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Paizo Games General /pgg/

Interesting NPCs Edition
What are some interesting, cool, or otherwise memorable NPCs you've either encountered or made in your games?

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The only time I've had real memorable NPCs is when they almost murder the party. Nobody's going to remember "Herman, your guide for the last three months who you saved from a pack of wolves", but they're going to remember "that nameless bandit leader with a longsword who had one too many buffs and accidentally murdered half the party."

Almost too many to count, though that's helped by the fact that our group has been RPing for a long time now so we're pretty experienced at this point in not just creating but interacting with NPCs made or played by the GM.

hey guys, I will soon be starting a game set in a kung fu fantasy world and since I have just seen Kung Fu Panda 3, I thought Kai would be a great evil-guy prestige path.
I mean stealing the chi of others and having jade summons.. it sounds awesome.

Is there an already created prestige class that does something like that or will I have to homebrew one myself?

That's similar to what the Hungry Ghost Monk does.

Hmm there's definitely some stuff I can take from there.

But I think I will have to homebrew.
I was thinking along the lines of giving the user access to the "jade zombies" ki pool to use as temp. ki points. So naturally the more you have out, the more ki you can spend.
But is this too powerful? I am more or less a newbie when it comes to balanced homebrews

A door to door door salesman who we would encounter on the road sometimes with a cart full of doors. It was so silly and dumb yet I remember it all these years later.

As said, Hungry Ghost Monk is the only answer I can think of, though sadly its restricted to Core Monk

Yeah, that's a bit unbalanced. Instead you should probably homebrew and archetype for UC Monk that exchanges your Ki Powers with the ability to do some kind of Summon Monster SLA similar to Summoner class

To be fair, if you're making a bad guy Monk dude that works along the line of being a Big Bad, why not just make him a normal Unchained Monk but with the Hungry Ghost archetype on top of that as a template? That way he'll be super strong and a real challenge, especially if you plan on having him go up against your players all at once.

That's actually ap retty coll idea for a Mid-boss encounter. Dead monk who's a Ki vampire who animates the remains of his long dead students that he himself drained. Said Ki Zombies can also drain the Ki from creatures, and the Monk can consumehis own zombies to steal and recharge himself from their stolen ki

Yeah that could certainly work, though you'd have to be more clear about what draining Ki actually does to the target. Does it convert the damage dealt to the target? Does it do level drain? Etc.

No harm in making a cool unique encounter that works outside the normal rules, just as long as the encounter does have a set series of rules itself and you're not attempting to pull shit out of your ass on the fly for mechanics.

Perhaps make it like the Jiang-shi's Chi drain ability?

Actually, how about the original guy just use a Jiangshi Monk instead?

So! How did your session(s) go this week?

Our's finally picked up; it was mostly some recap, shopping/crafting with some light RP stuff [we had about 3 months of downtime to play with] before we eventually settled on what series of quests we were going to tackle.
After doing some math, I calc'd that with what the party threw at me for the session, only little under a month had been spent, so now I'm thinking of things that could be done in the mean time.

Personally I'd flavor it that everyone technically HAS a Ki Pool, it's just that Monks actually know how to tap into it in order to go further beyond the normal scope of the human condition, and strengthening your body (leveling up) as well as your mind (more Wis) gives you a larger "pool". That way you'll have some kind of metric to go off of and it works similarly to HP where if you start to go into the "negatives" of Ki you could become a statue.

What's a scroll's caster level?
If I'm trying to cast a Scroll of Time Stop as a level 1 wizard, does it have a CL of 17?

aren't scrolls just cast at their lowest level possible?

Yes, I'm trying to make sure I know what the minimum CL is.

Mine got canceled, maybe postponed to later tonight, but likely canceled.

well we usually play pretty loose with the rules, so my answer might be wrong... but I would say yes. Your Scroll of Time Stop would be used as if cast by a lvl 17th wizard

Then yeah, its CL 17, since that's the minimum CL that any class can cast Time Stop

Problem there is that you have to then keep track of a new pool of points for the characters hit. Much easier to just use an already existing metric, or just have everyone have a flat set of points instead of variable.

Not really, it's just HD+Wis (min 1), so most people won't have much if any and it makes sense as to why he's such a big threat. To make it even simpler just say that every time the dude uses the Ki Steal ability he gets the usual benefits and you tick away 1 Ki from your "pool".

>paizo games thread
>uses art from a different game

can't you just say that normal people have a minimum of 1 chi (or up to their con mod)? If you go up against a chi vampire who drains more then you have a corpse.. or something

>Antiquarian Armiger can put drawbacks on their customized weapons for more talents
>Could put Destruction sphere on all the customized weapons
>Have every custom weapon have the Destruction sphere, with shape focus for energy blade and a different energy focus for each one
>Take spell attack, profit

Good idea, or bad idea, anons?

