What does Veeky Forums think about Yugioh?
What does Veeky Forums think about Yugioh?
I think that it's a fun game, if you play it casually with your friends.
It's a great piece of nostalgia.
One thing I find interesting about the game is: Older deck strategies are still very strong against newer decks and stuff.
Never understood the appeal.
It seemed complex and the cards are hideous, both the presentation, colors and illustrations.
Veteran MTG player here, played YuGiOh once to fill in a spot at my LGS they needed, threw together a "Agents" deck because it seemed like it had a nice flow, counter everything spells then you win in a few turn from what I gathered after about 10 minutes of reading the cards, slapped the deck together sweeper at the tourney. guy got the deck list from me, next thing I know a few of those cards where restricted on the official YuGiOh site
this was so long ago I don't even remember the card names but goddamn it was funny.
Explain the deck as best as you can remember user.
I always assumed the art style appealed to black people
Turn 1 plop down, Agent of earth? ( I remember calling her mom ) Tourting up some other agents afterwards then killing them off by turn 3 to this big ass sun god dude while discarding my hand by using monsters that when you discard another light or angel monster you counter a spell that's either a monster, trap or magic card depending on what colors they where, shit was pretty fucking good. Might try to find out what the hell they where now, see if I can't make a better version of it or if I accidentally made a OP version that one day and that's why the guy told me that they got banned a few weeks later.
Links were a mistake
hahaha I know exactly what you are talking about. Heralds.
>One thing I find interesting about the game is: Older deck strategies are still very strong against newer decks and stuff.
Absolute horseshit.
I work for a vender and I've talked at length with yugioh players from multiple regions. The overwhelming consensus is that not a single one of the 5ds or earlier engines is viable, and those that are close have to play 12 or more hand traps from recent sets that will cost you at least $300. The closest thing to viable is "dark synchro" and that's really just a special summon engine that happens to have tuners in the 40-15-15.
Contemporary yugioh decks are built to be able to summon an OTK board using just 1 or 2 cards while fighting through search and summon negating effects on the first turn. If your deck cannot do that, you will never win a game.
Yup, that's it.
Also ran a god card Athena. brought back a monster that was also p gud some darklord thing, ran a few of them in there.
I think that was most of the deck, it was mostly tutors and counters so I could sacrifice shit to the big sun god to win on turn 2-3 while countering everything.
Used to be really into it. I agree with on it being fun for casual with friends. I haven't been able to get back into it much though because none of the current archtypes interest me.
Here's that "sun god "
Oh wow, that brings back memories. Maybe I can find that damn deck by using this site and build it again on TCGplayer thanks brah.
I'ts sucked absolute donkey dick since 2006.
A friend of mine quit MtG to go play more yugioh because of tournament burnout. Now he'll force me to play against whatever thing he brewed for non-meta wednesdays at his locals. Custom ban list, lets them brew a bunch of stuff since all of the handtraps are banned for obvious reasons. I normally just play pic related turbo and occasionally get some plays in before he beats me. I'm really just there for him to test an engine its pretty fun.
Link format fucked me up, because now i can't otk with poly, discard to spin opponent's board, miracle fusion.
found all of that agent (angels) deck, apparently that stuff isn't banned anymore. Seriously what the fuck YuGiOh is dirt cheap too.
Congrats dude. Also holy shit, 30 dollars for a full deck minus sideboard, xyz and syncs is pretty nice.
more like 25 lmao
I may not understand how links and pendulums work, but I can still win games and have fun
False, because I have successfully destroyed SPYRAL turn 1 boards with turn 2 Dinosaur
>a whole MTG deck is about 1,000 dollars.
>YuGiOh deck costs a night out to dinner
their reprint policy blows mtg out the water.
if mtg was more like yugioh we would have been seeking the power 9 collector tins at toysrus
LGS and Wizards have an importsnt symbiotic relationship, but them and other people who make buying and srlelling magic a business have really held wizards at gunpoint preventing them from reprinting like they should, because theyre the ones who buy the most sealed product.
YuGiOh loves the players, they reprint shit for them all the time. And unlike Wizards Konami didn't make a reserved list. ending in a fuckton of product.
But hey the players like it from what I know.
It's not that older deck strategies are bad, it's just that the old decks that were powerful are probably banned in one way or another.
