Would your PC make a good parent?
Would their kids turn out alright?
Would your PC make a good parent?
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OP please stop shitposting. It's just really dull for everyone.
I miss that band
If she were capable of being a parent, it would mean she ate someone and will rape a demon or mortal forcibly to bear her inhuman get. So no, and unlikely.
what's hilarious is that Kuro is only emulating being a good parental figure. Literally said the 'right things' by rote, and literally wants to EAT her when she's old enough and enough of a murder machine.
One time I had a character dad so hard that he accidentally redeemed a demon that he thought was just a lost kid.
Though it was a Fate/Zero style demon, not the fire and brimstone deal.
Are you sure she doesn't want to eat her out? I thought the point was that Kuro was grooming a loli harem.
And just who is this midget prostitute? I need to know for scientific reasons
Salad is a sex fiend.
My character wishes to be a mother more than anything else in the world but it’s likely not gonna happen. She’d be a great mom if it did, though.
>Would your PC make a good parent?
They are a good parent, he’s a retired paladin working a farm with his wife and five children. His wife’s parents have also moved in with them and he takes care of them; so your stereotypical family man
Honest question, what's being a good parent like? I have the impression that it's a really daunting thing, where you more or less have to stop living your own life for the sake of properly raising a child. That's a lot of pressure.
No, it was pretty specific in the wording.
I wouldn't know. Can give a few ideas on what good parent isn't though.
Yes. Especially if those kids are mine.
i play as a sexy female
who else here secretly ships themselves with their PC?
>I have the impression that it's a really daunting thing, where you more or less have to stop living your own life for the sake of properly raising a child.
Well, taking care of somebody who can't walk, has troubles eating, can't wipe their ass, will scream until they turn blue, is so light than any common sickness is a serious issue and who will have any number of issues that require a lot of attention to keep in check is a full-time job.
The kid's front and center on account of requiring your input and care to survive and to not become mentally handicapped in the process. Your hobbies will be on the backburner for a couple of years, but it's managable as long as you and your relatives haven't fallen for the nuclear family mayay and are willing to help. There's also plenty of good literature on raising kids and the kids tend to learn voraciously every waking minute, so things usually turn out okay as long as not every single person they have to associate with is a huge fuckup.
Sarada from Boruto. Left is her depiction in the anime, based on Kishimoto's design from Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, while the right is Sarada from the Boruto manga, drawn by Mikio Ikemoto, former assistant of Kishimoto and the current artist for the Boruto manga.
[Japanese FBI vans intensify]
No my PC would be terrible because I'd say all the shit I believe and the kid would have to live in my fear induced paranoia for its entire life and not just the past five years I have developed
this is legal in japan you fucking mong, japan is a magical land of pure thoughts
The Rurouni Kenshin author just got arrested for child pornography.
My intention was to say Mikio Ikemoto may follow suit.
My kid never knew me because I knocked up some feral world bitch and fucked back off into space.
He grew up to be a Space Marine.
Anime Sarada is a top qt
>drawing all the loli smut you could ever need
>actually falling for the van outside of drawings
literally how do they make this mistake
poor dude
>it's managable as long as you and your relatives haven't fallen for the nuclear family mayay and are willing to help
Since when does a nuclear family mean you aren't receiving support from your family support structures? A nuclear family just means that the parents are married, cohabitating, and faithful to each other. You can have support from granparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in a nuclear family.
One of my favorite PCs is actually a father. One of the big things about him was that he was a terrific father...to everyone but his actual children. His son resented him for coming home occasionally with stories of adventure and the people he'd traveled with while never sticking around to actually be a father to HIM. The reason why he didn't stick around? His wife, totally his wife. He carried on for about a century like this before things came to a boiling point. Playing dwarf team dad was a lot of fun, though.
I still listen to "You're Gonna Go Far Kid".
That depends on your definition of 'good parent' and 'turn out alright.'
They'd definately raise the kid in a caring household, be there for their offspring, provide direction and moral support to their endeavors and make sure they stayed out of too much trouble. The kicker here is the character in question is a Shadowrunner, so their moral compass would be slightly skewed. He'd be the parent who would show up to the school office when their child got into a fight and be more concerned with how they fought/did they use correct technique instead of being upset they were fighting at all.
As for the child turning out alright...well...he'd make sure they had a solid skill set and offer to pay for their first piece of 'ware or starting load out instead of paying for college and make introductions to his fixer with the assumption that they'll be following in their old man's footsteps. Take that how you will.
