Continuation of >Amazons are/were created via an extensive alchemical enhancement procedure on women. the process when performed on men have been said to be highly lethal and debilitating if not.
>They were specifically designed to be an elite fighting force for a nation that was not officially recognized until very , by an eccentric figure whom is referred to as "The Supreme Commander."
>The Nation itself, Basileía Amazōníōn, was a former colony of some old empire
>TSC established her rule over this colony by killing off their political and spiritual leaders and establishing herself as a God-Queen.
>This enhanced fighting force typically pairs its trainees with freelance mercenaries and adventurers for shadowing and on the job training.
>They also abduct individuals who impress them back to the nation either to force them to become new Amazons or, if it's a male, for new breeding stock
>the more experienced ones are hired out as bodyguards for wealthy merchants and nobility.
>both of these services are loaned out to The Nation's allies for a reduced fee. Like favorable trade rights. Elite squads of amazons are rented out to their allies to fight in foreign wars.
>The Amazon Process is a tiered process. With more and more enhancements over an extended period of time. Generally increasing size and overall physical capability.
>Another side effect of the process is that Amazonian women typically give birth to twins, triplets, or even quadruplets to maximize the amount of downtime each Amazon pregnancy costs their army
>A reversed version of the formula is given to the nation's males, making them softer, gentler, and more childlike but also more virile in order to make them easier to control and breed
>Amazons enchanted tattoos and woad instead of armor
>Their sworn enemy is an order of ladyknights who have declared Amazons heretics for defiling the human form
How would you fit such a nation into your setting, Veeky Forums?
Amazon Worldbuilding Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>How would you fit such a nation into your setting, Veeky Forums?
I'd play Exalted, obviously.
Jokes aside, I think this is a pretty good set up, that I am going to use the next time I play with my group. It's going to be fun having them chased around by a group of assorted 'elite' Amazons.
By the way, the Amazons should totally live in the mountains, because the rough terrain and harsh living conditions will make them stronger and tougher in the long run.
>Mikoyan in the OP
Could you pick some less degenerate artist for the OP?
They'd be fun to slaughter and dismantle OP's magical realm, at least
Are you playing with murderhobos?
It's all good...exept, why human? Why not use some race that makes whole concept better from start. Like stripped gnoll hyenas, dryads or fuck it - lamias
>Like stripped gnoll hyenas, dryads or fuck it - lamias
not OP, but I don't want to show my powerlevel just yet. There's some people who know my degeneracy but the guys I regularly play with might not be so thrilled with my fetishes.
I need to get to know them better so they'll tell me what they think is hot or not.
Why you say it's feishy? I use them and I describe them as horrifying monsters to gnolls see them however....
I'm a weak man, user. I don't know if I'd be able to keep all the spaghetti in my pocket. Snu-snu prone Amazons are my fetish
Make them lizardfolk then, then they can be asexual, don't have sex to reproduce and have most likely find no pleasure in it
Hold up. I can't find where these things in OP were decided in the last thread.
>They also abduct individuals who impress them back to the nation either to force them to become new Amazons or, if it's a male, for new breeding stock
>Another side effect of the process is that Amazonian women typically give birth to twins, triplets, or even quadruplets to maximize the amount of downtime each Amazon pregnancy costs their army
>A reversed version of the formula is given to the nation's males, making them softer, gentler, and more childlike but also more virile in order to make them easier to control and breed
>Their sworn enemy is an order of ladyknights who have declared Amazons heretics for defiling the human form
Corroboration on all points please?
Also when I go back to the thread prior to the last thread this information contradicts some of what is there.
>the nation as a whole is relatively egalitarian. Both men and Women make up the standard army.
What kind of landscape should the Noberions live in? Typical latin peninsula, or maybe on a archipelago? Also, any other ideas for them?
As one user said in the previous thread, perhaps they should be more patriarchal, but still sensible? For example, women can't hold office or go to war, but they can run businesses(with their husband's or father's permission) and are generally assumed to be the authority in certain aspects of the home(Men run the city, Women run the house). In all, the Noberion view on women is that they are as vital to society as they are beautiful, but they have no place in making important decisions( as they are too weak to fight and are already tasked with the important responsibility of raising children).
tldr Noberion women are house wives and the men typically are either weirded out by Amazons(Warrior women? a head or two taller than we? How disturbing and unnatural!) or want to 'tame the beast into a proper woman'.
That could work, since I don't find lizardfolk attractive...
Besides, as long as they don't look too hard behind the curtain it's not going to be a problem.
Yeah just say that all of them look the same and mention that some of them perhaps look expecting eggs when they ask if they have women.
Don't even mention they are all women right away.
So we have not!Romans opposing the barbaric Basileía Amazōníōn?
