Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1995: Windows 95 Edition

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>How to Jumpchain

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So one slight moving of perks around later, Alchemist has a new capstone:

Mind of God [600 - Discount for Alchemist] - The primary interest of Atlas is information and the manipulation thereof. This goes beyond simple precognition of day-to-day events or giving yourself an edge in combat - it is the manipulation of the progress of humankind as a whole, and prevention (or creation) of their extinction. A single human body cannot handle such information by itself - so instead, you made tools capable of accessing and storing the collective knowledge of humanity. You are capable of constructing devices that could create or manipulate pseudo-Spiritions, or virtual projections of the soul, and transmit that into a virtual space of your own designs as well. These devices are equal in magnitude and processing speed to a highly advanced Quantum Computer, and let you store or project a human consciousness, soul and all, into these spaces. With time and resources, you could recreate almost the entirety of planet Earth and the records of all its history, and store the whole of mankind within it...though doing such a strenuous, time-consuming process would take a lifetime by yourself. Recreating something such as a certain Moon-based digital space with this alone is a daunting, perhaps impossible prospect.
However, the ability to create such highly-advanced devices has come with a neat additional perk - namely, with the information it can calculate, it is possible to ‘observe’ the entirety of a world’s history and several probable futures, along with the conditions needed to make those futures happen or even prevent them entirely. (1/2)

I'm tired.
Tired of assholes like you shitting up this place.
Tired of what is supposed to be a fun hobby being ruined because you can't handle someone having fun.
Tired of you turning everything into petty drama
Tired of me being anxious about posting something because pissy little rats like you come out of your basement to throw out insults.
Tired of having entire threads devolve into a mudfight because you were bored
Tired of not being able to discuss certain topics because they've been shitposted to hell and back.
So you and the rest of the shitposters fuck off and die

Reposting the Loyalist route WIP for Black Crusade to get additional critique.

>all locations done
>all general perks done
>all Emperor Patron perks
>fluff fixed up

Posting Chaos Route WIP for comparisons soon.

Fuck off, OAA.

It could even provide instructions or probabilities of success with new advances or superweapons not yet within the world on aiding these potential futures, creating Mystic Codes or wonders few could even dream of beforehand. With resources and time, perhaps you could make a device that can make those probabilities real by command alone, though that requires energy and conditions that a lone human being can’t generate. Finally, everything is here - the records of humanity can be preserved and made whole.

So yes you could build your own robo-Stand with this, ala Hermes.

>Thread number has finally reached the year you were born

>'Logic of Logistics' fixed up

Why are you putting in stuff from Grand Order into Tsukihime? This seems completely out of bounds for you to be putting in and it's directly taking an option that already exists in the Grand Order jump

Valeria if you have Capstone boosted Pulling Powers Out of Your Ass and Capstone Boosted Only Humen is there any limit on what you can do (Like could you hypothetically spam that tiring Short Time Stop thing mentioned)

Post your damned question or jog on.

Eh, mine was three threads ago. But this is starting to get a wee bit out of hand, isn't it?

Remember that you shouldn't measure your jumper purely by combat potential, there are plenty of other ways to go through live and solve problems.

So, /jc/, I have the skull of Marie Antoinette. I wish for her ghost as a companion. Any tips on using the former to achieve the latter?

Glad you like it and I hope you enjoy.

Glad you like em.

No. Also you only get 4 100CP perks.

You punch with your manliness.

Yeah, I'm meaning to take a break from main jumps today and try and get 1 or 2 new scenarios out today. Tomorrow I'll get started on DCEU.

You're still limited by energy capacity.

Okay but

what if

combat power is the only worthwhile thing for defending yourself.

Reality Marble was also in Fate/stay Night, Atlas was also in Fate/Extra and the above technology was used to 'drop' people into Moon Cell, and Dust of Osiris basically eats people to store their information, and the organization tends to be really interested in the future and probability across all their iterations. This perk also doesn't include Rayshifting or Servant summoning, just observation and probability, which fits them.

It makes sense here, basically?

Go to Fate. Use the skull as a catalyst. Boom, now you have a Marie Antoinette ghost companion.

>It makes sense here, basically?

No it doesn't.

Figure out how to get to CarnEvil and redeem her ghost using her skeleton as a sympathetic magical link?

>You're still limited by energy capacity.
But could you spam minor effects for a major effect. For example a long time stop is more tiring than a short one but if you instantly recover can't you spam various short time stops to act as a longer time stop

Can I get a reason instead of just 'no it isn't?'

