"All is well" Edition
Looking for some more obscure CYOAs this time around, I don't have much saved.
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"All is well" Edition
Looking for some more obscure CYOAs this time around, I don't have much saved.
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we should build a cooperatively made cyoa some time anons
Starting with some of what I've got saved
Elf Bullying OC. Very quick.
Mystery box.
this is an atrocity
Fuck that mystery box got me sad
OC trash
yes, there's no option to burn alive, trow them to be raped by goblins or worse shit, frankly elves need to be genocided.
>Collect a debt
I will make that elf become my loving wife.
t.mad manlet who lost his empire to fucking rats
Thanks a lot, user!
Stuck between Viviene and Kaela
not cool
not cool at all
OC is never trash.
Viviene is pretty cool, Kaela is second. I would have considered Grusha if she didn't look like a horrifying nightmare
>Grusha if she didn't look like a horrifying nightmare
thats just poor lighting/neet complexion
shed look much less pants shittingly scary if there was a light on and someone made her wash and sleep properly
>Grusha Yarjo
Fuck off dwarfs are the pinnacle of civilization, their mechanical works could easily wipe out entire eleven populations if they weren't cheating with "Magic," they are clearly in cohorts with chaos power and should be exterminated.
Bu most importantly elves are STICC while dwarves are THICC.
>6000 words written for my cyoa so far
>about 80% done with writing
It has taken me months so far but the progress is real. Writing is not my strong suit.
>Ear Massage and Talk About Gross Things.
This is some weak ass bullying, I wanted to rape her and humiliate her..... But all I could do was to rub her ears and lewd her...
she was meant to be an orc but I couldnt find any orc women pictures so i impovised
>dwarves get invaded by greenskins
>lose ancestral holds, breaks their empire and they cant stop whining about it
>elves get invaded by greenskins
>greenskins BTFO
>elves then proceed to BTFO more greenskins with fire magic, because they can
pinnacle of civilization my ass
I knew exactly what the box was and i still took it... Godfucking damnit i didn't need to be sadder today
dumb fatlover
last time i check it wasn't dwarves that birthed a whole new chaos god and plunged the world into a destructive spiral just by being immoral degenerate cunts.
Mask of the Phantom because I'm boring
Alright, I changed my mind. Grusha is the new best girl.
last I checked it wasnt elves either you retarded 40kid
Propose to her unironically, if she says yes we get married and spend our entire lives together. Then since she’s an elf I’ll die before her, so on my death bed I say just kidding
Neanderthals could probably beat you in a fight, but you humans are still superior to those uncivilized bastards.
Didn't GW say they were in the same universe at some point?
Snub fuck doesn't know his wife is getting ork cock rammed in her as he "rides" his horse.
>Didn't GW say they were in the same universe at some point?
if the fact that in one demons get beaten with muskets and in the other machine guns didnt tip you off
pretty sure they're just sorta connected by the warp, with some potential draigo sightings and chaosfags being able to get some 40k stuff at some point iirc
still, while in 40k elves fucked up the galaxy, fantasy elves regularly save their world
They still fucked the dwarves for no reason other than their sense of superiority in the war of the bear, the filthy pricks.
>pretty sure they're just sorta connected by the warp
unless you want to suggest that the demons who turn titans to mush can be beaten with cannon balls they arent connected
they both have Chaos, and Orks and humans and elves- but different settings entirely
Paladin and Ranger a cute
That was totally unnecessary.
Creative types tend not to work well together. Uncreative types are, well, uncreative.
And also tend not to work well together.
Going for the slut (end in 3 with no dubs, trips ok), no terminal zeroes, at least three zeros, and none of the penalty numbers. Let's do this!
Ear Massage and Collect a Debt. Though Talk About Gross Things is tempting. What does escalation look like, in this case, and how is it "almost" lewd?
>What does escalation look like
Anything that would make you stop and be taken aback despite what your plan was.
>how is it "almost" lewd?
Triggers your "is that a weird sex thing" radar to be operational but not fully armed.
>to be operational but not fully armed
Metal... Gear!
lets get lucky
Thank you for your prompt response.
>rolling in a thread
Fine, I guess.
Get a d10 online, don't roll in the thread
Luck be a cute lady tonight
Grusha has the shortest hair so she is best girl
Rolling because why not.
Reminder that Otherworld+The choice is the best choice
you die in the truest sense though, you lose your memories and become nothing more then your "spiritual" information. You need to have keep memory for it to be truly good.
Keep Memory+Other World > Keep Memory+The choice > Other World+The choice
I can grow and evolve as long as I keep my knowledge but the moment I lose my memories I'm just some asshole noble in a fantasy setting.