One event duel Konami should do is the scourges of each year of YGO fighting each other. It'd be fun to watch.
>YuGiOh deck costs a night out to dinner
Only if you build casual decks to play for fun, a proper Tier 1 Yugioh deck with sideboard and extra deck can cost near (or over) a thousand dollars and there was a time where a single card can cost $150+ a piece because they are so hard to pull
So, CED, TeleDAD, DAD Return, Wind Ups, Inzektors, Dino Rabbit, Glad Beasts, and all the "Flavor of the Set" Konami shills before Konami hit them with the restriction list?
Konami doesn't give a shit about collectors and card investors, since they aren't making money off of them.
A lot of the expensive cards in Yugioh are staples though that can be put in just every deck.
50% of t1 decks price goes into buying a playset of smug blossom. and since every deck uses it you can pretty much cut $300.00 off every deck you build after you get them.
It's going to make a comeback.
That sounds fun as fuck.
Comeback? Where did it go?
It's a regional thing, but the reaction of players I've talked to while traveling is universally negative to the new yugioh format. I've gotten the same response from magic players. Both games are too big to fall the way things are now, but the level of complacency they are showing is really hurting game stores.
WotC and Konami are mostly fine with selling product through big retailers, but some day there might not be places to play anymore.
The only game that seems to remain in some sort of a healthy balance right now is pokemon. It's picking up a lot of steam as a competitive game.
I liked it up until post Synchro Summoning, the summoning nonsense didn't appeal to me anymore and the game just stopped being fun for me. The art, the decks, and the archetypes just lost it's flair, for me at least.
>the prize for being world champion is a promo card and a playmat.
It was never here to begin with.
Really? I thought players were worried that the next couple of sets might ruin the game?
Links are probably my favorite extra deck type, but with all the loopholes they can exploit I can see why people dislike them.
Assuming you're talking about pokemon.
The game has been diverse at every regional since rotation. Pokemon pro players are notorious trolls that take advantage of how sheeplike people can be. It's not uncommon for pros to post decklists online that are absolute garbage and for people to assume they are good.
Maybe prism star will fuck up the meta. People tend to keep their testing to themselves. You cannot predict anything from experience alone.
One of the caveats with Prism Star cards is that once they go to the Lost Zone once it lands on the discard pile even if you just discard it through other means, and unlike Yugioh and Magic there's nothing that can retrieve cards from the Lost Zone in Pokemon even when the Lost Zone mechanic was introduced ages ago.
It's fun, but it suffers a lot from complexity creep, especially post syncro era
I believe you but I just want to say this has some great potential as pasta to troll yugioh players
>Implying I didn't just buy a top 8 MTG modern deck gor $55
the only way it works is when you run show rules and do stupid shit that is compleatly agients the rules but has a huge cool factor. Other wise it's really a three turn cardgame where if you want to play higher levels you need a turn one win deck. They wanted to be faster than mtg and it killed em
Veteran MTG player here, played YuGiOh once to fill in a spot at my LGS they needed, threw together a deck because it seemed like it would be easy as the average YUGiOh player has the IQ of a chimp, I put in cards that counter everything and a few traps because I couldn't resist standing up and pointing "YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD!", then you win in a few turn from what I gathered after about 10 minutes of reading the cards, slapped the deck together sweeper at the tourney, revealing Exodia every round. guy got the deck list from me, next thing I know a few of those cards where restricted on the official YuGiOh site
Pic related, it's me.
This is true.
Once this card sees reprints or gets put into a structure deck or tin you can bet your ass decks as a whole get much cheaper.
lmao what the fuck user.
Thank you anons.
For turning my true story into a copypasta.
Needs work tho,.
your welcome
Change the blatant memes into Genex or Neos, or Ice Barriers and it would work better.
re work:
Veteran MTG player here, played YuGiOh once to fill in a spot at my LGS they needed, threw together a deck out of cards that i saw for the first time in my life, seeing that the average YUGiOh player has the IQ of a chimp it still killed, I put in cards that counter everything and a few traps because I couldn't resist standing up and pointing "YOU'VE ACTIVATED MY TRAP CARD!", then you win in two turns from what I gathered after about 10 minutes of reading cards, slapped the deck together and did a sweeper at the tourney, revealing Exodia every round. Some guy got the deck list from me, next thing I know a few of those cards where restricted on the official YuGiOh site
Pic related, it's me.
do you have a more detailed breakdown of this deck? Ive been running a skull servants deck but i've got some different cards in there than you do
Good game, having fun with dual links, bazoo comes in clutch some games
I think that a Duel Terminal setting would be dope as hell
Just how many evil abominations are sealed in that planet?
