Do vampires have periods?
Do vampires have periods?
no, they are undead and don't reproduce sexually
Unless you're a pleb with non-magical virus based vampires, they're undead and basically have no biological functions.
One of the big points of the vampiric curse is that vampires more or less lose biological function, so they can't eat, piss, fuck, etc.
The whole drinking virginal blood thing is the exception and also what allows them to exist.
>so they can't fuck
That's often an exception
There's a limerick about it at least
>There once was a vamp'ress named Mabel
>Who's periods were remarkably stable
>So every full moon
>She'd pull out a spoon
>And drink herself under the table
Inability to fuck has never applied to female vampires. It only ever applied to male vampires by virtue of having no heartbeat and thus no ability to get an erection.
If female vampires can get pregnant in your setting, yes. If not, nope.
There's one universal answer for questions like this: It depends
Do female vampires get aroused? Do they produce lubrication aka "get wet?" These are vital to knowing if having sex with one would be a good experience.
You'd probably have to use some kind of lube, maybe blood.
They can definitely get aroused in the sense of feeling sexual desire, but physical arousal? I dunno. Probably not.
I'd err on the side of caution and bring some lube with you.
So, if in your setting vampires can have an erection, instead of turning in ashes under sunlight, they glow?
I predict the topic of the next wave of threads: vampire amazons.
Blood is terrible lube. The liquid component separates from the solid component under vigorous rubbing, accelerating the clotting reaction. It becomes tacky and creates more friction than if there were no lube at all.
Why is every piece of literature about them so sexual then?
Doesn't blood make poor lube? It coagulates pretty fast.
Do vampires seek out haemophiliacs for lube-blood?
Male vampires use vampire magic to get it up
Lesbians can't reproduce sexually anyway, so why would being undead make a vampire girl any less inclined to /u/ stuff?
Yeah, but thought maybe it'd help since she's a vampire and idk what I'm doing here anymore.
Because they may still keep sexual desires. Sometimes quite perverted. And if you have eternity to practice, you may want to try everything at least once.
By the canon of VtM, vampires do not have periods, and male vampires are infertile. However, some female ghouls have periods, as well as some weak-blooded 14-15 generation vampires. Also, yan-oriented kuei-jin are fertile, and females can get pregnant. But they have to spend big amounts of chi to keep the fetus alive, and need to feed way more often.
>One of the big points of the vampiric curse is that vampires more or less lose biological function
"More or less" being the key here, they are sort of a mixed bag, its what separates them from other undead.
Huh? Periods of what?
If I recall correctly, it's stated in some VtM material that vampires can theoretically also conceive children, but it requires specific circumstances. They can temporarily restart normal bodily functions, but requires burning off blood. A male vampire could do that, bang a human before the effect wears off, and conceive a child. For females that wouldn't work for obvious reasons, but there was a ritual in some splatbook that could be used by a female vampire to conceive a child.
that's recreational, not procreational
I mean, couldn't a female vampire also take advantage of that loophole, assuming she had some way to constantly gorge herself on blood for nine straight months?
>/u/ stuff
You had one job, user. ONE F/u/CKING JOB: >st/u/ff
I'd say theoretically if it would be possible to keep the effect on 24/7 (my only experience with Vampire is VTM Bloodlines, so I don't know how that ability actually works), but even if that was possible you'd probably need an absurd amount of blood so pulling it off in practice would be a whole other thing.
This is a difficult question.
If they can fuck, that implies the same level of biological functionality that would lead to periods.
But if not, then no periods.
Yes it's possible but it's slightly more difficult than what was suggested. And it only works for thin bloods (14th/15th generation) which are so far removed from Caine they are barely vampire themselves:
This cute little leech is from GBF? There wouldn't happen to be something depicting her interaction with one of them Draph girls by any chance?
Sam Clemons ain't havin' none of your shit today, Lady Dracula
There's also this one that's inappropriate for a pure and innocent Christian board:
Tear ducts continue working after death so I guess other lubricant functions should too.
Vampy a cute.
Vampy is my perfect and pure slutty cumdump fuckpuppet!
Every girl is cumdump fuckpuppet when Asanagi gets hold of her.
>Vampire is out and about during the day
I know people like to blame Twilight for the decline of vampires but I'm starting to think anime is at least partially responsible. And it's not like a slutty lolipire is really less disturbing or transparent than an abuser, rapist and a stalker.
Yes, that's rather the point.
I'm pretty sure nip vamps are modeled more on Stoker's Dracula, who took no shit from sunlight.
Vampy, amusingly, enjoys taking naps in sunbeams.
Stop wanking over cartoons and find a girl to date.
The only vampire who died to sunlight before Universal Studios' movies was Nosferatu.
Pretty much no folklore vampires die or are harmed by the sun. Ruthven didn't care, Varney didn't care, Carmilla was lazy but unbothered, Clarimonde didn't care, Dracula has a slight decrease in his magic powers but otherwise didn't care, etc.