>Instead of dying you get to choose where and when do you want to be reincarnated
>Because you lose your memories after each cycle you will never grow weary or jaded of it
>Your soul doesn't get touched at all just placed in another blank slate for you to enjoy the ride again so you are actually still you
Still sounds like a sweet deal to me
Ranger is indeed a QT, but I have to go with sorceror. Between the two of us we may figure out magitek! and teacher/student is my fetish anyway.
There needs to be a studen/teacher waifu CYOA where your role is the student, and you get "picked" by one of the female Teachers.
>cyoag: where lonely people go to die
Hey guys, just wanted to float an idea here to get it out in the open.
Comfy Trailer
Basically; some fat guy shows up one day with a construction crew saying it's your lucky day and you're getting a free house made in this general layout, but otherwise up to you on what you want. Fully furnished to satisfy all your comfy trailer needs. Free power, water, gas, internet, and even food included. Also immortality as expected.
You will pick a bedroom type, bathroom type, entry type, kitchen type, living room type, 4 spare rooms (of any previous style or other unique choices), a closet that leads to a variety of unique locations (Bar, space planet, slut island, etc), and finally a fully customization yard.
Rooms and yard can be any size/shape you will it to be, but to the average look from the outside it'll appear as a normal trailer. The room layout/orientation will be pretty much the same tho. No one will question if it's in a city lot or even in the mountains.
You also get to choose how you access/locate your trailer with key type and you get to pick one of 10 waifus to live with you in whatever arrangement you want, from roomies to wife.
I'll already say I'm taking inspiration from Time-Stop-Chill-Zone, because that's basically the main comfy cyoa, but I think with enough focus on the trailer related aspects and choices it'll be it's own thing.
Any idea/comments/suggestions/questions?
I'll also accept name calling and insults, as any (You) is still a (You).
I agree.
>Make it yourself.
I have no talent. I'm just saying this because it might be popular and some actual author may decide to pick then.
There are worse deaths.
>magic closet
please tell me your going to make venture bros options
also posting the time stop for ya
you got me hyped
also a closet entrance to narnia would be nice
>venture bros options
I am familiar with only the first three episodes, and I know it's a good show, but what do you mean?
I like it. How about you have rooms with different square meterage and you have to fit them on a grid but you can have as many rooms as you want and perks can add/spend squares and shit. Idk. A creative way of spending points
Anybody got the guild cyoa pdf?
Adventure land of pedophilia and talking lions, got it.
I know what you mean, and I like the idea, but I am just a simple idiot that wants to have a little bit of fun.
Maybe if I ever want to make a more complex update, but I feel the only thing I'll ever update and add to will be Starry Knights.
Also, don't expect that much effort from this either.
Bootleg photoshop tier.
Also, I'm assuming it'll be fine if I mix irl and 2d images since Ros did it?
I tend to not do that, but I still do mix most art styles if I think it works.
Can you please search for images on google instead of using mspaint? Thank you
>we should build a cooperatively made cyoa
No, we should build a competitively made CYOA.
dr orpheus' daughters closet is his entrance to his master's realm
also billy quizboy and the albio)
(the midget and the albino)
both live in a trailer where they run their super science company
The art style is part of the fucking joke, you stick in the mud.
Galko is pure! PURE!
I'll consider it, but I know so little about the show I wouldn't want to trip over myself trying to make the reference stick.
Whoops, this was meant for this
/cyoag/ makes me feel somewhat positive, knowing some form of majority are in the same position I'm in, and I enjoy the fact that we all just sit around and post CYOAs to escape reality for a little while
>Adventure land of pedophilia and talking lions, got it
So there is going to be lolis in there?
You've never read Narnia, have you?
Posting a classic
The wall between the kitchen and the living room needs to be demolished. It's splitting the dining space in half. Not to mention the entry opens into the kitchen of all places. Sorry I have some issues with this trailer layout.
Considering the clause of the rooms being as large as you want, ignoring space and physics, I need the walls and doors to serve as boundaries.
Plus, since it assumes the shape you desire, you can have that wall gone with the snap of your fingers.
This fat guy really knows how to build trailers, no one better.
Also it's modeled on the trailer I currently live in, and am about to move out of with my roomie to a new place out in the sticks.
I'm sad about that and this is a bit of homage.
I was just joking around but now i am kinda curious
Goat dick in little girl.
All I'm saying.
post proofs
Best girl is Sakura
how can she draw if her eyes are always closed
Waifu Option is the best