What is another good place to discuss TTRPGs on the internet? Dont get me wrong Veeky Forums i love you guys and all but i feel like spreading out. I gave Reddit a honest try and good lord that place is a shit hole.
What is another good place to discuss TTRPGs on the internet...
I wish to know this as well, Rick Kittenhugs and his band of faggots on the discord are about as obnoxious as Veeky Forums.
Wish I knew, as awful as Veeky Forums is at least it isn't rpg.net.
None, all of them are infested by oversensitive people that can't have any worthy discussion due to fear of being mean to others.
If you're dming a 5e module, Facebook has OK Dm groups for each module. IE "Curse of Strand DMs". Community is always hard to find nowadays though.
I sometimes check a single Something Awful thread (when it's bumped).
what is wrong with it? The few times I've been there it's just guys doing a bunch of autistic math and seemingly having a good time.
Are you fucking kidding
Only been there like twice. I hear it's a shit hole i just never got a reason why.
None of us would be here if there a viable alternative. Lord knows the thinly-veiled fetish posts, weeaboo anime faggots, and DnDrones who screech like chimpanzees any time you talk about any other system ever is enough to drive someone insane... but it's this or nothing.
>. I gave Reddit a honest try and good lord that place is a shit hole.
If you want 5e, than /r/dndnext is slightly better than /r/dnd. But yes, Reddit is a shithole.
As bad as it is, at least it's not giantitp.
>Reddit is a shithole
It's all those rules and everyone seems so cringey. Like it's Yahoo Answers for nice guys.
I don't even know wtf that is
Some are alright. The rest alternate between people who realize DnD is so broken that they should be playing something else but won't, and people who are so brainwashed that they believe the system is perfect and free of flaws. Usually they shitpost at eachother most of the time until someone breaks the tedium talking about how they want to play a skeleton paladin or some other pathfinder-tier character concept and then it turns into a circlejerk.
So on the whole, basically the same as most of Veeky Forums anyway.
>I don't even know wtf that is
The forums for the Order of the Stick webcomic.
There were actually some pretty decent things going on for Pathfinder there, if you can tolerate the PC culture and, you know, Pathfinder.
>PC culture and, you know, Pathfinder.
Looks like i'm staying clear of it then.
>So on the whole, basically the same as most of Veeky Forums anyway.
At least i can pretty much post/call anyone whatever i want.
Ignoring that 40k DnD and MtG are by far the main topics on Veeky Forums it's pretty rare to find somewhere with as broad a swath of traditional stuff.
Most people gravitate towards their specific dedicated forums for each game/genre I guess.
Would be nice to have a place that was as broad ranging but not run by someone known to have sold users information in the past or suffering other issues like the other chans all seem to.
Nothing that isn't run by nepotistic cliques of censorious politically-correct tumblrards, no.
Tg is the best that's out there, sadly.
SJW shithole.
>Something Awful
Any forum not specifically set out as anti-leftist will inexorably gravitate toward leftism.
THE discord?
You know, like back in 2008 when someone said "the IRC", they meant the most popular IRC channel frequented by Veeky Forums posters, and everyone knew which channel they were referring to.
Which is..?
>What is another good place to discuss TTRPGs on the internet?
user, I...
Maybe it's time to realize it's not possible to find worthwhile discussion online outside of local communities
What discord I mean.
I got banned from one discord for criticising a UA and reccomending a homebrew in its place.
Got banned from another for saying I found someone's furry OC to be horrifying.
If I've learnt anything, tabletop players are the most sensitive hobby-culture
Can confirm.
It's pic related op, it's always pic related...
Veeky Forums isn't even a good place to discuss TTRPGs. If it's not a popular system you'll get maybe ten replies before the thread falls off the board, or someone will post bait replies and circular arguments as to why that system is awful and people who think about playing it need to kill themselves until the thread gets deleted and no actual discussion takes place.
Shame there's no other, better place to discuss tabletop games.
what the fuck, how is this a thing
how do you make a community around a singular fucking premade adventure
fuck this gay earth and ameriburgers being able to only just run published content
fuck it's true.
Any forum set out as 'anti-leftist' is going to end up as an alt-right shithole that's every bit as bad though. It'll attract people like you who unironically use the word 'leftist' as if it means anything tangible.
>SJW shithole
>Any forum not specifically set out as anti-leftist will inexorably gravitate toward leftism
Please go back to /pol/ or /v/.
>Any forum not specifically set out as anti-leftist will inexorably gravitate toward leftism.
Wat? You do know that Veeky Forums was never specifically anty-leftist and it has had very long streches of being extreamly leftwing? Shiet i remember when /pol/ was mainly anarchists and totalitarian communists
>At least i can pretty much post/call anyone whatever i want.
That's why I keep coming back here/other boards. Nobody I call a faggot acts like one.