Norferatu died to sunlight because Murnau needed to change the ending as he was adapting Dracula without concent from the Stoker estate.
More specifically, while sunlight limited his powers, it did not outright destroy him (or even really harm him):
So yeah; vampires being out and about in sunlight has been a thing almost since vampires have been a thing (technically Carmilla predates Dracula by nearly 3 decades, but I don't remember shit about her nearly as well).
I've traveled back to late 00's just to retrieve this for you.
I'm gonna say no, because having a period is a function of life, both literally and maybe symbolically, while vampires are of the dead.
Your link led me on a brief Wikipedia jaunt. Did you know that the page on vampire powers has Count Chocula as part of the list?
You have just created my next adventure plotline.
>Massive amounts of humans have been getting kidnapped over the past 8 months.
>You finally find where they are all being taken...and why they are being taken.
>A vampire queen wishes to conceive a child with her lover, and has successfully done so up until this point. Feeding on a different human every three days to keep her bodily functions intact.
>You find out all of this and learn that there is not much time before this grisly ritual is complete. And who knows if they might try for a second.
Plot twist! Since the mother and father both resumed normal human bodily functions when they conceived the child, the kid will come out as a human.
Rape metaphor
Dating is a lame waste of money and real pussy doesn't feel that great. Besides, I can't get raped by sexy snek girls in real life.
Male Vamps can spend a blood point to get an erection amongst other things for 1 scene.
This. Masturbation is way better than casual sex, and sex with an emotional component, while excellent, takes a lot of effort to get.
Blush of Health is basic stuff.
Chosen few can do more than that.
Vampires creep me out more than any monster. When I was a kid I’d always be inside by sundown because I was scared.
But if you stop them at that point, all the humans died for nothing.
Can vampires feed on each other's blood?
Depends, but sometimes yeah, called Diablerie.
All bodily fluids are replaced with blood. Pink eyes and teeth. Sneezes look like a murder scene.
And every day is menstrual day for the ladies.
> be a vampire
> strolling at night
> Suddenly the guard appear and ask me for my ID
> I have not renew my ID for a thousand years =))
If vampires eat out a woman while they are on their period does that count as feeding?
I think mundane shit like that would be where I used my mind control powers the most. Someone cards you or you get pulled over, just make them leave you alone. I've been drinking and driving for 300 years, officer, and you won't take me in for it tonight!
Roll for seduction!
You're all faggots.
You say that as though A) we care(we don't), and B) we don't know that already(we do). Quit spewing bait in a desperate attempt for attention. We're *trying* to have some entertainment in this digital cesspool, and we don't want you here, shitting up everything, like you presumably do elsewhere.
Yes but they just suck it up ;)
I assume blood comes out of their bits when they take a piss.
Thanks for that.
God, I hope so
>And drink herself under the table
This is why I come to Veeky Forums.
This would work in my setting, as vampires appear and function more human the more recently they've drunk blood. If they've just fed, they can do normal human biological functions, look like pale humans with pointy teeth, and find sunlight painful but not actually harmful. If they haven't fed in months they look and act like feral monsters and burst to flames when exposed to sunlight.
A male vampire that has recently fed can conceive a dhampir, which are humans with minor vampiric influence in their blood (the biggest effect is that they have a blood bond with their sire, making them more susceptible to his commands).
A female and male vampire would produce a true vampire, a being born into vampirism and vastly more powerful than a human that has just been turned into a vampire. However, in order to remain in a state that could carry a child, the female vampire would have to drain at least one person per day for 9 months, which is obviously extremely difficult. Thus true vampires are so rare they might as well be a myth.
It's longing. The vampiric curse turns the subject into a walking corpse. Dead, and unfeeling, yet with all their memories of life in tact. For all intents and purposes, they are exactly the same person they were in life but changed irrevocably. That is why their thirst for blood comes from their innate (and very human) desire to touch, to feel the sensation of another person. The texture of their skin, their warmth. It all reminds them of the sensations they experienced among the living. It is a desperate cry for help, conscious or unconscious. The blood lets them feel the warmth, and sensation of life for but a brief few moments.
This is why vampires often stratify themselves into two distinct groups. The first being those that readily give into their hunger at the expense of all else. A vampiric hedonist given over entirely to seeking immediate pleasure, at a terrible cost. What you and I might consider as being a bestial monster and should be slain on sight.
Yet, then there is the other group. Those who purport themselves as nobles and aristocrats. Who declare their superiority over the living and, it must be admitted, the physical boons granted to them certainly outmatch any man I have ever known. Yet deep within, they still suffer with their burning desire. To feed. To succumb to sensation and remember the lives they once lived. It is the opinion of this researcher that they organise themselves as a noble society so as to remind themselves of the rules of a civilised world they were once a part of, lest they become more like their bestial cousins and terrorise their once friends, neighbours, even lovers.
I always figured vampires just felt each other up and had orgasms via blood drinking. They don't actually have sex in most settings
But real girls are icky and gross.