How edgy/chuunibyou have you ever made a character?
How edgy/chuunibyou have you ever made a character?
The edgiest character I've made was an assassin that tried to be as efficient as possible.
I didn't actively look for people to kill, but I'd rather burn a house with my target down, sniping anyone trying to escape the building, than fight them and their goons head on.
Unfortunately, my party members decided burning a building down was too much and now keep an eye on me 24/7.
not very efficient if you basically stir a hive to scramble through all exits, though.
i got into exalted so chuuni shit is kind of expected lately.
Massively edgy. she didn't use a katana though. She did, however, dress in skintight leather and torture and kill people.
She also was undead and flayed off her skin on a regular basis because she had issues.
I had a character in an AdEva game, must be almost ten years ago now, who was headfucked to the point they couldn't feel anything other than happy. It didn't matter what it was, pain, sorrow or shame, they just experienced it as joy.
At first, the other PC's just thought the character was obnoxiously cheerful and sweet and enthusiastic. And then the first fight happened. And while other people were getting battered and screaming in pain or horror... My PC just laughed. A sweet, playful giggle as she suffered grievous injuries while tearing an Angel apart with her Evas bare hands.
Edgy as fuck. But pretty damn fun at the time.
Is chuuni just the weeb way of saying special snowflake syndrome?
Oh it wasn't a gang hideout or anything. He wasn't that stupid.
It was more like this is our target's personal home.
He was a Human Warlock with a demon inside him that gnawed at his soul and gave him power.
It is short for chuunibyou which translates to 8th grader syndrome. It's less special snowflake syndrome and more an obsession with making things as "cool" or "awesome" as possible.
I thought part of the implication was also being gratuitously edgy?
Sounds like a mix spetsnaz and unit 777.
Not really. Both the perfect, cool and collected, angst-free noble knight in shining armor and the dark and brooding. "woe is me" demon possessed assassin are both potentially chuuni as hell. Angst and being edgy are ways of making the things "cool" but not the only ways for things to be chuuni.
Consider weapons. Gunblades, Mono-filament wire gloves, a sword and shield that can combine into an axe, and dual pistols are all just as chuuni as a souleating demon weapon.
Rotton th Wizard is a chuuni then?
Undead hexblade warlock whose main gimmick was using shadowblade. Died when an unholy paladin of some devilorwhatnot stabbed him through the heart with a Hexblade, which then shattered and a shard stayed in the heart. After the raiding party left he awakened and The Raven Queen/The Hexblade offered him a deal: hunt down the traitorous knight/paladin and live or stay and die. So now he hunts demons and monsters, seeking vengeance while wielding power originating from shadowfell
A parody of them, but then again the whole cast of Black Lagoon is more or less parodies of chuuni archetypes.
He's a character in a relatively-realistic series, in a town full of criminals, and he wears a black overcoat, rings and sunglasses at night, dyes his hair white and calls himself Rotton the Wizard. Of course he's a fucking chuuni.
My first real tabletop character was an angry, cowardly midget. "I point and scream" was my primary way of alerting the party to danger. Fun character. I avoided any sort of edgy phase when I got into actual tabletop.
My rules based play by post games were exclusively Call of Cthulhu, so the edgiest thing I had was a mechanic who did races in his personalized Model T.
Going further back to freeform play by post RPs I had an
>Who only had one arm and avoided fights at any cost because sorta weak with one arm
Going even further back, I do recall an Argonian Assassin I had who was entirely naked and used mud n shit to make natural camouflage. He was pretty edge.
>My first real tabletop character was an angry, cowardly midget. "I point and scream" was my primary way of alerting the party to danger.
When your theme song is Hellfire by Notre Dame and your character shoots fire out like Colonial Mustang from FMA, I edgy to the point where the DM didn't want to do the campaign anymore. I'm sorry, but the heretics got to burn, ALL OF THE HERETICS.
>My first real tabletop character was an angry, cowardly midget. "I point and scream" was my primary way of alerting the party to danger. Fun character. I avoided any sort of edgy phase when I got into actual tabletop.
blatant self-inserts are commonly beginners mistake
My first DnD character was an elf ranger whose favored target was humans. One of my characters was a shinigamiwho was also a member of mafia and an orphan - not my fault though, I made him to fit in with the backstory of another character - his little sister. Yet another character was a demon who wanted to take over the world - but then, it was the desire of pretty much all demons in this setting (except those who only wanted to fuck and run around being filthy cool). A yokai who was unironically random and had its own twisted logic; he also loved to eat things - all sorts of things.
I made a computer-hacking, car driving prodigy that was a drug runner between rival gangs in my first Shadowrun game. Blatant self insert who stole Dante's wardrobe and personality
I once played a talking sword whose preferred means of travel was being impaled into a slave.
Is it bad that I actually dig your concept?
Edgiest character I made had a backstory that started with this:
>Talathel was the kind of little boy who liked to pull on little girl's pigtails.
He was a minor noble who would insert himself into people's lives and find what legacies they had left. He would then take this legacy and destroy it. It could be a personal or family legacy, it was just the only way he could find any pleasure was ruining things people had put heartfelt effort into.
He has no reason to be evil, no sympathetic backstory, not even any real goals or ambitions beyond watching legacies burn. He is an intrinsically broken individual. He was not violent, or even actively malicious.
Ultimately he was a coward and actively avoided conflict, and if someone did not have a legacy he treated them as well as possible, because he was a coward. He was not a murderer and ultimately detested killing. It did nothing for him.
That's why he couldn't be in a party, and didn't work in a party. His entire character was toxic to whoever he came into contact with because he was entirely sociopathic.
He's actually kinda like Kirei if Kirei never found religion/Gilgamesh.
So basically not!Mari with the "this is fun" attitude taken up to 11?
That's pretty funny actually. Was the slave alive or did you have some ability to control corpses you touch like a jerky shambling marionette?
I just realized that I'm much more of a chunni and edgy faggot as a GM than as a player.