I ran session one of a GURPS Dresden files game today!
I ran session one of a GURPS Dresden files game today!
Dresden files, Montreal 1988
Session zero put together a group of:
>Teenage witch, goth punk Catholic school girl
>Southern gentleman hillbilly, white court vampire
>Military trained DnD nerd turned holy warrior
I feel like I've been gifted a Joss Whedon TV show cast; the party has been an absolute blast :D
They're hunting down vampires, day 1, within minutes of meeting each other. All drawn to the same alleyway by mysterious feelings, they abandon any pretense of mistrust within a few moments of shared investigation.
A week old crime scene draws them in; a body found outside a warehouse, within, they find something else entirely. A strange crucible of piping and steam vents, with a trapdoor leading into a natural caverns below.
Snakes guarding Eldritch tomes hidden in the wall, they get past some spoopy feelings and delve below!
>Dresden Files
In the depths, they find a cavern wet with mold and mildew, with a discarded body nearby. The bloated corpse looks like it was eviscerated by an animal...
And they are set upon by a feral thing! Claws, bloody fangs, and gibbering tackles! They draw pistols but the witch scorches it in the opening second of combat...and a dozen more screeches come from the caverns around them!
Cliffhanger until session 2!
All in all I think it's a good game start; most of this session was feeling out personalities and testing the waters, so tolls we're minimized, but the fit felt right.
We're running with RPM style power, with otherwise everything else just being bought straight. The white court guy is using Leech as his basis for his emotion feeding, and there's a holy warrior with power investiture. I'm taking a lot of cues from the books regarding the ways of magic, but gurps let's me build what I need wholesale so it hasn't held us back yet.
Also fuck tripfags using this board as their personal blog
So people can't put traditional games stuff up on the board
Unless you approve?
>Teenage witch, goth punk Catholic school girl
OP, you came to the wrong place if you want to talk about actually playing Veeky Forums
I for one think this is hella cool. How well did GURPS hold mechanically?
Jesus, apparently
When did we stop being interested in other folks games? Why did we stop asking people about their party? Or the setting? Or their escapades?
Pretty alright so far. Luckily I haven't had to use any major rulings yet on RPM ingame, but I'm gonna brush up on it before next game. Shouldn't be too crazy, just freeform with extra steps
Also, custom equipment from the witch!
Innate Attack (Burn) 3
Magic 1, -10%; Limited Use (10 Uses Per Day),
-10%; Gadget (Can be Broken (DR 5, HP 1) -15%,
Can Be Stolen (Theif must win DX/ST contest,
Won't work for Theif) -15%), -30%.
I'd rant about it, but I don't want to shit up your already shitted up thread. So let's try something different.
One of the issues I had with the Dresden FATE stuff was that you had to squeeze into the character's from the book series itself and not necessarily just exist within its universe. Does the GURPS stuff still tack on the "You're basically Harry/Michael/Murphy" stuff?
Good lord NO
GURPS is just a framework to view a game setting through. You're not restricted any more than you want to be
The gm is free to arbitrate of course, but I wanted playability in my game, not canonical scripts. We've got 3 150 point characters built within tolerances. Ones a camp and two are mortals, but so far that's not a restriction
As someone that played the first version of Dresden FATE, one of the foundation presumptions FATE makes is that you as a player can create your own Stunts by slapping your dick against the rule book a few times and noticing the consistent theme that all stunts either
>Give +2 to a roll
>Give an exception to a rule
>or Give you some other similar tier ability
Basically the shit given in the book is examples.
I had a riot with it when I played it, my character was the hero of the age, a Russian orphan who basically became the scion for the hopes of all humanity, in the same way the archive was the repository of all knowledge or a fey knight is the servant of their Queen.
He was the servant of humanity and it was fucking amazing. It's a real shame the game ended just as things were about to come to a climactic final battle. He was planning to force the supernatural elements of the world to bend the knee and stop predating on humanity by bringing mankind itself into the Unseelie accords and declare the entire mortal plane into neutral ground.
Shit was tricks. Used the knights of the cross as a foundational and then all custom abilities from there.
Bro the fuck are you talking about? Nothing in your post was true.
I'm looking at the book right fucking now. It's be a wizard, be a knight of the Cross, be a human that bullshits their way into not dying but won't be important. It's all right there.
Or realize that those are examples that they made, drawing inspiration from characters, you know Archetypes. I promise you there is no class system in this book you claim to be reading. There are guidelines, for example to be a Wizard of the White Council one must buy full thaumaturgy and full sorcery, but in no way are the Council, the only humans who have access to these powers.
Is Dresden Files as cool as OP's image makes it out to be? I have been looking for a more "Traditional" urban fantasy setting for a while.
That image is hilarious
>I thought Molly "The Loli" Carpenter wasn't sexualized enough, so I added a tube top and thigh high stockings
See also, Thomas looking off into the distance like a slack jawed derp
First 3 books are okay, gets a lot better after that. It is a good urban fantasy setting. Low magic setting though and the TTRPG from when I played is neat but best served for one-shots or short campaigns because characters don't grow much where stats and abilities are concerned
Cast honestly sounds on point based on the main cast in the books. Seems like a fun game
>Maybe... Maybe there's more to life than looking pretty and hating myself...