Quit pretending any of you morons aren't degenerates.
Stop being newfag
That would just make him more firm in his belief that everyone here is a degenerate, though.
Veeky Forums not being full of /d/eviants is a relatively new thing.
Reminder that this is what an Amazon looks like
Ironic as I recall when it was it was better place then it is right now.
Well, yeah. The deviants like things. That tends to make conversations go better.
>deviants like things
Just not traditional games
Just no.
Should look like this. Muscular thicc to various degrees.
Reminder that none of us care
Yeah, I try to make those.
So yeah my contribution is making all female tribe of warriors that is not appealing so it's less magical realmy - making them some species that is asexual or even plant like.
Yeah but neither do the /pol/tards and most terrible newfags
Are you kidding?
Deviants fucking love tabletop. Playing fantasies is sort of their DEAL.
They love forcing people to act out their fetish, through games is just the only way they can achieve that. They dgaf about actually playing the game though never played traditional games have you?
Eyy, I found our model range. Veeky Forums makes a wargame for this setting when?
I see you still haven't gotten over making sweeping generalizations, user.
No? They run campaigns just like you.
I mean, porn having a plot makes it way better. This is basic deviance 101.
forgot the link
Says the guy making them as well
Actually that is different guy....
Most of us aren't and never were. '/d/ lite' was commonly used when monster girl threads were moved there. Now they exist safely on /e/. Wanna call Veeky Forums '/e/ lite' no?
>Ridiculous cow with bullshit beefcake anatomy
0/10 wouldn't fight the onslaught of Evil with
That's pretty cool!
Man, this thread went to shit real quick
Deviants sure do love Pathfinder
All worldbuilding threads on nu/tg/ inevitably turn out like this. What were you really expecting?
Yeah....Can I make other thread that is about not-sexy amazons?
So is the Supreme Commander a pervert or just retarded?
Where do Shamans fit in the society of the amazons?
I know, right? I found that website while looking for historical minis. I wanted 15mm, but I just want to get some of the models they have because they look so great, not just the War Maiden range, but every other range too.
Why did you post a picture of a cruise missile?
Oh good, those things are uglier than
I don't know what were you expecting given OP's image
I'd appreciate it since OP isn't even trying to be subtle in forcing their magical realm
They interact with the spirit world, seek guidance of the spirits, cure diseases. Shamans probably guide amazons through enhancement process.
I will leave a link here once I have it.
What's wrong with sexy Amazon warrior harems?
Fuck off already, everyone's tired of seeing your shit-tier fetish.
It;s better then most shitposting so I don't mind
Here it is:
If it's not ERP and you're not joking then; everything about this is pure fetish fuel. Stop putting your horrible fetishes into your games.
If it's ERP, then other people with your weird fetishes are sure to also like it. Same as always with ERP.
I agree.
Most ancient legends are pure fetish fuel yet here we are, still treating nymphs and centaurs like legitimate things.
Stop trying to justify putting your sexual fetishes in games you play with your friends. It's disgusting and pathetic.
Judging from your post you clearly don't know where to draw the line. I strongly suggest you figure it out before your friends have had enough of your dumb shit.
>no fun allowed
>fantasy amazonians have access to modern steroids
DYEL detected
Like these ones?
Right. That's what this is about.
...It's also not okay to arrive naked, or to jerk yourself off at the table.
People also generally expect you to shower every now and then, and to wash your hands after having a shit or wanking.
Apparently I need to tell you these things, because your parents apparently didn't impart you with common fucking sense.
Basically This is just another troll OP who wants to shove the Amazon Worldbuilding threads off the board and for shit posts. This happens like, every other thread. Try and bear with it and reclaim the thread from the jackasses.
That's literally the conceit of the OP, yes. Do you even read?
Amazon process tiers
State 1 (common) - Just an inch or two taller than your average man
Stage 2 (Recruit)- about a head above, 7 feet
Stage 3 (Soldier) - head and chest above, ~9ish feet
Stage 4 (Elite) - about twice the size of a normal human, ~12ft
Experimental - Can range up to 20ft/giantess size, but like it's name implies, more the result of testing out what can be done than any actual intent on using them
They loan out Amazonian elites as shock troops and bodyguards to allied nations for a fee.
Dyes and paints are something they are good at makinging
Import Alchemical ingredients, Gold, Silk, Chocolate, and romance novels
Men and women are both members of the labor force due to the Stage one enhancements "leveling" the playing field. And you typically find young girls being encouraged to join the military. Kind of like most kids want to be a police officer or a fireman when they grow up.
