You know what, it's been a while since we did one of these, so lets go for it. Time to roll us up some practitioners of heresy most foul.
First, I'll need 1d20 for our background.
You know what, it's been a while since we did one of these, so lets go for it. Time to roll us up some practitioners of heresy most foul.
First, I'll need 1d20 for our background.
Rolled 10 (1d20)
I'll bite. For Heresy!
Excellent! There can never be enough heresy!
So, that gives us two options because I was an idiot and didn't realize there are two tables. We can either be formed from an Errant Adeptus, which means we've got resources for days and can bring near-inquisitorial levels of power to bear if we get moving, or we can be a Sorcerous Cabal, practicing foul magic and nabbing psykers.
I'd say either roll 1d2 to choose, or pick one.
Either way, after that I'll need 1d100 for our Cult Leadership Type.
Rolled 2 (1d2)
I'm a sucker for rolling everything.
Rolled 60 (1d100)
Well, there's only two of us in the thread currently, so them's kind of the breaks. I'll roll the next one anyway.
With your roll we are a Sorcerous Cabal! Fell magics and rampant mutation abound.
I'll roll 1d100 for the leadership type then.
>Strict Military Hierarchy
Well okay then, that's different than I thought. So we're soldier-mages in some manner, or at least keep the organizational setup.
Next I'll need our leadership's nature, so roll 1d20.
Rolled 20 (1d20)
>Something Else
Ohoho! We got the big one here. The source of our magics isn't human-derived, xenos, or daemonic as we know it. Whatever it is, it's something strange and unsettling. Could be an abominable intelligence, could be a nascent C'Tan, could be something even stranger still, especially considering our military bent.
Next, I'll need 1d10 for the Leadership Style.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Maybe its a sort of artifact or material that we can use to make equipment that our mage-soldiers can be trained with?
Could be. Considering we're apparently using magic without daemonic contact, it's gotta give some kind of magical potency, but the nature of that is up to us.
Either way, that roll gives us:
So whatever our leader is, there's something hiding behind the scenes, meaning that we'll generate whatever that is separately. What that means though too is that whatever our Something Else is, it's just a proxy for whatever it is we'll roll up next.
So, for this evil secret mastermind, roll 1d100 for Leadership Type!
Rolled 34 (1d100)
Good job, me.
The vagaries of the options field outfox us all sometimes.
>Central Figure
Alright, with that roll we've definitely got someone leading the cult behind whatever eldritch smokescreen they've got running. I kind of want to say it should be an Abominable Intelligence, just so the guy running it could have gutted it and is puppeting it around like the Wizard of Oz.
Next I'll need 1d20 for this leader's nature.
Rolled 14 (1d20)
"Vagaries." I need to use that word. Do you write?
Mostly setting and campaign stuff, but I read a lot. Been working on finally typing up the campaign setting I've kicked around since high school as a new years resolution.
Well, I guess our magic actually does come from a proper daemon. The question is, should they be associated with one of the Chaos Gods, or should they be a more minor entity striving for glory?
Either way, all I'll need now is 1d10 for how they lead the cult.
Rolled 1 (1d10)
I'd prefer a lessor being, if only because I feel they would be more motivated. The other Gods have their cults, footholds in the world. This thing is striving to earn that sort of recognition.
Maybe. If the dice agree with me.
I love it already. This is just scheming all the way down, puppets upon puppets upon puppets. We have some kind of strange source of power that is actually a front for a lesser daemon, who is actually a front for someone ENTIRELY DIFFERENT.
Lets roll that 1d100 AGAIN!
Rolled 14 (1d100)
I'll be surprised if we aren't Tzeentchian.
It feels like a Cosmic Pyramid Scheme!
Alright, so in that case another Central Figure. Maybe he's basically playing the vizier the daemon, agreeing with it and toadying to it while manipulating it to do his whims?
Either way, I'll need 1d20 for that secret leader's nature.
Rolled 10 (1d20)
Rolling for the true leader's nature.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d10)
So many rolls, so many rolls!
Roll 2d20, this is god damn ridiculous.
I rolled Demagogue twice. Does this mean our cult leader's silver tongue could give Hitler a run for his money?
Rolled 17, 15 = 32 (2d20)
God, Imagine if there was a power struggle....
Alright, so it's a...double demagogue? Do we wanna reroll one of those, or just have it be a demagogue who preaches two completely different things?
Alright, never mind, we're all dumb at it should have been a d20!
We've rolled double daemon, which makes this even more confusing!
Sheeit, a Double Daemon? Does that mean they're twice as powerful as an ordinary cult daemon?
So to date: we have a militaristic magic cult worshipping a strange magic source being used as a front for a daemon being used as a front for another daemon, and there is a ceremonial figurehead beibg controlled by the daemon being controlled by a daemon, with two different styles of demagoguery going? Ow, my poor head...
It's not that complicated if you're a schizophrenic fanatic militant sorcerer
Tzeentchian as fuck. Let's just roll with the supreme leader being a double daemon double demagogue because that's gonna make more sense than figuring this shit out.
Someone roll 1d20 for the cult's equipment.
Pic related.
Rolled 8 (1d20)
Rolled 4 (1d6)
Rolling to see how many times we've got to roll for equipment.
Aww hell yeah, Heavy Firepower. For as bullshit as our organization is, we've definitely got the guns to show for it.
