Another beastfolk general thread! This time, we ask what sort of animal-based humor,jokes, and puns you work in for your beastfolk, and why are the Otterman Empire the best ones ever.
Beastfolk General - Puns that make you growl edition
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have a space moth
I feel like that too easily precludes interesting development of a race for the sake of a single joke that will probably get little more than groans at best, and a smack upside the head at worst.
Also, "Otterman Empire"? Really?
What’s more magical realm, weeb beastfolk, or furry beastfolk?
Weeb beastfolk.
Depends on how hard the DM sexualizes them.
Weeb beastfolk for sure, they're sexualized as much as a furry beastfolk if not more, and also have the weird "Keeping a person as a pet" vibe.
Because we all know, furries aren’t people.
What are common beastfolk traits that you dislike, Veeky Forums?
They can have sex with humans, magical realm really, I just hate humans in fantasy in general, because they think hybrids need to exist
Not only do hybrids need to exist, but their whole purpose in existing in fiction is to jack off to how much better they are than anything else because of their human side alone.
I do allow hybrids in my setting, they have worse stats then either side usually.
But humans are like worse, there stats are bellow lowest of rats
Why are humans so unimpressive compared to everything else?
How could you do a civilization of space traveling bugs that isn’t lol-hivemind?
Quite easily, user. Just don't make them a hivemind. Whether that means eschewing species with hive-based social structures, or even just granting all the various workers individual sapience is up to you.
I didn't come up with it. I could only aspire to such glory of founding the city of Vidrapolis or ruling from the City of World's Desire, Susamurubul.
I think individual sapience works well. How would you think if they altered individuals and batches to resemble other bug types for their abilities? Like Stag Beetle Guards or Mantis Assassins?
>Beastman General
Generals were a mistake
I'd do a builder, but no.....
Random question: in a setting where humans and beastfolk co-exist in peace, is it really unbelievable that human/beastfolk couples might form due to individuals seeing attractive traits that transcend species?
For example, a retired human soldier/warmage who marries a rabbitfolk farmer. From his perspective, he gets a loving, lusty shortstack who considers it a matter of pride to keep him well-fed and in clean, comfortable surroundings. From her perspective, she gets the ultimate embodiment of the big, strong protective male, who looks after the homestead when danger threatens and who gives the best cuddles & headpats in the bedroom.
Certainly. However, that does raise the question of whether there are significant social connotations for certain forms, how much control individuals have over which form offspring may be assigned, and the state's stance on breeding among the populace; are citizens free to reproduce so long as the resulting progeny undergo alteration, is unlicensed breeding expressly forbidden, or is the vast majority of the species biologically incapable of reproduction?
Putting all the Magical Realm aside for a moment, it's very possible. Humans are often attracted to "unusual" features in prospective romantic partners, likely as an instinctive desire to find a mate that can provide genetically diverse offspring. If an unusual individual also possesses whatever qualities a person normally finds desirable in a "normal" relationship, the two of them ending up together isn't unthinkable. Of course, prevailing social attitudes can influence how likely that sort of thing is.
It's not unbelievable at all given how people on this very board fantasize about that very thing. We look up to and envy or otherwise admire many different animals for different things. The only thing I would consider magical realm would be if they could successfully produce offspring.
>The only thing I would consider magical realm would be if they could successfully produce offspring.
I’d say even then calling it “magical realm” is just jumping to conclusions, because that kind of stuff has been around in mythology for ages. A guy plowing an animal to create human/animal offspring is just an average Tuesday for Zeus.
I suppose, but I consider that more divine fuckery than a natural occurrence, even in a fantasy setting with fantasy creatures.
The first centaurs were born to a cloud in the shape of a woman after she was raped by a human king. The minotaur was born to a human woman who had sex with a cow. Native American mythology has a story of a woman who married a bear and bore his sons. Japanese mythology has a story of a woman who married a dog and bore his sons. Kitsunes routinely interbred with humans.
Really, humans & beastfolk breeding has plenty of mythological and fantastical basis.
Because beastfolk have all things humans have on top of physical advantage
"Natural occurrence" seems like a bit of a loaded phrase in regards to fantasy, though.
