What's the most shameful moment in your character's life?
What's the most shameful moment in your character's life?
>Learning wrestling from Orc tribals
>5 years under brutal master, several victories in tribal competitions... start earning respect within the tribe.
>Be at break, shooting the shit with orc mates
>Some old Orc challenges me
>He is blind, and uses a cane to walk
>Old orcs are crazy and I don't want to insult him so I agree
>"Look, just be careful not break yo-"
>Head reaches the dust before sentence is finished
>Get up
>'Okay let's try that ag-'
>Head reaches the dirt.
>Get up
>Try to get behind him where he can't see me.
>Oh right, he's blind
>Head is in dirt again.
>Teacher has been watching for several seconds now
>Speaks with old Orc
>Pulls me up
>"I see you met your new master"
you know that awkward moment when you make a joke, be it a good or a bad one but you utterly fails your delivery or the public is not receptive and just look at you with a disgusted/stern/judgmental gaze?
He did a joke about the queen having lovers in all of the kingdom, from dukes to stable boy.
In front of the whole noble court, the king, the queen and said Duke that was regularly porking her
He doesn't remember though as for his defense when he was sentenced to death, he was drunk
The broodmother incident
I'm listening
Either the time Torruk, Collector of Knife-Ears, got caught in the middle of a blood elf brothel by the party's dwarves or when Theron of the Bloody Eight charged alone into a cave full of goblins and woke up naked in a tent with an amorous old gnoll shaman.
Warhamer FRP
>be an actor/spy (plotwiswe)
>sneak into local baron's party pretending to be an Altdorfian noble
>try to bullshit my way through
>find random topic :languages
>"So anonPC, what languages do you speak?"
>"Common, Old-Worldish, Imperial"
>mfw I wish I'd know they were synonymous
In highinsight, I should have just gone with charisma roll.
Playing a Drow Rogue, who is also the group's chef.
Just cleared out an Orc camp, and found a bunch of dead human babies in their meat locker.
Waited till the rest of the party went to sleep.
Cooked them up.
Later shared them with the human cleric (who came from a cannibal tribe) and the half-elf warlock (who was just batshit insane)
Then laughed my ass off as the half-orc paladin and tiefling bard complained we ate everything and did not share with them.
The two never found out what we were eating. It remained a little secret of the three of us.
forgot to attache pic related ; it was the entire room reaction after he puked and collapsed
Does getting flogged about 200 lashes for something you never did count?
>Be me, Adrian Farenhueghs Paladin of Lathander, experiencing intense ordeals in the Abyss with my Party
>Happen upon the foul Demon Queen of the succubi, wife to the Demon lord of Cuckolds and Consort to Demogorgron itself
>Willingly kiss the foul harlot due to failing a will-save against her charms
>Just kissed the most powerful succubus ever next to the one imprisoned in the black wells willingly
>Roll a D% to see if I just triggered the greater vampire variable or at least suffer the embrace of death from the level drain
>Fucking other status effects make the condition even worse
>actually get D% 1
>DM Rules I flip a coin to decide if it still just kills me because of this shit being so fucking unlikely, you'd be quicker to pull a pun-pun
>Am now Epic-level CE Adrian Farenhueghs, Greater Vampire, Paragon, Enhanced Undead, Swarmshifter Master Vampire (3) Lifedrinker (9) Ex Paladin (14) Blackguard 7
>TPK my entire party, command an entire abyssal army and usher in an age of pure carnage as no one can stop my stupidly buffed abilities which turn me into an unliving blitzkreig with cleave, and energy drain, Take over like 75% of the Unnapproachable east using Eltab shit to gai naccess to the material plane, eat and rape half of my church to murderdeath
My kenku was forced by his parents to advertise their shop with an obnoxious sandwich board, and pretty much every moment of that was shameful. He's desperate for positive attention as a result.
When he was up and ready to abandon his partner and extremely young daughter, until the former had a stroke and he had to look after the latter.
If he wants better treatment, he should just say so
>old shit talking kung-fu Orcs
That's so fucking metal.
He should, but he doesn't. His parents were killed by a performing street magician after short-changing him, so he's taught himself magic and wants a crowd to adore him. He's just such a broken shitter though
You done missed the joke, son.