Only got through half of one combat due to talking with the enemies and taking too long handling prebuffs, but of the two bosses, one has effectively been downed and it's not a negotiation again, which I hope to have wrapped up by next session so we can dive into the violence and wrap up the dungeon

Sounds fun. Kinda dull and boring, but cool anyway. In my opinion though it'd be easier to just golfbag a bunch of elemental weapon and grab some more utility based spheres

So I am a fighter with Mobile Bulwark Style. I want to use Weapon Style Master and a second set of style feats. What would be a good style to go with Mobile Bulwark.

>Seduction Inquisition
>By spending at least 1 hour engaged in acts of physical pleasure with a willing partner, you can attempt a Diplomacy check to improve that partner’s attitude or increase your influence with that partner (or reduce a rival’s influence with that partner) with no maximum on the number of steps by which you can change that partner’s attitude or disposition.
>"I want to seduce the dragon"
>The party watches for a full hour as the Inquisitor gets slammed by the dragon

>Implying they'll stop after one meager hour

As per the rules, you can only pick one which has Weapon Focus as a prereq. Personally, I'd go with Outslug Style

Oh good, got in early.

So, reading Starfinder right now, have one player who is interested in playing, but his immediate expressed interest was "seeing how well he could min-max this game".

So, is it as exploitable as core? I'm having trouble finding anythign that screams "more broken than usual" here.

No 9 level casters, less summoning abilities, less polymorph - looks a lot less abusable to me.

Well your options seem to be Aldori, Ascetic, Cloak and Dagger, Empty Quiver, Illusive Gnome, Outslug, Overwatch, Shield Guantlet, Sisterhood, Slipslinger, Smashing, Spear Dancing, Startoss, and Swordplay Style.

From that list I might suggest Outslug (as another user said) to get better 5-foot steps, or maybe Overwatch or Startoss Style, so you'd become a ranged character with a shield instead of a melee character.

If I'm playing an Ecclesitheurge, can I take an Inquisition as my secondary domain and still take the spell list of a domain, even though the Inquisions have no spell list?

What's the general optimization angle for the Spheres of Might Sage?

Nope, else it'd state something about that in the ability.

Could always ask your GM to houserule though..

Honestly, just looking at it I have no clue how to build this thing. So much of your abilities revolve around buffing yourself, except you have Wizard level BAB and HD. The closest I can say is to grab Infuser package, a bunch of useful control magic spheres, and use your Clones to cover the field in spells. Just be mindful than a stiff breeze could probably kill you, and you can't hit for shit.

Sounds pretty bad desu.

Almost anything you want, that's what's great about it.

Dumb question but besides have a race with multiple arms or prehensile tail, is Gun Twirling the only 1pp way to attack and reload with 2 one handed firearms?


It seems like it, yes.

>explain to players that the country they are in is ruled by a hereditary royal family
>explain to them that it is known that the deal was struck with a powerful being of unknown origins that for a hundred generations their family would have power in their blood
>we are in generation 40 something, so no where near the end
>explain to them that the family uses selective breeding to keep themselves strong
>this translated to them having powerful sorcerers and bloodragers (and other bloodline archetypes) among their ranks
>players want to kill them
>tell them that killing them when the players are 4th level would be basically impossible
>have them make knowledge history checks to know the current king some twenty years ago Teleported onto a battlefield and issued a decree to all his men before taking to the field
>they figures out it was this spell d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mage-s-decree
>they figured out the king Chain Lightning the enemy general from across the field d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/chain-lightning and beat his spell resistance
>they still want to go for it
Are my players retarded? The ruling family isn't even evil. My players are good.

I think its the fiat of GM being descriptive and players over think it. To the player it is never not nothing. If the GM mentions something, it must mean something or else he would never had said it. You said that a powerful being of unknown origins powered up this family. Why mention it unless *over thinking happens* IT IS AN EVIL BEING. WE MUST STOP THE FAMILY. With out railroading or being blunt, imply through the towns folk that the ruling family is beloved by everyone or some shit.

tl:dr I think your players are retarded and might overthink things.

Just tell them flat-out. Sometimes you need to cut to the chase to clear up misunderstandings. One time I leapt to a wild conclusion over something my GM said, and I would have really appreciated if he told me I was overthinking things.

What are good class options with possible clothing or fashion based angles?

Silksworn Occultist

What said and get the extremely fashionable trait.

Aside from Sorcerer, Bloodrager and Arcanist, can anyone else get a bloodline?

Eldritch scion magus

>Write backstory to include the whole scope of the app
>It's too long
>Rewrite to condense the ideas together
>good length but writing is clunky
>Rewrite to remove clunkiness
>It's long again
This is madness.

I hate you all

What game, user?

