Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1996: Nostalgia Edition

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>Not companioning yourself

Why the fuck would I do that? I only companion attractive and/or useful people

As someone who has not watched/read UQ Holder.

How powerful does having EI Black Venus, White Mars and Witch of Rift make you in comparison to the main characters?

If you had those and applied an additional 10x multiplier from Capstone Boosted Holy Hexs from Konosuba how well off would you be?

Please tell me about jump or setting combinations.

Strike Witches + Ace Combat

>Not creating daughters from your own body for the express purpose of banging

I'm at chapter 68 so far, and the MC seems pretty sterotypical. He has a "battle sense" that makes him beat pretty much everyone because he's just that good, and besides that he has both Black Venus and White Mars. I'd say you'd be about evenly matched to him after he trains a bit. You'd be vastly stronger than the other guys in his party though.

>Black Venus
This lets you absorb a spell to get a massive power boost, absorbing a lightning spell making your lightning magic more powerful and letting you move like a living bolt of lightning.

>White Mars
Powerful anti magic, powerful in the erase an entire world created via magic from existence.

>Witch of Rift
This is just plain bullshit, there is a reason nobody fucks with Dana.

None of these let you compare to the main characters though, they are just abilities. Really good ones but what you need is Elder Immortal or some growth perks if you want to actually compete with the main characters using in jump abilities. A 10x multiplier would help but 10 x 10 is still less than 10,000.

Which Dynasty Warriors was that?

I asked about the EI versions not the base versions

Whoops, in that case yeah you could out fight the main characters at the current point of the story. They are up against older Negi though so they'll outstrip you for plot reasons unless you have training/growth perks.

Are there any jumps that can give vehicle a motorcycle alt-form?

Do we have a canonical appearance for the Black Venus form when absorbing White Mars

How do I merge all my waifus into a single omega-waifu?

Fusion Perks obviously

That's almost half my Chain at this point.
>I have nightmare eyes - Night in the Woods + Mother
>Gemstones and Greatswords - Steven Universe + Rurouni Kenshin
>Korra the Barbarian - Avatar: The Legend of Korra + Monster Hunter
>Candyland Fallen - Aventure Time + Path of Exile (Currently Writing)
>Red Planet Riot - Red Faction + Mega Man Classic (Planned)
>Secret for 20th Jump

No, it sounds like something Touta will do at some point but it hasn't been shown.

underTale ,undocumented features, space and transformers.

Ghost Rider movies.

Red! I require the answer to a very important question for my eventual Black Crusade build I'm trying to plan out.

Assuming I acquire winged serpents, like pic related, would I be able to use both Wings of the Ravens and Slightering Friends on them (acquiring Wings of the Ravens through Ode to Malice)?

sorry I Misread that I thought you wanted a motorcycle form for yourself

Undertale has a ghost altform that can at the time of jumping let you possess one item you have under a certain size limit, take a motorcycle there and boom.

Transformers, generic isekai

Not her but you my friend have stolen my plan! I plan on taking birbs and sneks and making winged sneks.

>generic isekai

I'm always excited to see how you handle combined settings. Can't wait for Candyland Fallen.

Hey anons, tell me how this perk sounds for Godzilla Heisei. Does it make sense as written? Does it sound like a good kaiju perk or is it a little dumb?

Reincarnating Life Cycle 400 cp: You have a rather fast acting life cycle, as soon after your arrival in this world a giant egg mysteriously shows up near your lair or any place you are known to inhabit usually buried underground. You are aware of this eggs location and in a matter of a few years your adult form will weaken over time, and you will die, only to recreated in the egg in a larva form. Soon after you will burst from the egg, and after some days of being in a lava form will mature into your adult form as strong as ever. The specifics of your lava form and how you transform are up to you. Also, will the egg is active if you are killed in your adult form your spirit travels back to the egg, essentially preventing you from truly dying. However, in the egg you will be completely helpless.

Must you really? Seriously? Cant you gi one day without doing this shit?

Good taste then, user.

...fuck me, what is with people and finding questions I really don't know how to answer?

Um. I kind of want to say you need the Chimera perk from Undivided, but I'll rule that if you buy them both I don't see why not.

But I already did that.

Thanks man. It's shaping up to be quite a bit longer than normal because I enjoy both settings. That and I'm pushing to finish System Shock 2.

>Still being a ugly NEET even after having perks that would remove those problems

Witch of the Rift is pretty bullshit. Ignore defenses and fuck with everyone by being a toon-like character kind of spatial manipulation

Alright, thank you!

You could use the Undivided perk to make chimeras like that, instead of the typical "blob of mutations" chaos spawns?

Yeah, you could.

Hey KOTOR user or any other KotOR buff, how would one go about replicating the Exile's quality of greatly affecting and influencing those close to him/her?

Megaman Battle Network and Shadowurun make for some interesting fun. I wonder if you could upload yourself as a NetNavi, and still operate in meatspace.

Aww look at the cute little woogies.

The shepard charisma perk in mass effect.

Lots of seduction perks.

Charisma perks.