What setting is this/I need MOAR info
>Forgetting Rule One
What is he so ashamed about? Half-orc chicks are cute and laying with one is something to be proud of.
>space campaign
>assassinate a mandalorian senator
>wear his armor home and fuck his wife
>she figures out I'm not him
>me and gungan beat the shit out of her and rape her while her kids watch
>abduct the kids and train them to become space pirates like us
>Half Orc
>Lead a valiant crusade into hell to end the plague of demons and orcs invading my character's barony
>Incubi commanders, pretty much JoJo Pillar Men. The marker used to represent their detachment was a yellow d6 so they were nicknamed the Butter Boys
>Fail charm save, get downed and buttered
>Party pally gets him up but he's shamed in front of his officers
>Despite this embarrassment go on to slay arch-succubus general (didn't even blink on the save, naturally) and pull off greatest military victory in history
>All anybody can talk about back home is how the baron was seduced by a trio of Butter Boys
>"It's okay baron, what happens behind charmed eyes stays behind charmed eyes" *shoulder pat*
I don't see shame there, that's a cool story, kid.
Beat down and getting up everytime, that's how it's done.
>ate a golden dragon egg as revenge for attacking our city and raiding the vault
>mother dragon sees what we did
>breaks down
>gave a wizard her entire hoard of gold and gems for a fertility spell
>she can never get that much gold again
>party backs away never talks about it again
That's Samurai Jack and Aku, shapeshifting Master of Darkness.
>be human female druid
>have crush on party ranger
>also poor as dirt
>end up sleeping with gnome inkeeper to make ranger jealous and also cover room and board.
>turns out Gnome had magical recording device in the room
>sells static illusions of me
>Ranger hates me
>spend most of the campaign trying to win him over
>ranger ends up going for an NPC villain instead
>sleep with another npc villain out of spite
>bunch of things happen, world is about to end
>try one last time to win rangers affection before we're blown up
>Ranger says "I hate you" and punches her in the face.
>World blows up, but instead of a TPK, the party finds themselves in the forgotten realms.
>still have to keep partying together.
Her being a gross slut doomed the entire world. Wow.
>Sleep with another character to make love interest jealous
When has this ever worked?
I was 17, I didnt know any better.
A campaign or two later, they were still coming across the magic rings that when you used the command word, projected her image out. It was shameful.
>Character is an idiot meathead rogue with a penchant for stealing things
>Steal "heart of the God" gem that regulates the cosmos and allows normal physics to operate correctly
>Fail identify check (stone is widely known piece of religion held by nearly all inhabitants of this world)
>Wear stone in the center of buckle because shiny and glows with cosmic energy
>Get attacked by low level bandits
>Take hit to waist
>Gem is destroyed, ending all life in the universe as we know it
>Be me
>Chaotic Evil
>Group makes it to a tavern in town
>Have roofie/date rape/love potion from last quest still in my inventory
>Bar has Elf bar maiden handling drinks
>Distilling ale from barrels that are located in the back of the tavern
>Looking for some sweet elf puss
>Decide to fuck around for shits and giggles
>Go to back of bar
>Pour roofie drink into the tavern's ale supply
>Go to see if Elf maiden is passed out for the sexy times
>Everyone in bar is passed out, including maiden
>Out of a shocking turn of events, DM reminds me that Elves are immune to such date rape drugs
>It was all a hallucination in my head
>I poisoned the ale, but due to a shitty roll, I had drank some
>Everyone in bar is drinking roofies, but is immune, so no bad effects to them
>Except me
>In reality, I roofied myself
>Sprawled on the floor at the bar unconscious like a retard
The Henderson farm incident
>dyslexic wizard
>somewhat free form setting (fun>rules)
>my wizard wants to make it rain for the crops
>pulls out a cursed family book
>basically summons a greater demon, raises a bunch of zombies, gives life to the farm tools and sends the farm into what is best described as the yugioh shadow realm.
