>work on new setting
>put effort into building for the best play experience possible
>fill the world specifically with interesting stuff for the PCs to interact with
>avoid loredump-type aspects so they aren't bored
>get really excited working on this hexcrawl setting
>world has a nice tone to it without being full of "trying to be different" stuff
>realize it will be ruined by fucktard players making meme builds and doing silly shit based on video games and Veeky Forums stories they've read online
Why do players fucking ruin everything? It's gotten to the point where I prefer daydreaming about the kinds of campaigns I want to run because when I actually run one, I get "lol I'm a dwarf who worships the god of beer" and characters that can jump 300 feet from a standstill because "AXSCHUALLY." And they call classes they've never even played boring (translation: not special snowflakey enough for me) so as a result they play weird-ass classes that don't even fit into the setting.
Why do players fucking suck
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't play with shit heads.
It's not easy, but if you work at it, you can find a good group. Took me close to a decade, but now I have great games multiple times a week all with good, reliable players who line up with my playstyle. Rather than bitching about shitty players, why not direct that energy towards finding good ones?
your players are only as good as you are at GMimg
so, git gud scrub
Now I know this gets said a lot here buuut, have you tried something that isn't D&D? Maybe the kind of people who are willing to learn a system beyond the one that everyone learns first will be better players.
Its not just people being willing. DnD and especially Pathfinder really breed terrible habits into players. Partially its the autism as far as rules it encourages, and secondly its the affinity for very bland fantasy that is ripe for excessive memeing.
I know its kind of a joke on Veeky Forums, but groups that don't play much DnD are really great - if you can find one, count yourself lucky.
your pissed off about things that have not and may not even happen?
If you don't like their characters just kill them off, if they are modern PnP retards they will all rush the elder red dragon that you "randomly" rolled on the encounter table at level 1 and die in the fires of your righteous furry.
Why don’t you wait until something actually goes wrong before you come here and bitch about it. That said, gimme some details on how you did your hexcrawl I’m working on one now
You didn't even make a thread taking about something your players actually did. Just something you imagined them doing.
Come on.
Dude this is such a meme. I've run groups in other kinds of games and the same kind of shit(sometimes worse with Vampire or GURPS) still happens.
Jumping 300 feet from a standstill sounds pretty rad, what system lets me play a dragoon
>putting effort into worldbuilding
It's gonna be shit unless you waste a fuckton of time with it. Just keep it simple and make shit up on the fly.
>implying 99% of the players would notice that.
Lol, they're either too stupid to realise or fine with that, because they're dumb and can't find better.
can you give some specific examples of encounters with players or is this just gonna be hot air?
Unironically D&D with the new Xanathar's Lost Notes supplement, it's a new Fighter archetype. I haven't actually looked into it though.
Thanks user, ill look into it
>tfw love my players, but one of em has a bad habit of not thinking out his words when rping
He tries so hard, but it gets to the point where he's just spouting a word soup
I think needs a bit of clarification.
Xanathar's lost notes is a DM's guild creation that, while mentioned by official D&D sources, is most certainly 3rd party material. It may seem pedantic but I think the distinction is important. What would be some valid discussion though is how a Tabaxi monk can fucking zip around the battlefield like nobody else.
It's called vetting dumbass
Wait, what? Oh damn, I assumed it was in there just because it was in the 5e general pdf dump.
Sorry man!
So far based on what i've read eldritch knights can cast jump and zoom around for 10 rounds per cast in addition to apparently being jedi knights
Maybe you should just write fiction, and remove the element of players altogether. That way you can be in full control of what the adventurers do and where the reader goes.
I've done Savage Worlds for them, too. Same kind of shit happens. As well as with a couple other systems. If anything, I would *prefer* they had D&D habits, and made actual D&D characters instead of trying to be as different as possible. Even a normal barbarian is too pedestrian for them.
Because maybe.. just maybe..
Your setting isn't actually as good as you think it is?
Or maybe your players view dnd night more as a chance to hang out with friends and laugh at some of the crazy things you can do instead of co-playing the next great 'epic' fantasy novel.
