/gengen/ - Genesys General


>Realms of Terrinoth to be released Q2 2018

>Player-made Genesys settings

>Online Exstras
1drv.ms/b/s!AtRqt1GrxR67huIiSZ9_fVMOqVUdJA - Fillable Charecter sheet
cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/329635601945067522/386612561115611137/genesys_setting_worksheet_fillable.pdf - Fillable Setting sheet
genesys.skyjedi.com/ - Online Dice Roller
drive.google.com/file/d/1qwkM0daKLi_yWPmoIgFCfb92oeJueFD3/view - Cheat sheet
sendspace.com/file/6b6bat - A PDF of something
docs.google.com/document/d/1K0BVQxmZTMn8XFovHPCjubK7H-qZDWRSC9QR_2E683I - Special Rules (From StarWars to Genesys)
docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Qy33uMm1FqQJPD8W-p5aXM5XHNwsU4126JgJ91LsIfE/edit#gid=644202127 - Some new spells

>Discord Server

>FFG Community Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


Tell me about your weird war setting/gengen/

Is that user still working on the Shadowrun conversion?

No general question, 0/10 would not shitpost.

Help me find motivation, /gengen/, when I heard about the system, I fell into the trap of thinking up all the settings I want to run with it, things that don't quite fit other systems etc.

Then I sit down to start building the settings, and all my motivation evaporates and all my ideas sound dumb now.

There's gotta be something that sticks, right? Maybe you just need someone else to bounce the ideas off of?

I don't even know, maybe. And no, none of them really stuck. Which is a pretty good indication they're just flash in the pan concepts.

You never know. Sound off here, and we'll see if you can't get something to work with.

Alright, well here we go:

Idea 1) Appalachian Fantasy, inspired in equal parts by Manly Wade Wellman's John the Balladeer stories, the Hillbilly comic series, and Folklore of the Ozarks. Witches and folk monsters as antagonists, secluded homesteads and walled villages, Circuit Riders and fiddlers wandering between. Melancholic, but I don't want to call it 'Dark Fantasy' because you're just as likely to encounter a Leprechaun as you are Old Scratch.

2) Stargate: WW2. Alt universe playing on the fact those dimension hopping mirrors exist.

3) Renaissance Era Spec Ops, in a humanocentric fantasy setting. Special military force answering to the head of a citystate ferreting out sedition, demon-worshipping cultists, and tax evaders while at war with !Russia and !Greece

3) Vancian style sci-fantasy on a future Mars.

4) Something like Changeling or Over the Garden Wall.

5) Golden Age Sci-fi / pulp film noir, set in the floating cities of Venus. Possibly everyone is robots.


I like it, but needs some more polishing. How does magic work?


Eh. Sci-Fi WWII is a little played out, IMO.


My favorite of the proposed settings by far. Definitely has the most potential for adventuring, at least. Throwing in minor steampunk elements might be fun too.




Could be interesting, but would need more work to flesh out in Genesys.


I like the idea of Golden Age Sci-Fi / Pulp Film, but limiting it to Venus + Robots hampers its potential, IMO.

So 1 is the Weird West, expect replace "West" with "American mountain range." It could work.

I'm doing a plain western to start.

I may shift it to horror themes without going supernatural, IF the players are interested.

I want to start with something pretty simple mechanically. All I needed to do was put together a gear list, really.

I agree that "Fantasy Renaissance Special Ops" and "Golden Age Sci-Fi/Pulp Film Noir" are probably the two strongest ideas there. The former gives you plenty of scenarios to throw players through the meatgrinder that is fantasy politics and back-alley sedition, and the latter is an exceptionally flavorful crime serial where you can have adventures in what could pass for prohibition-era stories, just in the far-flung future with robutts and space.

I need to work out mechanically how 1's magic works. Fluff-wise, I already know. Three types:

Little charms a la Battle Magic from Runequest. Things anyone can learn that work a small bit of magic. Equivalent to Cantrips in D&D. A farmer singing the Harvest Song to sharpen his scythe as he reaps his harvest, a boy tossing a marble over his shoulder to it will roll the way to its lost mate, etc. Old proper negro superstitions from the mid 19th century would fit in there too.

Other type is witch magic. Green and Red. Green's considered the goodly kind. Somewhere between clerics, druids, and bards in D&D.

Red is your classic evil witch stuff. Hexes and curses and spitting on the church's cornerstone to make it burn down.

For your other thoughts. Steampunk isn't really my thing, but with Dishonored being so popular I could see it working.

And for the sci-fi setting, I feel like that's a pretty solid framework to work within, but it wouldn't have to be limited to JUST Venus. But I'd definitely want to stay intra-system.

My only exposure to Weird West was Deadlands some 16 years ago, so a resounding maybe.