To this day he maintains he did nothing wrong
>be me
>be cybernetically enhanced mage
>enter fighting tournament
>enter non lethal section
>his number is called
>look at opponent
>its fucking thor
>tfw lightning mage
>spend most of the time dodging and dancing around each other
>DM rolls to grapple
>i decide to use a brand new spell my character learned, as it had the charm ability
>think that charm in this game will be like it is in every other game
>mfw its not
>mfw i have aroused the thunder god beyond all mundane means while in a choke hold with him
>for the next 5 ingame minutes, my lightning mage is desperately trying to keep out, thors, and i quote "forearm long thunder cock"
>mfw this is on national television
>mfw we are going to have a prison arc next session.
>be me
>prehistoric caveman rp
>be a weak philosopher caveman, another player is a strong (think The Rock) caveman but really dumb called Brock
>start to reflect on the stars, come up with the laws of society
>gather a cult of personality around me, proto-religion, brock is envious
>find a mate, going to have children
>create monogamy, say it's God's will
>brock: "you lie, no god will, you will"
> brock: "if god will, she sex brock too, god decide father"
>brock wants to cuck me and fuck my cavewoman wife
>try to persuade brock but fail, brock tries to fight me for leadership
>brock is three times my size and weight, three times as strong
>I know I'll get crushed in two turns, I think really hard
>convince my cult brock is the devil, shamefully have them pogrom him in the first witch's hunt
>brock dies, guilty overcomes me
>had a dream of creating a religion, power got to my head, used religion to further my agenda
>have nightmares about brock, try to flee brock in my dreams
>groundhog day, nightmare repeats itself until I face Brock
>nightmare-brock calls me out on my bullshit
>nightmare-brock tells me he was Jesus, son of God
>my wife is pregnant, turns out brock had been raping her for the past nights
>don't know if I'm the father, think Brock can be the son of god and my wife's son is the son of god's son
>raise boy as my own son
my party did that, Cept they tricked my paladin into eating it. Shit DM made my God outright denounce me without any offer to attempt to redeem my character for being tricked.
>tfw our "Indentured" Space Marine committed a one-man genocidal purge of four hab-levels of a hive suspected of being under the influence of a Chaos cult during a Dark Heresy game
>Not even remotely proven, it was just suspected
>Used heavy explosives to cause massive destruction to infrastructure, block all possible entrances and avenues of escape in or out of the levels, then phosphored the shit out of the community
>Seventeen thousand were dead in the aftermath, over two thousand of which he personally killed with his bolter, flamer, chainsword, or fists. There were only 15 wounded.
>tfw there was never any Chaos cult in that hab, we were just fed false intel by agents of our rival Inquisitor
Those poor gangers and PDF never stood a chance.
Nobody else faults him for falling under the sway of that nymph's aura. "Anyone would have," they've told him a thousand times. "Fey don't play by our rules," his counselor said. "Me no get it," the barbarian told him, actively feigning stupidity.
But he is a very self-loathing little bird alchemist and he has ever since hated himself even more. As far as he knew at the time, he'd started dancing for a featherless kid. Don't they know what that means!?
He didn't get to die in glorious combat like he wanted to in honor of his war deity. Helped push a crazy chaos primal threat back into its tear in reality and ended up donating the rest of his life force as fuel for a ritual to seal it. He was happy and sad at the same time; glad to help his friends fix the threat to the world, but extremely sad he didn't get to die sending it back rather than afterwards.
>Elves believe we're edging in on "their" land
>Attacked our city, enslaved and/or killed maybe half the population
>Me and the boys are ready to go stomp some knife ears
>Enter forest and begin blindly searching
>Find a ring of trees. Clearly the work of elves!
>Being the level 9 barbarian I decide to hack one of the trees down and make a way in
>First party member through the gap is paralysed
>Assume it's a trap that is now expired, run through
>Attempt to use storm herald abilitys
>"These elves control the weather user"
>Old elf eventually comes up, whinges about violence and has us given some kind of necklaces and removed
>Turns out said necklaces are bullshit that lock you down any time you attempt violence
Being stunned, pacified and now neutered by an elf. Through cowards magic is the single greatest shame my character has known. It's damaged his relationship with another npc and awoken a severe issue with elves. The next most shameful thing will be returning to the village and trying to get this block removed
>Leader of a bandit clan that's rapidly expanding from all the deserters and people left homeless from the war
>Hey guys I know raiding and pillaging is fun and all, but what this is turning into a full fledged tribe with women and children and all. What if we set up some kind of agricultural system and established trade routs with the surrounding settlements?