Maybe it's both.
Seriously faggot if your setting is as good as you say it is learn how to slap a .pdf together, load up some photoshop tutorials on youtube, make a setting guide book, and sell that shit on drivethrurpg.
They already do it. I was just hoping for some dumb reason that they'd stop.
Purposely breaking the system to do stupid shit so you can get upvotes on reddit is not an issue for most people who play D&D. If you want to be a massive muh waifu muh build faggot then you are welcome to do so
>reddit spacing
Why does it matter how good the setting is? It's not really good, it's standard fantasy shit, but again it is made for the players to enjoy, not as powerwank for my NPCs, it doesn't have 10,000 years of history and some grand metaplot. That was my point in making it.
>Or maybe your players view dnd night more as a chance to hang out with friends and laugh at some of the crazy things you can do instead of co-playing the next great 'epic' fantasy novel.
Then play cards against humanity. Also no one is talking about writing a fantasy novel, just about taking the game actually seriously to make it worth roleplaying, rather than a reason to laugh hysterically that drains all value from it.
>>reddit spacing
They're called paragraphs and they've been used on Veeky Forums since the beginning you retarded child.
Did you wizard hat got stuck in your ass?
Generally speaking, most paragraphs consist of three to five sentences. Giving each sentence its own paragraph is (at least aesthetically speaking) rather odd and unnecessary.
just become a writer you dingbat
>Reddit spacing
You mean like one line paragraphs ? That's not unique to Reddit, a lot of prose uses that.
One sentence is not a paragraph. At least hit a single space instead of double-spacing like a narcissistic fuck.
>getting mad about "reddit spacing"
people on reddit dont even type that way and you're a disgusting phoneposter who's just mad that you have to scroll more before posting. get a real computer and a real display device and the difference of
wont have such an impact on your viewing and reading experience
alternatively, go back to /pol/
remembered that
the enter key
is a thing and am now
overusing it.
ow fuck my screenspace!my poor little iPhone canned show all these words at once pod go back
Doubly this.
You don't have to be a phoneposter to find dumb special snowflake writing habits annoying and/or laughable. I don't know why you're so butthurt and defensive over being called out on this, but it's really only making you look like even more of an autist right now.
>"tfw too intelligent to write normally lmao GTFO phoneposters"
Eldrich Knights can indeed choose to learn Jump (tripple jump distance for 1 minute) at level 3. If they choose not to learn it then they have to wait till level 8.
Jump distance = a number of feet equal to your Strength score if you move at least 10ft on foot immediately before the jump. When you make a STANDING long jump you can leap only half that distance. Each foot you clear on the jump costs a foot of movement. At DM's discretion you must succeed at a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check to clear obstacles no taller than 1/4 the jump's distance or hit them (I would up the DC as the jump grows taller).
High Jump = a number of feet equal to 3 + your Strength modifier if you move at least 10ft on foot immediately before the jump. Same extra rules as the long jump plus a very small amount more.
-t. pg.182, D&D 5e PHB
I am so deep into my bottle of gin I am doing citations of D&D rules for Veeky Forums. Please help me...
>tv tropes
>that browser
>gets mad that people use line breaks
you absolute fucking peasant
>as a result they play weird-ass classes that don't even fit into the setting.
Why haven't you written the setting such that these classes all have a place in it? You can rewrite their fluff, after all.
Even with the jump skill you aren’t going more than 60 feet after a running start which is still crazy but hardly 300 feet
>reddit spacing his own post
lol enter key cuck
Why did you screencap this? Why did you post it here? Why didn't you tidy up your horrible fucking bookmarks first? What is even wrong with you?
Eeyup. Makes me wonder just what the fuck is held within the Xanathar's Lost Notes pdf. that led user to claim such great jump distance.
Time for more gin.
>"omg he's using google chrome lmao XD have you seen his favorites ad hominem XDXD hahahaha wowie what a peasant i'm gonna share this with my friends and tell them all about how i won this internet argument by changing the subject lmfao praise kek"
Oh jeez, you got me.
