If GW came up to you and asked you for some new unit ideas to diversify the 'nids, what would you propose
New Tyranids
Penis snipers
Snipers who shoot long range acid from their penis
Penis launchers
Giant artillery bugs that fire incendiary penis missiles at enemies
Hire some new people don't just rip ideas from here.
I’m thinking like a T-Rex, but he’s got big punchy arms. And he’s purple or whatever, but the big punchy arms are the main point.
A tyranid prime that's equivalent to a primarch both statwise and in power level.
Also its only like 200pts
Nid's are supposed to make traits that help them overcome different obstacles right?
I would think of different types of adaptations that might come about from extended trench warfare, like a kind of nid that releases toxic slurry into trenches over a certain area that debuffs and harms for as long as guys are in it
Maybe also nid's for artillery too, like a form of zoanthrope that specializes in making cover from psychic barriers
Walking penises. They have almost no offensive abilities except for some very weak melee, but they're so offensive they cause fear.
reimagne the Dactylis as tye haruspex and exocrine work.
Make a giant artillery bug that shoots huge sporemines.
Some form of shapeshifter, who can evolve during the game using command points.
Speaking of sporemines, I've always thought a cool Tyranid design could be basically a surinam toad, but with sporemine eggs. Have it generate new mines like an old Tomb Spyder and give it catastrophic AOE explosions upon death based on the mine type it generates.
Look gw, just swallow your pride and copy star craft. Blizzard blew you out of the water and there's no shame in admitting defeat. Don't be the CFL of the games industry.
Your tyranids need things that can interact with humans, I. E kerrigan
Maybe not evolve, but switch out wargear, to change his effectiveness in combat to match his opponent
Might be overpowered though, countering him would be a bitch
Something like the Tervigon for Hormagaunts
A leech style creature that, if it gets in close combat, can take control of enemy units and have them attack enemy squads or each other
A melee focused flyer patterned after a Wyvern
Tyranids a bit beefier than Warriors, and acting like Kastelan Robots. Can change their weapon turn by turn, along with some other minor abilities similiar to it. No datasmith required.
Speaking of form changing, why not have some sort of expensive gaunts that can swap biomorphs on the field, but only once or something? to better reflect the Nid's ability to quickly adapt
Lore wise?
The Tyranid hivefleets should by now realize this galaxy is no push over and radically revitalize its strategy. Enough hivefleets have connected with each other, consumed and produced smaller but more lethal and varied combinations.
Something that can deal with chaos and necrons specifically
Also a tyranid hivefleet trying to find its way into the webway gate
Also fuck it, by now enough marines would have died for an entire primaris hivefleet
Genestealer cults.
perhaps a tervigon variant that instead of spawning gaunts spawns adrenal glands and other upgrades for nearby units.
jokes aside I would actually like a sniper nid.
Some lictor varient specialised for assassination of targets that must die even at the loss of potential intel.
give it a venom cannon varient and maybe some rule wher eit gets a bonus if synapse creatures have LoS to the target, like its using the hivemind as its spotter.
>tfw it's all going according to the nids' plans and they don't need to change anything because they'll win eventually
I'd have GW restore some of the unique 'mutated' Nids' they had before, like Old One Eye and the Doom of Malan'tai. It's not beyond reason that whatever process the Tyranid use to procreate permits mutation, otherwise beneficial adaptations are impossible. So, maybe the army could use some legendary, one-of-a-kind monsters (or at least some roided version of a base 'nid) to give players the chance to add their own flavor. Seeing as 40k already draws heavy from the cultural mythologies of the world, maybe we could see 'tyranoformed' versions of ancient monsters. Like the manticore, the Kraken, or the Hydra.
This could allow the Tyranids to have a solid answer to Primarch-tier models of other armies, helping them becoming more competitive and involved in the lore.
I was thinking something like the Obliterator.
That would be awesome, a bigass Nid with cocoons all over it that can morph into different bioweapons
This, we need buff auras that don't suck balls while costing you both
I was thinking headcrab/zombie troopers. Maybe with an upgrade to make them explode.
A Sarlacc-pits, basically a stationary zoning tool you could use by summing it later or at the start of the game. Maybe with options for some range weaponry.
Maybe even a Unique-HQ model.
sounds cool. So a hivegaurd sized nid, can morph from one weapon to another (whats the list, just keep it simple and let it pick 1 option from the fex lists?).
As for cost perhaps 1 or 2 CP to change, or if it deals X wounds in CC it morphs for free, using the conaumed flesh to drive the change.
we've already got genecult Neophytes/brood brothers for that angle really.
As for exploding troops, maybe an option to attach sporemines to a unit. Once perhaps instead of overwatch the unit can retreat 6 inches leaving the mines begind and the charging unit is forced to charge the mines.
I agree. They should bring back the Eraserhead fetus men.
Have you never actually looked at gene stealer cults?
Okay, new idea, why only new weapons? Why not an expensive unit that starts quite useless but at the beginning of each of your turn you can pick one mutation package to evolve it? This is interesting because it allows the player to make an investment that only really pays out at maybe the last two turns.
We return.
Why only one new unit if you could have them all. Give Tyranids the option to purchase any organic non-HQ unit and control them. The drawback would be that they have some form of stupidity check and can't act if they fail it.
I'm a fan of the idea that many of the unique 'nids are highly specialised creatures.
