>How long have you been roleplaying?
>How much do you play per month?
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
>What other boards do you visit?
>Favorite character you played
>Least favorite character you played
>Favorite character someone else played
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Alright, let's do a Veeky Forums census
Inb4 a hundred posts of "I've never played traditional games and I have no friends, I just wrote contrived fantasy fiction and grams it through a role-playing group"
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
15 years
>>How much do you play per month?
Weekly, 4 hour sessions. Friday night board games. Probably 40 total
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
A mix of old time friends and internet randos, using roll20
>>Favourite system
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Grim fantasy (everyone can die, but big spooky things abound)
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Pissing into a sea of piss is now habit
>>What other boards do you visit?
co, v, vg, gif
>>Favorite character you played
Eberron, warforged combatant. Believed in engineered supremacy, ergo, magic robot racism. Put it to making the world better by resparking conflict wherever possible."our natural state is war!"
>>Least favorite character you played
Half elf sorcerer, dnd 3.0; constantly knocked out of fights
>>Favorite character someone else played
Brother Loatzor; spoke like macho Man Randy Savage. Best space pirate/priest ever met.
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Dogfighting combat in SPAAAAAACE
>How long have you been roleplaying?
3 Years
>How much do you play per month?
Probaby 4 hours a week
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Technically rando's on the net, but the group I play with has held together for like 2 years and we all get along great. I would go as far to we're friends now.
>Favourite system
Don't really have one. I don't like any given system enough to say I have a favorite.
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Hard to say. Stuff like Mid Fantasy stuff like Tactics Ogre or Final Fantasy Tactics. Magic is common but nothing in the hands of most players or individuals will warp the structure of the world.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Some of the generals and fantasy art
>What other boards do you visit?
gif+2d porn boards, /jp/, and I visit Veeky Forums, /v/, and /vp/ if a game I want is coming out or it's E3 or something.
>Favorite character you played
A crazy human psion in Rise of the Runelords
>Least favorite character you played
A Tiefling Witch in Wrath of the Righteous
>Favorite character someone else played
An android that was depressed because he basically got cucked by a space pirate while he was away on mission work.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Don't really have a favorite
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
>How long have you been roleplaying?
10 years
>How much do you play per month?
Weekly, EDH slamfights biweekly
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
IRL friends, Internet dudes
>Favourite system
ORE, Ryuutama
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Fantastical, humorous, but high stakes
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Ideas and worldbuilding threads, shitposting
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums, /vr/, /ic/, Veeky Forums
>Favorite character you played
Dirty Harry/Vimes spacecop
>Least favorite character you played
Facechanging adept in Shadowrun (build him kinda shitty and couldn't get in-character enough. Will probably try again.)
>Favorite character someone else played
Angry space trucker (from the same game as spacecop, we had a good character dynamic)
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Nonweeb, Humans. Weeb, human-like beastfolk
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Ancient/mythological China
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
>How long have you been roleplaying?
16 years
>How much do you play per month?
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Silly fantasy
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
I enjoy the world building and dev threads.
>What other boards do you visit?
/co/, Veeky Forums, /d/
>Favorite character you played
Queen honeybee Lunar
>Least favorite character you played
Human fighter
>Favorite character someone else played
My buddy once played a gnome ranger that kept falling down ladders. As a joke or dm have him Favored Enemy: ladders for free.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Salarians are pretty neat
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Either Japan or 19th century France
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
11-12 years, I think, but there was a large dry spell in the middle.
4 or so sessions since we meet up weekly
RL friends and a friend of a friend (nice enough person, I just haven’t known them for very long)
In theory, gritty realistic, but I mostly run more cinematic games because it’s easier with my group
It’s still one of the few places I can discuss games freely. Yes, trolls and lazy bait are a big problem, but I still find this place useful, and sometimes you do still get gleams of gold in the shit.
Veeky Forums when I have a vidya-specific question, but only when I have to because goddamn what a shithole. Veeky Forums and /diy/ on occasion.
Current character, a creepy wiseman from the not!vikings
My first character, a godawful fuckup. 3.5 LG necromancer with a spiked chain but no proficiency. It was bad and I still feel shame over it.
Mage-hunter knight. Used runic enchantment on his halberd to cut off enemy mages from their magic.
Space elves. Don’t know why I like the general idea of them when I’ve never really loved any specific execution of them.
Renaissance Italy
Period-appropriate firearms in fantasy
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
20ish years
>>How much do you play per month?
About twice a month.
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Friends of long standing.
>>Favourite system
3.5 or Star Trek Adventures
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Serious with brief moments of humor.
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Best board on the site, best community for Veeky Forums stuff I've found
>>What other boards do you visit?
/gif/, /aco/, /trv/, Veeky Forums
>>Favorite character you played
Hextoler, an elven mage from 15 years ago
>>Least favorite character you played
Someone I don't remember well
>>Favorite character someone else played
Fuck I don't track that shit.
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
United States
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Around eight or so years. Back in the day, I did most of it on play-by-post sites since I couldn't find a reliable group.
>How much do you play per month?
Around 76 hours.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Internet pals I met on the aforementioned play-by-post sites.
>Favourite system
Storyteller System
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Either grimdark or ridiculously light-hearted and silly.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Because I'm wallowing in self-hate and need to give myself extra incentive to commit suicide.
>What other boards do you visit?
/a/, /bant/, Veeky Forums
>Favorite character you played
A shit-eating Warrior Salubri Neonate named Amanda who hailed from a noble family that she ran away from in the hopes of seizing back control of her life. The game was really unorthodox and was set before the diablerie of Saulot with the intention of going all the way to MN (same characters, so by that point it'd be a Methuselah game) so I was really excited to explore her fall from grace and change of character from freespirited pseudo-crusader to vengeance-obsessed monster, but sadly it got cancelled due to IRL problems the DM was going through at the time.
>Least favorite character you played
Probably my original D&D character that I made way back when. He was a Favored Soul called Luminous who was a walking pile of generic tweenage anime tropes.
>Favorite character someone else played
A Tzimisce warlord named Boris. He was the party leader in the game Amanda was in.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Dragon Age elves.
>Favorite totally-not [insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Anything inspired by Yoko Taro.
United States
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Been doing tabletop for 5ish years now. Forum RPed since I was 12. Stopped being a noob about it at 16.
>How much do you play per month?
3 weekly games
>Group status
2 with long-time internet friends, one with randoms on roll20 that actually managed to stick around and have chemistry. All are played on roll20
>Favorite system
Setting-wise? Shadowrun. Pathfinder and Dragon/Fantasy AGE are what I enjoy playing the most.
>Favorite game tone
That one set of buzzwords Bioware used to describe Dragon Age Origins. Dark heroic fantasy. Dark, but with a light at the end of the tunnel. That's the proper term for that, Nobledark?
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Because it's nice to talk to people that share my hobby and reddit's tabletop rpg discussions suck.
>What other boards do you visit?
tv, v, x
>Favorite character you played
A knight-errant from a prominent noble family with two big brothers in two big organizations in the setting, denied a place in either one due to a mixture of inexperience, youth, and concern. He had to find his own way in life and that was pretty fun to roleplay.
>Least favorite character you played
I've honestly enjoyed every character I've ever played in tabletop RPGs. That said, I'd say my least favorite was a dude I played in WHF2E that was basically me being over the top and stupid in a campaign full of over the top and stupid. At one point he fucked a dead chaos whale. Think less magic realm and more that one guy from Gantz's Osaka arc. Pic related.
>Favorite character someone else played
A charming swashbuckler of a nobleman named Heinrich. It was fun watching him grow up over the course of the game, and be much older and wiser by the end of it.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Fantasy: Halflings
Sci-Fi: Salarians
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Bretonnia. For the Lady!
It would be cool if more games were set during a setting's age of exploration.
The Netherlands
>How long have you been roleplaying?
20 years on and off
>How much do you play per month?
Once a week,
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
I started out playing with friends, but nowadays I only play on Roll20 anymore.
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
I like grimdark or noir settings, but I tend to be a bit of a bullshitter at the table so I end up playing pretty lighthearted characters anyway.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Because I'm bored.
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums and /co/
>Favorite character you played
Nathan the Red, Wandering Paladin. Basically a Bard born into the wrong class. Ended up marrying a snake demon sorceress and retiring from adventuring to live with her, partially because it was the safest way to pacify her and partially because, hey, why not?
>Least favorite character you played
My first character. I don't even remember his name. The DM didn't trust me to make my own character and just handed me a sheet without any further explanation or anything. He was a bog-standard AD&D Human Ranger and the only thing I really remember about him is that he was the only member in the party who could swim worth a damn.
