OPs helm to have a helmeted knight, and so are their shields since they evoke the "I'm here to protect others" deal. Parade gear of the Swiss guard that the other user posted is all well and good but if there's actual combat afoot you got to go for something else.
Nope. The word of God as handed down by the Traditions of the Church is the guide to a Christian morality. Being principled rightly avoids the dangers of the heart's liability to give into cruelty and all manner of sinfulness in pursuit of gain or pleasure. It is not our heart we listen to, but that of the Holy Spirit. It's a very different guide. Reason is another fine tool for the purpose but it is more limited, being a tool of this world: it cannot tell us anything of subjects that sit above and beyond it: it does not confront things that are transcendent.
Because they are based on Arthurian legend and stories of Christian Knights? A Buddhist paladin makes no sense considering the 8 fold path, they'd be better as druids, monks, or rogues.
A Hindu paladin wouldn't evoke the wrath of their gods so much as he would evoke their name and favor, so a cleric.
A Muslim paladin makes sense, but wouldn't be drawn to stereotypical paladin arsenal, and would most likely be a hybrid between a paladin and a rogue, or even a ranger.
A Jewish paladin has precedent, but besides people like David and Samson, they'd work better as clerics or wizards.
The best fit for your average D&D paladin besides Christianity, would probably be a Sikh, and even then, you'd favor dex weapons and maneuverability.
>he doesn't remember the buddhist crusades
Fuckin' mortals.
>A Buddhist paladin makes no sense
>A Hindu paladin wouldn't evoke the wrath of their gods so much as he would evoke their name and favor, so a cleric.
Couldn't you say the same about Christian Paladins?
>A Muslim paladin makes sense, but wouldn't be drawn to stereotypical paladin arsenal, and would most likely be a hybrid between a paladin and a rogue, or even a ranger.
How so?
>A Jewish paladin has precedent, but besides people like David and Samson, they'd work better as clerics or wizards.
>He doesn't wanna fight righteously for YHWH
[Citation needed]
>arm wrapped in barbed wire
We're reaching leveks of edge that shouldn't be possible
>just take Russian Military gear and stick their crosses and heraldry on it.
Why didn't I realize this before, ruski combat gear is a perfect inspiration for modern paladins.
Nothing screams DEUS VULT more than air-dropping mobile churches into warzones.
You can't refute this.
>jihad is a lot cooler than "le deus vult"
>t. soyboy
Not even into Deus Vult, but this sounds awful like the kind of muslim apologist you'd expect from someone that got a Nintendo switch from their parents in christmas, even though they're grown and hsould make their own money.
Muzzies suck, all countries with muslims are horrible.
An interesting book about this is "Troubled Islam"
Christianity is pretty fucking stupid too, but you can have so many more christians than you can do muzzies before things go south.
>A templar, a ghazi, a sōhei, a bhodisatva, a rajput, a [whatever jews have] and a sikh walk into a bar
>Suddenly they're approached by a non-denominational spirit entity that's just vague enough not to offend any of them giving them a quest to take down the demon king
Stat 'em.
>Intelligence: 0
>Tips fedora