I wonder what would happen if a pregnant PC was decapitated.
What kind of life would the baby lead? Would the baby ever be happy?
My PC is a young, psychotic dwarf with eldritch horror inflicted multiple personality disorder.
She would probably be fine.
I think Rasmus would be an alright dad. He'd probably snark at his kids a bit too much, though.
Erebus knows he tries.
So far the kids are all right, if a bit on the mischievous side. Which is a problem when those kids are Gnosis 40 Half-Gaira-Dragons.
>dwarven daddy issues
that's a first in my book
She would and has five times
Friendly reminder Sarada dresses like a slut and acts like a brat because she's acting out against her horrible home life.
She deserves(and more importantly) needs your empathy and your support, not your scorn. Be nice to Sarada
Her mother's retarded and her 'father' is busy fucking Naruto every chance they get. Kid's got it rough.
It will all be worth it when Hiashi's plan comes to fruition.
>dresses like a slut
Not really, kids dress like that these days, it's normal. My sixteen year old girlfriend dresses very similar to that
What does keikaku mean?
Somebody please post the picture of the lich and a small drow girl, I can't find it anywhere...
Pics of your daughter?
Mine doesn’t have a choice. She’s pregnant and none of the players even know.
If she dies I’m arranging for the DM to have the other players deliver the baby as she dies screaming in pain if she isn’t blown to pieces
She does act super motherly to the other players when she’s not being a dick, too bad the session makes it impossible for her to settle down.
Your girlfriend is a best girl, be good to her
Nuclear family also assumes the parents moved out on their own at 17 halfway across the country to that shiny new factory job and put Grandma in a home, rather than the traditional family structure of two or three generations living together or very near eachother raising the family as a community.
Nuclear family is incompatible with traditional "village" child rearing.
Vampire, so no real kids and the closest thing is spawn
and they don't want more vampires 'round
But also if the vampirism goes, still not a good parent because they're a wizard.
>female ninja dresses provocatively
>people are surprised by this
Part of being a female ninja likely involves slurping sensitive information out of some drunk old bastard's dick. I know Naruto got the whole ninja thing confused with wizards at some point but they are still ninjas.
Yeah but literally consuming the girl is pretty OOC for her. Wanting to fuck her isn't.
user do you not know what "eat" means
Yeah but he said "literally eat," not just nudge-nudge wink-wink "eat."
>Would your PC make a good parent?
Sure, in as much as an ex-merc trying to be a regular person can be.
>Would their kids turn out alright?
Depends on how well they turn out after the constant barrage of dad jokes and calling in their "uncles" when the first daughter starts dating.
>You can have support from granparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins in a nuclear family.
As the other user said, the stereotypical Nuclear Family of the 50s and 60s typically dumped their parents like hot garbage into nursing homes while relying solely on whatever networks they created after moving as far away as home as possible.
Be aware, as well, that the Nuclear Family only became prominent in the 1950s, which consistently birthed some of the shittiest, most whiniest bitch-kids in existence.
My PC is a parent.
She's a fucking awful one. Her youngest is like 8 and she's already developing alcoholism.
I don't know what fucked up place you guys were told what a nuclear family is, but it doesn't require sticking your parents in old person jail and moving a thousand miles from your childhood home, it just literally means that you don't have other adult relations living in your house and that Mom and Dad are still together.
There's no definition of Nuclear Family that I can find that demands that you abandon all social support structures and forsake your relatives. The Nuclear family is primarily contrasted against single parent household and prior-divorced blended households.
It's not a required part of the nuclear family, only a part that comes up often with nuclear families as the grandparents no longer have a means to support themselves (you had many children in olden times so they can support you when you're incapable of doing it yourself.)
By the time the elderly are so old they cannot live in their own homes, their grandchildren should be starting families of their own, so moving back in with a child isn't going to upset the idea of a nuclear family.
My grandparents had great grandchildren in their 20s before they needed to move in with an uncle.
Stop that man.
He has 14 children.
He tries his best.
This is Kuro, I wouldn't rule out both as an option.
Ehhh, I think she would try her best, but her fucked up childhood would mean she would be somewhat clueless.
Like, she's very nice and kind and what not, and would absolutely be a dotting parent, but she wouldn't really understand kids. Assuming she has more than one, she would probably learn a lot from her first child and get better with each successive one.
Current characters are a Shadowrunning Decker with daddy issues so... they'd likely TRY to be a good parent just to prove themselves better than their jackass of a father but... most likely it would go badly because Shadowrunner.