I think the extra deck is a legitimately great innovation, and the game has some really neat ideas. It's a pity the formatting is utter ass (the jp versions you posted with the numbered effects is notably better, although still bad), the text bloat has gotten absurd, and the power creep is so incessant that you basically need hand traps to function now. I want to like, but every time I come back to it, it's gotten worse.
Like, how the hell are you supposed to parse this card? It's readable, I suppose, but it takes actual effort just to figure out what the bloody thing is supposed to do. It makes deck-building a pain in the ass, and it makes playing games against an unknown opponent a pain in the ass.
It's a fun game and while it doesn't have a resource system, it doesn't need it.
Yeah the cards definitely need to be more readable.
It's why I prefer the white blocks on Buddyfight cards
God Buddyfight looks like such a fun game. The lack of a resource system, and the fact that (for a while, at least) the game still functions fine is another thing I can respect about yugioh.
Outside of the recent rampant power creep, Buddyfight is an interesting game. The issue though is the rampant power creep that would make yugioh feel violated
It's pretty simple one really. Use Uni Zombie, Gozuki, and Wight Princess to dump Wight Prince to the Grave Yard, who you then use to dump lady in wights and skull servants to buff up your King, and once they're dumped you can start throwing out your Mezukis as a cheaper return option. Shiranui Solitaire is just to bring out Uni Zombie for more dumping, twin twister to get rid of spell/traps as well as getting rid of wight prince's who are clogging your hand. I actually cut forbidden chalice and put in 2 Burials From a Different Dimension, and another creature swaps, one to get back any wight prince you banished to summon King, and also because King's attack reverts to zero when you give him to your opponent so he's really easy to run over. The extra deck is honestly kinda useless since most of the time the only monster you'll have sticking to the field is King, and in most cases you aren't going to want to use an 8000 attack monster to make syncros or xyz.
I used to run a 60 card deck that ran lightsworn and Grass is Greener, but I found that a smaller deck, while maybe less powerful in some situations, is FAR more consistent.
>but I found that a smaller deck, while maybe less powerful in some situations, is FAR more consistent.
there's a reason most people recommend building your deck to as close to the minimum deck size as possible(whether it be the 40 card minimum the TCG/OCG has or the 20 card minimum that Duel Links uses)
could someone please translate these moon runes?
Since it is going to be released in a book of sorts in Japan it probably means we will not see it in English for a while and they'll be Secret Rares because Konami
Why are yugitubers so comfy?
oh fuck, extremely noted. I have no idea how i missed these cards when i was deck building
I don't know.
I just don't.
Rata is great but I honestly miss when Snapesnatch was just a tts speech device instead of an actual person.
friendly reminder
I tapped out during the PePe format, how the fuck does Link Summoning work? Can I now Special summon only in the zones the Link card points to? Also Pendulum zones are gone and now take a s/t slot right?
Pretty much yes
>Ice Barriers
What is this, netrunner?
Not the same guy, but I still don't get it. I get the part where it's basically tribute special summoning, but I don't get the arrow shit. What about the ones that point upwards or downwards? Do you summon in your opponent's side and your s/t now? Also, if this is the only place to summon shit from your extra deck, does that mean Turbo Synchro and Pendulum are just fucking dead now?
You can only summon Links to Monster Zones. The Links with down arrows are meant to go in your Extra Monster Zone, so that you can summon other Extra Deck monsters to the zones that Link monster points to. Synchro Turbo is now Link Turbo and Pendulum Magician is Tier 1 in OCG and TCG.
RIP Quasar then, I guess.
Also, why are there up arrows? is that just for limited target area effects for your opponent?
Some cards only work if they are co-linked, which means when 2 Link monsters point at each other. Also, some cards like Akashic Magician and Topologic Bomber Dragon have effects that use those arrows. And triple Quasar is still doable, but now it uses Cosmic Blazar Dragon.
