Every class is better at being a ranger than a ranger. Yes even wizards. Discuss.
Rangers suck but why not right?
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If we're talking 5e, then yeah, Rangers need help. They don't have much of a class identity, and the one thing they are "known" for, being a pet class, is woefully mishandled. A Fighter with the Outlander background does functionally the same thing. Spend cash on a mastiff and boom. When your class feature can be lampooned for 50g your class has problems.
Have fun with that CR 1/8 pet that receives no scaling bonuses and you have to manually direct with constant Animal Handling checks. Half the sessions would be spent yelling at the dog.
Exactly. You guys get it. You play an outlander fighter or heck, any form of barbarian with survival or nature proficiency and you're a more powerful, more fun version of a ranger.
Oh sorry I forgot to answer this properly. Yeah pets suck for people other than rangers but pets are literally the focus of only one archetype so they're hardly what the class is designed around.
I think one of the problems is that a lot of stuff rangers are good at (tracking, wilderness survival, foraging etc.) are often handwaved by DMs, or else resolved with just a quick Survival roll and not a lot of drama.
Then again, a good DM would give rangers some good wilderness to explore, but I feel like most DMs are more interested with getting you to their next Plot Spot so they just say "You travel for 8 hours and arrive at the ruined temple. An icy and fell wind blows from the doorway..."
Well, looking at several of the new Ranger archetypes in XGtA and UA and whatnot, they are trying to make Rangers into Hunters, basically. Which is fine; the class sort of needs a new identity and Hunter is a decent role to fill. Different archetypes that hate different things (undead, lycanthropes, goblinoids, etc) and has different tricks of the trade for dealing with them that also spill over into other things.
Yeah the mastiff doesn't scale but you get better action economy out of owning one than you get from the Beastmaster pet for a LONG time. And you can always pay more cash for a more exotic domesticated war animal. There are plenty of options. Bears are domseticable, for example. The main point is that the class, at least as a pet class, has a lost identity. Warlocks with advanced familiars get a better deal ffs. It needs something new, which the Hunter thing is trying to accomplish I feel. It's just a shame you have to go outside the core book to get a decent Ranger.
Revised Ranger is stupidly better than what we got in the PHB, and really makes up for it. Unfortunately it looks like we may never see an official release of the full class, but at least we're supposed to get a rework for the Beastmaster archetype this year.
The problem is that D&D is going for the "classes as archetypes" route rather than as literal jobs, I personally like it but it demands an ammount of brainstorming that WotC is incapable of consolidating so they have left the Ranger in a weird spot now.
I get that they are kinda going for a paladin-like angle of a character that is more about "muh land" than "muh oath", the problem is that they have no idea of how to achieve that without getting too much into "muh nature" which is druid territory, so they are left with contrived ideas.
Every class is the best at being that class in 4e. just sayan.
The ranger should fit between a barbarian and a druid.
I think the ranger should just fit right inside of it's own unique spot. Same as wizards, fighters, barbarians, rogues, monks, bards, sorcerers and clerics do. I'd really like to see that. And I don't think even "hunter" is a good enough spot for that because honestly most of the classes can somehow fit that role if not better than a ranger then at least almost as well.
this, pets arent used to there full potential either.
How would you like to see pets improved in future editions or/and unearthed arcana?
I mean just story/campaign wise. using hounds to track down bounties, birds to scout areas, smaller animals like rats to travel through small spaces or snakes for constant supplies of potent venom. I'm sure other have better ideas than this but my point being they can be more than just extra damage in a fight.
Task from The Unexpectables seems to be doing fine damage and general involvement-wise.
Not having played 5e but having heard of the Ranger in some way being bad, I'm pretty surprised to not be noticing any of this on thier podcast.
Yeah, because the base class wasn't the problem at all!
Jesus Christ how shit is WotC at this?
>Scooby, what the fuck man
>oh hey, you brought me some of the loot from that kobold you chewed up? Good boy Scooby
>Scooby, stop fucking around man
>Scooby stop trying to eat the merchant's donkey
I fail to see how this would do anything less than make this campaign awesome
S'almost like people that don't have business in a dungeon are useless in Dungeons and Ducks
Why don't you just tweak the ranger as you see fit and explain to your group?
Don't have to. The Revised on was near perfect.
Orly? what changed?
Not enough imo. If a class still has blank spots in its level progression then I don't think it has any business being portrayed as finished, which albeit is part of the disclaimer at the start of the pdf I think.
Early level abilities that emphasize the Ranger's roles in and out of combat, and an actually useful Favored Enemy.
how did they change favored enemy? is there a link to Revised? you've piqued my interest more than the damn Civil Defence
At the very least, it's a step in the right direction, though naturally it isn't to every user's taste.
Ranger, yes. Avenger? Duh! Fighter? Not even close
Damn, looks like it might actually be worth trying now. I like the PE changes and the roles in general seem a bit more important than just a dump perk
The problem with rangers have always been a pidgeonholed fighter, which is pretty fucking bad considering that the fighter is already fucking pidgeonholed into fighting.
When did people forget that Rangers and Paladins were subtypes of the Warrior class?
They were?
Have you tried not playing 5e?
Look I understand art style and all that but I hate this armor so fucking much I'm actually being triggered
2e and only 2e
>lolsorandom dog antics being anything other than cancer
Hurr but I guess I must just hate fun, right?