How alien to ordinary humans is your sense of morality, Jumpers? In fact, do you have one, and what does it consist of? What values do you cherish, which ones do you reject?

Not them but do you need to be an undivided patroned person to take undivided perks or do they fall under the umbrella of general chaos perks?

You need to be an Undivided Patron.

Not alien at all I would think. I follow the golden rule of "Dont be a dick unless the person you are being a dick to deserves it, then be the biggest dick around."

Damn ok thanks. Can't wait for the jump. I will probably be going loyalist at this rate.

Alright, that seems cool. Too bad I can't get it, but I gotta grab Tzeentch stuff instead for some warpfire eyes and birbs.

What does warp fire even look like?

Kinda blue with rainbow around the edges and also full of eyeballs that are laughing at everything, from what I remember

Fairly alien to most modern humans in liberal democracies.
Rejection of universal democracy, as well as totalitarian oligarchy, after seeing how both have failed. Jumper isn't sure what the right answer is to the political question, but he's not going to stay anywhere for more than two decades, so he's decided not to worry about it too much.
He has an obsession with putting his family, clan, tribe, and nation-state above others'.
A proper paranoia and willingness to escalate to violence has been honed by surviving some pretty shitty worlds.
Basically there are three categories of people: those he loves, those who don't get treated as people, and those who deserve common courtesy. And he isn't too sure that last one isn't just a pretense he tells himself.

>Humies can't shit races of servitors when they need something done
Humies are weird

And what does a person have to do to "deserve it"?

Like blue/rainbow fire at base, when just brought forth by Tzeentch stuff.

But if someone's actually summoning it, it'll take a color personalized to the caster instead.

Not alien, but unreasonably uncompromising.
I'm similar to Spider-Man or Emiya Shirou in my morals.
My main belief is that life should be cherished at all costs, and that I should always act selflessly. If I had to choose which people to save, I'd probably die myself trying to save everyone.
Stopping some threats becomes much harder when killing isn't an option.

Wizard humies can.

Are there any pictures of Primate Murder from the Tsukihime timeline (i.e. not the adorable Fou)?

Huh. That would be an interesting twist on the Matrix. Shadowrunner hackers working with uploaded copies of themselves. Though for some reason part of me is begging to add Paprika into that mix to represent a blending of the two conciousnesses and worlds.

Still pretty human, but I'm not even 20 Jumps in yet. I try to be a hero, use friendship over force, but I also don't hesitate to cute down what are clearly monsters. Probably would ping Neutral Good, with moments of Chaotic Good.

Magic Circuits [First purchase is Free/100] - Magic Circuits are the part of one's soul, a sort of nervous system, that enables them to use Magecraft and similar mysteries by combining Od (one’s internal life energy) with Mana (the ambient energy in the environment) to create prana, and Magecraft is the result of these employed together. More circuits means more input and output of magical energies, though excessive use heats up and tires a human body due to the foreign nature of the powers involved. You start with 20 high-quality Magic Circuits for free, and may receive 20 more with each additional purchase of this perk.

Origin [Free] - It’s not really possible to determine the value of a human life or one individual’s character with a single word...at least, most of the time. Still, every life in this world has a single defining word for them - a compulsion and an instinct that their actions move in harmony with. You also possess such an Origin, such as ‘Taboo’ or ‘Nostalgia’, which gently guides your actions towards it, though you possess awareness of it and can choose to ignore it without any detriment to your own choices. Any actions you follow that line up with your Origin, particularly Magecraft, will enjoy a minor but noticeable boost in competence as you work in tune with your own nature in this world. You may choose any Origin except for ‘Void’.

Some folks wanted an Origin perk like in KnK, so here you go.

>20 more with each additional purchase of this perk.
Isn't that usually 30 more for additional purchases?

Can you get a dual origin?

Usually torture, rape, unjustifies murder. Bad stuff. Otherwise basically being a voldemort.

>Isn't that usually 30 more for additional purchases?

Oh, whoops. You're right. I'll fix that.

To paraphrase someone in the TES general thread:

"[Jumper] is a fucking old ass weirdo whose already seen it all. He doesn't give a shit about presence, reputation, or ridiculous notions of superiority. He's not some power hungry shit or someone who holds judgement or contempt for the ways in which others decide to live their lives. He doesn't take anything seriously beyond his research, not a care in the world beyond entertaining himself and his curiosity, so long as what he does fulfills these desires he couldn't care less about the outcome. His knowledge, ability, and sheer longevity of course makes him a very important and sought after man but otherwise he's perfectly content keeping to himself, studying whatever he will, and fucking his sexy daughters. I mean, we're talking about the type of dude who collects priceless artifacts from across [the Multiverse] just so he can laugh his ass off watching would-be thieves fail horribly trying to obtain them."

Now give a perk to grant/mold other peoples souls to give them magic circuits please.

Question Valeria. If we have Capstone Boosted Holy Hexes, we can still hold back on the amount of spell power we use right? I don't want my non-lethal Tazer spell to blow up a planet.