Something I really like about YGO is how close the VAs of the characters are to the community, Pretty much every major tournament has at least two of them coming over and narrating a scripted duel which is always fun to watch. MtG and Pokemon ones could've some of these showcase matches just to show quirkier things happening in matches that people love to see but would never happen in competitive games.
MtG isn't chuuni enough for that. I can't imagine a Jace cosplayer yelling out his Instant names when he uses them, because that is now how the character works. Everyone in YGO actually plays a cardgame so they just emulate the show.
Chuuni Jace vs Chuuni Bolas would be amazing though
Doesn't even need to be MtG characters, could be someone roleplayng an Elves deck versus Goblins or whatever, I'd watch it no matter how cringe it was.
MTG paper-player here. I started playing Duel Links last month, it's a ton of fun. Love the amount of detail put into the program, I'm basically having a blast unlocking all of the characters from the anime (Even GX, which I never saw). Love the card trader mechanic, it's something that was sorely missing in any digital MtG game. Same with sleeves and Mats (seriously, MtG digital games are so fucking bare-bones) Haven't spent any money yet but I'm tempted to throw them a few bucks just because I've had fun with it for over 60 hours. I'm just really surprised Konami of all companies made a quality product like this.
Their YGO games are usually top quality, some stinkers excluded. It's just that they milk the fuck out of it, and then blame piracy for their failed game.
That said, I fucking hate Duel Links and everything it stands for. The smaller deck and field are just bullshit and it's clearly catered to OG anime fans because they are more liable to pay micro dollars for their Dark Necrofear. It's apparent that it's built purely to get some of those sweet MT and it irks me because this success means we will never get a new full game like World Championship or Tag Force game since mobile makes more money.
World Championship and Tag Force appeal to casual fans of the series. Duel Links already does that and more serious players will use Dueling Book or Ygopro, since they give you access to all the cards, are free and update extremely fast.
top kek
I feel like then Dueling Book/Ygopro is to Yugioh like the Xmage/Cocktrice is to MtG? Superior products for serious grinders wanting to test decks against opponents online, run by third parties so it doesn't cost anything, whereas Duel Links is more like MTG Duels of the Planeswalkers, aimed at people only casually interested in the card game, with a considerably more limited card pool?
The only missing program would be an "official" online program for Yugioh, that costs money, provided by Konami that has all of the current cards, rulings, and allows for collecting/trading/grinding for paper tournament awards, like Magic: Online.
We had YGO online, but they fucking burned that to the ground because maybe they could squeeze some more pennies out of people. It went as far as needing to pay in order to duel at all, and all that was left in the end was a bare bones lobby when you had a big overworld with avatars and everything before and could earn Duel Disks by doing events and shit.
Pretty fun to play casually, but I think it is the single most degenerate card game ever if everyone is going for the throat. I swear sometimes it is like everyone is running Academy decks in mtg
As an oldfag I totally despise it now. Konami fucked up.
The game is luck and memory based now. I think it still a cool game to have fun, but don't go fullretard trying to compete or you'll have to waste a lot of money and time. Buy fake cards or play some videogame and have fun with your friends, don't compete.
The dragon rulers and various Ban-less OTKs would rape anything else
This is now a Dark Magician Girl thread
>it took Konami 4 fucking banlists to contain Dragon Rulers until they finally gave up and just straight up banned them all
Did anything top them ever since?
>Did anything top them ever since?
Almost every meta deck made after them?
but user, YGO is such a clusterfuck that it never should have had a competetive scean. It was the perfect casual game, and they killed it
You could unban them and it would barely do anything to the meta at this point.
>It seemed complex
LMAO, how does it feel being in the wrong 10% of IQ distribution?
Yes, but in MTG the price is somewhat held, while in YGO the card price will be run into the ground. In both games you can keep yourself low in price, but MTG costs more and holds better the price.
Up Arrows work for mutual link and to give zones for your opponent. So, sometimes you have a good link, a drawback can include giving your opponent space to summon more monsters.
Quasar is still doable, but you either use links or circunvent the rules by summoning synchros from somewhere else, since if they don't come from the extra, they may go to any zone
Nekroz were outrughtly busted by comparison and Performage & Pals were another monstruosity.