What's a good slang for a dude who's into orc chicks?
What are some good general fantasy setting slangs?
What's a good slang for a dude who's into orc chicks?
What are some good general fantasy setting slangs?
Other urls found in this thread:
moss farmer?
lol idk
Green fever?
is good if you have porcs. Saying a dude has 'green thumbs' might work also, if you have green orcs. It's going to depend a lot on their physiology and culture, since that's what a lot of slang derives from.
Sadly I can't think of anything for the first question, sorry friend!
But for the second one:
"Knife-ear" for an Elf was always one I enjoyed.
I suppose any type of lizard (gecko, iguana, or just lizard) would probably bother any reptile race.
In my native language chicks that are into black people are called "inkpots".
So, given that orcs are fungi, maybe mushroomer?
We don't need these threads any longer. All they are is /pol/ bait and you can get much better and more creative ones in the archives. Just search 'slang'.
Why don't people admit when they make fapfuel threads?
lol nun-janis hard at work
Let's say they're of dark geen/black color, their culture emphasises brutish force, endurance, clanship, inventiveness and pragmaticism, and they are really ugly, as in disfigured, and they neglect personal hygeine.
I dunno what the fucker himself is called
but their offspring is a Vomutt
My cheeky answer would be 'mothers' since most orcs will have faces only a mother could love.
I call elves fucking leaves in my setting. It kinda stuck.
A Cutlip (kissing a chick with tusks)
Green/Gray fever
A Pigfucker if you want to be really rude.
t. Half-Orc player and cutlip
>Tolkien Orcs
yerch jerk
>Warcraft Orcs
>Elder Scrolls Orcs
>D&D Orcs
You do bring up a good point about the practicalities of dating a green babe, well done
Reminder that “Go back to /pol/“ posters are trolls. This post was made with the intent of derailing the thread
Nah, just call them that even if they're not porcs, but green orcs. Its all the more insulting that way.
Pig Farmer
Swine Slapper
Breeding Sow
Bacon Greaser
Zuggychaser? (sounds like "chubby chaser")
Keebler or Keeb will always be my go-to Elven insult.
>Tolkien Orcs
yerch jerk
>>Do they even exist?
>Warcraft Orcs
>>QT3.15 imo SMASHUM
>Elder Scrolls Orcs
>D&D Orcs
>What's a good slang for a dude who's into orc chicks?
A porcer.
A man of impeccable taste
>yerch jerk
>>>Do they even exist?
Steal the old Anti-Touhou slur and use Porkeye.
depends which orcs. If shroom orcs, maybe tree-trunks. If pig orcs, breeding sow, etc.
Trunk tappers
Don't look at us, dude.
You folks are the ones who decided to adopt orcs as the black people of fantasy
awww she looks so in love
"Twig" is a good elf slur.
Well if you as a human male fuck an orc female you were probably a sub, so maybe something like Zuk-Sub.
I wouldn't say no to that (pic related)
No, /pol/ decided it. Veeky Forums doesn't give a flying fuck.
Trips wasted on a crypto homo, who had your boipucci first dad? uncle? brother?
I love this, a lot of these just sound like on the spot insults rather than slang but this one is casual enough to imagine people using as a slur. I guess the cultural reference means it really only works in a setting like Shadowrun but I really like slang that actually sounds like something real people would actually use.
"Shut the fuck up Glynnodil, you fucking keeb. Nobody asked you."
>so insecure in his masculinity that he calls anyone who likes a girl tougher than a pillow a homo
It's okay user, the mean bullies won't find you here.
Sounds like you are talking out of experience
Or maybe
Works only for Warcraft-orcs but I like it
Fucking sub-zuks
>I suppose any type of lizard (gecko, iguana, or just lizard) would probably bother any reptile race.
My go to is "skink." It feels like a slur coming out my mouth.
All the worst real-world slurs use an i as their major vowel. Calling somebody a "spic", "kike", "nigger" or "chink" has an awful weight to it, whereas shit like "beaner" or "cracker" feels a lot milder.
Tusk chewer
Pig sticker
Makin' Bacon. As in.
Do an Orc
Just for the sake of accuracy can a drawfriend make the girl's skin light green and give her cute little tusks?
Orc girls are the best when they're so in love.
This only applies to English though. Still, a very interesting observation.
shrek chaser
agreed, they all are easy to literally spit out or shout. Feelings of hate for the "others" are old and primal so the words should be the same
That's confined to spelling, though. The picture changes if you look at pronunciation.
spic, nigger, chink: I
beaner: iː
kike: a͜I
cracker: æ
Putting aside fetishes and memes, what kind of orc woman would feel attracted to a puny human?
It's been mentioned in a couple of places in D&D lore that Orcs are generally aware Half-orcs make better leaders, tacticians, and spell casters so it's not unheard of for female orcs to intentionally breed with human spell casters or charismatic humans with the hope the resulting child would pick up some magical or strategic talent and rise through the ranks of the tribe quickly assuming it survives it's childhood, if it doesn't she'll just try again
Dorc. Surprised nobody grabbed the lowest hanging branch yet.