Only other game I'm in right now is a Trek game. I'm fairly sure my Klingon engineer would be a pretty good dad, actually. He'd do his best to make sure his kids were not disgraces to the Empire, and his general effort and enthusiasm levels would probably get him off to a good start.
My warlord has about seven kids, two of which died trying to kill him and one killed two others. He was kinda too busy leading a marauding horde to raise the kids he had before the army really got going.
After that fell apart though he and the party's witch moved to an orchard and are being good parents to their little girl.
My character is already a father, 6 times over. He usually works as an archery instructor for the kingdoms army, and one of the combat tutors for the children of the royal family and high nobility. He takes the occasional dungeon clearing or mercenary job on the side for extra money. This past spring he took his oldest son (15) with him to the Capitol for a festival, where he won an archery contest and was allowed to accompany the king, and his father, on a hunt(I'm so proud). He commutes every fortnight or so between home and the Capitol to spend time with his family, and always spends the winter at home.
DESU, this character would just be doing something they really believed to be the best for their child. Getting survival and combat skills as well as the gear to use those skills with might actually be worth a lot compared to four years in college with all the problems with unemployment, companies wanting overqualified people for minimum wage and other shit.
Sounds familiar...
God I love Sarada, wish that one artist would do less insane porn though, his art is good, just need to ignore a lot of it.
I'm gonna drop a hot no. My PC thought she was doing a good job at raising her son since he became a knight...but he ended up working with our campaign's villain and chopped her arm off
Do not fuck the dragon or you get little Dinahs.
Do you want little dinah's running around the house?
Currently playing a savage lupine mutant in a After The End game. Despite being bestial and a bit of a monster he'd be a very good, protective father for a world where the weather's gone crazy. At the very least he'd bring them plenty of meat and keep them safe. In the case of children that aren't freaks of nature like him he'd have to kidnap a human to teach them important things.
Seriously the hardest thing most people ever do with their lives. Imagine having a roommate that is physically incapable of cooking, cleaning, or doing any meaningful housework and doesn't pay rent. Right there, that's already a raw deal. Now imagine that you need to pay for this person's clothes (that they outgrow every year or two), they're medical needs, and maybe chip in a little on their education too. For a few years, they can't even talk, they're that dumb. They don't even poop in the god damn toilet for about two years! Can't even poop in the right place! And everywhere you go, you see people just like them. Useless, selfish, horrible little goblins. But you look at yours and think, maybe I can help this guy. Maybe I can teach him how to tie his shoes early so he won't get made fun of for not knowing how in school. And maybe I can teach him to value honesty and hard work, and people will like him for it. And maybe I can take an interest in whatever weird hobby he likes, like video games or even football, and help him be great at the things he likes. And those things overcome all the literally shitty parts of being a parent. You fuck it up all the time, of course, because you're a selfish asshole that wants some peace and quiet when you worked all day and came home to a kid screaming about how he pooped himself right when you picked him up, or he got in trouble at school and the principal wants to talk to you, or how he's yelling at you for not understanding his feelings when you tell him he can't go to the party the older kids on a school night, and you flip your lid. You say the wrong thing, you don't say enough, you deal the wrong punishment, whatever. Mistakes will be made. Parenting is hard. It's even harder than marriage for most. But sticking it out, continuing to get back on your horse and help your kids back in their own saddles, is great.
To me, anyway. Tons of people bail on their kids every day. Maybe they really know what's up.
My character is the father of three children.
My character would not be a good father as he currently is. He has deep issues with fatherhood in general, having had his own killed when he was young. Part of him associates fathers with abandonment because his father took an ethical and political stance that got him killed and turned out to have died in vain, and part of him yearns to be a father in order to help someone grow and mature the way his mother (and late father) cared for him. I'm hoping my character runs into a wise old mentor type eventually, or his quest for peace will probably just turn him into a tortured soul living as a murder-hobo because he doesn't know what else there is.
Being a good parent is the hardest job in the world. Luckily very few people do it right so society will bend over backwards to excuse your shit parenting.
So if you're doing it right, you'll be living in a state of constant state of self doubt and stress and if you do it wrong, you'll have a legion of facebook friends and ass patters telling you what a great person you are.
Personally, "Self Esteem" is always a favorite of mine.
>tfw having a kid this year
The wife's tits are gonna be hueg and she's gonna be hungry/horny all the time but I'm pretty nervous about it. Money's tight right now, she wants to go full housewife and I'm not sure I'll make a good father.