>bookmark bar enabled
>complains about reddit spacing while browsing imgur
user's screenshot humiliated himself harder than any of us could even hope to.
>You don't have to be a phoneposter to find dumb special snowflake writing habits annoying and/or laughable.
"Reddit spacing" predates Reddit and is really fucking common. I have no clue where this retarded meme came from. Are you all children who found the internet after Reddit existed?
>implying people use imgur for anything other than quickly uploading photos for use elsewhere
I don't care if it's from Reddit or not. My point is that giving every single sentence its own line and treating it as a paragraph is retarded. There's literally no reason to do it other than making yourself look like a condescending ass and making a mess out of your post.
Sounds like you worked too hard on a thing that only you wanted without talking to the players about tone, expectations, etc.
Maybe you suck. Chances are if you're here, you suck
>not using one of the many other non-reddit image upload sites
>not having your own hosting at home
>not just using Veeky Forums and throwing it somewhere in /wsg/ or /p/ or something
>Are you all children who found the internet after Reddit existed?
they probably came here during gamergate or during some /pol/ raid thing.
enjoy your bloatware laden botnet, faggot. stay obsessed with frog pictures, /pol/ack
>"Everyone who disagrees with me is from /pol/ because I can't think of any other way to discredit them."
Whatever you say, man.
>spams anime in Veeky Forums
>gets mad about "reddit spacing"
so are you a newfag who showed up to /v/ when that Gawker chick's nudes leaked, or a trump supporter who discovered Veeky Forums during the election?
Play a game that’s not about builds and snowflake classes. That includes even certain editions of D&D (and new clones thereof).
>whines about "animeposting"
>calls others newfags
>because I can't think of any other way to discredit them
>tfw i haven't even used the phrase reddit spacing once during this conversation
>just agreed with a guy who used it
If you perpetuate the reddit spacing meme you lose your ability to call anyone new
I have to say this.
I did not expect such salt.
It amuses me.
My nigga... Did you just write a haiku?
>comedy roleplaying drains all value from playing
Don't worry, one day you'll learn to have fun.
Alternatively, if you want to play your shitty fantasy novel, why don't you find some people that would actually be into it, rather than talking behind their backs on a mongolian throat-chanting forum?
>pour your heart into a fucking hexcrawl
>mad they didnt take tracking rations on their 1d6 hour journey through generic forest/jungle as seriously as you wanted
Dragoons are canonical in my world, I'd let you play one, I have rules for them too
I know this pain. My main group is a bunch of late 30s/early 40s guys, all friends of my older brother. Very stuck in their ways, scared of leaving their comfort zone of the things they grew up playing. I've just outright avoided doing generic D&D with them, because they just want every fantasy race stereotype under the sun (lawful stupid palading, dickass thief rogue, drunken dwarf, etc) and don't want to play anything other than Basic or AD&D2E if it's D&D.
I have so many cool campaign ideas, both original and based in video game settings, but they're completely out of touch with my interests so I usually have to settle for something more dumbed down or generic like a basic space opera.
>wolfram alpha
>TV Tropes
watch out folks, we got a Brain Lord over here
Get a new group.
WOAH! Get this: D&D is a game. And I know this sounds fucking crazy but games are meant to be entertaining and fun.
Now let's twist the nipple even further: I turns out that you, the DM, also play the game. You may not be a Player but you are still playing D&D.
So, if the game isn't fun. If you, the DM are not getting any sort of enjoyment out of it, then you should stop and look for another group. Becouse when the game isn't fun, it sucks.
The DM isn't some kind of magical creature that pulls stories out of his ass and always submits to the player's shit. We are just as human, and thus we have the right to get bored and abandon a game when the players are retarded. Instead, most of you come here and whine. You have this dumb-fucked idea that "HOLY SHITTU, MUH DM HONOR" and you insist that your party is fine and That Guy isn't fingering your asshole.
Stop acting like a BDSM slut and put your big boy pants. Give em ultimatums, establish house rules or just be explicit in what you want. You are the Dungeon Master, not a magic narrator or a rogue AI. You are literally another player but your role is bigger and more important.