>Favorite character someone else played
Maribelle, the quarter-demon Druid. Basically picture related except part goat, played by someone who could actually pull off being a snarky jerk without being a complete cunt.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Elves. Yeah, fuck you too.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
1920s New York.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
More mysteries and detective stuff. Everyone's always playing medieval fantasy murderhobos and I'm tired of it. Also, I've always wanted to play Dogs in the Vineyard with a talented GM.
It will be hilarious to see maybe 3 dozen posts at most.
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
3 years
>>How much do you play per month?
8 times
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>>Favourite system
Either 5e D&D or 40k ones
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Low-magic, high fantasy monsters
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
To try help it get back it's former glory
>>What other boards do you visit?
>>Favorite character you played
Lizardfolk mutant who became monster from outer space
>>Least favorite character you played
Not sure, perhaps one time I was forced to play an orc
>>Favorite character someone else played
One of my friends crocodile person
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Reptile people with cybernetics and plant people
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Yeah...No such thing
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Silly npcs
United States
>How long have you been roleplaying?
3 years
>How much do you play per month?
20. I'm in 5 games that play weekly.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Internet friends. I'm in 5 groups totaling in around 15 players
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Fantasy, with a bit of harsh realism
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
GURPS discussion and memes
>What other boards do you visit?
/wsg/, /h/, /aco/, and /wg/
>Favorite character you played
a mousefolk knight who rides a chicken
>Least favorite character you played
Some stupid doctor bloke. Forgot his name.
>Favorite character someone else played
A friend of mine once played a bard in the first game I ran. Unfortunately I forgot his name.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
No preference
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Unironically Japan in addition to generic Europe
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Political intrigue. Always wanted to fuck about with that.
20 sessions*
>How long have you been roleplaying?
I first did forum RP ~17 years ago, first did tabletop a decade ago and started having a regular group 5 years ago.
>How much do you play per month?
3 or 4 times
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Started out as randos from RP club but now I've known them for years
>Favourite system
No real favorite
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Epic, larger than life, big damn heroes. In theory, anyway. Maybe someday I'll actually get to play in a game like that, but considering even the Exalted campaign was anything but it seems pretty hopeless.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums (/domg/, /egg/, /mcg/) sometimes check
>Favorite character you played
Celestial Commander (Summoner variant) follower of Lathander that got a lot more done through talking than fighting.
>Least favorite character you played
Current FFG SW Commando that's not really good for anything but combat. The campaign was supposed to be combat oriented but turned out to be all intrigue and often a whole session goes by without my character getting to participate at all.
>Favorite character someone else played
Superhero with tech powers that leveraged his connections just as much as his powers
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Ancient Greece
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Constructive solutions
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
I haven't ever because I can't find a group u_u
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
I like fantasy and /wbg/
>>What other boards do you visit?
/out/, /x/, Veeky Forums
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Dunmer are best mer
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Lithuania/Rus, even better if they are long lost Hyperboreans
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
>How long have you been roleplaying?
6 years
>How much do you play per month?
I run two games that meet every other weekend, so prob 3-4 three-hours sessions a month
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>Favourite system
I only know AD&D 1e, so thats all I run lol
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Low magic generic fantasy, but not GoT grimdark nonsense
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Not for anything serious, occasionally shit that gets my ideas flowing again though
>What other boards do you visit?
Used to do Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums a lot, but not so much anymore
>Favorite character you played
Played as a frogkin cleric version of Alan Watts once, it was pretty fun I guess, back when I thought Alan Watts was in anyway worth my time in high school. But it was fun so that all that matters I guess
>Least favorite character you played
Played a half-elf thief once, the DM didn’t houserule 1e thief abilities so I was totally useless.
>Favorite character someone else played
There’s a no-nonsense, badass cleric of the god of mercy in my setting who plays in one of my games. He’s got his character locked down, which is pretty fun.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
I have no idea
Murrica (California)
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
Since...3rd grade? 3rd or 4th grade.
>>How much do you play per month?
I run a two games that alternate every other week, and will be adding another soon so I'll be running biweekly.
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Internet friends and RL friends in a big mess over roll20.
>>Favourite system
Not sure, but I really like ORE.
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
I love whimsical, fantastic games but I default everything to horror by accident.
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Producing fun content, drawing in drawthreads, worldbuilding cool stuff, meeting cool people
>>What other boards do you visit?
/lgbt/, occasionally /co/, /aco/
>>Favorite character you played
Drow conjuration wizard in a Forgotten Realms "lets all be drow and be actually evil to fuck with the Drizz't pot" campaign. Stored bats in his robe to act as a distraction in the event of combat, got a robot arm made of adamantine rope, fisted a paladin to death. Good times.
>>Least favorite character you played
Half-orc street urchin paladin. GM really liked the idea of the paladin's dilemma, and applied it to the whole party a lot. It was shitty.
>>Favorite character someone else played
Susan the Efreet pyromaniac wizard in the gonzo as fuck game a friend ran. We lit a bar on fire.
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Anything fungus/plant based.
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Aztec, especially anything that incorporates some of the crazier parts of the mythology.
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Character Action game style combat. I keep wanting to start a thread trying to brew up a generic CARPG system, but get distracted and forget about it.
That should be "Drizz't plot" not "Drizz't pot".
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Pretty much since I was 4 if you count stick knights. TTRPGS from two years back.
>How much do you play per month?
Two games with two different groups every week, 6PM-11PM usually.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
One group is a bunch of friends, other group is a bunch of my buddy's family
>Favourite system
WFRP2e and AD&D2e
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
shitpost reasons, sometimes someone comes up with something interesting, shitflinging discussions
>What other boards do you visit?
/v/ and /r9k/ cause it's fun to laugh at losers and sometimes throw a rock at the hornets nest
>Favorite character you played
LN conjurer old man
>Least favorite character you played
A gnome monk I made for the sole purpose of being as obnoxious as possible. It worked so well even I hated him.
>Favorite character someone else played
I can't remember any worth noting, we've only recently actually got serious with our characters. Our old ones are either self inserts or shitty memes.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Humans and skeletons
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Renaissance France
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Megadungeons and hexcrawls
>How long have you been roleplaying?
6 or 7 years can't really remember
>How much do you play per month?
At least 4 times, usually around 6
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Three groups, all friends I know IRL but one group on Roll20 because one of them is away
>Favourite system
Either WoD or Call of Cthulhu
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
I like all when they're well made, but I have a slight preference for low powerlevel and playing underdogs
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Lots of both informations and inspirations, as well as ressources
>What other boards do you visit?
Used to visit /v/ but I couldn't stand the bitterness anymore, I still sometimes roam /b/ when I'm bored
>Favorite character you played
A Delta Green character, the Professor Uther Frederich Orchard, loved playing him and I sadly couldn't see the conclusion of the campain because I moved away
>Least favorite character you played
One of my first character, can't even remember his name, I just couldn't get into it and it was badly made so it was pretty much useless
>Favorite character someone else played
I made a character for on of my player and he play it so good I even forgot I was the one to make it. He's a revenant from the baddies race and is now out for revenge because reasons, he plays it like a vigilante and it's glorious
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
I always had a thing for Lizardmen, I just think they look cool
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Not-egyptians, hands down
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Reference to the Arthurian myth, few things gets me harder
>How long have you been roleplaying?
31 Years
>How much do you play per month?
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
A mix of randos met via a local RPG meetup and a few old friends
>Favourite system
Legend of the Five Rings
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
I like it
>What other boards do you visit?
/m/, /aco/, /f/, and occasionally /a/, /b/, and /co/
>Favorite character you played
I played a Scorpion Bushi for close to 5 years
>Least favorite character you played
3.x Fighter
>Favorite character someone else played
Glix the Demon of Pot Holes in an In Nomine game a ran
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Me as a player. Such is life as a Forever DM
Roughly six years, on and off.
Currently twice at best.
Friends and family.
5e, although outside of one session of pathfinder that's all my group's considered.
Reasonably realistic, in tone if not content. Fantastic creatures and impossible feats are fine, but people should still act like people.
I honestly don't know anymore.
/a/, /k/, formerly /int/, a couple generals on Veeky Forums, the usual smattering of porn boards.
Forever DM reporting.
I try not to play favorites, but my brother's cleric (who's actually a fighter with a fixation and a bunch of healing potions) is always fun to watch.
I'd like it if my group would show more interest in establishing their own network of friends and contacts. They're always content to coast off whatever connections their favorite NPC has.
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
Online? Almost ten years... geez, it's already been that long?
>>How much do you play per month?
I post at least weekly, though I've never played offline
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>>Favourite system
D&D 5e, though I mostly played 3.5e before it
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
"Plausible" light fantasy if that makes sense. Though I'm in for anything really.
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
>>What other boards do you visit?
/a/, int/, /pol/, sometimes Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums, rarely Veeky Forums
>>Favorite character you played
A current warrior cleric I'm playing
>>Least favorite character you played
Not a singular character, but once a guy ran such a fucking hardass campaign that it basically became a joke that all the new characters I rolled were family of one another.
