>want to play as a barbarian or paladin
>always get typecast as a rogue or sorcerer because I'm short and have rbf
Should I just keep playing the role fate has delivered me?
>want to play as a barbarian or paladin
>always get typecast as a rogue or sorcerer because I'm short and have rbf
Should I just keep playing the role fate has delivered me?
For a moment I thought that was a black spade on her torso
It's not a fucking play.
Resting Bitch Face.
Well, in any case, fuck them. Play what you want to play.
Just be a gay dwarf barbarian man, short people have been tough dudes in table top for years.
Just play whatever you want, man.
Smite their kneecaps.
Who the fuck typecasts people IRL? In one game I play a scrawny manlet wizard and in the other a giant, bearded, hermit cleric obsessed with bodily purity.
I am not a manlet and I won't be able to grow a real beard until I'm 40.
You must be a woman because no one does this to men and I only play with guys and ive never seen it. Is it a carryover from when you played barbie and you have black hair so you’re nigger barbie and your blond friend was real barbie?
>>always get typecast as a rogue or sorcerer because I'm short and have rbf
you guys should do even some basic fucking research on how roleplaying games work before you come up with these retarded shitposts
So your group doesn't discuss who should play what before you start playing?
No? You tell the DM what you want to do, and the DM approves or denies it. This way your character can have backstory elements that the DM knows about and works into the plot without everyone else knowing about it. Generally, "I want to play X class" would only be a problem if someone else was already playing that class, and even then most DMs will allow it if you really wanna be the third rogue on a 4-person team.
How bad is your RBF?
My group invests pretty heavily in Session Zero, because good preparation and planning makes a world of difference for a campaign. Connecting character backstories, working out mechanical unbalances or disparities, and setting up cooperative goals, all of these benefit greatly from good initial communication, and can really obtain a much greater layer of depth than just something decided spuriously.
But, that also means some arguments and a lot of compromises, including making decisions based on what's best for the group, rather than simply doing whatever you want.
Some people are more generic/versatile than other people, and some people are just more limited in acting range. Most men don't do a good job playing as women, and it's hard for younger players to act older than people who are older than they are.
yeah but has your group every "typecast" someone into a role based on their fucking real life appearance?
Don't just pretend you're a barbarian, you have to be a barbarian.
Yes. I'm always a rogue or sorcerer, while our half-norwegian/half-moose player always plays either a barbarian or ranger, even though we've both expressed interest in switching roles (but haven't because of how ridiculous it would be)
8/10? Enough that people tend to assume I'm playing a secretly-evil character.
Do you dress up as your characters what the fuck is going on here
That is really weird.
show us a picture of your face
REALLY really. For real.
All the cuckposting on Veeky Forums has ruined me as well
>(but haven't because of how ridiculous it would be)
WHAT? Are you fucking serious? This is vying for the title of weirdest shit I've heard all week. I don't care if you're a fucking lanklet PhD and you want to play the dwarven village idiot. It's a fucking RPG character, not some weird reflection of yourself and your bitchy face.
You're supposed to be playing pretend you stupid shit, it doesn't matter how accurate you are. Goddamn you act like there's this committee outside of your small group making sure you're playing right.
It’s a tabletop roleplaying game, not a stage play.
You can play a short and evil barbarian, you know.
why the fuck would you let others choose your character for you?
I feel you, man. My DM won't let me roll a strength 18 fighter until I can do a 800lb deadlift.
>be scrawny as fuck and the only "sports" I've ever done was college chess
>be more drawn to huge physical fighters in every single game I play
Just a funny thing that happens. It might also be because I am always more content with support and sidekicking, and brawler frontline types are often more about enabling others.
me dm wont let me wizard until I can right good
Just play a paladin and make her an exact replica of Murphy from Dresden Files.
Not early-books Murphy though... and you probably don't want to have their thing going with the wizard (idk, you might)
>Should I just keep playing the role fate has delivered me?
Ignore your own desires and wishes.
Do what you are told is right for you.
Fellate the other players if asked.
Alternatively, you could play an rpg.
>So your group doesn't discuss who should play what before you start playing?
Discuss what you WANT to play, listen to the gm, and decide what you WILL play.
There is no "should".
You can all play barbarians if you want.
>My group invests pretty heavily in Session Zero, because...
>that also means some arguments and a lot of compromises, including making decisions based on what's best for the group, rather than simply doing whatever you want.
Sometimes, maybe.
Never playing what you want? Fuck that noise.
>but haven't because of how ridiculous it would be
You realize that players play bizarre fantasy and alien races that don't exist, right?
This is high quality stupid.
My sincere compliments to you.
What kinda shit group denies a player his desired character because of "typecasting"?
This is retarded. This is not how It should go.
I never even heard about shit like that.
I am GREATLY appalled by this.
What the fuck.
I take it a spade means something to a cuckold? I don't follow internet trends so I'm a bit "naive" to this shit. Also, cuckolds have ruined interracial pornography for me. Fucking cunts
A spade apparently refers to a woman who prefers black cock. And yeah, the amount of cuckold shit that shows up in porn in general is kind of annoying, but I haven't figured out if I'm more bothered by the amount of it, or the fact that it has become popular to refer to any porn that doesn't involve two white people having vanilla sex as cuckold porn.
I sadly believe the latter is fueling the former, which just makes things worse. I remember when interracial just meant one race with another, be it WM/AF or LM/BF, but now it's just BM/WF.