I am browsing on my computer. That's the problem, mongoloid, is that with a wider screen your one-sentence paragraphs are one-line paragraphs and look even more obnoxious.
I didn't work that hard on it. Just a basic hex-map and work on various areas, a strong monotheistic religion with some other lesser gods (so I don't need to have 10 temples in every major city, just one), cool character options that don't contradict the game rules too much. Also I don't give a fuck about "tone" or "expectation." This consent-form shit wasn't a thing ten years ago, and the hobby was better for it. People showed up to the game and yeah they joked around a lot but at least they didn't play characters that were total fucking clowns, and you didn't need to have a "session zero" where you discussed tonal expectations, to get that. My current group has all sorts of stupid shit, one of the characters is a literal transgender and I have to just cringe and ignore it because I don't want to start a huge fuss as long as it is kept quiet about, they don't even try to roleplay like characters, they openly swear at the nobility and act like Rick and Morty characters (or at least what I figure they act like, I've only seen parts of one episode of the show when they were watching it). Worst part is that I DM for another group and it is a similar experience, but when I play D&D with some older people they are much more focused and yeah there is plenty of joking but at least they don't make weird snowflake characters. Is this a millenial thing?
It does when it's the main focus of play.
I don't even care about that shit, the point was supposed to be the free exploration, and again I haven't run the campaign yet, I just know they will make a joke out of it like they did the last campaign.
That sucks user. I'm sorry.
Well I do plan on doing so, especially cause I am getting fucking tired of DMing and if I do it anymore I want to at least enjoy it. But I realize that even if I restrict them to non-retarded character classes/abilities, they will still act in the same way. People don't even roleplay anymore, except through several levels of irony.
Do you play online or locally?
Our Paladin has the same problem. God bless him he's trying to be a face but he can't think on the spot
>''Uh and um I think you should let us live because um I have a mission from my god and um we uh are really strong and uh it's in your interest to uh let us live''
t. Never GM
You're not aligning your players to a campaign vision, and allowing them to ram through character ideas which are not compatible with it. That may be a result of not communicating it effectively. Also, they've probably internalized some bad habits.
It is possible to either find good players, or develop a new crop of players into having good habits (I helped my GM do the latter over the course of a few years). But even with the best players, you need them to not only agree to the sort of game you all want to play, but they also need to understand what's expected of them and how that helps them have fun.
>Reddit tries to claim double spacing as its own
Fuck off, reddit. Double spacing isn't yours. It has in fact existed before the internet.
It's very difficult to get players who will roleplay within a setting seriously because it takes actually caring about something beyond a superficial level and we live in a nihilistic society where everything is cynical and ironic and genuinly being invested and interested in something is uncool ( and pointless because we all die anyway right)
I dont know how to solve this. I just accept it and try to instill as much meaning as I can into my games.
>Jump 300 feet
I feel like you do not know what a Dragoon is
They're talking about Final Fantasy Dragoon, not the historical one.
About a Minute in, The dragoon 'Jumps' give it a second and he'll land dealing extra damage
We all know what a real dragoon was, a Lancer usually mounted on horseback but those aren't anywhere near as cool as dragon knights that can basically fly around an' shit.
t. assmad brainlet. it's called making lemonade. once you stop enjoying the smell of your own shits so much, you'll be amazed at what you can pull out of even the most virgin of players
>I dont know how to solve this. I just accept it and try to instill as much meaning as I can into my games.
Decent, well-meaning players can be nurtured into roleplaying and caring about things. They need to be convinced that this is how roleplaying games are played, that it will increase their fun, and they must be sure that they won't be unduly punished for their emotional investment. They also must be led by example. It's best started early on while they're still forming their roleplaying habits; I myself became a shameless rules-lawyering munchkin and it took years for me to come back from that.
Give them a setting document first so they can get some inspiration from it, take a session 0 to set some ground rules and manage the campaign, and check the fucking characters and their stats beforehand, you dipshit!