>Kitsunes routinely interbred with humans.
Now I’m imagining a bunch of centuries-old foxes gossiping like a bunch of old ladies about their exploits with the human realm.
Humans generally have two things over animals: Endurance, and Adaptability.
Adaptability may be an aspect of intellegence, so why not make humans still able to work longer, and over time harder, than most beastfolk?
Human endurance hunting is a meme.
>and also have the weird "Keeping a person as a pet" vibe.
Only if you consciously do that. I ran several games with weeb beastfolk, and they never were nyaa-ing retards. Maybe because i made them actual different race and not just "a perverted wizard did it".
Then again, 90% of both furry and anime beastfolk content is fetish shit. Furries just have vastly more content by volume, so good stuff appears there more often (and sometimes completely by accident).
Personally, when doing beastfolk I try to either go for a shape that's more inhuman (forgive my MMO examples, but GW2 Charr and some of FF XIV beastmen do it right), or go for human with ears and tail.(if beastfolk in question are civilized, so they become just one of humanoid races, together with elfs and dorfs). Not very fond of "human body with digitigrade legs and animal head".
Its beastMEN you fat, quibbling steers!
Does this look like the face of some fluffy geldling yokel you can 'touch the fluffy tail of'?
And you wonder why we hate you humans so much!
We'll kill your children, eat your women and rape your livestock!
We are BEAST-MEN! Not folk, not friend! We'll mash you up and put you in a stew!
Our shamans have gathered in great congress. They have decreed; the humans must be culled. Exterminated. Cuckolded!
Breed them out of existence! No man, only BEASTman!
Foster's Thranx, for starters
Are you with us brothers?!
You're an army list of jobbers, and the Skaven inflicted more chaos and destruction upon the civilized world in the End Times than you have in the entirety of the preceding eras.
What's their deal, user?
Skaven are still better than any of the faggotry that goes on in these threads.
'hurrr muh izzy lizzyfolk who live in the quaint swamp and don't do nothin relevant so original.' These goat niggers have more culture to them than any of the garbage vomitted out of your warbling gullets and they literally smear shit on everything and rape cows.
Skaven jobbed so hard its not even funny. Ratjews can't even finish off the Lizardmen despite Ages of campaigning against them on their own home turf. They nearly prematurely killed themselves and everyone else trying to do it, too, like the dumbasses they are. Literally what useful things did they do that wasn't finishing off races already on their last legs and slowly dying out?
I didn't see Thanquol or any of the other rats taking on Sigmar & the Superfriends when it came down to what mattered. Nah, last I recall them and their shitter god ran. And then showed up in the next setting as useless c-listers for Archaon to mock. Dude won't even accept the mark of the Great Horned Rat. Sad!
Guess you'll just have to be a useless sideshow in yet another game. But please, keep telling me about how cunning and important the Skaven are.
Point, but 'x-folk' DOES sound kinda gay. Folk is like.. hillbillys and shit. I don't know how any of you take them seriously when they don't even got names. And they're basically man-animal hybrids so why Not call them beastmen?
By that token all of Chaos affiliated are jobbers if their name isn't Archaon or one of the big Ruinous Powers. Every single one of them has jobbed HARD to make the Empire, and now the Stormcast, look 'super heroic and bad ass'.
I hate 'x-folk' as a term because it didn't come up ever until Paizo started using it for literally *every* anthropomorphic race they published.
Before that there would be more effort into their naming conventions and even cultures, like the Tabaxi, Ibixen, Aarakocra, so on and so forth. The only boring ones are Minotaurs but its a classic and no one is going to call a anthro bullman anything else but a minotaur.
You do remember that WoTC started it when they rebranded Lizardmen, Mongrelmen, etc into having the folk suffix?
I didn't say they were cunning and important-only that, however meager their accomplishments, they did more to destroy the works of Man in one conflict than the Beastmen ever managed to do.
I meant "jobber" more in the mechanical sense. Beastmen armies generally aren't that good compared to other factions.
>Beastmen armies generally aren't that good compared to other factions.