Single syllable with as many harsh sounds as tastefully possible. This is why 'cuck' is so satisfying; it's the short delicious stab of 'fuck' but instead of the soft start the 'F' gives you start off with a strong 'C' (Phonetically a 'K').
For orc-pokers? All kinds of fun to be had. Pig-sticker? Could turn it into 'Picker', but that's too vague. I really like the sound of 'Sluck'. It doesn't have any exact connotations to the subject besides sounding like a combination of 'slut' and 'yuck' or 'fuck' or 'cuck', but it just sounds revolting.
"You guys see that sluck over there? Let's go burn their car."
>knife ear
It's fucking dumb it's not insulting at all. Haha! Your ears are pointed! Gottem!
Most real world slurs are just as toothless if you take them at face meaning
It also depends on the human. A burly fighter type might be conventionally attractive to an orc.
Or you might have Orc women who are attracted to humans because they're exotic and different from the norm.
Depending on how they're treated, Orc women might be attracted to humans because it's a step up from what you can expect from a male orc.
It's also possible that you just have humans and orcs living together in relative peace for a long time. Eventually some of them are going to fuck each other. Because that's just the way this shit goes.
Orks, the ones that are fungi, are also completely sexless.
Maybe a truffle? Pigs like those, right?
What kind of human man would be attracted to a giant ass orc woman? Ladies can have fetishes too.
Yeah, "nigger" is just a corruption of the Spanish word for black. "Spic" is just a shortening of "Hispanic." "Nip" is short for the Japanese word for Japan. Just to offer a few examples I actually know.
The orc version of this bitch
Is that manga supposed to be horror or are the unsettling faces supposed to give you fearboners?
I wanna fuck that ork
We all do user, we all do.
Who makes these images? Where do I find them? I need them for world building
Exactly what kind of world are you building, user?
Well, appears to be the same Orc. there's a name on it. Vamii'ra. Might be a good place to start.
My femdom magical realm
Fick the thief
Or Flick the thief, I forget exactly
A shit. I'm almost ashamed to like the same Orc as you user.
I like Truffle.
"Pigsticker" maybe?
For Shadowrun or a modern setting with orcs "Kermit".
Greentounge might also work.
All of y’all need an actual racist in here to tell ya how to properly slur races. I’ll give you guys some of mine for when I play games with my boys
Knife Ear is a classic of course, but I like Fwink, short for Fucking Twink
>Orcs in general
I really like to call these Lemmings, reason is Orcs die in DROVES for whatever reason, whether it’s from crusade from the humans, purification from the elves, or even better, Orcs killing Orcs. Orcs will throw retarded amounts of bodies at a problem, lose and then get absolutely blown the fuck out. Fucking lemmings the lot of em.
Squats work really good, it’s simple and efficient and rolls off the tongue
Dolls, because every race larger than a halfling just loves fucking them and turning them into their personal fucktoys
Goofs. They are always fucking around with machines and most of the times someone is bound to goof around the machine and die horribly
Deathbreath, because breathwrapons
Failvas, short for failed Devas, really makes an aasimar angry when you make them realize how far from grace they really are compared to actual exteriors
Failvils, short for failed devils, especially those that actually enters pacts with devils and demons to get access to their bloodline powers
Tusk licker
pig fucker
monkey junkie
banana / 'nanner
grunt runt
>he doesn't like femdom
Back to the forest with you
femdom is a shit fetish
it's fun in small doses but the memelords on this site want a substitute mommy
Porc barreling.
There's probably two kind of Orc lovin' Men. Small, submissive guys, who get dommed by big orc mom-gfs, or really dominant ultra-masculine guys that want a fellow warrior gf to force into submission. Or something
fuckin' A, right?
like nobody here wants to be a burly combat monster that knocks up an orc woman because human women will never measure up to his standards of strength and martial prowess
Yes. My children will not be infected with the weakness of the women of my species.
My children will be warlords.
Ironically Immortan Joe chose some really fuckin weak ass skinny bitches to sire his brood. Shoulda bred the skinhead dyke.
Green for gold...or would that be better for a hooker that goes for orcs?
>they inherent your recessive genes that make them prodigies in casting
This is not a /pol/ thread, this is just what happens when someone doesn't fap before posting.
>jani trying to push his prudish agenda
fuck off, go put your experience on Veeky Forums on your resume
If your favorite pairing isn't tough warrior men with tough warrior women you can step right the fuck off with your shit taste.
She was part of his harem, but she's sterile.
Also, he went with the skinny bitches because he wants kids that aren't genetic freaks like his other two.
Fighter is a skinny soy boy in this image
He's still a barrel-chested Adonis with tree trunks for arms and an incredibly beautiful face in that art. In most art and in-game he has skinny little legs but that art gives him more reasonably-sized ones. There's nothing soyboy about being a legitimately pretty man, though.
I'm surprised she doesn't have him wearing a G-string or something. Or nothing at all.
I really like this one
shit taste
>Just for the sake of accuracy can a drawfriend make the girl's skin light green and give her cute little tusks?
Not much of a drawfriend and certainly not much of a colorist but here you go
Lawnmower. Get it?