>The world has been subsumed by the Ebon Song and the vampiric terrors that service it, and the last remaining souls huddle together in fear within the vast corpse cities of the dead Primordials
Let's Make A Setting
>>let's make your setting and do all the heavy lifting
Actually, I was going to post some stuff to get this ball rolling, but it's fine if you don't want me to
>Most people don't dare go beyond the safety of the Corpse Citites, but there are a brave (or perhaps foolish) few who seek to explore beyond the walls of the Cities and uncover the truth of the world.
>These "Voyagers" are a deluded sort, and yet, there are many who feel inspired by their bravery in the face of crushing despair.
>Each Voyages is with a 'Shell', a vessel composed out of machinery and bits of godflesh
>Within each Shell there is a Song, a Song of Life, that steels the souls of all Voyagers who venture out into the tainted lands beyond the Cities, acting as a protective barrier against malignant forces.
>The Corpse Cities themselves are massive masses of bone, machinery, flesh, and gristle that sometimes move had act with a will of other own, seemingly being controlled by the lingering will of the dead Primordial that formed them.
>The Chruch that still worships the Primordials believe fully that the Primordials still sing their songs of life even now.
>many of the voyagers are drawn by legends of salvation or ascension, or other ways to free themselves of the decaying cities and world around them.
>it is commonly thought that these rumors are spread by the terrors lurking beyond the walls, to lure souls out into the open.
>but then again, what sort of of man would need to seek salvation? what sort would seek ascension?
>in one of the cities, the primordial corpses all seem to be in positions of prayer, despair or pleading.
>in another, they are all shielding their eyes from something that was once in the middle of the city, yet now there is only giant crater, that has been partially filled with the blood of the primordials.
>there is also a city residing under a mountain, whose roof is vaulted by the strained bodies of primordials, and many fear they will soon collapse, and its people are afraid to stay, but also afraid to leave.
>one of the grandest is where the primordials bodies has been repurposed, and wall after wall after wall, each bigger and mightier than the last, has been built from their flesh and bone. many seek the safety of their walls, but the city cannot house everyone, and the lands around it are littered with the corpses of people turned away, and stalked by monsters hoping for another unwelcome guest.
>There are those Voyagers who have managed to return from the Lands beyond the Cities and their Walls, those whose Souls are still mostly intact if not their minds.
>They tell of desolate ruins where ancient rites where once performed, of long-term civilizations whose monuments still gleam with spectral lights, and of grand towers and fortresses whose walls seem cut from the abyssal skies themselves
>Some amongst these Voyagers have taken to the belief that the secrets to "Ascension" and "Salvation" lie within these long-abandoned works of ancient builders.
>it's another "failed writer creates a grimderp setting that would suck for actually running a game in" thread
'Kay. You gonna post something to make a difference in things so far, or are you just going to shitpost?
>The Everliving Fortress. A palace of giant crystals that hum with the Song Of Life. It is said that the Fortress was once used as an area of protection by ancient servants of the Primordials to try and develop new ways of opposing the Ebon Song.
>Even now, the Church and various Guilds use it as a place to create plans and strategies of attack against the unloving nightmares beyond the Corpse Cities
I'm making a small setting for a game I run all all I need is a generic yet original name for a sprawling gigantopolis in a generic fantasy setting
Name it; "Satania". Hope that somebody gets the reference, and then lightly chuckle to yourself.
Gonna post something of note, or are you gonna shitpost all day long?
>food is scarce, especially when leaving the cities. Adventurers must supplement their rations with dog turds to cope.
>Dogs do not actually exist in this world (at least, not in any form that we would call "Canine"), and thus their waste matter cannot be turned into Rations for Voyagers
>Instead, massive processing plants have seemingly developed out of the mass of the Cities, and exist solely to break down and recycle worn bone materials, decaying flesh, and the ocassional bits of biomarker from past inhabitants of the City into "Sustenance Pills" for the Voyagers to consume during their explorations
Call it Magnasanti and see if anyone notices.
OP's setting is Dark Souls Beksinski edition. Let's do something different.
>Standard low tech fantasy setting
>But there are inaccessible floating cities far above the ground
>Nobody knows where they came from or what goes on there
>Sometimes one will briefly come down to the ground, and upon investigation all inhabitants of that region on the ground have vanished.
Same question
user, trying to hijack a thread that's already being developed is on poor taste z(and using the generic cliche of "standard low fantasy" is a shit idea and starting point for a setting all around). For shame.
OP is shit, let's try this:
>mimics and doppelgangers have been reproducing faster each year
>whole towns have been invaded and replaced
>survivors are extremely paranoid and enact inquisition like trials on those suspect of being shapeshifters or living with them
Once again, refer to this .
Not only is your idea horrendously generic (The standard "Witch Hunt, but with shapeshifters this time Durr!", what setting is there to even expand or develop with such a premise? At best it would qualify for an extremely short campaign in some drab fantasy setting.
Are you? 'cause this thread is shittier than my post.
I liked your thread, OP
Well, thanks, I guess. Not like it matters now though.
This sort of thing really messes with me. Animals with human faces.
>and the vampiric terrors that service it
>and thus their waste matter cannot be turned into Rations for Voyagers
Are you suggesting the voyagers would normally be expected to eat dogshit?
It's called "fusion cuisine". Look it up.
>fusion cuisine is the culinary preparation of shit. Not only human shit but animal shit as well.
If it were all that was available (and considering the state of the Cities, it might be the only thing some people can hope to get), then yes.
This seems like a shitty setting.
On the contrary - as has already been indicated, shit is almost entirely non-existent.
>This seems like a shitty setting.
Perhaps it is. I don't truly care either way. Also, that pun (Even if unintentional) was utterly vile, and you shall be beaten with a thousand femurs for it.
Too much on the nose
Nice and oddly fitting
Why would people eat shit though? It has no nutritional value, it's waste product.