Admittedly, those two are pretty high on the list. Unfortunately, when talking to one of my players, he latched on to the idea of playing pic related, and I know this is going to make me sound 'no fun allowed', but I'm not interested in running a a comedy game.

So tell them. Say you'd be playing the game and the genre straight as an arrow.

Yes, but slowly. Very slowly.

How far have you gotten?

I'm curious as well.

Currently working on Careers and Backgrounds. Also looking at magic and wondering just how much to tweak for flavor's sake.

The big 5 races are done, modified and borrowed heavily from the fantasy races examples in the core rulebook. Trolls probably need rebalancing, as they're tbe only one I didn't have an example to go by.

Some guy on r/genesysrpg posted a shitload of weapon stats they'd done recently. I don't agree with a lot of what they wrote but it'll be immensely helpful when I get around to doing my own take.

Take your time user! Love Shadow run, it deserves the best.

I find that I usually disagree with how people implement their weapons. Its an odd little thing, but I don't mind doing my own. That seems to be one of the more solid, easy-to-use, toolkits.

>Careers and Backgrounds
Is that necessary?

Maybe not. I haven't gotten to specifics yet, but bunch of anons (or one extremely vocal one) seem to hate the idea with a passion.

Plus no careers means a hell of a lot less to work on

I'd skip it for now and move on to more pertinent stuff.

Like, y'know, the fucking Matrix and magic.

I had the idea of using this system to run a Doom-inspired game. Not literally Doom because you can't accurately port Doom to a tabletop game, but something where the PCs are scientists and marines trapped in a demonic invasion (or maybe a demonic invasion is trapped with them).

Does this sound like it could make for a fun campaign?

As fun as any other survival horror/high action campaign, depending on how you fluff it.

What's the learning curve on this game, whether as a player or GM? How long does it take to set up a game?

The learning curve as a player is pretty easy, it's mostly just getting acquainted with the dice.
As a toolkit game the GM's learning curve is gonna be a bit dependent on how clear an idea they're starting with.

An important detail for the whole group which is easy to overlook when you're new is that players should have some amount of input on how their dice results play out, both good and bad. It takes a bit of burden off of the GM and makes sure that even when their actions cause complications that they're steering their character, so at least when they fail they fail on their terms.

Id suggest ripping off the setting from Infernum. It was an old d20 heartbreaker with a fully fluffed 9 circles of hell with factions and events called 'hellgoutes' that drag people, places, and things into hell... Just like the doommarine and the labs.


>Shadowrun conversion
I... was just talking about this with my SWRPG group the other night.
I think I love you, chummer.

About to run the Dark Heresy conversion tomorrow, pretty excited.

How does this stand out from other generic systems? Is it just the dice?

That and how they work.
Instead of just success/failure, you get advantage (something good happens as well as the success/failure), threat (something bad happens as well as success/failure), triumph (something very good happens regardless of the rest of the roll) and despair (something terrible happens).
All except for triumphs and despairs can be cancelled by their opposite number, so you can end up with a check that goes perfectly but also has a major setback thanks to a despair.

Also, does everyone have to be a robot? I was picturing the typical human/robot interplay, except everyone is treated basically the same.

What custom talents has everyone made? Let's critique them.

Team Player
>Tier 2
>Ranked: No
>Activated: Yes
>When using the Assist maneuver or taking part in a combined skill check, add an additional [Boost] to that check.

I would add a strain cost, or else it's a "do this every single skill check" kind of talent.

While I thought it was an interesting spin on the formula for things like classic pulps and Blade Runner, it's not a hard thing I'd stick with. Asimov's Caves of Steel had a robot cop with a human partner.

Have a toku.

Right, that can be abusable because there's no drawback.

Best detective. I've only read the manga, but yes, that's part of the inspiration too.

Wasn't he the inspiration for Q from Street Fighter?

More or less.


A somewhat less weeb version of same.



Sieg Sieg Hail baby

>Updated link for the /gengen/ "Online Exstras" section, please replace into future posts:
cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/329635601945067522/392866714544766976/genesys_character_sheet_fillable.pdf- Fillable Character Sheet

>New link for /gengen/ "Online Exstras" section
community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/265863-genesys-talents-expanded/ - Talent Super Repo

Because nothing sells a generic system like how well it allows you to punch Nazis. In the tits, if permitting.

You don't punch fem nazis (unless they're the ugly ones) you purify them with dick from the free world

Or throw them off a cliff/airship if they're irredeemable.

Anyone here making a setting or adaptation not listed in the pastebin? How's it going?

As mentioned several times through the thread, someone is working on a Shadowrun conversion.

>Anyone here making a setting or adaptation not listed in the pastebin?
I’m sure there are plenty.

>How's it going?
Mine is going pretty slow for really no other reason than I’m lazy and got other shit to do sometimes.

