How much cheese does your party carry?
How much cheese does your party carry?
Enough for sandwiches
CN and LE aren't even cheese, uncultured degenerate.
>Chaotic Evil
Get this abomination out of here
Velveeta not being cheese is part of the joke of it being LE, quads-sama.
Why do you wanna know? Are you Wallace
No one has as many friends as the man with many cheeses.
>Nothing goes over my head, I'm too fast, I'd catch it
Neutral Evil one looks good, what is it?
We went over this the last time you posted this thread. Cheese a shit, parties should carry raw honey instead.
Be the big cheese on the block with a wheel of the good stuff!
If my character is NE is he allowed to carry around tabasco sauce instead?
Looks like epoisses. Which is quite stinky, but delicious
Parmesan is literally the grossest of cheeses. I don't understand how people can like it.
That's not evil, that's cultural relativity. Black people have hot sauce in their purses, white people eat cheese.
Or you could carry both.
>not liking parmesan
A lot to be honest. Cheese is an amazing food.
>doesn't like the only cheese that is used as a seasoning
>he doesn't use a blend of shredded cheeses for seasoning
>artificer with dog companion and has massive obsession with cheese
Oh boy
My setting is pseudo-Georgian and monster hunters rarely stay more than two days on the road , so we carry a lot of cheese, bread and sausages. Keeps us well fed and baits the critters.
I think it’s abysmal in its pre shredded form. Pretty salty otherwise, if you find a shop get a little chunk and some sparkling wine and you got yourself a great aparetif
Are sandwiches:
>chip butty
>Ice cream between waffles
Not sandwiches:
>chicken wrap
>hot dog
>ice cream taco
Structure is more important, but not 100% necessary to sandwichness if the ingredients are pure.
I say cream cheese is true neutral
do you eat it off your nascar plate?
That's exactly my stance on the matter.
CN is actually cheese though...
What the fuck is the CE one?
I'm glad we're in agreement, now we can move on from such distasteful radicalities as hotdogs being sandwiches.
Parmesan is barely edible. The feet and vomit smell it has becomes overpowering really fast the more of it there is in something. There is a good reason it's almost used as basically a condiment, it's just not an edible foodstuff by itself.
>Not eating exclusively CE cheese
Blight mage represent yo'
Yeah but is pic related a hotdog, or a pastie or, is it a sausage roll?
Sausage roll - there's no way it's a pastie, but I could see a hotdog argument - except that is definitely pastry wrapped around it (r-right?)
Reminds me of last year where a Burger claimed they'd invented a "new summer snack"... that was just sausage rolls
Also, come to think of it, a burger is a sandwich, right?
>Also, come to think of it, a burger is a sandwich, right?
Yes and for decades was sold as a "hamburger sandwich," as hamburger is what you call someone from Hamburg.
i just noticed i left caps lock on by accident.
Casu Marzu, it's a Cheese made in Sardinia where they start out with Pecorino cheese and then cut the top open so flies can lay eggs in the mold. They eat the cheese when it's full of fly larvae.
Sardinia was a mistake.
Enough to fill this Alignment Chart?
Cream cheese is neither good, neutral, nor evil. Neither lawful, neutral, nor chaotic. Cream cheese simply is.
If the bun separates at the hinge,then hot dog a sandwich.
American "Cheez" is presumably the far realm horror against all life for the chart.
>cream cheese is true neutral
>Grated (shredded) cheese is NE
>Macca's cheese is CE
If it does not, then what? Is it a taco? A pizza?
No, a hotdog is a sandwich. It's foolish to start splitting hairs because of the position of the bread and protein.
>Radical Sandwich Anarchy
By that logic, a potsticker is a sandwich.
Get out of here you aussie cunt
Yes, that would be correct. It's called "radical" for a reason.
Potstickers *are* sandwiches, you plebian. Anything food with a filling is in fact a sandwich.
>Casu Marzu
for when you absolutely, positively need to have a mouthful of maggots and ammoniated waste.
also keep in mind that the live maggots can and will JUMP a distance of up to 6 inches when disturbed.
Pretty much everyone ever has a small bottle of tabasco in reaching distance of food.
I had to look up what a chip butty was, why would you eat that?
Would have fit better for chaotic evil.
I once had a guy in my game who, instead of simply saying that he bought some food for the way, insisted on interacting with every possible different NPC who would sell different kinds of food.
At first I played along because, well, what could go wrong, and he went onto buy meat and fish separately. But he kept insisting onto buying from this guy, and that guy, and that other guy. The other players were clearly bored at this point, but the guy just wouldn't accept not just moving the game along.