>Dragged out of bed in the middle of the night, beaten half to death, and left for dead nailed to a tree
His most shameful moment was likely only killing the dumb kids that tried to bind his hands, not the other bandit councilors that ordered it in the first place.
My character bottomed for a tabaxi
B A R B E D . C O M
and this all started because our DM thought it was a bright idea to basically give us The Deck Of Many Things. One player got himself jacked to level 9, then I temporarily made myself an idiot and got back to normal and wished the party up to that level. So we where all spoiling for a chance to test the sudden jump in power.
>tl;dr user goes full murderhobo. Gets cucked by old man solus
>Be me
>Underground campaign
>Kobald Dragon Deciple
>The result of a breading program because the dragons have been gone for a long time
>Running joke involes a fiction serries called "Tittie Sprinkles: The Magical Even Whore"
>For some reason we're in a burlesque house or some shit.
>Playing my dude nieve at fuck. Escaped from the compound not much else before the start of meeting the party
>Impress lead whoever (a drow) with my knowledge of Tittie Sprinkles and some light praise
>Roll high twice and loling about it
>GM wiskes my charater away with drow to bump uglies.
I had a bad one just happen, but I need to give some set up for it to make sense.
>Be me
>Son of Shady Black Ops leader hated by most people in my city who died before I was born
>Raised in a militaristic fashion and grew up with the idea that he will take over and keep his city safe at all costs his whole life
>Have one friend growing up and she is murdered and her body is used to teach me about anatomy and disection
>Leave one day for a mission
>Come back to base on fire and everyone I have every known dead
>Go to another base and get put in touch with a man who is basically the spy master of the organization
>He gives me a fake identity and sends me to the village as a deep cover agent with plans to restart the organization there
>Go there and met the only other operative still loyal and start building the organization
>Start getting close to operative and the team I am placed under
>Actually start getting the organization back on its feet despite some missions going tits up
>Start to think of myself as my own person and that I should protect my city not because its my duty but because people I want to protect are there.
>Tell spymaster to come back to city and bring everyone he can so we can make a stronger base for the organization
>Cover story is he's my uncle and opens a tea shop as a front for the oganization
>Really get to know the man and connect with him about many things and the emotional issue's I don't know how to deal with
>Form a close bond with him
>Form a close bond with original operative who I am fake dating as a cover story
>During a tournament I find out that secret techniques I have worked on and told no one about have been revealed and potentially the jig is up.
>I get pissed and fuck off for a week and try to learn how to handle my anger from spirit animal
>Come back and make it to finals of tourament
>Have to train for a month and end up learning from a new teacher who makes me question everything I believe in and that I should fight to defend what I care about not for power
>Get this further drilled into me by fight against fake girlfriend who I do have feelings for along with me being my own person
>Leave after the tournament to figure out who I am
>Girl confesses to me
>Tell her I don't want her making commitments to someone who might not exist when I get back
>After a year go completely off the grid and am widely thought to be dead
>After a year and a half of training in the jungle I go back to civilization and learn this
>Immediately tell Uncle who I now think of as a father that I am alright
what a fucking garbage DM.
what the FUCK
...what the fuck? why is this adorable? why is this giving me one of those stupid squee reactions? am i having a stroke?