This is Dust of Osiris' gimmick. F/GO being exponentially more popular than Melty doesn't retroactively erase it from existence.

This seems like an incredibly obvious thing. Yes, you can use multiple minor effects in a row.

No you fuck off, nobody wants you and you do nothing but pester people who produce content for this thread

Just become Yogsoggoth in DYN Freaks.

I don't have time for this ****.

You can curse on Veeky Forums.


Would anyone be interested in a directory of lower-powered settings and jumps?

Hey Val, question about Black of Venus. Can we apply Simply Perfect from Petals of Reincarnation to it so that we can stay in the boosted state permanently? Can we do that naturally if we're an Elder Immortal?

I would, yeah.


It'll take time but eventually yes you can use them together. No to the latter.

What do you mean by low power? Something like Person of Interest? Something like Harry Potter? Low power is pretty vague, user.

Sweet, thanks Val.

Not a critique, but on the bottom of page three there's a typo "Abaddon prepares for his 13th Blade Crusade". Should be 'Black'?

I'd suggest Shaman King. Their whole bit is summoning ghosts. Get in there and take the Itako Shaman School and you can summon up even those who have passed on and would normally be out of bounds for anyone to summon.

I'm with your mother right now. Go to her room at your own risk.

>13th Blade Crusade
Typo or not, that's not a bad name, actually.

Definately Blade

>Sanguinor’s Legacy
What happens if some of your forces have wildly different view of you? Like, say, some who see you as an angelic figure and others who see you as a terrifying overlord?

Not sure if you saw this last time, since you didn't reply, but I'll post it again just in case.

He might be a bit much for a companion purchase, if Daemon Princehood is going to be a reward at the end... But would you consider offering us the companionship of Doomrider? He does cocaine.

Or an option for one of the basic daemons like Bloodletters, Daemonettes, Horrors, and Plaguebearers (or three nurglings wearing a trenchcoat)?

...Maybe a corgi-sized Chaos Spawn, for those of us unlucky enough to not be able to fit Adorable Abominations into our budget?

Not really. A directory of various jumps organized by power-level on the other hand...

I'd be vaguely interested. I kinda enjoy being mostly mortal in my playthrough, as I discovered once I got to Light of Terra some years back, wound up with a fuckhueg starship and baneblade, and wasn't really threatened by anything that was mortal. It lost a lot of fun for me afterwards since I was trying for a low/mid powered jumper.

So I am assuming it is not intended to do both as separate jumps right?

Your mom has a nice ass.

I'm always up for any compiled list or index relating to jumpchain that anyone wants to share.
Its one of my favourite things to find here.

Spacebattles is already on the case for double-jumping.

I would like it please.

That’s a man baby

Working on the items and skills for the X-Wing jump. Does this sound reasonable to you guys?

Cortosis Weave (50)
-Being rare and brittle, pure cortosis is both expensive and hard to use. But its energy damping properties are unparalleled. Providing a measure of protection against blasters, lightsabers, disruptors, and more, so long as it’s energy based weaponry you will have at least some protection. This upgrade can be applied to any set of clothing or armor, including those from out of jump, applied to a single set per purchase.

To be fair I ask since A Certain Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun have you "choose" between the two but it is not an unreasonable assumption that you can do both

>Blade Crusade
...as much as I don't want to, fixing.

>What happens if some of your forces have wildly different view of you? Like, say, some who see you as an angelic figure and others who see you as a terrifying overlord?
Then it's going to be a pretty interesting rescue.

>companion ideas
I'll have to think hard on Doomrider since it has to be balanced with other companions. I could see some basic daemons. ...Chaos Corgi, fine.

Correct. I'm just putting them as separate documents for better viewing, I'll merge both of them in when finalized.

HA! Are you serious?

Are you calling those hips liars?


How difficult would it be to survive the Black Phantasm drawback if I had High speed regeneration, elder immortal, white of Mars and buying two times combat stylist

Assuming you're telling the truth, that just makes it hotter.

Sure, looks good to me.

But why only clothing/armor? I remember cortosis also being used in specialized weapons.

Depends on how powerful the past foe that the Lifemaker is possessing is. If it's just someone from within this universe, it's near impossible with just that stuff, since you're basically going up against at least a Nagi tier foe with the Lifemaker on top.

Excellent question! For that, it's because I have a 25 CP option for them since they aren't full-body coverage.

What Perks should I buy in Worm? Got 600CP to spend.