They were near the top at tournaments during 7th and 8th. Herdstones and chariot spam is no joke. 6th they were pretty strong too, but that's when their ambush rules weren't garbage and chariots were (iirc) EVEN STRONGER. And from 6th and backwards they could take anything out of chaos armies as it was one unified force.
So they've never been weak until Age of Sigmar castrated them along with most of the old WHFB armies with the exception of Empire/Freeguilds.
I want to make a race of birdmen based off of Shrikes.
Any ideas as to what their culture might be like?
Mongrelman has been in the game since as far bad as the early 80's. They didn't codify it mongrelfolk until Fiend Folio. And I would argue they don't really count as 'beastmen' or 'anthropomorphic' as much as they are grotesque mutated humans with random animal bits clumped on.
It was Lizardmen before that too as well. WotC ruined everything basically.
And even then they still kept unique names for other individual anthro races. So its both inconsistent and a cloying change of terminology that tried to 'soften' their image.
At the very least, I'm going to knock it if only for being uncreative compared to other race entries. They can do more. You guys can do more. Names are important and mean a lot to the people of that group. How dismal would it be if you were just called 'manfolk' all the time and nothing else?
VERY big on hunting and taking trophies. Trophies they can impale and leave up at a high place. Combine that maybe with an intense sense of racial or national pride and near-xenophobic levels of defending their turf. Flight is a huge advantage already for a species, so an army of them would be horrifying - even a raiding party would spell the doom for an unprepared village.
Basically a race of avian Vlad the Impalers.
Isn't "menfolk" a thing, though?
>1400s romanian bird people
Honestly, I'm ashamed I didn't come up with the Vlad connection myself. Gonna blame that on lack of sleep or something.
Not going to lie, that actually sounds pretty rad.
A generalized old timey term for human men said by humans to each other, sure. Used by other races? Its probably treated as a generalized slur toward humans because elves, dwarves, etc can't be bothered to learn what they actually call themselves.
That's how it feels to me when you guys say 'x-folk' all the time instead of a proper linguistic name. Like you, or the people in your setting, don't care enough to actually learn what they call themselves. What name they identify with. What racial culture and history they take pride in being a part of. Its a gross generalization. But worse, it doesn't even give them the dignity of being acknowledged as the peers or even equals of other humanoids. Other humans. Beast*men*. Not even a threadbare relation between the two.
You can't tell me 'x-folk' would never be used as a slur from a position of perceived superiority by humans and other, more human-like races (dwarves elves halflings etc.) Sure, its not as hard as something like spic, gook or nigger, but its still possess this demeaning tone to it. And it still strikes me as just.. really lazy and uncreative in practice.
That's just my feelings on it though. You guys keep calling them whatever you want.
>when your party takes on a commission to go find missing people in the forest of giant trees
>wandering for days in the woods, sunlight barely making it through the branches
>fight your way through all manner of dark creatures; shambling mounds, hags, gnolls
>the deeper you go in the weirder the branches start to look. start to notice there are less hostile creatures around.
> in fact, there doesn't seem to be much of anything living, and if it is, its well hidden.
>after getting lost the ranger elects to climb one of the trees and scout above the canopy
>after three days he doesn't come back
>the rest of your party decide to go after him, you climb up, and the higher you go..
>you find out why those branches looked so funny
>that's when they attack
With insane levels of near fearlessness, acrobatics, and a propensity to mob far larger enemies to drive them away. They also have a pretty cute song.
You raise a valid point. Beastfolk or "some kind of animal"-folk, from a purely in-universe perspective, probably comes off as highly anthropocentric, if not outright insulting, and not giving a race an actual name they can use to describe themselves is strange in-universe and lazy writing out-of-universe. That said, the tricky thing about using a specific name is that it's specific to that race and setting. No one's going to confuse khajiit with kilrathi, but both of them can be loosely described as "cat people". The fact that fiction contains many different kinds of animalistic races sometimes necessitates the use of a broader term in discussion.
Th claw fingers are kind of weird, but what would Moose people be like?
i had never thought of moose people society but this is from wikipedia
Social structure and reproduction
Moose are mostly diurnal. They are generally solitary with the strongest bonds between mother and calf. Although moose rarely gather in groups, there may be several in close proximity during the mating season.
