Rate my setting's themes:

Rate my setting's themes:
>It is folly for a flightless bird to dream of the sky
>Good intentions, awful outcomes
>The path less traveled is to for a reason
>Hope is the vice of the hopeless
>Despite everyone, even in the face of oblivion, one must still strive for victory

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Makes me want to go to sleep.

Why do people think a world itself has to express some kind of 2deep4u themes instead of letting that grow naturally from the story?

Sounds like every fucking setting and I'm already bored.

Why does the setting have themes? A particular story has themes, not a setting...

>Good intentions, awful outcomes
>Hope is the vice of the hopeless

>Despite everyone, even in the face of oblivion, one must still strive for victory

this is fucking stupid your themes are conflicting and that is fucking stupid

No one wants to play a game that they're not allowed to win.

Leave the deep themes for the story.
The themes of a world should be rather basic. If you want the world to have a general theme, come up with one word for it. Emotions are good for this but really anything can work.

As an example, perhaps not the most prominent theme, but a prevailing one in the world of dark souls is loneliness.

The Game of Thrones meme ride never ends! Go back to masturbating over half written trash cucklord.

Hey, at least it's not yet another Dungeon Meshi thread.

Hey guys, rate my setting's themes instead:
>Through the looking glass
>Parasitic Divinity
>Meddling Gods
>When everyone is mad, they will seek out the sane man and claim he is the one disturbed

Rate my settings theme!


>>It is folly for a flightless bird to dream of the sky
>>Good intentions, awful outcomes
>>The path less traveled is to for a reason
>>Hope is the vice of the hopeless
>>Despite everyone, even in the face of oblivion, one must still strive for victory
sounds to me like you're making a setting designed for the sole purpose of shitting on the players
sound terrible

Okay so let's break it down the way your players will see this garbage
>It is folly for a flightless bird to dream of the sky
You are never going to get to do anything cool, unlike my NPCs. They get all the cool shit, suck my dick you flightless birds.
>Good intentions, awful outcomes
When you give food to the begger-children, they will immediately develop dysentry and shit themselves to death on the spot, all over your new sabatons.
>The path less traveled is to for a reason
>Hope is the vice of the hopeless
>Despite everyone, even in the face of oblivion, one must still strive for victory
but u gotta hope tho jokes on u faeg :^)) u gobba beleaf :^))))) cheggmaded by the chestmaestr :^))))))))))))))

>rate my five random quotes

Unlike the other anons here I like to play miserable characters though so you're OK in my book.

Alright here we go Veeky Forums, r8 or h8
>The wealthy live with fabulous technology and more hedonistic pleasure than any could imagine, the poor are living in the dark ages
>There is are no "good guys" and "bad guys", only factions vying for power within a greater whole
>The powers that be will always try to maintain the status quo - but they sometimes fail (and then the job falls to you)
>The world is filled with immediate temptations and pleasures, but those who seek long term gratification will be rewarded
>Anachronistic egalitarianism - it is not scandalous for women to hold office, serve in the military, or show skin

Hay guys rate my setting
>Go fuck yourself
>Opinions are like assholes everyone has one
>Just turn off your brain bro
>In the grim dark future everything is fucked
>Around blacks never relax

Started out intriguing but then turned into Reddit

maybe that's because its sarcastic because this thread is retarded

those are motifs, not themes

Sounds like a boring anachronistic modern society sprinkled with whatever setting's aesthetics and a dash of social marxism thats pretending to be radical centrism
basically shit and sounds like 90 percent of stories made by entry level DMs

It's actually an Edwardian England ERP game and I'm a right wing reactionary, just wanted to see what people would say

The status quo has to be preserved so people can keep fucking each other, mostly

>social marxism

>Edwardian England ERP game
Anyway, still sounds like shit. The fact that its ERP reinforces that suspicion.

Yeah, yeah, go back to /pol/ and cry about how big bad social marxism is the reason you don't have a tabletop group. I've finished laughing at you now, my child.

>>The wealthy live with fabulous technology and more hedonistic pleasure than any could imagine, the poor are living in the dark ages
>>There is are no "good guys" and "bad guys",

Wow, you're really triggered. I thought you were a right wing reactionary. If you knew a single thing about what social marxism means you'd know that the literal definition involves egalitarianism and moral erosion, which you described as being several of your themes.
Get fucked. Your setting sounds like shit. If you were going to get so triggered at criticism of your terrible ERP setting maybe you shouldnt have posted in this dumpster fire of a thread.
I dont get why people even bother making settings for ERP. It's such a shallow purpose for roleplaying. It's even worse when people pretend that their porno backdrop is some deep intriguing setting.

>The world is inherently magical.
>This is a time of remarkable people changing the world.
>One boi can throws the setting into chaos.
Rate my setting theme. youtu.be/xyxOXjZHl9U

You see the wealthy simply had hyper-capitalistic senses to allow them to live in luxury while the poor deserve to squalor in filth for being inferior.
>So there is no good or bad, from a certain point of view.

Those... those arent themes. Those are, like, euphemisms, or metaphors.
Though, I guess if we're doing that, I'll play along.
>It's been a long time since war tore the galaxy apart, and in the peace people have become complacent and decadent
>the senate struggles to hold the stars together
>the nobles in their ivory towers bicker and fight using their underlings as pawns in frivilous and selfish plots
>those who wish not to play the games of the upper class cut their ties to the corporations and noble houses to become free agents who are despised as being loyal to all and loyal to none
>the world is slowly becoming crowded and will require only a single spark to ignite a conflict that even the senate will be unable to quench
Now, if we're actually doing themes:

Everyone is fighting for a home. The drow, the dwarves, the warring humans, even the illithids masterminding a war. They all just want their home back.

How about mine?
>The King and his rightful Heir are the best leaders for the nation, the scheming vizars bring corruption and tyranny until dethroned and the rightful rulers are put back in power
>Everyone has a fate planned for them, but if you never give up the gods may just tip the scales in your favor
>True Love and Friendship are some of the strongest magic there is
>Good Wizards wear white, evil wizards wear black

Sounds like you are going to try and punish the players for everything they attempt, eventually tutoring them that trying isn't worth the effort and that they should avoid getting involved as much as possible for everyone's sake.

Hey, TG rate my setting themes plox

-weak should fear stronk
- magic is for trannies and gay 100% of time
- asians are sneaky


Sounds like a perfect place for adventurers, good choices.

Rate my theme

>Good things happen to bad people, but great things happen to awesome people

>One man's sky is another's abyss
>It's turtles all the way down (and up)
>The only worlds to find are the ones we make ourselves
>Heirs will fight heirs until there isn't a kingdom left
>Break fate with the fire in your heart


Yet there's still good and bad from another point of view

rate my setting themes really quick, guys
>Man who sticks dick in peanut butter is fucking nuts
>Man who run in front of car get tired. Man who run behind car get exhausted.
>Man who jumps off cliff, jumps to conclusion.
>He who thinks only of number one must remember this number is next to nothing.

Deep as fuck.

>A butt in the hand is worth two in the bush
>Any man can be handsome, as long as he believes
>giddyup buckaroo

Rate mine:
>Through actions informed by will, you have the power to change your fate
>Not making a decision is a big decision. In the absence of a choice, one will be made for you, and you may not like it.
>Violent means have violent ends.
>The wages of treachery are suffering.

Probably bait, but grimdark and not remotely particularly interesting. Kind of sounds like every """dark""" fantasy novel ever.