>HA! Are you serious?
Doesn't seem to be the case, (un)fortunately.

Isnt it the pornstar remy lacroix? Pretty sure she is a woman and always has been

No. Fuck 25 cp options.

Since when did cortosis kill lightsabers? I tbought it just couldnt be sliced like most stuff.

>Then it's going to be a pretty interesting rescue.
That's fair, I suppose.

I think I'm personally going to go with the resulting Jumperguinor looking like Two-Face?

>I'll have to think hard on Doomrider since it has to be balanced with other companions.
Yeah, I figured it was a long shot. But I had to try?

>I could see some basic daemons.

>HA! Are you serious?

No I'm not.

Considering you have to choose one slice to go through and you cannot buy perks like a normal jump outside your background I can see why jumping it twice would make sense. Damn stupid restrictions.

I feel like we're getting into a Zeno's Paradox type situation. Like, keep a powerful effect active for only an infinitesimally small amount of time, but then repeatedly activate it an infinitely large number of times per instant.

Practically, you're probably going to be limited by your mind's processing speed.

Ah, alright then. That sounds fair.

They kinda go back and forth on it. Sometimes it's just resistant to lightsaber strikes, sometimes it shorts out lightsabers entirely.

A convincing trap it may be, it’s still got a penis

Learn to do basic subtraction, nig-nog.

I have over a dozen of both those and 75 CP because they're little things in a big jump, there is no danger of backing into a corner here.
Only the really, really pure stuff. It's more economical to have a weave or alloy that can withstand it, so you can outfit dozens of people full body and weapons for the same cost as a single blade. Since the pure stuff is kinda brittle, it doesn't work against entirely physical stuff.

Except it is not a trap, I just gave you the name.

Perfect Reflexes :)

On an aside that is why I ask for time stop specifically since time stopping gives me time imbetween intervals

Jumpers, how pretty are you?

Have you SEEN “”her”” naked?

>75 cp

wow this jump is going to be shit.

Funny considering this guy tried to sneak this jump onto the drive already in the past I would rather see it conform to jump norms. 25 cp options are trash, much better to see everything between 25 and 75 just become 50.

It's a pornstar, yes.

Or you could... and hear me out... jump the 3-4 other Imperium jumps we have?

...oh. I was hoping for something funny to read.

Well I'd have to figure something out, and I'm really not sure how the heck I'd get it figured out balance-wise without pissing everyone off.


That just means the penis was cleverly disguised

Actually since we are talking about WH40k did anyone know what happened to the scenarios KiwiTau was making for Adeptus Astartes?

Yes. Yes I have. I have her temptation of eve dvd.

>buying porn
>buying gay porn
Look at this nigger and laugh

You can never be sure you're not gay, anons. Every woman you've ever been with could have been a man.

Jesus fuck why its much easier for just intervals of 50. I know you have been gone a while but could you please just not. 75 and 25 options is a shit way to do things.

The prettiest.

I know a little bit of math is scary to your tiny minds but why not wait until the Jump actually comes out before having an autismic fit about pricing?

>Or you could... and hear me out... jump the 3-4 other Imperium jumps we have?

Yes yes red because they all allow you to get stuff from the other chaos gods. Oh wait! No they dont! Black crusade background lock is bullshit and you know it.

Would the chances of surviving improve by swapping HSR with Divine Curse and one buy of Combat specialist for Old Fashioned Brawler? Thanks for the jump by the way

Just jump Val's jumps if you want more power.

>Jumpers, how pretty are you?
Oh also chiming into this. Obviously I am not pretty.

I am handsome

I would suggest rounding those up/down to 50.

Why are you buying tranny porn, user?
Do you like traps? Are you gay or something?

>UQ Holder jump
Someone give me their opinion on buying the perk that makes you strong right away vs. buying the training perks and shonen-ing up.

>why not wait until the Jump actually comes out

Because he will be way less likely to change it then.

my jumper is not pretty at all, he is Ruggedly handsome in an eldritch way. think of Hulking dangerous tattooed men but the man in question is a Protean mass of tangible Umbra and Golden cybernetics

Not very. Makes it easier for people to feel they're talking to an equal. Part of the equation for trust, after all.

I am sorry to ask but what does this actually do? Maybe because it is late but I don't actually understand much of it.

Not everyone is manyfist anons. Not everywhere is japan. Contrary to what you may think most women do not have dicks.

I'm sorry Bancho, but I don't think "handsome" means what you think it means.