I'm basically just picturing Daemon-powered NERV at this point.
Roll us 1d10 for our Tokens of Allegiance.
Rolled 10 (1d20)
Wait shit, you're right. MORE EQUIPMENT.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Well, at least one of our Tokens of Allegiance rolls is a special material, which could be the power-granting Something Else that's up in the thread.
Someone should also roll 1d6 for how many times we roll on the Allegiance table.
Rolled 19 (1d20)
Rolled 1 (1d6)
Okey dokey boss.
Rolled 3 (1d6)
Otherworldly Allies...fuck, this is getting more pyramid-schemey by the moment.
We also have Wyrdcraft/Sorcery from meaning we need one more roll for equipment.
Rolled 5 (1d20)
Last equipment roll, you should tally up OP.
Looks like that's the only one for identifier, but I think it works pretty well.
Alright, now we need 1d20 for our Cult Allure!
Rolled 19 (1d20)
Our batshit insane witch-cult is hell-bent on ending its own existance. Absolutely fucking phenomenal.
Alright, so in total we currently have for our Equipment:
>Heavy Firepower
>Otherworldly Allies
>Brutal Weaponry
And for our Tokens of Allegiance, have
>Special Material
Well, when in doubt, seek the most absurd death via backstabbery possible. This is seriously just turning into daemonic NERV.
Now someone roll 1d10 for the Rites of the Cult.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Lets hope forcing Children into Titans is a valid rite.
>Sorcerous Arts
Well, it's not shoving kids into titans, but it might as well be if we can get them to Chaos Spawn hard enough.
Do we want to roll for the Deities, or should we just auto-ascribe this to either Tzeentch or something weirder like Malal or a lesser chaos god?
>Sorcerous Rites
So fucking obvious. Honestly, I could swear Kek is real and has a fetish for the randomgen threads on Veeky Forums.
Rolled 4 (1d20)
Of course we roll for deities, we haven't come all this way for nothing.
...Nurgle? I mean, okay. That pretty much goes into Instrumentality pretty well. This is one of those side projects Nurgle forgot about and moved on from, isn't it?
> The sorcerous cult hell-bent on oblivion worships Nurgle
Why am I not surprised? I do wish we'd gotten Strange Pantheon though.
It's hilarious though, we've spent the entire thread hyping up Tzeentch, only to have the RNG throw us a curveball like this.
We are:
>A Sorcerous Cabal with a Strict Military Hierarchy
>We are led by Something Else who is a figurehead for a Central Figure Lesser Daemon, who is a figurehead for a double Demagogue double Daemon. Who knows what the fuck a double daemon is.
>We have for our Armaments and Defenses Heavy Firepower, Otherwordly Allies, Wyrdcraft/Sorcery, and Brutal Weaponry.
>We have Special Materials we make stuff out of.
>Our cult's allure is Oblivion.
>Our rites are Sorcerous Arts.
> And ultimately we worship (?) Nurgle.
Man, what a clusterfuck. What the hell are we calling this not-NERV?
Dont ruin it. Just make it tzeench
But Nurgle ties in with oblivion so well... What if the Double Daemon was actually a Nurglite, outscheming the lesser Tzeentchian Daemon, which in turn, is manipulating Something Else, which in turn, is struggling to keep a clusterfuck of militant nihilist sorcerers that worship Nurgle and Tzeentch in equal measure from collapsing in on themselves in a psychic orgy of annihilation?
Sounds good to me. this is the kind of thing where Nurgle and Tzeentch had a bet years ago for a Book of Job style contest then completely forgot about it. This is the result.
But how the fuck do they manage to worship and appease two diametrically opposed deities simultaneously?
I would say in the case of Tzeentch and Nurgle, the paradoxical notion of Hoping for Oblivion. Endlessly planning and struggling and working so that your deeds can all be for naught. It takes a special kind of madman to worship this group well.
That said, with all the layers in place, most of the cult probably has no idea what the fuck is going on and is in it for the magic powers and giant robots (Which our Heavy Firepower/Brutal Weaponry should totally include.)
I do really like the idea of this originally just being some kind of experiment by the gods that's gone horribly awry though.
Imagine being the poor Acolyte bastards that have to make sense of this shit.
So, we've got the world's weirdest cult. Now we need names. What are they called, what exactly is the Something Else that starts their giant clusterfuck of figureheads, who are the daemons that control them and also importantly, where are they from?
Rolled 20 (1d20)
rollie pollie ollie
Why not make the double demon two sperate demons trying to secure control of the cult.
what if a great unclean one is currently the cult figurehead but a lord of change is manipulating a warp predator for control of the cult
I am of the opinion the Something Else should be a sapient artifact, an instrument of Chaos that has had the souls of so many bound to it, that it ceased to be inanimate and gained its own, if limited and impossibky fractured, consciousness. The artifact has possessed the cult's strongest psyker, amplifying their strength tenfold, a minor Tzeentchian Daemon is manipulating the artifact-bearer, but is in fact bound to the service of another still minor but cleverer Tzeentchian Daemon that knows its true name, but a powerful and unusually subtle Nurglite Daemon is manipulating both Tzeentchian Daemons into achieving its aims, and they are attempting to manipulate it in turn, and beneath the artifact-bearer and Daemonic hierarchy, a massive militaristic cult is held together by unfathomable byzantine intrigue and a shared obsession with destroying their own souls.