32,50 for ONE fucking beast of nurgle.
55 for TWO pusgoyle blightlords.
I know some people will spout the poorfag meme, but it doesn't matter if you're able to afford it or not, these prices are getting absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable.
32,50 for ONE fucking beast of nurgle.
55 for TWO pusgoyle blightlords.
I know some people will spout the poorfag meme, but it doesn't matter if you're able to afford it or not, these prices are getting absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable.
The fuck monetary measurement is that?
Whats sad is the old models cost that much.
>when FW becoems the poorfag option
Just take these instead , they were always mroe aesthetic then the GW equivalent, now they are cheaper too.
In general i agree though, GW is going crazy with some pieces.
If you look at the Euro symbol next to it, maybe you can piece it together user. I believe in you
Also relevant, BoN is probably the easiest mini greenstuff yourself.
I know the euro it's the
I'm confused about, and why is the 50 a smaller font?
Italians use comma instead of the point, i imagine some others do too? It's smaller so you ignore it more easily.
Europeans sometimes have difficulty reading numbers while large arab cocks are in their face. So they make the 50 smaller to denote that it isn't an entire Euro, just 50 cents. Quite an ingenious method of getting around such a common issue.
>Italians use comma instead of the point
Fucking Italians, Great Grandpa was right about them.
Then buy a start collecting for 55 instead and convertmthe flies included in that you dumb fucking cocksucker
>Miniature is larger than a carnifex
>is cheaper
nah fuck off poorfag
Euros use commas instead of periods, which is technically correct, since the comma signifies flow or a follow thru
12,30; twelve and thirty, twelve dollars and thirty cents
Compare and contrast with Americas period
12.30; Twelve. Thirty. Twelve dollars. Thirty cents
>12.30; Twelve. Thirty. Twelve dollars. Thirty cents
I much prefer this method.
Nice blog post, you monumental faggot.
>technically correct, since the comma signifies flow or a follow thru
A thousand. Twelve, and thirty.
Come on neither of them are logical it's numbers not a sentence.
The funniest part is how ugly monoposeit is and how unique pose it is.
You're like an abused wife, get the fuck out of the relationship. Especially if you play something other than Marines/Sigmarines.
t. moved to infinity 8 years ago and didn't look back
American system makes sense.
Seven dollars and 35/100 dollars.
One hundred dollars and 99% of a dollar
You do know the “.” denotes fractional dollars, right?
I for one welcome our FW overlords. They have vastly superior taste. Just take a look at their plague marines!
Old beast of nurgle was $25
New was listed at $40
And here I thought the new box had 2 inside it...