Post werewolves
Post werewolves
Other urls found in this thread:
>Post werewolves you'd like to fuck
>The token guy who's clearly not a werewolf
He's the dog guy. You gotta have a dog guy.
What about werewolves I'd like to hug?
Is hard being that one person who likes werewolves but doesn't want to fuck them...
I love the scout look on this one. Not to mention I'd like to think the bandana is a personal touch by his handler
>"Here you go big buy!"
>"For me?! :3"
>Wags tail hard enough to knock down a tree
these chunky fucks look goofy as shit, back to the drawing board with that anatomy
man I wanna snuggle these werewolves
Also known as wifewolves.
>furry shit
fuck off
>Liking skinnywolves
No thanks
>Those differences in sheer mass
They don't look bad or anything, but Jesus Christ, they easily quadruple their weight. So this is either pure Magic and they get mass from the elemental plane of Werewolves, or some Ariadna Gene Therapy Not Actually Werewolves shit. Considering they are carrying completely different equip, I'm leaning towards the latter.
This one acrtually proves that they have some kind of arcane magic in their lore.
You can read it here
Tailless werewolves?
I thought each of these pictures was one transformed werewolf and one untransformed werewolf. Either way they have magical mass coming from somewhere though, sure.
MtG has some cool ones
Serious question.
Why would you like werewolves if you don't want to fuck them?
There are plenty of monsters who are the same kind of savages and mindless brutes without werewolves.
What if the werewolf just wants to be a good boy and play fetch or something? It doesn't always have to be about sex and murder.
Wolves have a special place and connotation in folklore.
The idea of a cursed human, with a beast of destruction inside is interesting and appealing. Also, wolves, like humans are social predators, an interesting similitude unlike most other big predators (sans lions).
That's a dumb fucking question. Sure there are other monsters you could play, but few of them have the same strong background in folklore and fiction as werewolves. The whole involuntary transformation thing also adds a new layer to it that other monsters don't have.
Besides, you could say the same thing of just about any character, race or monster you could pick. Just because there are other monsters doesn't invalidate werewolves any more than the existence of other wise and elegant races invalidate elves.
>There are plenty of monsters who are the same kind of savages and mindless brutes without werewolves.
Such as? Trolls and Ogres maybe, if you go down the lean and clawed route? Bugbears, but nobody likes them?
>thinking the only reason people like werewolves is because they want to fuck them
Murder mysteries where you know someone in the town is a werewolf but you don't know who.
>Why would you like werewolves if you don't want to fuck them?
I can't even begin to imagine how far gone you are.
These are quite literally simply furries. We need to zyklon furry posters
There's literally a faction of Werewolves in the setting and these guys say nah thats cool ima not be that
Its not even that. You can tell from their dopey ass expressions and human eyes and mouths that these are clearly meant for furshit. Hell the one on the right has fucking purple punk hair!
MtG recently gave us some pics of werewolves that went full Cthulhu
>Implying he isn't so werewolf he turns into TWO wolves.
I usually like the concept of the meshing of humanity and our beastly origins as animals.
of course, I usually depict villainous ones are ruled by their instincts and passions, having discarded reason to enjoy the feral power.
Heroics lycans usually instead 'make peace' with their inner beast and work with their instincts.
So, in my head, the ideal is humanity achieving harmony with our baser animal and becoming stronger than the sum of our two halves. The nadir is regression of ourselves as a species and the relinquishing of self-control and enlightenment.
How is she supposed to draw the knife from that position?
Well he could be a former hive ganger so the hair aint that out there.
Former being the key aspect of that.They're Raven Guard now, not the goddamn gang.
>Implying the mods give a single shit
All these furbait "post pictures" threads would be deleted immediately if the mods cared.
Obviously not. Look how clean they are. If they truly were chaos mutants they wouldnt be wearing imperium armor and wouldnt be clean or handsome
Its a sad day
To be fair, Robert Chew's art is pretty sweet. Agents of Sin/Virtue is damn nice, and his robo-animals pop up on occasion in cyberpunk threads.
>Ana and furry Reinhardt
>take the knot intensifies
>we get the bonus of triggering Veeky Forums autists
>Invert mode
>Secret code THE BEAST
Fairly certain that "Ana" and "Furry Reinhardt" there are one and the same.
You'd think that but then the one with the Feral explicitly says it can't revert back to human so is the dude next to the naked berserk werewolf his wolf form?
They're similar, but the scarring is different, same with the QR-tags.
The Feral one explicitly states that it can't revert back to human form "under it's own power". That's the key phrase there. That's why the guy with the two dogs and no werewolf form exists actually. To keep the changed Lycans under control after their transformations and to help them revert back if they grow too wild to do it themselves.
Because the premise is inherently cool? The most popular version of the werewolf is pretty much the epitome of power at a price. The person gets strength, super-senses, durability, and maybe immortality, but at the price of total loss of control once a month coupled with a loss of humanity.
