Thoughts on the Monstergirl Encyclopedia setting

So Veeky Forums what're your thoughts on the world of Monster Girl Encyclopedia by Kenkou Cross?



Magical Realm incarnate? Or borderline slaaneshi? Or no, Monster Girl Encyclopedia manages to out-do Slaanesh with constant Magic-Realm?

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interest bump

Unsalvageable, and i say it as a monstergirlfag.

It's shit, that's not a setting, it's fap material and that's all it'll ever be, while the premise is interesting, the actual problems of such world cannot be solved even with magic, some things are too stupid even fot Veeky Forums, and people who will try to play such setting are instantly red flagged.

A setting in itself can't be magical realm in the original sense, because the term refers to insertion of fetishes against your groups will.

I think with a lot of tweaking, it’s salbagable. I say this as I’ve used it as a loose basis for my setting, leaving out all the sex, and have gotten in earnest discussions about it,

You better being of explainings user. The idea that any good can come out of this fap-fiction interests me.

It's a cosmic horror story that tries to hide itself behind the thin veneer of being a simple Monstergirl world. And unless you've actually looked at some of the 'story' bits relating to it, you most certainly opulent know that.

And on that note, I must ask you this Veeky Forums: How long would your adventuring party last in the MGE world? And this isn't a question of whether or not you can "win" against it (protip: You Can't), this is more or less a question of how long can your party survive it.

Duuuude! MGE is TOTALLY the Dark Souls of Magical Realms!

You joke, but that is the truth. The setting is completely bleak and hopeless for everyone who isn't a Mamono or their mind-wiped meat dildoes (who only care about neverending mindless hedonism anyways). There is no defeating the monsters, there is no Divinity who will come down to defeat the darkness (almost all of them are utterly corrupted, and the only one that isn't is hopelessly outclassed by its enemies and is still to this very day nursing a wound that has a very real chance of corrupting it as well if left unchecked), and there are no valiant heroes capable of ending the nightmare (they ALWAYS end up corrupted and converted, no matter how hard they fight). There's absolutely nobody, and all of the realm's inhabitants know this for a fact. The world of MGE is genuinely more grimdark and devoid of hope than fucking 40K.

The perfect setting for a game of F.A.T.A.L.



Poster number 10 here who made the emergency bump.
I have looked at all sorts of archives of Veeky Forums talking about the setting, and have even looked at a few things on the wiki. The first thing I have to say is that corruption is not my thing, so I am going to be harsh when I say that the transformation thing that demon energy does to human women is bullshit, op, and a major turn-off to those who don't have the boner for ego death. I get it that it's a setting with quasi-furries and all sorts of magical realming, but I think that corruption should be reserved for only a few monsters instead of all of them for the sake of setting balance and fetish diversity.

>Iranian Demon.jpg

The "ego death" thing doesn't just apply to women, user. Demonic Energy also utterly mindwipes men and turns them into perpetually horny beasts who don't care about anything else beyond constantly fucking their "wives". It's also capable of corrupting even the setting's Chaos God equivalents and turn them into Mamono. Demonic Energy is some ridiculous bullshit.

>It's a cosmic horror story
No, it fucking is not.

Keep telling yourself that, friendo.

At least as a guy I can just walk away, at least according to KC, the setting's creator. Then again the setting is fucked up and KC is being half-assed about fixing it.
Also, I don't consider the Demon Lord's endgame to be good. What if I want a human-human-monster threesome? That's not to mention all of the things that would piss /monster/ off.
There's a lot of stuff in archive where Veeky Forums talks about the setting. My favorite is the two where they roleplay as humans talking about how they avoided fucking monstergirls.
There's more.

If you consider "obliterating the setting with a neutronium golem" winning, then maybe, though magical realm bullshit would just corrupt the golem faster than the golem's radiation would kill anything, because "nuh uh, my super demon energy powers make me invincible".

I apologize. Forgot to censor. I could also crop out the reactions if they are deemed unnecessary.

>That's not to mention all of the things that would piss /monster/ off.

Good. Pissing off /monster/ is good.

>"nuh uh, my super demon energy powers make me invincible".

the entire setting in a shellnut, really.

I heard that /jp/ doesn't like Veeky Forums for fucking with their monstergirl threads, but that's according to a fa/tg/uy supposedly copypasting some complaints. It was from an archived thread that was either a question of "your party is dropped here, what happens", or they were talking about the setting for tabletop. I think there were two consecutive threads, and the posts in question was in one of them.

So in my setting, humans were an accident. They have the ability to surpass the gods, and kill them. Since there is a non-zero chance of this happening, the gods try and fail repeatedly to wipe out sentient life.

These attempts includes-
A darkness that spews eternal eldritch beings
Every natural disaster at once
Other types of humans (elves Dwarves, halflings and giants).

Currently their plan is to fire off a demon invasion every thousand years, to keep mankind in medieval stasis, and gathering power.

The church is an arm of the Gods plan, but isn’t necessarilly evil, or especially corrupt.

Every demon invasion is headed by ‘an icon of sin’ representing a deadly sin. The current one is Lust, so a succubus Queen, but the true head is Pride, afallen angel who’s playing the long con. He knows the Gods plan, and has allied with lust. (The following is stuff I tend not to mention for fear it strays into too obvious magical realm stuff) His plan being use lust to upend the church and bring the disparate races together, under a guise of trying to split them apart. His bet being the Gods are too arrogant to possibly consider sex to be their downfall until it’s too late.

It’s a lot of tweaking, but I think it works.

They could theoretically fuck off into space we are, sadly, playing starfinder but they'd have to come back down eventually.