>>Favorite character someone else played
A half elf bard who's opportunistic as all hell
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Grand scale battles (as in, it'd be nice if more mainstream systems supported it other than GURPS)
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Two years, but only two campaigns. If you're talking about RP in general and not tabletop games, then since I was 10.
>How much do you play per month?
Once a week was how it was when the campaigns were live, so 4 times a month
>Favorite System
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Entertaining conversations about fantastical subjects that always interested me, but recently I've actually been talking about systems now that I'm playing.
>What other boards do you visit?
/v/, Veeky Forums, /f/
>Favorite character you played
Rogue with a fluffed Prosecutor background
>Least favorite character you played
A raven dragoon that flies and then jousts
>Favorite character someone else played
A travelling blacksmith bear
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Different kinds of metals with unique properties besides +1 and weapons that deal status effects
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Since my mid-teens.
>How much do you play per month?
Nothing right now. Group recently broke up due to people moving out of town.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
See above. Used to be friends from university.
>Favourite system
Call of Cthulhu.
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Lynchian. Horrifying mysteries broken up by moments of lighthearted absurdity.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Because I can't leave Veeky Forums.
As for Veeky Forums in particular...I just like it. It's a source of good discussion, very active compared to other places on the net. Been hanging around here since some time before Rubyquest. Jesus christ, I just looked up when that was. It's been a decade. I've wasted my life.
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums, /tv/, Veeky Forums and /pol/
>Favorite character you played
VtM game. Malkavian psychologist completely convinced that all his experiences as a vampire are just the metaphor-laden constructions of his own dying mind, Jacob's Ladder style.
>Least favorite character you played
Some completely forgettable drow monk
>Favorite character someone else played
Incredibly petty hackerman with a penchant for vastly inappropriate reactions to any perceived slights. Basically a thirtysomething Eric Cartman.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Ancient Rome. AVE CAESAR
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Anal circumference tables
>USA, PA specifically
>Barring scheduling conflicts, 4 times per month with two groups
>RL friends, but I used to run a game online
>Shadowrun 5e. I like the abuse
>Somewhere between normal and grim. The joke missions/quests means the deaths have weight
>To get ideas and share stories
>Veeky Forums and /out/
>A Paladin, the most kind hearted and generous person in the group, but too set in his dogma to accept a society run by mostly benevolent vampires. Died trying to overthrow them
>In V:tM, a German Tremere with amazing credit who kept getting upset that people kept mistaking him and his ghoul force Storm Surge as nazis
>Warcraft/HP goblins
>Decisions that are legitimately morally gray, and don't turn up as having had a right answer later
Oh, forgot experience. Been role-playing for almost 15 years now. Parents were nerds and started me early
>How long have you been roleplaying?
3 or so years
>How much do you play per month?
Now that almost every one is in college or military, not much now, so 0 to once a month
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>Favourite system
I only know Shadowrun and anima, but I'd like to do DH or CoC, but I've really enjoyed some of my friends home made systems
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
it always ends up being very silly, I haven't really experienced any other tone
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Because it's fun, and I can find new systems and ideas
>What other boards do you visit?
/co/, /k/, /a/
>Favorite character you played
A cowboy mobile suit pilot/engineer, that played Western music in his mobile suit all the time, and once frustrated his captors with his Western shenanigans that they gave up trying to interrogate him.
>Least favorite character you played
I'm not sure, I definitely think I've not done most of my characters as well as I wanted to
>Favorite character someone else played
Joseph Guy, a painfully average guy in a insane world, trying to survive with his muscle bound group of companions, as well as as any character that his player had made
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Chinese or Italian, but there's one that goes beyond all others Bostonian
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Lovable NPC's, and maybe more serious scenes
>Lovable NPC's
Are all NPCs in your games horribly rude or something?
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
14 years
>>How much do you play per month?
0-4 6-8 hour sessions
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Friends, Roll20.
>>Favourite system
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
either grim or lighthearted
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Drawthreads, tg-related discussions.
>>What other boards do you visit?
/3/, /ic/
>>Favorite character you played
Fire genasi wizard
>>Least favorite character you played
Guess it was so bland I can't recall the situation.
>>Favorite character someone else played
Gnome with a half-dryad template
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Can't pick
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Frankish empire, related cultures
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Impressive cinematic-like situations
>How long have you been roleplaying?
About 18 years
>How much do you play per month?
On average, when i actually have a game, weekly (3-4 hours)
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Old friends and younger ones (all irl)
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Mainly grimdark but i like variety
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
I'm not sure
>What other boards do you visit?
Mainly /g/ and /co/
>Favorite character you played
A dashing rogue vaguely inspired by Dash Rendar (shadow of the empire) in a Star Wars game
>Least favorite character you played
A psiker character in a BRP space opera game (never had the chance to play it properly since the game died shot afterly it started)
>Favorite character someone else played
An old ass servant with very low stats in a wfrp 1e game. The player managed to make him survive the campaign against all the odds and to make him become a legendary thief prince.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Wild West (it counts?)
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
I'm good, thanks.
>Los Estados Unidos
>since I was 12
>RL friends
>8 sessions/2 campaigns (on hold until college friends get back)
>Changeling the Lost/5e
>lighthearted start to action packed or emotional end
>to talk about games, collect character art, and visit /cyoag/
>Owlman, the crime fighting librarian
>Some loli Mage who duel wielded deagles, same game
>Will the thief, normal human rogue played extremely well and portrayed with humor and heart
>gaa- Cyborgs! Any artificial race that was once flesh, like Necrons works too.
>totally-not-Japan because I'm a weeb
>it would be cool if more groups made their characters together as a party of comrades rather than a bunch of strangers who have no reason to be together beyond plot convenience.
>19 years
>Literally fucking what?
>Whatever you can convince me to play.
>Any setting that allows some black comedy. Anything that is NOT FANTASY.
>Veeky Forums /mu/ /tv/ /v/ Veeky Forums /x/ /k/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
>Icarius Sol, level 25 Monk and the last mortal with any divine blood left in him. Fucked every Queen, Empress, or Duchess that was alive and fucked the Drow Val'sharess for good measure.
>Clive Gibson, a horrible bard and carpenter who was never able to get anyone to believe in his Electric Lute concept.
>A generation 12, 2000 year old Malkavian, who willingly stayed in Torpor for 1800 years because he knew the Jesus thing would take off big time and he wanted to ride it out until the age of Enlightenment. I thought the character was going to be total garbage but he pulled it off magnificently.
>Drow for shagging, other than that, always pick Human
>Totally-not-Kalmar Union
>It would be cool if not-faggots appeared more often in games.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Since I was in Jr. High.
>How much do you play per month?
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Core internet group with 1-2 people changing in and out per game
>Favourite system
Legend of the Wulin and DnD 4e
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Nobledark. Shit's fucked, but we can fix it.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Inspiration for when I gm, new systems to try, MTG, smut
>What other boards do you visit?
/a/, /jp/, /pol/
>Favorite character you played
Smug, wealthy, plotting, but ultimately unsuccessful magical girl.
>Least favorite character you played
Autistic savant Twilight cast Exalted.
>Favorite character someone else played
Straightfoward, honorable, but surprisingly creative Lion clan samurai in L5R
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
I really like vampires, does that count?
In terms of natural races, I like lizardfolk, but only if they're more civilized/intelligent. Beastial races a shit.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>Other boards: /a/, /jp/
Hmmm, I wonder. I'm also a bit partial to diselpunk if that counts.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Martials being on par with casters.
Rules for nation management.
Players keeping secrets from each other.
Damn, I forgot about Drowtales. I should reread that, get my nostalgia on.
S. Carolina, US
>How long have you been roleplaying?
2 years Veeky Forums. 15 years if we count video games (I was an autist as a kid too)
>How much do you play per month?
Every Monday, so 4 sessions
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Friends of a friend that became my friends
>Favourite system
Only played 5e D&D and 3.5
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
All kinds. I’m being serious. Variety is the spice of life
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Fun lore threads, character threads, world building
>What other boards do you visit?
/out/, Veeky Forums, /sp/, /co/, Veeky Forums
>Favorite character you played
A big gentle, yet stereotypically exceedingly stupid illiterate Half-Orc oaf Barbarian with a heart of gold
>Least favorite character you played
A Water Genasi Pirate with a peg leg and hook hand. DM fucked me over with DEX hard, so I was 100% unironically totally useless—as he was right to do so though. Lesson learned about being a special snowflake
>Favorite character someone else played
A Tabaxi Bard that they RP’d as a Khajiit with severe ADD—like an actual mental illness and not what parents say their kid has for sympathy points and so they can drug them into being a good zombie kid
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Europe. Vikings, Rome, Spanish Moors, it’s all good
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Plant races, Undead races, Construct races, fungal races. Tired of mammals and reptiles. Also a Holy Stealth Class. You got Holy Combat (Paladins) and Holy Magic (Priests, Clerics), but no Holy Stealth
>How long have you been roleplaying?
