How powerful would a regular-sized Dyson fan powered by a Dyson sphere dedicated solely to that fan be?
This will come up in my next session.
How powerful would a regular-sized Dyson fan powered by a Dyson sphere dedicated solely to that fan be?
This will come up in my next session.
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Not very much because you can't put a gorillion watt of energy into such a tiny thing. Or the dyson sphere will actually look less impressive than the fan.
This. It depends entirely on how much the fan can accept at once without literally getting fried from the energy going through it.
If we ignore the fact that all electronics have a safe zone for energy, then however fast it could spin before literally ripping itself to pieces.
If we assume it is also made of indestructible parts, then not that powerful still. Its a fan dude. Its not made to create an air current to push things around, its made to move air to cool you off. At most you might get knocked off balance a bit if you werent prepared.
>If we assume it is also made of indestructible parts, then not that powerful still. Its a fan dude. Its not made to create an air current to push things around
Dude, that shit will be rotating at the 99,99% the speed of C if you put the energy of sun into it without it breaking. It's like saying a toothpick isn't made to puncture armor but you throw it a relativistic speed against a nigga.
You'd have to have power transfer materials capable of conducting the energy of a sun first. You'd have a white hot power trunk as thick as a planet leading from the shower to the fan. Nothing would be able to get near the fan on a galactic scale due to the extreme electro-magnetic and thermal effects of that much energy going down a power line. The entire solar system would be a no-fly zone.
I'm going to need some details on how exactly this is going to be relevant in your next campaign. What's the goal of using the fan? How powerful does the fan need to be? More specifically; Do you need the thing to work at full power or one of the lower settings? I'm assuming they have settings like other fans do.
What woulld be the point of the fan of doom otherwise ?
>Then you realize there is no air in space and your fan is useless
>If we assume it is also made of indestructible parts,
The friction between the fan and the air would create a shitload of heat.
Not very much power at all but incredible extreme comfort even royals would find to be a bit much because dysons are built for quietness and gentleness in all operating conditions.
the toothpick would burn up and splinter against anything harder than itself no matter its energy
it would pancake and splinter and deliver lots of energy and rattle a nigga's insides to pieces but it would probably not puncture
this is actually the principle behind modern hollow point bullets
>I'm assuming they have settings like other fans do.
>Gentle breeze
>Strong breeze
>Air tunnel
>Atmosphere slayer
>Planet wrecker
>Nebula blower
>Your GF on Chad's dick
>Yo mama after 3 servings of refried beans burritos
>it would pancake and splinter and deliver lots of energy and rattle a nigga's insides to pieces but it would probably not puncture
That thing would have 449378000000 joules of energy. A 7,62 from an AK is roughly 2100 joules. If that thing touches you it wouldn't even puncture it would obliterate what it touches. Even if it disintegrates due to frictions the microscopic particles would still butcher anything they touch. A single proton was once detected going at roughly 50% the speed of light and it was estimated it still packed the strength of a tennis smash.
You have several things massively wrong. First off, the thing you're thinking of, commonly referred to as the "Oh My God" Particle, was traveling at 99.99999999999999999999951% of the speed of light. Second, the kinetic energy is so great at 99.99% c that the toothpick would be behaving like it's in a particle accelerator and just got smashed into a wall of air. The toothpick's energy is going to start up fusion reactions with the air particles around it. The kinetic energy isn't going to hit the target before the massive fireball and exotic particles it creates.
Relativistic speeds are not a toy.
And said fireball isn't going to puncture a dude ?
Better idea would be turning a Dyson ring into a Dyson fan, but still powered by a Dyson sphere.
What uses could it have?
Those dyson bladeless ring fans are just a regular fan in the base, blowing air up a tube into the ring.
They're inefficient, shit, and break easily.
>Your GF on Chad's dick
J-joke's on you user!
And it will do nothing. Once the fan is turning hard enough you'll get shearing & turbulence and it'll actually push less air.
The Dyson fan is actually pretty well tuned. Push it much faster than designed and the increased turbulence more than cancels out the increased impeller speed.
I'm pretty sure the fireball will kill you first
The fireball is going to turn him into ash and vapor.
How is the anime girl able to power the fan?
What about solar system powered turbulences ?
kill yourself pedshit
>boring answer
It breaks and so does the planet
>fun answer
Jet stream of wind capable of eroding mountains
Do you mean a Shkadov thruster?