Not here, no. Unless it came up at some point and I forgot about it. I might throw it in once the bulk of the jump is done if I need more general perks, though.
Is...is that a thing in Tsukihime/Melty Blood?

There is a difference between what is right and what is necessary, and he has been doing his best to crush the desire to do the former, along with the little voice in the back of his head that maybe mankind would be better of dead and unable to keep doing horrible things to each other.

Or rather, a depressed idealist doing his best to be the jackboot of progress that the world needs but doesn't deserve.

Jumper doesnt care about that stuff and does what he thinks is interesting, after all he is going to use one of his after-chain wishes to wish for happines & peace to the multiverse.

Little bit of an update. Corrected some mistakes, gave it a toggle.

Reincarnating Life Cycle 400 cp: You have a rather fast acting life cycle, as soon after your arrival in this world a giant egg mysteriously shows up near your lair or any place you are known to inhabit usually buried underground. You are aware of this eggs location and in a matter of a few years your adult form will weaken over time, and you will die, only to recreated in the egg in a child form. Soon after you will burst from the egg, and after some days of being in a child form will mature into your adult form as strong as ever. The specifics of your child form and how you transform are up to you. Also, while the egg is active if you are killed in your adult form your spirit travels back to the egg, essentially preventing you from truly dying. However, in the egg you will be completely helpless. This cycle will continue as long as the perk is active, although you may toggle it off.

Wouldn't that just be a normal origin? It's not like Kiritsugu's was any more powerful then a normal one.

He hates it.
Me Obtaining Power/My Entertainment > Anything Else

>Is...is that a thing in Tsukihime/Melty Blood?

Not him but it would not surprise me.

Jumpchain, have you pleased the Metal Gods?

Weird, but I get where this is coming from, so I think it works. Also 1-ups are always nice.

Praise be to the Omnissiah.

What did he mean by this?

Could be referring to the "Return" option, or how acquiring your Spark allows you to return to past worlds.

Jumper is a selfish prick. He is also an amalgamation of several extradimensional entities/aliens/spirits. So his connection to humans and other species as a whole can never be that of equals, although he can still enjoy the company of individuals.

Clairvoyance tends to make the idea of living in the here-and-now a little suspect. Especially if what you see mostly pertains to death and destruction.

Not /too/ removed from humanity yet, but I must seem absurdly pessimistic to basically everyone.

>tfw the harem aspect of UQ Holder is coming on stronger and stronger
Please no. That's the reason I could never get into Negima.

It's pretty familiar except what with the parallel consciousnesses, personal experience of the afterlife and whole host of servant beings who are embodiments of his personality Jumper has strange notions of what the self is and tends to think about people on timescales beyond an individual human lifespan, so dishing out punishments that persist into someone's next life makes perfect sense to him.

dude just self-insert into the like 7 year old shota
dude it's not weird
dude lmao

UQ Holder has always handled it better IMO. Touta doesn't look as young as Negi and far fewer people want him. He also has his own personal agency in the romances more then Negi ever did. Touta wants Evangeline's life not to be hell and pursues her to that end.

Jumper is completely unconcerned with humanity in general, only perceiving individuals with connections to them as having any relevance or value.
Jumper values knowledge and drive in the face of adversity, without regards to whether it's helpful to anyone beyond the individual level - Unless it negatively affects Jumper or those individuals important to Jumper.
Pure selflessness is an aberration that must be eradicated immediately.

Like, I don't mind his age. But at this point, literally every women in this damn story is interested in him. I guess that's the point of harems, but that's also why those stories fucking suck. And then there even where time shenenigans to justify why Evangeline would love him too, to basically retcon the original series away. I'm honestly about to drop it if this continues.


>pure selflessness is an aberration

>I need to self-insert as the main character to enjoy a work of fiction

Either edgy or libertarian, which are the same thing.

Lack of greed and ambition means you are nothing more than a thing, rather than a person. Correct it if possible, or remove the offending waste of flesh if not.

Please, don't pretend as if it's not the point of those kinds of stories.

Yeah nice try Mammon


Universal Paperclips, v0.3. In theory, jumpable! In practice, I'll check for feedback first.

-It's done! Everything that was missing is now not missing.
-Clip Art! hehe, 'clip' art

There was something or another whose wording I wanted to clarify, but then I fell asleep and couldn't remember what it was when I woke up. Feel free to point it out if you find something ambiguous.

I don't recall mentioning wealth at all.
Greed is the desire for more than is simply necessary.
Ambition is the desire to grow beyond what you are.
Without both, you are not a person at all. As a person-shaped thing, you represent a corrupting influence that stagnates humans around you.

even from a purely scientific standpoint, being content is not an evloutionarly useful thing

Evolution was a mistake anyway.

I masquerade as an individual deeply concerned with and loving of others, but it's all-derived from a place of self-interest. Most notably, in helping and becoming involved with the well-being of others, I steal something that they can never get back - Secrets. Most of my favored powers and tools are slanted towards healing and recovery and protection and the realization of potential, but in the most intimate of ways, as I violate and tear away at privacy to do so. Neither body, nor mind, nor soul are safe from my prying eyes.