Mating occurs in September and October. The males are polygamous and will seek several females to breed with. During this time both sexes will call to each other. Males produce heavy grunting sounds that can be heard from up to 500 meters away, while females produce wail-like sounds. Males will fight for access to females. Initially, the males assess which of them is dominant and one bull may retreat, however, the interaction can escalate to a fight using their antlers.
Don’t seem like the civilization type.
And being able to reach 1,500 lbs makes them kind of scary to meet it in a dark forest.
Two neat facts from Wikipedia: They are attempting to properly domesticate Moose, and the Swedes suggested doing it so they could make Moose mailcarriers
That could be kind of interesting; some sort of old, ritualistic ceremony to call a moose man, and convince him to bring something or someone safely to the other side of some horrible, incredibly dangerous forest.
Weeb beastfolk for sure. You can have modest, nonsexualized anthros, but japs and weebs can't help but give everything double H cup tits and/or one of those waifu personalities (tsundere, moe, big sister, etc)
Snakemen are so criminally underused.
If they do get used they are basically guaranteed to be evil with zero depth.
What a shame.
Didn't that artist go on to draw furry porn?
Why are apemen not more prevalent? They make the perfect orc substitutes
"animal"folk is basically the best way to refer to any type of animal based race, at least when talking in general. When speaking about a specific setting, using the races name is best.
Hoof Fingers! Which make sense as a hoof is basically just a fingernail that almost covers the whole finger/toe.
Honestly? They look too much like us but not enough. A lot of people find them strange or ugly. Then you get into a lot of racist correlations between apes and certain racial groups (or orcs and certain racial groups..)
But mostly, because I think Planet of the Apes and comic books have done that one to death in popular media. And we, at least in the west, tend to lean toward traditioanal and more exotic predators or domesticated companion animals.
St. Augustine equated the human-like animals with morally depraved humans, and I like that so I do the same.
Gnolls are basically the Cynocephali. Thanks to Augustine, the cynocephali were seen to be a part of the economy of salvation, albeit a fallen or exiled part; and so it was that they became widely allegorized and moralized as a quarrelsome, morally dumb, or even demonic race that was nevertheless redeemable.
That's how I can reconcile the gnolls of earlier and current editions.
Every D&D setting I can think of, and that's a lot, have some kind of apemen group. Usually located in some jungle, often with Angkor Wat style architecture. They aren't a playable race though, as they tend to be evil and worship demons and devils.
as an example from PF.
Have you heard the good news about God?
Please, tell us more.
Those were normally wolf headed though.
There was a cynocephali saint. St.Christopher.
It's not specified, more like wild dogs that any specific kind, like a wolf or hyena.
The Cynocephali--"We leap from branch to branch to suck the eggs, and we pluck the little birds; then we put their nests upon our heads after the fashion of caps.
"We do not fail to snatch away the worst of the cows, and we destroy the lynxes' eyes. Tearing the flowers, crushing the fruits, agitating the springs, we are the masters--by the strength of our arms and the fierceness of our hearts.
"Be bold, comrades, and snap your jaws!"
Blood and milk flow from their lips. The rain streams over their hairy backs.
-The Temptation of St.Anthony by Gustave Flaubert
>ywn steal eggs with your furbros and then put the nest on like a hat
That was the result of someone mixing up "Canaanite" and "canine", if I remember correctly.
Seems like they'd be like ogres/giants/othe big wandering monster. Usually solitary maybe a mother and calf.
Once a year they have a big tribal moot/mating season.
>1,500 lbs
If we assume moose-men reach that size, they'd be about 12ft tall, which is a good size for a mini-giant analog.
what's with this fucking war of the autists?
You can like both, you can like neither, you can like whatever the fuck you want
Would the moosemen conduct their moot on a hill, or would they have a hall somewhere in the wilderness for the purpose, do you think?
So, question; what Veeky Forums media beastfolk races can anons actually remember existing, if not liking? From the nezumi of L5R to the orochi of MtG, I want to hear your thoughts.