What games are currently recruiting?

user please, this thread is still fresh

Ruins of Azlant app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/98182/ruins-of-azlant-ap-by-sq
Skies of Avalon app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/100268/the-skies-of-avalon
Student Council of Thieves app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/100007/student-council-of-thieves
Skyfall app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/100370/skyfall

>Eldritch Scoundrel/Hidden Blade Rogue
How do I not get swatted like a fly?
Mage Armor+Stances?

don't dump con

Are any of these Gestalt? Doesn't look like it.

You're willingly giving up one of the main aspects of the archetype, versatility, just for different energy types.

Thanks user for actually listing all the games, and not just the shitty Ruins of Azlant game that one crap user does.

Student Council of Thieves uses Minor Gestalt to get people vigilante stuff but not actual gestalt.

>only GM to not have 0 hours or running a shitty highschool game

I can't make it work with minor gestalt sadly. I need gestalt so I can use one side of the gestalt to multiclass into 3 classes.

It's Cavalier 5 || Alchemist 2/Inquisitor 2/Investigator 1 VMC Bard.

Are GMs usually THAT anal about knowledge checks?

You don't know the horrors I've seen mate.


Neither did your character

So how'd that assassin game go for ya?

Ok you got me there mate.

Can someone tell me about DHB's unchained martials, particularly the archetypes?

Charlotte is a known shitter, and Skies of Avalon GM is an alt account that that you can easily find out if you go onto the discord.

>all of them text-only
>all GMs have female avatars

What are some good anime to watch as inspiration for a PoW-heavy game?

My Hero Academia, use Fool's Errand maneuvers to throw people about two-thousand feet into the air.

Isn't Skies of Avalon the sockpuppet of Argentum?
Is Argentum making plans to bamboozle now that all his games are failing?
Pendragon Academy doesn't get anything done and Shardwalkers is an 8 player/8 PC clusterfuck.

>Isn't Skies of Avalon the sockpuppet of Argentum?
I knew that account seemed familiar.

>Isn't Skies of Avalon the sockpuppet of Argentum?
>Is Argentum making plans to bamboozle now that all his games are failing?

>Skies of Avalon app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/100268/the-skies-of-avalon
>The greying old man was no mere Captain, but the famed Commodore Aubrey, the Savior of Cape Pisces. His 'Lady Wife' was not his wife at all, but Dame Morrigan Mac Cool, the sole remaining lady knight of Queen Antonia's personal guard. Their child, not their child at all, but the sole surviving Son of Mars and rightful heir to King Angelos - the infant Prince Charles II Martel, given to the youngest of the Queen's Guard after the King was slain upon his throne, before the Queen swallowed a poison pill to be spared the brutal caliphate's indignities. A symbol to unify the refugees around a new kingdom carved from the wilderness of Avalon, and to one day rule, and perhaps reconquer the stolen homeland.
So, the PCs are the entourage for these the real heroes?

Didn't DHB announce he was going to be running a game soon? Any more details on it?

Is it a bad idea to submit two different characters to increase your chance at getting into a game

I really dislike that maneuver. You make a check with a bonus that easily outstrips the defense to remove the target from combat. The damage is negligible in comparison, since most PoW stuff can do more at a lower level.

Yes. Don't split your efforts, focus on one.

Is it a bad idea to do a pseudo duo app where you and someone else have clearly built your characters to go together, but don't actually call it a duo app and let the DM reject one?


It prevents either of you from being evaluated on their own merits.

What parts of golarion are the most interesting? I need to abduct some ideas for a homebrew world.

I think it's fun and I like the flavor. I don't really care about the damage, other people can do all the damage they like, I'll just stick to throwing and disabling.

What's your homebrew world like?

Numeria and Orv

High Magic, kinda lighthearted. I ended up building it with the players, and it came out as some jrpg-ish mess. Nothing special, still kinda fun though. The tech level is all over the place because of magic items, but there's a big focus on exploration so far.

What if your first character isn't that great

Allying Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes, yes or no

Pendragon is fine from what I hear, but Shardwalkers has already lost 1 player down to 7, and more will probably be leaving on top of that.

You start at level 1 so... yes.

Yes because that will just decrease your chances as the GM gets annoyed at you for trying to game the system (unspoken social contract dictates you only have a single app for a game).

what's the point?

but it allows for dynamics that can't be created independently

Like siblings

>GM gets annoyed at you for trying to game the system
Wouldn't the GM be happier that one person has versatility therefore better player skill?

>Yes because that will just decrease your chances as the GM gets annoyed at you for trying to game the system (unspoken social contract dictates you only have a single app for a game).
I assumed that user would be using a different account.

cheaper than AoMF

Well in that case you're just a fucking douche, but it could work depending on the circumstances.

Why is it apparently morally reprehensible to post more than just one character?

ok fine but why allying