That archetype offers so much storytelling material it's ridiculous, and when you tweak the specifics of the way it works, there's even more possibilities. Maybe the werewolf has full control of themselves and can transform at will, but they're essentially the slave of the pagan god or fey or whatever that they bargained with. The fact that all you can associate them with is sex says much more about you than about werewolves as a concept.
>wanting to fuck a werewolf
Believe me friend many of us would LOVE to feel safe enough to divorce these things from the furry community. I think werebeasts are absolutely dope. But I'm never going to give it the chance because it takes no fool to realise that the furries are a thing and they will FLOCK to inclusive content
That sounds like a personal issue, and I'd feel pity for you that you're psychologically unable to enjoy certain things because of how they're perceived by others if it weren't for the fact that people like you only continue to feed into the stereotypes and the negativity. I can distance my love of werecreatures from "the furry community" just fine, as can most of the people I play with. If you can't, that's your prerogative I guess, but I'm just glad I don't have people like you the table constantly derailing things out of fear of who might be jacking off to it out there.
I take it his dogs are kind of like St. Bernard's and carry the same serum he does then. So he's a more centered kind of werewolf who rarely changes and is responsible for resetting them (especially ferals) when they go too far.
I imagine a dog can probably approach a changed werewolf more easily than a human. Albeit I note one of his dogs has had its entirely leg ripped off and replaced at some point so it probably doesn't always go that well.
It's a cool idea. I almost feel the urge to stat these guys out in Infinity.
I mean, fair enough if you're playing in a public setting, but if you're playing among friends you should be totally fine.
Full disclosure: I suffer from the furry fetish. Literally none of my friends have any idea, because I refuse to let my dick influence my life and my hobbies. I consider it a travesty that people ruin perfectly cool concepts because it happens to dovetail with their fetish - keep that shit separate. I put werewolves in a setting because there's story potential, making them into fapbait is a huge waste of that potential.
I don't let my dick rule my hobbies, you shouldn't let other people's dicks - or other people who ARE dicks - rule yours.
Amen. Unless it's a game based around ERP, your fetishes should not play into it, and we should all strive to keep our kinks out of our games.
Hope your games go well, user.
>*The Final Decision We All Must Make intensifies*
I think my favorite use for werewolves is to focus on the fact that they infect people by biting them and can shapeshift. From there, you can do two really fun plots.
>Who's the werewolf?
Someone in the building is a werewolf. Find out who before they kill you.
>Oh shit there's thousands of werewolves.
Zombie plague 2.0. Instead of slow-moving idiots that are tougher but not stronger than humans, you have large, fast, damage resistant nightmare creatures that turn back into intelligent people after its over. If there's a battle, and someone gets bit, their friends have to figure out what to do about it since depending on your lore they might not turn immediately. If you want to give people a real challenge, werewolf plage is the way to go.
but yeah, I would totally fuck a werewolf
>Murder mystery where everyone is a werewolf but nobody knows that others are wolves too.
And Orcas. Why can't we have a story about wereorcas?
I think I've come to terms with my inner furry as well as I realize more and more i'm drawn to the art and porn but I agree my fetish is self contained and I don't go out of my way to express it in any way unless in "proper" company
>when 40k gets into your furry
Hug me, Veeky Forums
I'll hug you after the fighting is over!
So that said, random thought. Alien vampires vs. humans who transform into werewolves to fight back against them? Undead alien mummies and a cult of frankenstien's monsters and !deepones (creature from the black lagoon)
So basically classic horror monsters given a 40k style sci-fi face lift.
Honestly I like using these kinds of plots as set ups only to subvert them. Like taking who's the werewolf and twisting it.
>>Someone in the building is a werewolf.
>>People are being viciously murdered.
>>Midway through the game one of the victims gets up.
>>Victim tells the players the killer didn't use silver.
>>It's not a full moon tonight.
>Werewolf mages
Jesus Christ how horrifying
How do you feel about other less used wereanimals? Like wererats, or werecats?
Not usually one to defend but left is far better than right at least. Left has the look of hatred that should befit an astartes has nothing immensely out of place other than the crux terminatus being worn weirdly.
I like the idea behind going berserk and going full rip and tear mode
I like the aesthetics of giant clawed monsters and think wolves look pretty cool
and I like the Jekyll and Hyde character trope of an otherwise normal man turning into a vicious monster through some circumstance
They basically hit everything I love on every level that isn't sexual.
I like all the weres. As a DM I've always been tempting to run a were campaign, or an arc in a campaign where the players get a were curse. For real fun jimmy up something were-aquatic, like a shark, squid, or octopus. Make the cure scary for the players since it's "Oh shit, full moon, find water!"
>my paws hurt
Same. Werewolf the Apocolypse was my favorite splat because I love all the changing breeds especially the werebears and how the werewolves got their shit pushed in by them.
How would a transformation feel?
Like sneezing in reverse.
IMO immensely painful at first, them immensely pleasurable
Similar to tetanus.
looking fucking great