14 years
>How much do you play per month?
Almost nothing nowadays.
>Group status
My group has mostly split all around the country since the end of college. Nowadays we still meet often but I only have regular contact with two people who play. I'm trying to start a new group and find some new blood but it's hard.
>Favourite system
D&D 5e and Tormenta (brazilian pathfinder). It's mostly D&D, Storyteller or nothing around here.
>Favourite game tone
I just want to DM to a classic group a normal light fantasy game, but our games always end up with a weird party going down the dark places of the settings. It does not help that the only guys left are the one who loves to play cool weird shit and the one who loves to play weird weird shit.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Character art, discussions about character, stories and settings.
>What other boards do you visit?
Mostly /v/, Veeky Forums and /co/, maybe /a/ if I'm reading some new manga and want to see what people are talking about it.
>Favorite character you played
A dragonborn cleric who was devoted to a red dragon god to whom the entire world was his hoard and thus need protection by the cleric. No one else in the setting knew the god, but the power came from somewhere still.
>Least favorite character you played
A giant barbarian with one arm bigger than the other that could not speak anything other than unghs.
>Favorite character someone else played
During a one shot playing using a really simple Brazilian system one of the players made a telepath three legged alien with giant brain that got around convincing people he was just a normal human.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
I like a well played elf.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Right now it would be Arabian Nights.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
A common group. No more bat ladies or goblin balloon conductor or Sea Elf that can't be away from water.
US of A
>How long have you been roleplaying?
A little over a decade
>How much do you play per month?
We try and get a game in every Friday
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
I've been gaming with the same people for ten years. We've added a few and lost a few over that time but the core has always been the same.
>Favorite system
Star Wars D6
>Favorite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
I like a heavy gritty feel with a spattering of comic relief.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Mostly for /40kg/, but I also like to browse story concepts and world building threads when I notice them.
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums
>Favorite character you played
Eric Bleednot. He was my first character ever. My first campaign was a 3.5 game that the DM had made from scratch. It lasted three and a half years. I'm not going to say he was the coolest, most creative, or powerful character, but he's the character that always comes to mind when people ask me what kind of character I like to play.
>Least favorite character you played
I played as Karl Rove in a short World of Darkness game. I couldn't roll to save my life, or as it turned out, Karl's.
>Favorite character someone else played
A drug dealing, crime syndicate running, mass murdering Protical Droid named 800B-5
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Neimodians. They're just too much fun to RP.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Roman. I know it's lazy, but I can't help myself from using fake Latin names.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
The threat of a sad and ignoble death. Too many games seem to make death an extremely unlikely impossibility unless you're fighting the biggest, baddest, evilest guy ever. It takes away from the seriousness any regular battle and turns it into seeing how long it takes to grind down the current enemy before you can move onto another pointless, bland, and repetitive "battle".
>How long have you been roleplaying?
4 years
>How much do you play per month?
Das schwarze Auge/The Dark Eye: weekly; VtM/V20: once a month; DnD5ed: once a month; MASKS: once a month
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
all (different) groups of RL friends, one is on roll20 with friends who had to move across the country
>Favourite system
MASKS for its game mechanics, Shadowrun for its setting
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
haven't got a favourite one, I can get a kick from alot of different scenarios
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
started playing DnD and though this would be a nice place for inspiration - sometimes it is
>What other boards do you visit?
>Favorite character you played
Unicorn, a troll adept with only one horn left, who lost his memory and had some serious anger and violence issues
>Least favorite character you played
Wulfgrim Egilson, a pirate from Thorwal (The Dark Eye). He was lackluster, because it was my first char ever
>Favorite character someone else played
Jon Johnson, a Doomed in a MASKS game, much bro love with my character
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
dwarves, probably
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
character deaths
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
7 years
>>How much do you play per month?
5-8 hour long session a week
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
A group of friends
>>Favourite system
i like OSR systems my second favorite is 5e
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Heroic fantasy but whit high stakes and characters still being vulnerable
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Best board to discuss stuff
>>What other boards do you visit?
/a/,/pol/,Veeky Forums sometimes /v/
>>Favorite character you played
My nostalgia favorite is pepper the ranger frog,my first character, but right now i like more my knight looking for redemption
>>Least favorite character you played
mmm matias the mage, it was good but nothing special
>>Favorite character someone else played
Jaime buen orgullo(Asshole good Drunk Sorcerer) or Bohr (Fun Bard Assassin with armonica ingame and irl)
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Frog People
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in game
Forgot my favorite race:
Special shoutout to WoW’s Goblins
>How long have you been roleplaying?
13ish years
>How much do you play per month?
On average once a week, for about 5-6 hours a session. Can go longer if people are up for it and /or it's a major event
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...) One group of IRL friends, One group of old HS friends over the internet
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Heroic realist, ideally of the weird fantasy variety
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
A mixture of habit/boredom and the occasional actually good thread
>What other boards do you visit?
/co/, /mu/, Veeky Forums /trash/
>Favorite character you played
>Least favorite character you played
I've never gotten to actually be a player for more than a session or so
>Favorite character someone else played
Jacob Landers, a cryopreserved early US astronaut in a space opera setting, or Goa Weii, a monster!elf shaman channeling her races' equivalent of Baron Samedi
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Humans and Serpent Men
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Byzantines, Colonial America, or Qin Dynasty Chna
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Deep mundane combat options, supernatural abilities for fighting types that aren't just learning spells, letting players influence world-building/setting design as part of chargen.
I mean, there's funny ones, and ones that are fun to hate/ mess with , but there's been no NPC's that either I or the party has ever been particularly attached.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
About 18 years give or take
>How much do you play per month?
Once a week, 3ish hour sessions
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Friends and friends of friends, it's a long running group in any case.
>Favourite system
Old L5R's roll and keep system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Used to enjoy scary and dramatic a lot, tend to like light hearted and comical these days but I'm fine with just about any game type.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
To waste time.
>What other boards do you visit?
/a/,Veeky Forums
>Favorite character you played
Former pit fighter who put on a traveling combat entertainment show
>Least favorite character you played
I dunno, one of the shitty early ones probably
>Favorite character someone else played
Malkavian knight who hallucinated the voice of god in Vampire: the Dark Ages
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Science fiction in general.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
We've kinda almost started with a group of friends for like 4 years now
>How much do you play per month?
Under once a month I suppose but we're getting there
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
IRL friends
>Favourite system
DnD 5e but we haven't really been testing other systems
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Anything goes but I guess I like grim the most
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
"You don't even need the other boards" There are so many people capable of making a derailed thread interesting it's worth a browse to check if there's anything new going on here.
>What other boards do you visit?
Randomly visit /wsg/, /int/, Veeky Forums and a mixture of lewd boards
>Favorite character you played
Wizard Illusionist that was afraid of the dark
>Least favorite character you played
A custom made troll race character that was impossible to balance due to regen
>Favorite character someone else played
Can't name one
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Angelic race acting all evil n shit
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Evil Catholic church
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Original ideas or old ones with a twist. "It's a goblin village, you all know the drill" could be enhanced by making them nomadic goblins that travel underground with the help of bulettes because harsh surface conditions force them underground and they occasionally have to feed someone to the bulettes etc, etc
>How long have you been roleplaying?
~15 Years
>How much do you play per month?
5-6 Sessions, 4-5h each
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
RL friends/Guildmates
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Traveling for the sake of adventure with a high chance of characterdeath in the progress
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
By now probably boredom
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums, /vp/, /b/
>Favorite character you played
WoD Mage, research and development guy
>Least favorite character you played
WoD Vampire, ventrue singer in a rockband
>Favorite character someone else played
WFRP spy turned tzeentch cultist
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Vehicular/Mounted combat, large scale battles
> Age
> Country
> How long have you been playing?
About 7 months now.
> How much do you play?
A player in 4 weekly ongoing games, occasional player in weekly oneshots, a GM in another (with the possibility of a new game starting up due to increased interest).
> Group Status
All of the games I'm a player in are with an internet group of ~15 players and a single GM; pretty good friends with most of them by now. The game I GM for is in person with some irl friends.
> Favorite System
Given I'm still rather new to the hobby, can't really say; I've only played on Pathfinder, d20 Modern, Fate, Starfinder, and WHFRP 2e.
> Favorite Tone
Really depends; one of my favorite sessions in an ongoing Pathfinder game started off with the party leader convince a prostitute to follow her dreams of being a toymaker. It was followed up with me nearly getting brutally murdered in my sleep, so it's inconsistent.
> Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
To look for ideas for worldbuilding, sometimes for character art, and occasionally to see what bait was set on a given day.
> Other boards?
/gif/, /aco/.
> Favorite character I've played so far.
Probably my current Pathfinder character: a human cross-blooded sorcerer. First character I ever made, but not the first I played (he was part of an aborted attempt at 3.5e I joined in 2015). When my GM told us we were starting a new campaign a few months back, I immediately rebuilt him for Pathfinder. It's been a blast finally getting to play him.
> Least favorite character?
Definitely the first I played; she was a human ranger with a boar companion. Her boar wound up being far more memorable than her.
> Favorite character somebody else played?
Definitely this bard from the last campaign; his accomplishments include getting multiple gods who hated each other to work together.
> Favorite race
Right now it's probably Skittermander from Starfinder.
> Favorite totally-not-(insert culture)
Tie between Chinese and Mongol for this.
> It'd be cool if this appeared more often in games.
Character deaths or retirement; my current Pathfinder game is about to suffer from the Ship of Theseus issue, with only 2 of the original 5 characters still being around (mine and one other guy's). As soon as we make it through a megadungeon we're in, my character's retiring from the group; at this point, he has IC no reason to keep going along with the group, so might as well play a character that does.
Puerto Rico (technically part of the US)
About two years, I think.
Weekly sessions between three different groups. 3 hours in one group, 5 hours in the other and 6+ hours in one. 14 hours a week times 4 is 56 hours a month, which is a very rough estimate.
Usually friends.
DnD 5e, but I'm becoming a big fan of L5R
Sword and sorcery stuff that's kind of grimdark and real gritty/down and dirty, or super lighthearted, cutesy, high magic stuff.
Veeky Forums has been a hugely influential part of my life for the past 6 to 7 years, so Veeky Forums is just a chapter of that.
Currently? /ic/ because I want to get good at drawing. Other than that, not many, but I used to love visiting /k/, /a/, /wg/, /ic/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and /trv/.
Flambe, human wizard. She was the complete opposite of who I am as a person and was made with the intention of challenging myself as a roleplayer, and it was one of the most satisfying characters to play.
Rhodes, human ranger and my very first character. He was stupidly boring and didn't have any idea what I was doing when I made him.
This is a hard one. As a DM, I would have to say Alo, a vampire sorcerer a player of mine did. Really fun to work with as a DM. As a player, I would have to say Calor, a human rogue that was in the same party as Flambe. That party in general was amazing and is probably one of the best games I've had the privilege to be in, but Calor takes the cake because of the awesome dynamic Calor and Flambe had.
Dragonborns are fucking kickass.
Japan, definitely.
The fucking Renaissance era. Seriously, there needs to be more fantasy settings that are more like Renaissance era Europe instead of High Middle Ages Europe. I wanna have matchlocks and flintlocks be a wizard's nightmare.
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
6 years or so
>>How much do you play per month?
we try to play each friday, so best case 4 times/month, worst case 0 times/month
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
friends in RL
>>Favourite system
our own fantasy homebrew
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
because I like to hear your stories, discuss stuff and because of /srg/
>>What other boards do you visit?
sci, ck, an, c, d, aco, trash, g
>>Favorite character you played
Alchemist in our fantasy homebrew (first character ever)
>>Least favorite character you played
doctor in our post-apoc homebrew
>>Favorite character someone else played
Druid mage in SR
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Action scenes actually feeling fast
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Since 1995, so 23ish years
>How much do you play per month?
Not as much as I'd like. I have a twice-a-month game going on, but I plan on getting my old group back together so I'll have one game every week.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
One real life group that just started in November of last year, and one group of long-time friends from the internet.
>Favourite system
D&D 5e, but I have strong nostalgia for AD&D 2e, my first system. That being said, I'm very eager to try out other systems, especially Shadowrun and GURPS
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
The ones that closely imitate early 1990s JRPGs in tone, like Final Fantasy IV
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
These days? mostly out of habit. Modern Veeky Forums and I don't have much in common.
>What other boards do you visit?
Sometimes /co/, occasionally /c/ and /an/, lately Veeky Forums
>Favorite character you played
The Too Old For This Shit old man warrior who came out of retirement to help out the party. The GM let me start at a much higher level than the other PCs, and I agreed to advance much more slowly until they caught up to my level.
>Least favorite character you played
The monk in 3e who died from a failed Tumble roll and got opportunity attacked by six dudes at once.
>Favorite character someone else played
Aztshuktha, the half-orc fighter in a Pathfinder game I ran. He was the most developed and best-roleplayed character in the group.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Warforged, enough that I ripped them off for a campaign setting for a 5e game. They were built by a long-dead precursor civilization.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
China and Japan, because there's so much potential for roleplaying and adventure where warring clans are involved.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Wuxia-style martial arts that allow warriors to do cool things too.
>How long you've been role-playing
6 years
>How much you play per month
>Group Status
Mostly online through roll20
>Favorite System
Pathfinder, mostly for the extensive SRD
>Favorite Game tone
Fantastical and sine waving between grim and lighthearted
>Why visit Veeky Forums
Sometimes there's things of value here
>Other boards you visit
/qst/ and /d/
>Favorite Character I've ever played
Tiefling Wizard who the party irrationally hated. Snapped and tried to kill the party after the rogue used an anti-caster poison to put him out of the action during a big heist sequence.
>least favorite character you've played
Some generic dude
>Favorite race
>Favorite non-culture
Renaissance Italy
>It would be cool if
Magi-tech appeared in games more often
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
16 years
>>How much do you play per month?
One or two games per week, depending on what's going on
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
RL friends, RL friends over internet
>>Favourite system
Tough one. I think maybe Rogue Trader, but that's partly because my group in high school was never able to properly sate ourselves on it and because it easily has the most approachable presentation of 40k's wonderful-stupid melange.
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Variety is the spice of life, but I like being able to fall back
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Because I love RPGs and all the trappings of them.
>>What other boards do you visit?
Sometimes /wsg/, rarely Veeky Forums; also, porn
>>Favorite character you played
A cleric of knowledge with a mission to seek out lost information, who took adventuring very seriously. Sometimes he'd come off as grave, or stodgy--but he was a softy who simply had trouble relating to people.
>>Least favorite character you played
A rogue in 3e, partly because the system partly because the GM was bad.
>>Favorite character someone else played
An elastic superhero with a failing psychiatry practice and a burning dream to become a competitive salsa dancer. Sounds silly, but played with absolute conviction. Later I found out that they took their now-ex on a dancing lesson date as research (and part of the reason they broke up is she found out that this was the reason for it)
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Dunno if I have a favorite.
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
The Roaring '20s
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Character retirement; plus NPCs being treated as less immediately disposable.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
30 years.
>How much do you play per month?
6-8 times.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
RL Friends.
>Favourite system:
Amber Diceless, but since no one plays it, Pathfinder.
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Epic Heroic.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Information, usually; some images. I used to worldbuild, but they don't like that now.
>What other boards do you visit?
/co/, /u/, /b/, /qst/, /w/, /wg/
>Favorite character you played
(PF) Changeling witch of strength.
>Least favorite character you played
>Favorite character someone else played
A Priestess of Loviatar played as a very high class noble.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Half-elves/Silhouettes from RIFTS
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
not!China, especially Wuxia and Xianxia.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Capable but not overpowered gish.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
7 Years
>How much do you play per month?
Not at all right now
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>Favourite system
Haven't played it yet. Atomic Highway sounds nice.
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
I'm a sucker for tragedy and defiance in the face of insurmountable odds, So Grim.
I prefer realism unless Mechs are involved.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
For the /cyoag/ of course. Sometimes there are fun stories to be read and I enjoy the pointless discussion of the supposed internal workings of made up nonsense like a recent thread about the heredity of elven genes.
>What other boards do you visit?
/k/ despite being filthy no-guns, /tv/, /v/ mostly to see if they have any LoK or Bloodlines threads up.
>Favorite character you played
Any of the WH40K Arbitrators I played. They have a tendancy to laugh in the face of damnation and live to tell the tale.
>Least favorite character you played
A poor stupid criple after a series of "hilariously" bad rolls in Traveler. I'm glad that game crashed quickly.
>Favorite character someone else played
A charming southern gentleman with the ability to capitalize anything, he was a brilliant Rogue Trader.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Skaven are great, Stormvermin are my favourite models. But I have to say Humanity fuck yeah
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Tau because the argument's what culture they are based on have had more thought but into them than the Tau themselves.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Dwarf genocide
>datamining thread
You're not the first person to figure this out and you won't be the last. We don't give a fuck.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
2 years
>How much do you play per month?
