A group of girls want me to run a game for them
What should I do
A group of girls want me to run a game for them
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Run the game user
Run the game
load your pockets up with spaghetti and see where it goes
Uh, Meet them for the game?
Do you think they would be fun to play a game with? If yes, run the game.
I would honestly commit suicide but that's too hard so I'd probably just stop going to whatever location I met these females at and then if I ever saw them on the street I'd pretend to be blind or something like that, maybe retarded, and blame it on an accident if she asked. I'd honestly probably consider moving. Like, not just towns, but states, or countries. I have never spoken to a woman for more than 3 sentences since turning 18 (yes this includes when I had to leave trying to open a bank account because the person at the till was female) except when a female cop stopped me once, and I very very very strongly considered running for it on the basis that I didn't think I'd be able to deal with it. Luckily she gave me the ticket without much discussion. Anyway I guess my point is that I have no idea how the hell you should deal with this OP and I am literally the worst person on earth to ask except maybe for some serial killer or other mentally deranged person who will counsel aggression over avoidance.
tl;dr move to Uruguay
Can you explain how exactly you got to know a group of girls? You know, for these other losers
I got involved with the certain clubs at my school.
I'm in another D&D crew and when I was telling them about it they sounded interested and asked me to dm for them
Right right. So how did it happen where you had a conversation with them? Did they approach you?
they want my dick and it's very obvious
and they have a few other nerdy friends they've gotten involved too
Work out so you can stop being a pathetic fuck
What the fuck I never had any experience like this in high school. This is bullshit
I'm in college
We got paired for certain to work together for certain events, too. So that kind of forced us to talk.
Run the game you whingy faggot
you do the obvious. You run a fun opened ended little session to see how they like it. the session should have a good "pitch" though. in my experience it helps people not used to the gamer get whats going on a lot quicker if the situation can be initally explained in a sentence. from that initial pitch allow their actions to drive the plot. don't have a planned resolution. if the situation is interesting enough and *imminent* enough, it will drive the players to act an allow them to take charge and confront the problem in the freeform way that only Pen and Paper games can do. They'll immediately grasp the difference between these games and video games as a result and have more fun than in a session that has official quest givers or something equivalent. Here are some some ideas i've used in the past.
The players are traveling together and stop for the night in a village that is attacked by monsters in the night. ( copuld go lots of different way depending on the kind of monster and how the players respond. keep it open and they'll have fun)
the players are trapped in a city under siege, by chance they find a map that reveals a hidden passageway out of the city. ( drive home the hopelessness of a city under seige. starvation, violence, frequent attacks from the attackers, combine this with the knowledge the map brings and the players now have a lot of different options. do they flee the city? attempt to evacuate the entire city? do they sell the info to the attackers? )
in the night, a flash flood strikes the city in which the players live, everything is washed away, ( best response of these i've run. in medias res is important with this one. having to immediately react to drowning and surviving debris in a flash flood is good to grab the player's attention. also open ended enough to allow freedom. what do the players do next? rescue survivors? run to a local lord for help? what caused the flood? etc etc)
Make sense?
thanks for the suggestions user!
this, also do something thematic as in video related, dont do anything generic, keep it short.
no prob! I hope it helps.
With the other information in mind, try to run a very light game, very low-intensity chargen. If it's something like D&D, use plug-in stats, a list of classes with a couple package options. Basically, build-a-pregen.
None of this is because they're girls, it's because they're a full group of newbs who prolly wanted to try on a whim. That kind of group is awful to run for if even one of them gets bored at class selection.
Make chargen a breeze without total pregen spoon-feeding and expectations of how they might play those pregens. Get to the actual game. If they don't like that part, their loss.
so are you gonna try and bang them?
Give them the dick dude
Descent might be a really good game to run if they think they want to play D&D. Quick to pick up, fun, nice pregens and clear goals.
this. for my first session for my newbie friends I made all pregenerated characters. more importantly i think I also made some pictures in hero machine and included them with the sheets. you can find better pics than hero machine of course, but they responded to the pictures and thats whats important. visualization helps. newbies are far more likely to say "I wanna be this cool guy with an axe" rather than "these stats look really good."
I also made a few maps in inkarnate and roll20 that i printed out to help with this as well, and it also got positive reactions.
so I recommend prep, but not necessarily "normal" DnD prep if that makes sense.
Oh, this is a great plan of action too. I'd go for scenario one since a city is going to involve a lot of moving parts. Also, someone will play a rogue and that rogue will try to pickpocket someone dangerous and then that's the rest of the session.
thanks! and yours is pretty good too. rolling with player caused chaos is always a good newbie tip.
Also, no magical realm.
If they bring the magical realm? Fade to black, roll dex, con and chr checks, let the table interpret and giggle over the results.
Well what the fuck I never had any experiences like that in college either
This. Every That Girl I've played with has been the magical realm variety of That Guy. Hell, most of the regular woman liked to do sexual shit more than any dude I've played with. Just something to be aware of.
This is true, and also why women almost always play either Tyranids (they say it's because they're a cute but it's really because of weird fetishes) or Dark Eldar (self explanatory) in 40k
Impregnate them through rape
fuck 'em gently
Dat is not de wae
>MFW male and Tyranid / DEldar player.
>Run.... user
ignore all these autists and run maid rpg
Run the game and report back anything of worth?
Just run the game user. I know we all joke about being around girls, but not many of us are being serious. I mean, the vast majority of us here have jobs, so we interact with women and girls pretty much every day.
The only problem I can see is that you don't like the girls you want to run a game for, because when you've met them previously they were rude, or were otherwise offensive to you.
If you don't really know them, then don't worry. It may be a bit awkward at the start, but once you get into the game you'll soon forget that your even playing with girls and just see them as another set of players to have fun with.
Now this is going to betray my country of origin, but I find the best way to get things started is to make everyone a cup of tea or coffee and just talk to them about what sort of plans they have for their characters, or if they have any previous role-playing experience. It's just a nice, pleasant way of breaking the ice and setting up a comfortable atmosphere.
You know what you like, user.
You seem to be a pussy, so you will fit right in.
Bring condoms
are you blue?
because blues run the game
I suggest running Magical Burst. Make your players feel like special little girls discovering the misery and pain of their boon
>...the game...
>...the game
fuck you
>Trips and puns
truly we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
Run the game.
Resist your impulses.
Pay attention to signs.
Really try not to miss any signs.
Don't imagine signs where there are none.
Do your prep work in advance.
Roofie their Frescas.