And that's how you became the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
>Come back to city and first person I go back to see is Uncle
>Decide to play a little joke on him and tell him about how my father didn't go far enough (in his pragmatism and brutality)
>He looks near heartbroken
>Hug him and tell him he should have opened four tea shops
>Afterwards reconnect with girlfriend and we officially get together
>Go out on mission that goes completely wrong and nearly die on
>End up killing a strong criminal and steal his heart for experiments
>Go back to city and tell higher ups what happened and how shit went fubar
>We all get interrogated about what happens
>I go last and when I get in they reveal they know everything and that my Uncle is now in jail and they know about one of the bases
>Give me the option to leave but imply I will be followed
>Tell them I have nothing to hide and stay
>Get interrogated by man who was a former member of the organization who has an axe to grind for what my father did to him
>Give him nothing
>On the walk back to cell an office woman bumps into us and drops all her paper
>Guards help her pick them up
>Turns out she's one of my agents
>She looks at me and starts blinking in Morse code
>Tell's me she will let the village leader know what's going on since he likes me and was kept in the dark
>Next day go to trial being charged with treason
>Friends offer to be witnesses to help me out
>Operative I met yesterday walks in as a witness for the processcution
There was a time in his life when he wasn't a beautiful doll-like cyborg
>Decide to represent myself since I know no one will do it for me due to the hatred for my father
>Party face is taken off as a witness due to his family having a history of mental problems
>Other party member does vouch for me being a person who loves his city and never puts himself above it
>End up grilling the traitor and bring reasonable doubt in the court due to her relation to the prosecutor along with being a narcoleptic
>She isn't dismissed as a witness but it is noted that she isn't very reliable
>Prosecutor stands up and starts grilling the traitor instead of his lawyer
>Get pissed because I know that I'm being fucked here without being able to do anything
>Ask the head judge to call him to the stand
>Says they will have to vote for it
>Two of them Nat 20 and the other passes the dc
>It is allowed
>Grill him about his hate for my father and how I am not the same person as him
>Make him name the illegal things I've done
>Names a few but leaves out the most damning one
>Gives me a pleading look to not make him keep going
>End my questioning
>He gives me a plea deal
>Say I am the leader and the organization will be disbanded and placed under him along with all members, a hefty fine, thirty days in jail, and I will potentially be allowed to take over again some day under him which is the very last thing my character would ever want
>Or I deny it and my Uncle being the only other person who could have lead it be executed along with potentially me
Almost done
>Character believes fully that his organization is instrumental in keeping his village safe along with all of its citizens
>But also wants to keep all his loved ones and friends safe
>I start thinking of all the people I love and care for
>Then start thinking of all the people they love and care for and so on
>Finally understand what people have been trying to tell me for the past few years
>Can't look at the prosecutor
>Confess that I am not the leader
>He looks at me crestfallen
>Says their is nothing further to be said or asked of any witnesses
>Judges vote unanimously to spare me and sentence me to thirty days in jail as an accessory
>Uncle gets the death penalty
>Cry for the first time in my whole life
>He is placed in the cell across from me
>Tell him how sorry I am for what I had to do
>He forgives me and tells me he is old and has experienced all of life's pleases and that I have so much left to do
>Tells me he would gladly take a bullet for me and to keep the village we both love safe
>Share some tea with him as his last meal
>His last words to me were
>I love you, Son
Never have I ever felt so terrible from a game to the point where I started crying in the middle of a session.
The time he tried to save a guy but ended up getting the dude's entire village murdered and burned down.
Not even a backstory thing. Just one good intention followed by several bad ideas and instances of miscommunication.
>raping and murdering a mandalorian
>kidnapping the kids
You're so fucked, I hope you like the sound of heavy repeating blasters because it's going to be the last thing you hear.
Holy fuck dude.
He hit on a Moogle.
She fucked her brother, but she's not ashamed of it.
Shit dm for not making it kill you, via using all that gold to hire a literal army
That's what you get for being a retard. DM should have had some other people pass out so the town guards could make it an issue. Punishment if you continue to prove your a retard. Send a clear message that creepy shit will beget possible death.
>But user i was just role playing, it's a good thing I rape people.
A templar changed my characters gender from male to female because he thought it'd make me use magic smarter it did not
2-3 months later irl time, My character got drunk and slept with a male party member not the best night for her.
A secondary character, got raped three times in the same session, a fellow party member cast Charm person on me, told me to have sex with him, then used a mind wipe spell so I wouldn't remember the past hour, rinse wash repeat three times.
nigga you high
Unless that is a ERP group with that concents, you got a real problem.
That's not shameful in any way you fucking retard kys
Neither are erp,
the first character was handled pretty maturely actually, it was the other person making a joke, thought it was kinda funny, and said eh, sure why not, It was my first campaign back when I was 16-17
the second time I was much older and an acquaintance of mine that plays dnd he just "like to cause conflict within the party"
it was a pretty deuce move, even the DM was taken a back a bit and just ran with it because mechanically it was possible but not because he liked the idea.
>the DM was taken a back a bit and just ran with it because mechanically it was possible but not because he liked the idea
That seems like a pretty big GM oversight. Pointless, tasteless, uncreative, uninteresting, destructive acts that literally fuck over other PCs should be nipped in the bud with 1 of 2 responses.