Sorry, I was aware, just trying to stir up some conversation.

Giving the Rulebook a second read-through at the moment to see if it'll fit one of my settings. (Shadowrun/Ace Combat)

I'm still grinding through the start of the book myself.

Because why not have a setting featuring beam swords and esoteric cults and orders and all kinds of vistas--oh wait

I mean, if you had to make a not-Star Wars setting, how would you do it? You don't need the Force, you don't need the Jedi or Sith, but those sabers are pretty snazzy, though.

What would be the best way to do damage types? Adding different soak types?

Damage type would just be a narrative quality, and just note that something gets +# soak against a given kind of thing.

Got the book for Christmas and I want to run for my friends. Probably no more than three players at a time, maybe with drop-ins-and-outs when people can't show up. Trying to decide on a setting that would allow this - I'm considering Weird West or Ersatz-Pirates of the Caribbean, for a magic and adventure vibe. Also considering the John Wick/Continental setting, though I'm not sure there's enough meat there for a game.

Also, are there superhero hacks yet?

>Also, are there superhero hacks yet?
None that I've seen yet.

How likely are you to be influenced by the Android splat?

Honestly I think it might be a bit too underpowered and low-key

Shadowrun sits on a level of kooky above most bog-standard cyberpunk settings, and you can lay that upon the existence of magic and metatypes.

or switch sides. for adventure.

>Becoming a classic Nazi
Do you listen to yourself?

Is that Discord link the "official" Discord for the system, or just some Veeky Forums variant?

Do you think that FFG will eventually release something like beginner boxes for Genesys? Beside dice and mini-rulebook what could be put in such a box?

>Do you think that FFG will eventually release something like beginner boxes for Genesys? Beside dice and mini-rulebook what could be put in such a box?

The smart thing to do would be to release one for each setting they talk about. So you could buy the Fantasy beginner box or the Space Opera beginner box. They'd all have the core, but different supplemental material.


I've been thinking of making rules for "shounen" settings, since I've been thinking that the task dice resolution system does a great job of letting you "zoom in" or "zoom out" of fight scenes and capture really dynamic battles with multiple dimensions (physical, emotional, etc.)

I've also been considering making a Kingdom Hearts hack for some reason, it's like a god damn compulsion. I have no idea why but I want to try to do Kingdom Hearts on tabletop.

I also have been considering remaking the Veeky Forums Zelda RPG system in Genesys. Adding Virtues alongside Characteristics and Skills seems natural (Boost dice, Ability dice, Proficiency dice, respectively)

>I have no idea why but I want to try to do Kingdom Hearts on tabletop.
Good luck trying to untangle that mess.

So you’re saying he should stick to something a little more simple and clean?

You shut your fucking mouth.

Hell, the Fantasy one is basically already made because they could use the Gencon module and premades.

Yeah, that's one reason I'm confused as to why I want to. I just played through KH 1.5 and 2.5 last summer, and I'm thinking about getting 3D for 3DS rather than waiting a few years for a PS4... so I'm well aware of how ridiculous the lore is, lol.

I'd try to ignore a lot of the DEEPEST lore and just go for the surface elements that are the most fun, the basic lore that anyone can really get and understand. I much preferred the story of KH1, more charming and simple.



Depends on what the book focuses on, desu. Android's neat and /srg/ loves posting art from it, but SR is a bit more bombastic than Android by a fair margin.

I'm personally hoping for Adversary rules on IC to help craft some Matrix threats for deckers to deal with while their allies inevitably pink mohawk their way through a corporate safehouse.

Still reading through the book. I didn't see anything about mechs. Is there something or should I create them?

They’re just vehicles with legs.


Where does this system exist on the fluff-crunch sliding scale?

Not really sure what this means. It's a generic system so obviously there isn't any fluff baked in.

Do you mean light/heavy scale?

I’d say it’s pretty solidly medium. There’s enough crunch to keep from calling it “rules lite” but with simple and flexible enough rules to keep from really being anything that could be considered a “crunchy” game.

That's what I meant. I appreciate the answer.




The savage lands of Vallejo needs to be a campaign setting.

I'm not even sure how you would start piecing that one together.

Armor would be virtually nonexistent; Soak is replaced with Abs (with various oils and bronzing agents modifying it). Posing artistically is an act of Coercion.

>muscle wizards
>robot dragons

Where do a get tickets to get on this crazy train

That's the mundane shit. The tribe's women are being rustled by angry skeletal cowboys, and it's up to YOU to stop them.


Would anyone be up for making a /gengen playtest group for different setting hacks?


Just over Discord. Could probably wrangle more people together, and using the roller app would also help with the whole proprietary dice thing.


There’s a really nice Genesys dice bot for discord, has lots of functionality to it.

So how does the Force in the FFG SW compare to the magic in this game?