At least once a month thanks to my FLGS monthly TTRPG night
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
No fixed groups, just playing with strangers or FLGS regulars once in while
>Favourite system
Barbarians of Lemuria
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Fucking everything
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
One of the best place to talk about ttrpgs, finding character art or requesting in the drawthread
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums & /ic/
>Favorite character you played
A Orlesian noble in Dragon Age TTRPG, he was a dumb dickhead with an heart of gold
>Least favorite character you played
can't think of one
>Favorite character someone else played
Probably the compulsive 8 years old liar in an horror game where all the players are either children or old people
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
western mexican
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Absolutly no idea there
>How long have you been roleplaying?
12-ish years but on and off
>How much do you play per month?
One session a week, 2-5 hours at a time. Don't like to play in more than one game at once
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Varies between IRL friends/internet from game to game
>Favourite system
Savage Worlds
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Turning the Shenanigans dial up past 10
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
>What other boards do you visit?
Mainly just Veeky Forums but I check out /v/, /co/ and /a/ sometimes
>Favorite character you played
A mad scientist that refused to believe in the supernatural (ghosts, zombies, etc) but was convinced everything was the work of aliens
>Least favorite character you played
I played a half-elf bard once and that's all I remember about the character
>Favorite character someone else played
From a one-shot game, an egyptian themed necromancer that was full-on cartoon villain about it. Loudly announced their evil plans for world domination and was carried around on a throne by her mummy minions
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Pixies, for shenanigans
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
I've always wanted to play a sort of city/kingdom building scenario where you're exploring for resources, carving out territories, building up industries and markets, recruiting specialist NPCs and competing with other cities/kingdoms doing the same
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
off and on for ~5 years
>>How much do you play per month?
Currently looking for group, up to a month or 2 back? 1/week
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Internet friends
>>Favourite system
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Lighthearted and fantastical
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
To chat and talk of world building
>>What other boards do you visit?
/co/, occasionally /trash/
>>Favorite character you played
Tie between bomb throwing anarchist and young optimistic cleric healslut
>>Least favorite character you played
Warforged fighter, though that was a 4e game so...
>>Favorite character someone else played
Tiefling barbarian, though that was cause RP
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Depends on current mood, shifts between humans, orcs, and dwarves
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Depends on mood, currently shifts between Aztec and Persian right now
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Dragons, have literally never fought a dragon
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Like 8???
>How much do you play per month?
3 times a month usually.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
One and a half groups of internet randos, and one group of IRL people
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
I enjoy seriousness with a mix of goofiness and grit.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Cause the other boards are shit
>What other boards do you visit?
Sometimes /toy/
>Favorite character you played
An Arbite Sniper who had a bit of a Cowboy personality
>Least favorite character you played
A goofy idiot robot in a homebrew fantasy setting from when I first started out.
>Favorite character someone else played
An athletic shooter who threatened to kill an entire city of vampires with a dirty bomb when he got bored of the GM's really bland self-gratifying narrative
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
...Uh... Native American?
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Kamen Riders
>about 5 years
>school friends + group from Veeky Forums
>3.5e because I can't find anyone to try a new system with
>varies on mood, but serious punctuated with lighthearted moments
>MtG threads mostly
>Veeky Forums, occasionally /v/ and /tv/ if I want to shitpost
>Arata Fujita, team medic, Elvis impersonator and smug anime girl (male)
>Windy Miller, stupid second hand joke that at least made me and my drunk friends laugh
>generic arab
>my desire to run a game and gather a group
Holy crap, all that vg crossposting
>How long have you been roleplaying?
about 10 years?
>How much do you play per month?
0-2 sessions
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Friends from various stages of life
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
"heroic" realism
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Art threads and procrastination
>What other boards do you visit?
>Favorite character you played
"Blunt", the troll mercenary/siege specialist
>Least favorite character you played
A bunch of uninspired ones
>Favorite character someone else played
Cant-remember-his-name the well roleplayed murderhobo
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Flexible magic?
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
Since I was seven.
>>How much do you play per month?
At my best, three sessions per week, so around 10-12 days per month.
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
RL friends when in hometown, RL friend through discord and FLGS group when at college
>>Favourite system
homebrewed, handwaved pathfinder, dark heresy, call of cthulhu 5th
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Horror or at least dark. Esoteric if possible but requires good players to go along
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
inspiration, shameless content theft, pdfs, storythreads, the fact Veeky Forums can discuss most things as they relate to roleplaying and worldbuilding
>>What other boards do you visit?
/co/ for more stories and deeds of heroism, and /gif/ for fap and grooves
>>Favorite character you played
orc scarred witch doctor in kingmaker, ate and cooked most NPCs
>>Least favorite character you played
most of the time I'm ForeverGM. Also how can you play something you don't like?
>>Favorite character someone else played
a fat anglican history professor in CoC with a guidebook titled 'what would Henry VIII do?'
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
dwarves have potential, especially if you keep their basic habits but expand their concept to more than beer, hammers and axes. same goes for orcs. elves should be more enemies and NPCs from the fucking wild hunt and such.
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
either egyptian, greek/roman, arabic or slavic. recently also asian cultures, like vedic stuff and some japanese and chinese influence.
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Non-combat focused characters and challenges with interesting concepts, and sacrifice and rite-based magic
>How long have you been roleplaying?
6 years.
>How much do you play per month?
Once per week, so about 5 times per month.
>Group status (randos in FLGS, RL friends, internet...)
RL friends and people I've met at my college.
>Favourite system
5th Edition D&D, but Savage Worlds comes in at a close second.
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Lighthearted, there's always laughs at the table.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
It's the only place where people aren't just shills for their specific favorite RPG, and I got tired of talking to people who refuse to even look at another RPG because "you can just homebrew Pathfinder/D&D to do the same thing"
>What other boards do you visit?
/an/, /bant/, Veeky Forums, and /k/ on rare occasions.
>Favorite character you played
Catfolk ranger with a badger animal companion. Liked catnip and became friends with a store owner.
>Least favorite character you played
Human assassin; shit GM who didn't want to deal with a stealth player so he had enemies see and attack me first, even when the other party members were in full view and in the open.
>Favorite character someone else played
My best friend who was an /mlp/ fag, he played a unicorn homebrew in our 3.5e campaign. We always had each others backs.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Kobolds, with Warforged in at a close second.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
More mechanics that let you resolve conflicts in other ways besides fighting to the death, specifically baked into the system because a lot of GMs think that combat is only resolved if you win or die.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
16 yrs
>How much do you play per month?
3 times a week give or take
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
internet friends, irl friends
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
PINK MOHAWK (cinematic action/lighthearted)
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
rpgs, nice community, world building and making sure quest stays on its fucking containment board
>What other boards do you visit?
/co/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /asp/
>Favorite character you played
1/2 orc paladin of moradin
>Least favorite character you played
a doctor in a only war game. I just couldn't get in character and then I felt embarassed that i could roleplay him consistantly, then I started avoiding the game along with my friends it became a whole big thing and I hate it.
>Favorite character someone else played
a friend of a friend played a serial rapist in a dnd 3.5 game and insisted that he roleplay it out
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
shadowrun trolls
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
killer robots (in any settings/time periods/tone of game)
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
about 10 years
>>How much do you play per month?
right now, pretty much nothing, but I'm hoping to be able to get a game going at my new college
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
last games were in roll20. I prefer real life games, though
>>Favourite system
FATE, D&D 5E is pretty good too.
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
rule of cool and kinda goofy
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
mostly because I'm bored and tg usually has an interesting thread or two.
>>What other boards do you visit?
/d/, /s/, /hm/, /co/, /hc/, /gif/, Veeky Forums
>>Favorite character you played
catfolk rogue who wanted to build a great library in her hometown so her wizard brother would be able to visit without hurting his studies he's dead, died on the trip to the main magic academy, she doesn't know and her parents told her that he was studying too hard to come home to spare her the grief since he died when she was 9
>>Least favorite character you played
my first one ever, generic dwarf fighter, I more hate myself of that time than I hate the character though, took too many cues from a thatguy as to what I should do.
>>Favorite character someone else played
Dragonborn paladin who was raised by kobolds was very humble and a total bro to my character
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
good players
US of A
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Freeform 20 years, tabletop 10 or 11
>How much do you play per month?
Haven't in 2 years
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
N/A currently, but being in the middle of nowhere means they all have to be online
>Favourite system
Dogs in the Vineyard
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Super lighthearted, but one of the best GMs I've played under did super realistic which I enjoyed just as much
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Shitposting, bragging about the single successful campaign I had once, checking Touhoufag's shitty threads
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums /an/ Veeky Forums /u/ /vr/ /v/
>Favorite character you played
A blacksmith who accidentally turned himself into a talking sword
>Least favorite character you played
Generic cute girl #5748593
>Favorite character someone else played
A mask-wearing edgy assassin addicted to murder, who was played as a wacky prankster instead of the expected edgemaster
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Dragon lolis
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Never thought about this one much, but I've always enjoyed mishmashes of different mythologies
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Perspective swaps- as in, sessions where players play as totally new groups, or take control of established NPCs for a while
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
7ish years?