>your character wouldn't do that to a comrade in arms
>your character is now an NPC villain if this character is truly such an antagonistic force
Nope. Tribal ritual to keep her from being wedded off.
no you're right, we've learned since then, and have covered those loopholes sort to speak, as well as stopped playing with him entirely
Remember, the DM doesn't have to follow the rules. Even if it is mechanically possible and is RAW, the DM can just change it.
Exp: "I'm not letting you tape people, that is out of line and socially unacceptable and really fucking creepy, I don't care of the game rules let you, I'm not letting you, cut that Shit out."
At least you learned, I had a DAM/player like that in my group once, some of the group still plays with him.
my group split into 3rds, he still plays with some of the my other friends, and continues to do stupid shit like that
>turns out he just got really lucky
>What's the most shameful moment in your character's life?
Killed my son's mother.
Maybe she would have lived if she hadn't been some fay witch who got pregnant from me specifically to use my son to manipulate me later.
Killed her, killed her staff, razed her palace, took the child to be raised by an unassuming carpenter family because that way he will definitely never rise up and try to claim his birthright :^)
I bet you were both Gungans. Also what kind of shit fuck Roleplays rape. I hope to god the GM didn't indulge you and descride it.
>playing a horrible sorceress type
>cursed and only vaguely human
>after a long quest we stay at an inn
>wounded and exhausted
>decide to get hammered and enjoy ourselves
>wake up the next morning, roll over
>arm lands on some dude
>open eyes
>it's Sir Lawfulgood the Paladin
>can't make eye contact for the rest of the campaign
Edgy bard bit off more than he could chew. His asshole grew three sizes that day.
Charm person doesn't work that way anyway. It makes someone a friend, not a fuckbuddy. They still act like themselves.
And if the DM and everyone is going to use it incorrectly, that's when you reveal That your character is into EXTREME BDSM as a Dom, and proceed to bite and tear his dick and balls off. Out of love, of course.
In all fairness, that sort of thing would be in-character for a Chaotic Evil
>plays a lizardman
>party just caught a bunch of goblins and interrogates them
>interrogated goblin keeps answering to each question with "fuck me"
>finally loosing his patience, lizardman says "OK, I Will!"
>proceeds to ram his scales and spikes covered, clawed hand up the goblin's asshole, and proceeds to anally fist him
>other players terrified
>DM terrified
>all in-game characters terrified
>goblins proceed to spill the beans
>DM tells me to never do that again
Learning the difference between "fuck you" and "fuck me" is a harsh one sometimes.
My character has no shame, but there was that one time...
>playing in a pirate-themed campaign
>moor up in a town we've never been to before, said to be run by a pair of pirate captain sisters
>after what happened in the last town, the party decides we should immediately seek out the sisters and formally introduce ourselves
>party finds the sisters in the town square having a heated argument
>weapons are about to be drawn
>our party's huntress decides to intervene
>walks up to the sisters and attempts to diffuse the situation, suggesting that our party has a variety of skills that might be useful in solving whatever problem they're having
>OOC she refers to this as "pimping out" party members
>she forgot to signal that she was speaking OOC
>one of the sisters looks at our party and says, "I'll take the handsome one (our party's captain/swashbuckler) and the strong one (me, a barbarian).
>mfw I realize I literally just got pimped into a three-way
To be fair, it all went well and the swashbuckler and I each got a gold earring from her as well as granting the party safe haven in the town.
Also, I run Hero Lab on an ipad. Rather than roleplay the sexytime, the DM told us to roll a relevant skill check. We had to stop the game for a few minutes because just as I clicked on the ride skill, my friend happened to look over at my screen and nearly made himself pass out laughing.
>that way he will definitely never rise up and try to claim his birthright :^)
Keep us posted
This is such a common thing I've seen across so many tables its complete bullshit, and shitty on any DM who does it, if your tricked how were you to know and than outright becoming the shit ruins the game.
>"I'm not letting you tape people, that is out of line and socially unacceptable and really fucking creepy, I don't care of the game rules let you, I'm not letting you, cut that Shit out."
pic related
He hasn’t had it yet, but he’s so misfortune that other people could only speculate.