What are good roleplaying habits vs bad ones?
t. new player who wants to have good roleplaying habits because he actually likes to roleplay
we can't really tell you anything. just don't have autism and pay attention to the group dynamic
Make a person, not a statblock.
Don't care too much about numbers.
Speak in-character instead of saying "he says".
Remember you're playing in a group - make characters that fit.
Don't play against the GM, play with the story.
Don't try to stand out at the expense of the setting - make a character that can take advantage of it.
I think this is as much a player problem as it is a GM problem. They are play clerics of the God of Beer, or other classes that don't fit the setting? Tell them "Sorry, but that doesn't work for my campaign." Then work with them to find a middle ground. Personally I don't see the problem with being able to jump 300 ft from a standstill, but if that's a deal breaker for you, just take them aside. Say "Hey, I like know you're having fun with this, but I'm looking for a more serious campaign. Is there any way we tone it down so you get to have fun, and I get to run the game I want?"
And if they are completely unwilling to compromise, maybe try what the want. If they want to run gonzo stupid characters, maybe don't sink a shitload of time into a hyperserious game, just run a funhouse dungeon.
And if you are completely unwilling to compromise, find a different group, a group who likes to play the games that you want to run.
1. show, don't tell. example, let's say your PC is slow to trust. maybe they always take the rear guard, or keep a careful distance from the rest of the party. don't go to edgelord mystery man lengths, but also don't rattle your character sheet off. just do what fits the PC, while also being a team player
2. read the table for the appropriate level of bantz. but also, pick a game with the level of bantz you personally want, so you don't make whiny faggotry threads on Veeky Forums like OP
3. take notes, come up with a system to quickly sort items, NPCs, and plot points when you have to reread them
4. ask your GM questions, BUT the trick is, make those questions relevant to the concerns of your PC. example, what terrain features or NPC information would grab the attention of YOUR PC. this will create a feedback loop so you can continue to do #1 well
Meant to reply this to
The problem here isn't the group. OP just wants to write a book.
>Speak in-character instead of saying "he says"
don't pay this advice any mind. plenty of good RP has happened in 3rd person. do what you are more comfortable with
So let me get this straight:
You made a world that appeals to you, is interesting for you and never talked in the slightest with the players about what they even want to play, instead giving them your interesting for yourself setting?
Are you fucking retarded?
First thing you always do before even sitting to the setting is asking players what they want to play. Otherwise you are doing a fool's errand and most likely creating something you would like to play/run, but not what your players would prefer.
And I'm betting a fiver your setting was boring heartbreaker anyway.
>plenty of good RP has happened in 3rd person
Either you roleplay or narrate (that's what 3rd person is for). You literally can't roleplay in 3rd person, unless playing as someone mentally inpaired. Also, more often than not 3rd person "roleplaying" is used and/or invoked when someone couldn't care less with roleplaying in the first place, in tune of the infamous "I tell him what he wants to hear" during negotiations.
Stop reading internet advices.
Have fun.
Don't be a dick.
Only players like this don't know fuck all about what they want beyond 'memes LOL randomz' etc . Players who do know what they want tend to be good to play with in any setting so you wouldn't have this problem to begin with anyway.
Likewise your DM is not your bitch. If they're going to be enthusiastic about the setting they are going to be running week after week it has to by its nature be something they will be interested in or they will burn out. They're not being paid to do this, put the most effort in compared to anyone else at the table and don't owe their players shit.
If it makes you "uncomfortable" to roleplay as another person, maybe you should try board games.
I say this with not a grain of sarcasm or malice.
I've GM'd for a lot of people over the years, and there's a clear connection between "roleplaying" in third person (i.e. narrating) and being a passionless, metagaming shitter with no comprehension of what a roleplaying game is about and no initiative to learn.
If you don't act out what the character is saying, you're abandoning so many opportunities for yourself and others to feel like your character is an actual person, which in turn is what engagement, character development and actual roleplay is born from.
If you haven't ever talked in-character with the other PCs for ten-fifteen minutes, I'd say you've never experienced the best parts of roleplaying and should give it a try.