>>How much do you play per month?
3 campaigns per week, sometimes more sometimes less
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Internet randos at first, but now it's the same internet people. We meet up irl now and again.
>>Favourite system
Setting? Shadowrun
Mechanics? 3.pf
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Mid-low grim fantasy
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Memes and campaign ideas
>>What other boards do you visit?
/D/ and /a/
>>Favorite character you played
Pirate named Henry Lesym. Rogue/Bard multiclass
>>Least favorite character you played
Robert, old man necromancer that no one gave a shit about and the party had like 8 people after I was told I was going to join as the 4th player
>>Favorite character someone else played
Either Nuadha who was an Celtic elf that sworded things in a modern setting. Ended up in an ic relationship with them and the player and I are close friends after that game.
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
AI and sentient technology
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Arabic and Russian
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Skill challenges and or out of game writing such as journals, what your character does during downtime, etc.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Not counting online autism, since mid high school
>How much do you play per month?
I'm lucky if my group is free once a month
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Same group I started with, all high school buddies
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Standard high fantasy, maybe a little on the grim side
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
I'm on this website all the time and play tabletop, why wouldn't I visit tg?
>What other boards do you visit?
/v/, /b/, /g/, /k/, Veeky Forums, /mu/, /trash/
>Favorite character you played
Halfling fire mage with an ego 10 sizes too big
>Least favorite character you played
Dwarf cleric ball of stats that I rolled up after I got my last ball of stats killed on purpose. I was hoping the group would get the hint but they were really adamant that I not sit out that session
>Favorite character someone else played
Standard hammy dwarf fighter (my group tries too hard to be different, so someone going with the grain was refreshing)
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Almost any small race - halflings, kobolds, ratfolk, goblins, etc
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Call me plain, but I prefer not-europe
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
There were more to dungeons than "walk into every room and kill the monsters".
My group, myself included, is really bad about putting traps, puzzles, obstacles, landmarks, any feature that's not monsters really, into their dungeons.
New Zealand
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
About 10 years
>>How much do you play per month?
Varies, never more than once a week.
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>>Favourite system
Not any of the ones I've actually played.
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Heavy metal album cover and cheesy action movie.
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
It's something to do.
>>What other boards do you visit?
>>Favorite character you played
Probably an LE fighter who was born into a Loviatar cult, decided she wasn't on board with torture, and ratted them out to the guard, getting the lot of them killed. Never came up again, because it was a test 4e game where the GM flt told us that shit wasn't going to matter.
>>Least favorite character you played
Nobody else ever got a proper personality.
>>Favorite character someone else played
Can't really remember other peoples' characters.
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
As long as it's not completely retarded, I have no strong opinion on it.
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Don't have one
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
The environment playing a role in things beyond "it slows you down slightly".
>Dragon lolis
My nigga.
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
11 years
>>How much do you play per month?
Once or twice a week.
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
DMing for some first-timer friends of mine. So far it's been one of the best campaings I've lead.
>>Favourite system
Fiasco. I'm not really one for free-form, but most of our best sessions have revolved around games of Fiasco, and it's also really easy to introduce to relatives skeptical about RPGs. Special shout-out goes to Paranoia, too.
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Grim, with high risk of character death and seemingly unsurmountable odds and a close-knit party that just keeps miraculously making it through, until the inevitable tragic finale where everything goes to shit.
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
People here are amongst the most creative on the site, and are the best at creating memorable and original stories/character concepts. Veeky Forums topics of interest are also quite diverse, so there's always some new discussion to enjoy here.
>>What other boards do you visit?
/wsr/, /m/ /co/ and, significantly less frequently, /a/.
>>Favorite character you played
Little girl possessed by the campaign's main villain.
>>Least favorite character you played
Excluding some of my oldest characters, probably a socially stunted member of the Town Watch.
>>Favorite character someone else played
Edgy and brooding, twin not!Katana wielding, hooded wood elf. The player is just playing him so straight, without the slightest hint of awareness or irony while actively engaging with the story. It's just a treat to have him around.
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Witches and Hags, of all shapes, sizes and alignments.
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Ancient Greece
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Small, troublemaking household spirits, monsters and demons.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
Three or Four years
>How much do you play per month?
Once per week so about 4 times a month
>Group status
Flgs turned friends
>Favourite system
4e but I DM a lot of 5e. Wish there was a mesh of the two
>Favourite game tone
Grand fantasy, intrigue, and tactical combat romps are my favorite. I use a mix of serious with a little comedy when I feel my party needs it.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Ideals to help me run my game and to figure what things I should or shouldn't do to keep interest.
>What other boards do you visit?
/d/ /pol/... I swear I don't post those things here.
>Favorite character you played
Cleric of War with a family forced to go back to the front line instead of taking direct care of her family.
>Least favorite character you played
First character was a yandere assassin who now I look at and cridge
>Favorite character someone else played
Goliath strong man who is old with dementia and is trying to remember his old skills but instead explains everything in simple ways
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here
Dunno... I like more original settings specially if something forces them to be really different
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
4e abilities and utilities in 5e for martials with technique slots allowing choice instead of use all the things in a order. That and always more RPing
>How long have you been roleplaying?
22 years
>How much do you play per month?
At least eight times
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
High school group converted to Discord, all-star group that podcasts, online-only group together for 4 years, etc.
>Favourite system
D6 Star Wars
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Lighthearted, probably
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
In between all the autism there are good ideas.
>What other boards do you visit?
/k/, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums but not often
>Favorite character you played
Too many to bother trying to decide but maybe Businessgob
>Least favorite character you played
AD&D Fighter
>Favorite character someone else played
Zlatimir the bard (I believe that sums it up)
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Political systems with consequence
>How long have you been roleplaying?
3 years
>How much do you play per month?
2-3 times
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Friends from college
>Favourite system
Published? LotFP, not published? My homebrew obviously.
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
For inspiration and to check up on a few projects I'm interested in.
>What other boards do you visit?
None, /x/ like once a year.
>Favorite character you played
CIA agent investigating a dragon storage compound.
>Least favorite character you played
>Favorite character someone else played
A changeling wizard with no name who named their donkey "Patience."
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Peter Watt's Scramblers
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Explorations of imaginary religions and faiths that aren't cheesy or hammed up.
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
Since the mid-80s
>>How much do you play per month?
at least 4 times.
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>>Favourite system
Can't mention name here, but I actually like its simplicity.
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Lighthearted Fantastical
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Why the fuck do you think I visit here?
>>What other boards do you visit?
take a guess with my evasiveness about what my favorite system is.
>>Favorite character you played
Ghula Hamfist a Half-Orc Fighter in 1e
>>Least favorite character you played
SOme rando when we were mucking about with Oriental Adventues (1e)
>>Favorite character someone else played
None that I can remember.
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Anything totally-not-mongols
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
magical realms.
I started with 5th edition two years ago
Twice a week.
Friends from when I was in the Navy over the internet because most of them are halfway around the world.
The FFG 40k system
Give me Sword and Sorcery any day of the week.
Because I've been on Veeky Forums for years and all other forms of social media make me want to puke.
/a/, /vp/, occasionally /k/, and /mlp/ used to be my main board.
Not!Megumin Spheres of Power Incanter for PF
A ghetto-speaking Magus Kobold, also in PF
My buddy's MURDEFUCKRAPE Ogryn in and his Totally-not-Slanneshi cohort in Only War.
I have a huge boner for dwarves.
And vikings.
Traditional fairy Fey.
Is your favorite system the MLP game? Because no one actually cares about discussing that shit here anymore. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone sperg out over it on Veeky Forums.
>tfw you liked FiM because it was a SoL in a cohesive fantasy setting but the writers shit all over it with their schizo tech
Thank fuck I'm not the oldest, this thread was depressing the fuck out of me.
United States
>How long have you been roleplaying?
11 years
>How much do you play per month?
About once a week
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Family and friends, online and IRL
>Favourite system
D&D 5e and MAID
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Lighthearted, but any is fine
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
To read stories, look at memes, get pictures and ideas, and to enjoy the vibe
>What other boards do you visit?
/trash/, /mlp/, and /co/
>Favorite character you played
A tiefling bard named Scarlet, she was a acrobat from a traveling circus
>Least favorite character you played
A maid named Tomato, she was a tomato transformed into a maid
>Favorite character someone else played
My brother in law, a brawler that could warp his body into weapons
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
India and Native American
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Intriguing monsters
>How long have you been roleplaying?
4 Years
>How much do you play per month?
12 Sessions per month, give or take
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Some lifelong friends, some randos from the internet
>Favourite system
I really like Dungeon Crawl Classics
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
I like Gonzo, with a semi-serious tone
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
I think that you fuckers have some good ideas sometimes, and free shit is nice too
>What other boards do you visit?