When it was time of him going to buy cheese from the local cheese vendor, I was fed up and started making up songs that each NPC would sing whenever somebody entered their shop. The second time he could not take more of my singing voice and decided that it was enough.
The picture is right there!
Also it's quite nice, though it is a fuckton of carbs
I mean, I was assuming it'd have something other than fries on it, but nope.
Oh well, it just seems like it'd feel like a greasy rock in your stomach to me.
They're chips, hence the bloody name. Proper chips, cut from a potato. You stick a bunch of em between two slices of bread (or inside a hollowed-out bap if you're feeling fancy) and cover em in however much ketchup or brown sauce as you want.
Plus they're proper nice.
I don't understand why we keep having cheese threads. I mean, I'm not complaining. Compared to all the generals and the bait threads, this thread is probably one of the best we've got right now. I just don't get it, is all.
its called a cob not a bap
Not fries. Big fat chips, not thin bendy fries.
>UK: deep-fried potato sticks are "chips," thin-sliced fried potato ovals are "crisps"
>US: sticks are "fries," ovals are "chips"
>AUS: ???
>NZ: ???
>CAN: ???
>LIB: ???
Oi, don't start that.
I mean, you're right, and it's not like he's calling it a barm or a breadcake, but still.
I think "bread roll" would be the most widely used term (with the understanding that it's got to be a soft one, not one of those crusty rolls)
>When you're so fattening, even Americans find you gross
We still call them fries if it's the shitty variety. The mashed potato squished through a mould type. You wouldn't call McDonald's fries chips.
Sorry m8 but I live in the south. You know, the civilised part.
So thin McDonald's-tier fries are fries everywhere, but what are "chips" in UK are "steak fries" in US?
If steak fries are thick and straight from the potato then yes.
If you want disgusting, see the Scottish. They deep-fry Mars bars.
Yes (well, a lot of """steak fries""" are potato wedges, but other than those), except they're a lot more common in the UK because thin fries are pretty shit except for certain circumstances
No different from frying Twinkies, I suppose. Or soda. Or Oreos. Or Klondike bars.
What references are in the OP image? Lawful Neutral seems to be paraphrasing Death of a Salesman, but I don't recognise the others.
I must shamefully admit, deep fried ice cream is actually delicious.
>Deep frying sweets
The fuck is wrong with you people? Only meats and veggies should ever be fried. Especially pickles. Fried pickles are god's gift to the world
Are you American?
If so, are you talking about that Kraft shit they sell at the store and pizza places, or are you talking about the real Parmigano-De-Regiano-Its-A-Me-Mario, 19.99$ per pound cheese? Because I agree with you on the former
>has never eaten battered, fried apple slices
>or fried ice cream
>or the literal myriad of delicious fried desserts
Granted, shit like deep fried candy bars takes it too far but I pity you if you have never had a proper fried dessert.
Can confirm, my family did gastronomy and catering. Frying desserts is great fun, however! Preparing ice cream to fry it is way too much work for the payoff, there are better things to fry.
Eh, fried foods in general don't agree with me. Of Oneat too much, or even just eat something that's too greasy or oily it gives me stomach aches and awful shits. I've always preferred grilled or baked goods over fried because of it, and I prefer to eat fried food sparingly to protect my bowels.
I read this in The Most Foreign voice.
True Neutral is from God's Away On Business by Tom Waits
>Goddamn there's always such a big temptation
>To be good, to be good
>There's always free cheddar in a mousetrap, baby
>It's a deal, it's a deal
Because you're not a homosexual
Thanks user (no seriously), now I'm going to listen to Waits again
I bet you live in the south.
Guessing you only eat it on pizza when it comes out of the green can... that's stuffs like 50% fiber filler
We only say "fries" at all because of relentless americanisation. Maccas chips are chips too.
What is the fluffy inside of bread if not just a filling for the crust? Thus I claim that by these regulations a loaf of bread is a sandwich in and of itself.
I mean, toast sandwiches are a thing, you might not be totally wrong
What is NE? Looks good
>NZ: ???
Both are chips.
Less fattening than american fries, as the volume/surface area ratio means that normal chips absorb less of the oil that they're cooked in compared to equivalent weight of fries.
I read this in Pierce Brosnan's voice.
Dutch cheese is the pinnacle of cheese-ness.
Strong English cheese, cheddar or stilton, or maybe, maybe French cheese, but not wet, weak dyke cheese
Wouldn't hurt you to taste the cheese part, limey.
dip it in chocolate