Early Roman/Etruscan/Illyrian/Minoan esque
The Noberions are a slim people, of average height and angular faces, with warm complexion and straight dark hair. Their homeland is warm and wet, where irrigated grain farms surrond the metropolitan cities that are built around giant mines. They are renowned for their metal work and architecture, along with their honorable character in war. But with their strong sense of honor comes what some foreigners may consider to be cruel and apathetic social and cultural conditioning, leading to a sterotype of the hard faced, emotionaless Noberion who'd rather slay his brother and sell his mother into slavery than be dishonored.
Luxitari - equivelent to velites, they wear a simple tunic and pair of sandals, with a humble helmet most of the time. They carry a dagger and javelins, with a small buckler-like sheild. They are usually recruited from the youngest of the adult men(ages 16 to 19/20), most are drawn from farms for their familiarity with the environment. The Luxitari are primarily scouts and used for harrasment and recon.
Fortillitari - equivelent to the Hastati, they typically wear a simple chainmaille shirt and helmet. These men are slightly older than the Luxitari(est age 20 to 25/26), and are recruited from far more sources, mainly the commoner population of cities and large towns. They are the mainstay of the Noberion army.
Gravispathari - equivelent to the Principe. Heavily armored, the Gravispathari don a ehavy chainmaille shirt with a fully enclosed helmet. They are recruited from the more wealthier commoners of the cities, and are trained to be the Noberion army's dedicated shock troops, working closely with the Fortillitari.
Doritachari - equivelent to a Triarii and Hoplite. The heavily armored Doritachari are colloqially known as the Rockbed or the Stonewall, as they are hard to route and kill. They are recruited from the richest commoners, usually merchants and their sons, they are clad in breastplates, greaves and full helmets, while carrying large hoplon sheilds and long spears. They are primarily focused on defence, protecting key areas and creating choke points for the other warriors to take advantage of.
That's nice and all, but will they be my mommy gf?
Entirely possible,
Just be wealthy noble to an allied nation, get an Amazon bodyguard and try putting the moves on her.
Best result, she'll think you're funny and entertain the idea.
Too much work, she should be the one to swoop me off my feet and give me milkies and cummies in equal measure
well there you go being a lazy asshole. Gotta work for your fun.
Exceed yourself, my dude
Nah, I think we should just change it to where Amazons prefer softer, passive dudes and aggressively seek them out.
Do Amazons reward their boywives' good behavior with cockatrice tendies?
If women can enjoy not having to jump through hoops just to fuck and be cared about, so can I.
It's fantasy, I should at least be able to be happy in the realm of make believe
How would you ear good boywife points with your Amazon mommy gf?
Steering this back to good part of the topic.
I'm figuring some of the lower end stuff from the Monster Hunter series, and Giants.
The only good part about this is the gentle femdom snusnu implications
If Amazons are the unrealistically hueg female culture are there some perfectly /a e s t h e t i c/ Chadbarians striding across the Chadlands somewhere?
Island with Rocky Crags and cliffs, isolated but with plenty of game and geenery?
Yup you're gonna get Wyverns. Better mount some some stakes into the ground with tethers and get anti-toxins stockpiled.
Do the wyverns breed with Amazons to create it dragongrils?
Homecooked meals. Massages. Hot baths. Sexy dances. Walking around naked. Submitting to her advances. Moaning loudly when she fucks me like the whore that I am, my helpless ahegao face giving her the satisfaction of seeing me delirious with pleasure. Saying "You are" when she asks me "Who's your mommy?" as she relentlessly fucks me into submission. Letting her hold me in her strong arms afterwards. Letting go of my self-loathing and shame and allowing her to love and protect me and convince me that I'm beautiful and valuable.
I can actually see that maybe that hunting Wyverns of the region might be seen as a rite of passage for coming of age in the nation.
You niggers keep making thinly veiled fetish threads so yes you're all degenerates, and should die
Damn son, I bet that's worth a lot of GBP. What would you spend those boywife points on?
Just how long do Valejo girls walk around before they decide its time to oil up again?
They actually sweat lavender scented oils instead of actual sweat, leaving them consistently glistening with a delightfully fragrant sheen.
The simple fact that you mentioned Monster hunter has made this thread better.
Thank you sir.
Not really, it just made Monster Hunter worse
>tfw I met one of them but didn't know who she was
So anything Rathian/Rathalos tier in Basileía Amazōníōn.
I guess that would mean a lot of the clothes would have Wyvern leather as an ingredient, along with silk and wool.
Maybe. Though I think any clothing/armor made from Wyvern leather and scales would be more ceremonial. With steel armors being more effective.
Honestly, all that stuff is its own reward. I'm not sure I'd even want anything in exchange for it. Maybe a pretty slave girl for us to share, who would also help me with the housework and be responsible for bathing, shaving, and oiling my body so I always look good for my mistress?
No, I'm just not looking to ERP when I play TTRPGs
>going poly
Prepare to get cucked, senpai