Solo gaming. Is this something that you do and what is your current solo game of choice?
Solo gaming. Is this something that you do and what is your current solo game of choice?
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The Barbarian Prince.
But it takes a fair bit of accoutrements.
Does playtesting an adventure before you run it for a group count?
Came to say this!
Would love to see an updated version of it.
Since there is no local group to play with and I still didn't get into online games, I do play solo, it can be quite fun actually when you command a party and try to get into character and see how each PC act in any given situation, having well defined characters is a necessity.
I'm using GURPS because it's the last thing I've got into and I found it make simulating most situations pretty easily, the mental disadvantages and quirks also help giving more character to PCs, failing self control checks often result interesting situations even I didn't expect.
I tried using Mythic GM emulator before and it wasn't that great.
I play Kingdom Death solo a good bit, but I just don't find good solo TTGs often. Shame really.
>Solo gaming. Is this something that you do and what is your current solo game of choice?
Well, I mean.. I guess I already have all the equipment. (and I always win)
Coming into a solo gaming thread and making the "masturbation" joke is like being that guy (pic related) playing Monopoly who says "wouldn't it be amazing if all this money was real?"
I use mythic solo roleplaying.
I can play with any game I want, with any setting I want, with any crazy houserule I want
So what emulator do you use? I use mythic to handle random stuff and the resolution of my PC's actions, and like you said, it's not that great. I find myself using the 'I Dunno' rule a lot.
Not that guy, but I've heard good things about Conjectural Roleplaying's GME, and the Covetous Poet one.
I plan on giving them a go one of these days, but I never really had any trouble with Mythic. I mean I used to have "I dunno" situations come up more often than now, but I started doing a thing where if I wasn't sure about a result, I'd stop for a moment and take a step away for a couple of minutes to give my brain some time to figure something out.
I've heard the DarkSouls board game is pretty good for solo play.
Should I get it?
I had Fun and the minis are great.
You can play on tabletop simulator though
I mod and play Castle Ravenloft when bored. It's the closest I have to a new Final Fantasy Tactics.
gloomhaven, shadows of brimstone, sword and sorcery.
Pretty much any dungeon crawler with an AI system can be soloed.
But they seem very fiddly solo. I don't notice when I am playing with others, but playing solo, I just think "I could just play a video game".
I bought Five Parsecs: Gang Warfare the other day. That looks like probably enough fun to get me through my months of friends being lazy shitheads who won’t play.
Try Four Against Darkness, it's simple and fun. I hear Two Hour Dungeon Crawl is cool, too, but haven't tried it.
Runebound 3rd solo has been a lot of fun with the Unbreakable Bonds expansion.
How the hell do you solo play? If it's just you, then don't you already know everything that is going to happen?
I haven't tried it solo yet. With all the expansions, it gets really fiddly to set up
There are boardgames with AI systems you can solo.
Two Hour Wargames uses a system where you have "PEFs" or Possible Enemy Forces generated at the start, and they move sporadically towards your nearest units until they hit line of sight, then you roll to see if it's really an enemy or just like a dog in the brush, and if it's an enemy force, how many enemies are in it.
Keeps the pressure on through most of the game as when you're fighting one group, there are more PEFs bearing down on you that might turn a fight into a rout. It also encourages you to split your squads because the more guys in your group, the larger the resulting enemy force sent in can be when it meets them.
RPGs often use gamebook-type modules, but there are also GM Emulators, which are like a magic eight ball designed for RPGs, where you ask it a question now and then and then it's up to you to interpret the answer.
Been playing Field Commander: Alexander. Fun so far, and designed for solo play.