I played Dresden FATE once. I played a custom thing, a Knight of the Threshold. Basically humans with powerful artifact swords that acted as ambassadors & protectors of the balance between magic beings & mortals. The swords could cut portals into the Nevernever. It was a fun game. I played with a Fae-touched girl & an Aztec jaguar warrior/shapechanger, it was fun
That's her dad right there. Her very Catholic dad. Michael might be the chillest dude ever but he is gonna have a long conversation about appropriate dress when smiting the servants of darkness
It's pulp fun. A lot of the entertainment is more in the things that happen, and the world is built more to support that. If you're looking for a well-constructed hidden world of magic, you're probably better off looking somewhere else.
Also, isn't she supposed to be 6' tall? She's probably shorter than Murphy in that image, even accounting for perspective
Dresden Files is very good. It starts of as a pretty bland plotted Noir with urban fantasy elements but then the author finds his stride & it gets so much more interesting & makes me go Fuck Yeah!
Codec Alera is great too but it is military fantasy featuring pokemon & Romans
I can agree that the world (especially in the beginning) can feel a little slapdash at times, however I feel you are misleading the newbie user. Harry is in the phone book, as a wizard, he isnt taken seriously until desperation sets in but he's in there. The magical world isn't hidden just ignored, most mortals will go through mental gymnastics that would make the men in black blush to continue to ignore it. Some of the best characters in the books are normies who are confronted with incontrovertible proof and cant ignore it anymore.
I just realized that 3 out of the 5 women Harry was ever intimate with are in this picture. How awkward would that tactical team up discussion be
>abandon any pretense of mistrust within moments
So they can’t roleplay for shit and just wait like baby birds for the GM to vomit plot into their mouths?
I meant more in the sense that this is the kind of setting where a wizard kills an ancient horror by luring it to a nuclear test site and then teleporting out when the nuke detonates. The kind of world where the entire South American drug trade is run by a vast vampire house, and the entire North American porno industry is also run by an entirely different vampire house. It's pulpy, and built for that, not something meticulously detailed or considered.
He was never intimate with Molly, sure Molly wants his rod something fierce but it's never happened. Yet.
Plus there have been plenty of team ups between the girls
Intimate enough to have to literally push the naked 19 year old girl off him. Also this is literal matter of time with the world as it stands. He has also never fucked Murphy. But these relationships are intimate none the less
also the previous team ups didn't involve Hey ladies who want to bang help me and my babymama save our daughter. oh btw i have a daughter who knew
Molly's displaying more sexuality then that in Death Mask, though it's noted repeatedly in the text how unconformable it makes Harry.
From the witch's perspective..
>Stevadore and a guy out looking for kicks. Might have ill designs on her. If so, they won't enjoy what happens next because she has a blasting ring and field hockey stick with her.
>Doesn't bother lying about vampire hunting down by the riverfront because people don't believe her anyway.
>Hasn't asked what they are because that is their business. Expects they might be more then mundane, and were out investigating the attacks like she was.
>Still pretty sure if anybody tries to fuck with her she can burn them to ash.
That said, she is too quick to trust and reveal things. Young.
I've only played a little GURPS but I remember 13 to 3 odds pretty much impossible to survive.
Are they just supposed to run and get help about the mole people?
The dresden fate games I've play are some of the best and worst games I've played. I will remember them all fondly regardless.
Codex Alera should be trash when you look at all the pieces but personally I really like Butchers writing and characterization enough to still like the books. Though now that I've read more books it kind of feels like he was trying to emulate the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.
Am I the only one who wanted him to just throw it in Molly already? That'd be one fuckin stronk family and I think they have a real good chemistry anyway.
Patience, user. We must wait the 6 decades for Murphy to die. Then the OTP may be complete.
The White Court only runs the MAJORITY of Porn, thank you!
I ran a game where one of the players was the last Herald of Spring, where we learn that originally there were 4 Fae Courts, and that Mab pulled a "Consolidation" around the Industrial Revolution. (based off of the Weird West Dresden stuff I helped make here on Veeky Forums)
>Mmmmm. Unlikely,
I will say, Ser Balthazarr, that your After-action report left a little something to be desired.
Like, if you only had 7 minutes of story, why not give us the full Aspect breakdowns of the characters, and so on?
>Military trained DnD nerd turned holy warrior
Again, he's not a DnD nerd, just a cringy wannabe crusader (well, maybe no longer a wannabe when he actually kills some vampires IRL) of the “deus vult remove kebab” sort that abounds on the Right nowadays (except that “remove kebab” wouldn't have been a pressing concern back yet in 1980), which is what I meant by describing him as a “LARPer”.
I actually have no idea what Dresden Files is (I looked it up once and apparently it's some TV show but I don't watch TV or read fiction) so I'm going in completely blind, just like my character.
Why in the name of god would you chose to play that?
Post them character sheets user!
He's loosely based on a guy I knew from an online server, who left such a lasting impression on me and just about everyone who knew him that I thought he'd make a fun character. The above doesn't do him justice though, that's just a minor aspect of it.
Here you go
Post the goth chick please.
Again, my bad
I'm 2 for 2 fucking up that description :(
I'm surprised you hadn't run into Dresden files at all! The show does an adequate job of evoking the world, but understand, they had a hundredth of the budget on SyFy than a proper show would have had. (And the hockey stick staff was just fuckin dumb. Good casting choices tho)
I should hope they decide that survival is the better part of surviving the day. But we will see
>you only had 7 minutes of story