/k/, /diy/, /trv/,
>Favorite character you played
Probably my Level 2 DCC Dwarf that I'm currently playing
>Least favorite character you played
Easy, the character I played in an ASOIAF rpg, had to run around with a retarded son trying to rape arya stark, and a dumb dornish nigger who I would've rather had been my son, and I barely developed the character at that.
>Favorite character someone else played
Smithy Longbottom, one of my longtime players, and coincidentally a master-brewer
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Dwarves, I really like the gruff fighter archetype.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
basically any type of barbarian culture.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Last stands and more GLORIOUS DEATH in general.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
20 years
>How much do you play per month?
4x (weekly)
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Friends, most of whom I've known since I was younger.
>Favourite system
3.5 Eberron
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
Because I'm swearing off social media for the time being and need to kill time at work.
>What other boards do you visit?
Veeky Forums. Rarely.
>Favorite character you played
Rayf Berelin, Star Wars d6 near-human escaped slave turned bounty hunter
>Least favorite character you played
Probably one of the many characters that I had which died in my (first ever game of) 2e Night Below
>Favorite character someone else played
A Mutants and Masterminds sound-based super in a 70's supergroup setting. His whole theme was blacksploitation superfunk. Can't remember his name for the life of me.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
IDK why but I love Tau.
>Favorite totally-not-[Europe]
Literally all of 7th Sea.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Practical solutions to fantasy "problems"
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
Around 50 years
>>How much do you play per month?
Twice a month
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
>>Favourite system
D&D 2e
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
For stories, inspiration
>>What other boards do you visit?
>>Favorite character you played
High Elf Wizard
>>Least favorite character you played
Generic Human Fighter with no backstory
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Bariaur are pretty cool
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
>8 years (I'm pretty sure at least)
>Lately once or twice a month, though that's because of shit like college
>RL friends
>7th Sea
>Force of habit lately. The site hasn't been a whole lotta fun lately
>Kat'cha, Thri-Kreen monk. Has all the brains of a small dog, but is so kindhearted that you can't help but love him
>Don't even remember his name. Edgy Russian Shadowrunner.
>The Kings of Dust. A team of 3 adventurers in 7th Sea. I know it's breaking the rules to say 3 but fuck it.
>I've always been fairly enamored with Frieza's race from Dragon Ball
>Space Dogfights
What kind of role playing games existed 50 years ago? Was Chainmail even invented?
Prior to Chainmail it was basically just telling stories.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
11 years
>How much do you play per month?
Weekly, one ~12 hour session, one ~6 hour session. 72 Hours per month.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Randos IRL and people from one of the Veeky Forums discords
>Favourite system
SW: EotE, Genesys (When they actually release a Fantasy Splatbook)
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Internally consistent. I love High Magic, but only if things make sense.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
To talk about Veeky Forums things and complain.
>What other boards do you visit?
>Favorite character you played
Dunnawaen the Half Elven Bard. Character a few years away from death whose done it all and once to go for one last hurrah.
>Least favorite character you played
[Forgotten Name] Necromancer/Transmuter in a game where both turned out to be super illegal and punished by death, and also led by antimagic clergy. Did basically nothing the whole two session it lasted.
>Favorite character someone else played
Raoul de Monteil, actually a curse of Alcoholism incarnate. It makes the host into a charismatic, scatterbrained and thoroughly sloshed swashbuckler. Once the current host dies, a new one is possessed, somewhere in the world.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Pre-civil war Tiste (from the Malazan Book of the Fallen, or rather the Kharkhanas books)
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Magic that actually affected the world instead of being this revolutionary, but ultimately ineffectual power.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
8 years now
>Group status
running one game at home, one adventuring league, and playing in one roll20.
>favorite system
D&D 4e
>Favourite game tone
fantastic story-driven
>why do you visit Veeky Forums?
I'm lost in my life.
>What other boards do you visit?
>Favorite character you played
I've never had a chance to play a character I liked
>Least favorite character you played
My first D&D game played in basic. Nobody gave a shit about story or anything and I was an autistic shithead at the time, so my character was the same.
>Favorite character someone else played
My current game has a bard/sorcerer played like a 60s english rock star.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Not-germans. A culture that combines a love of industry and nature is rare in fantasy.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Better typography, layout, and playtesting. A bad setting is easier to overcome than bad mechanics or poor readability.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
15 years
>How much do you play per month?
4 games a week, including canceled games maybe like 13 times a month.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
Real life friends who all separated so we now go on Roll20
>Favourite system
Blades in the Dark
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Grand adventure. Lighthearted enough but with the threats being grave enough to get the heroes to buckle down.
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
So I can get access to tabletop related images and pdfs. Partially to listen in for fun camapaign ideas.
>What other boards do you visit?
I'm an ex-/b/tard. I browse /gif/, /hm/, /po/, and Veeky Forums for advice.
>Favorite character you played
Triggart Tobblefot, gnome necromancer (gnecromancer). Most fun I've had due to the GM letting me create whatever batshit crazy idea for undead and constructs. Even had skulls of creature storing for easy and instant skeletal hydras,
>Least favorite character you played
Gemdurk Ironbelly. Dwarven Paladin. I would enjoy playing him now, but I was young and the GM was a dick, so I made him fall and serve Strahd.
>Favorite character someone else played
Naomi Suchart. Native to the land of Meldia in my PTU game. Master of martial arts and generally REALLY terrible to her pokemon. But there was such personality that I grew attatched to her.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Probably the Asari from mass effect just for the idea of being able to breed psychically.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Call me a weeb, but not!-japan works really well. I guess I just play a lot of L5R though.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Item creation/customization
When I was a child we used to play role playing games outside physically, not like a TRPG but instead actually acting out the characters. When we were a bit older we played chainmail (which came out in '71 iirc) when that was released.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
1 year
>How much do you play per month?
Once a week
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
All IRL friends, but we play on discord because I live elsewhere
>Favourite system
Lightweight 2d6 games
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Fantasy: fantasy-ified Early Middle Ages, lighthearted
Modern: romance and interpersonal drama, it must be depressing
Sci-fi: hard, gritty and weird
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
This board sometimes has surprisingly decent conversations going on.
>What other boards do you visit?
>Favorite character you played
A shy tailor girl with Connection Feruchemy in Mistborn Adventure Game
>Least favorite character you played
A football hooligan Malkavian with a shotgun in VtM
>Favorite character someone else played
A Shirren (bugman) Operative (Rogue) my buddy played in a Starfinder game.
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
not!Tang China
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
Nonviolent games
>>How long have you been roleplaying?
8 years
>>How much do you play per month?
rarely ever now since my buddies moved away for college
>>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
strictly rl friends
>>Favourite system
>>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
fantastical but slightly grim
>>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
discussion, no one really likes to talk about roleplaying besides my dm but hes rarely available due to his living situation
>>What other boards do you visit?
/g/ Veeky Forums /n/ /gif/
>>Favorite character you played
evil wizard seeking out the secrets of palemasters
>>Least favorite character you played
cowardly greedy bard
>>Favorite character someone else played
>>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
im pretty impartial but i enjoy the forced haste the human lifespan forces onto magic users to either die quickly or find a way around it
>>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
not louisana
>>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
mimics and clones
Yeah it is, it's more I don't want a certain faggot to get wind of even discussing it off of that board.
Though I do have to admit, its simplicity is pretty damn comfy.
>How long have you been roleplaying?
4-5 years
>How much do you play per month?
Haven't played for a while, but recently started a once per week campaign.
>Group status (randos in FLGS,RL friends, internet...)
IRL buds
>Favourite system
>Favourite game tone (realistic, fantastical, lighthearted, grim, etc...)
Depends on the setting. Personally tend to like a really fantastical cliche high fantasy
>Why do you visit Veeky Forums?
It tends to have the best discussion/funniest funny threads. Plus it have the right flavour of rage for someone who's lost all hope in life.
>What other boards do you visit?
vg, cos, fa, soc, h, d, aco
>Favorite character you played
Forever DM until my most recent campaign
>Least favorite character you played
>Favorite character someone else played
My friend's gay bard from a long time ago
>Favourite fantasy/sci-fi race
Humans, the idea of just a Joe every man struggling through and conquering against all odds is something I really like. For something special though; I do tend to like races relating to deities or demons. Not like tieflings or devas, but like has demon blood, a deity's aspect, or something like that. It can make for good role play in the right hands.
>Favorite totally-not-[insert culture here]
Arabic, Greek, middle-ages Europe, and viking in that order.
>It would be cool if [something] appeared more often in games
I just wanna be a PC in a bunch of games based off of intellectual properties or fun very specific concepts
1971 was now 47 years ago, so that's still around 50 years ago if I believe the date given by the other user.