The Ordo Hereticus inquisitor would spoil the kid rotten. His childhood consisted of being sanctioned, and adulthood was working as a primaris psyker in the guard and later as an acolyte/agent/inquisitor fighting all kinds of fucked shit.
Seeing how I made the parents and their child. Bungo Bungo is a traveling bard who is also an alcoholic, mostly just tries to keep himself high or intoxicated. He will resort to theft or others means to support his habits, and doesn’t think twice about jumping into a hole having no idea where it may lead. So no
Plenty of people have said shit already, but let me throw my hat in the ring.
I think one of the things people struggle to understand is that in addition to all the stuff people have said already, there's also the fact that there's no one perfect way to be a parent.
It's not like a lot of other skills, where you just practice and get better. Children are still humans, and they have their own personalities, wants, and needs.
And that means that what might work perfectly for one kid won't do shit for another, or might even make the situation worse. So you've got to be adaptable, and to understand that your kid has his own opinions on things.
The hardest part about this for some parents is accepting the fact that they might not like their children. If they're good people they'll love them, sure, but their personalities might end up incompatible, or their interests and outlooks might not mesh. And it's even worse with two or more children, because it means you're going to end up playing favorites simply because one kid is more suited to you.
There's nothing wrong with it, inherently, which is important to accept. You just need to account for it, and as they get older, explain it.
Oh, and accepting that children aren't stupid. They do stupid shit constantly, but they're not stupid, just ignorant. Treating your kid like he's stupid isn't going to do him any favors. And this shit is easy to say, right here, but fuck man, is it hard to do.
Also murderhobos are by definition terrible parents.
Got anymore cute sarada?
I could explain you but I would be called a /pol/tard, so just believe whatever you want it to be a good parent
After you give them basic life skills you just keep giving them rides to places and tell them don't be a dumbass, then give them an allowance so they learn how to save/spend money and you're good to go. Then force them to get a part time job at 16 so they don't wind up a lazy bum.
Go ahead and be a /pol/tard then, bruh.
Even male ninjas?
>"I am a cloned brain in a jar piloting a mechanical shell. How the fuck did I have a child?"
And to answer your question, he'd likely just give it back to his mother and leave or set him up for adoption. He is a machine made to sneak around the place and kill whoever his boss doesn't like, so he knows he'd make for a pretty shitty parent.
Every ninja is a female(male) ninjas
Has your PC ever kissed their own spouse?
Oh god me. If I could I would love moon forever
My bard wears a one piece leather outfit for that exact purpose.
>what's being a good parent like?
If your kids are functioning members of society by the time they turn adult, you were at least decent at parenting. I think that you should be okay as long as you remember that you're raising a human being with needs and desire of their own. As opposed to training a dog, making a clone of yourself that "got it right this time" or letting everyone else do your job because you didn't get the neopet you wanted.
>The hardest part about this for some parents is accepting the fact that they might not like their children.
This. Favouritism is a thing once you got more than one of them, and the biggest damage you'll do if you gaslight yourself and the kids about it.
>Father is the world's most legendary deadbeat dad
>"Mother" is a barely functioning mess than failed at everything in her life and coped by replacing her brain with a set of rose-tinted glasses
>Biological mother simply didn't bother
A shame because the kid won the genetical lottery real hard.
She can have my dick
Raising a child well means making a lot of unpopular decisions. You cannot just mimic the societal norm, because most parents aren't all that great, and rely on marketing and fear-mongering from big corporations dictate how they raise their children.
You must always be kind and supportive with your child, but also firm and consistent about boundaries without resorting to violence and yelling. Being a good parent is harder than being a passable or bad one. It requires a lot of patience and a lot of sacrifice. Give them enough freedom to figure themselves out, but put limits on where you can guide them and how far you can take them. If needed, don't be afraid to seek help.
Good parenting requires moderation and flexibility. Be too good and lenient and you kill them with kindness. Be too strict and disciplined and you suffocate them with lack of freedom. You can never get it perfect, because children are all their own individual; each requiring it's own diet of food for their brains and their bodies. Your ultimate goal as a parent is building a legacy. But you want to avoid making it pure nepotism. Make sure your child earns their way in life, without making life too hard or too easy for them. Figure out what you believe is right for them, but be ready to pay the consequences if you get it wrong.
Sadly, sometimes you will fail as a parent purely because of factors you had no control over. You will never be able to predict these and will be limited in your ability to control it. Deciding how to proceed when this happens is never a straight answer. Just be aware of the possibility of failure.
Why is she naked?
Sarada was built for lewd