Like Old One Eye being a kind of hive fleet black box. Designed to store as much genetic content about its fleet so that it survives, even if the fleet is wiped out.
OOE's so tough that it comes back from practically anything. So it heightens the chances of it surviving until the next fleet comes and eats it.
Some super-zoanthrope HQ casting some mad buffs and blasts and does wonders for synaptic cohesion as an alternative commander type.
A class of Warriors that have developed a superior connection to the Hive Mind and thus became physics-defying warrior-psykers
Attack psionics that deal burst damage to squads and have a chance of turning killed models into 'hybrids' like pic related
ALso give them a unit of elite termagant with actual bioplasma rifles and decent T and save
And some lictor-broodlord mix that acts as a nemeisis for small specialized melee units
Like Bio-pods that land and form these things
That gives me another idea, a spore mine launcher whose spores burrow where they land and become actual mines
so basically like a 200 point unit that starts off the game only worth 100, but by turn 5 is worth 300?
eh. Mobile mines are more useful. A stationary minefield is easy for your opponent to just go around.
But a stationary one limits his mobility and is harder to get rid of than just shooting at
With a stationary minefield, you can control where your opponent directs his troops to, so as to better counter him or set up ambushes that he has to fall for, or else be caught in a minefield
More suicide tyranids like the spores.
Basically in this range. It also develops an interesting cat and mouse game that forces your opponent to try to hunt it down while it's weak or at least to get you to evolve in a suboptimal way.
But he has to go around, that could be one turn before they are at the objective or they have to decide to either walk into the mine or your range units.
I propose they basically copy-paste the 3rd ed make your own biofleet rules and then moonwalk out of the building while giving them the finger.
you can alwaya just putnyour mobile ones in his way. though you have a point about the stationary feild not getting shot.
I suppose you could make it a strategem. 1 CP to "bury" a sporemine unit, remove the unit except for 1 mini as a marker it can't move or be targeted anymore. But any enemy unit that moves within 6 inches gets hit by a sporemine attack.
For diversity? We need more ladybugs.
Something like metal gear ray, except in tyranid form
>We need more ladybugs.
Do you mean Tiraniddo Waifus or actual Coccinellidae?
Because the former is just a matter of Greenstuff and sculpting skills.
>Blizzard blew you out of the water
You mean Andy Chambers.
Andy Chambers blew himself.
100% need more waifus.
I'd like to see tentaclide missiles become the tyranid Hunter killer. give most monsters the option to take a single use one for like 5-10 points.
That and I'd like the heavy support "devestator" warriors back. A smaller unit where each member can take a venom cannon or barbed strangler.
Do the Charybdis, that rumoured nid that was probably a miss represented tervigon.
Was meant to be a transport/mobile firing platform that carries a unit on its bunkerlike carapace and they'd fire off it.
Tyranids don't need new units to diversify them, they're already suffering from an overage of model variety causing too many units to have overlapping, redundant and unclear battlefield roles.
What they need are the rules for their core, iconic units to be tuned up to better represent what they're supposed to do. Warriors, Lictors, and Hormagaunts especially.
That said, when they release a new Lictor it could be made a dual-kit with another variety called a Thraector (based on the gladiator type known as a Thraex) designed as an anti-vehicle stealth melee organism that uses bio-electromagnetic pulses to debuff key pieces of enemy armour.
A Malefactor/Dactylis dual-kit is the other obvious one, but there are just so many monstrous creatures right now that already don't know what they're supposed to be doing on the battlefield (Toxicrene, Maleceptor, Haruspex...)
>copy the copies of the copy
Something crypt lord-ish. Large nid that spawns smaller flying nids that fly out, kill/eat everything around it, then return that biomass to the large nid to continue the cycle.
Ones that Dante can genocide.
reminagine the parasite as a dark lord with swarms of winged rippers?
I like the idea but lets keep the rippers grounded so that only 1 new model need be made rather than 2 models. So a giant worm-like creature that vomits up the rippers who then eat shit and bring it back to the worm who then makes more rippers to vomit up to repeat the process.
they'd be simple enough to add to the parasites sprue like regular rippers are on most nid infantry sprues. make it a kit of the parasite and 3 swarm bases. The parasite works with regular rippers to but if you want the vig swarmy ou habe to keep buying the expensive parasite kit.
That's amazingly more expensive that it should reasonably be, and therefore something GW would actually do.
Forge world dimarachon or whatever kinda fits that
Something like this to work basically as a tyranid version of a calvary unit. Weapon's wise it could be kitted out for both ranged combat and pure melee.
Kung fu mantis
Kroot DNA based tyrannid
Living catapult that launch your troops into enemy.
we already have raveners to fill that niche. As mentioned already nids don't need even more overlap.
aren't those tyrannocites?
Seconding this. Also slowly go through the unit list from Epic and that defunct card game, there's a shit tonne of Tyranids only described with no 28mm scale model.
>Andy Chambers blew himself.
I wish I could do that.
>everyone suggesting large monsters
why is there no love for gaunt variants?
what variants would you add. we already have choppy, shooty and flying.
burrowing gaunts maybe? mini raveners.
or Havoc Gaunts, small squad heavy support gaunts armed with venom cannons or something. need to be stationary to fire.
Raveners are more of straight up ambush and melee units.
they've got the speed and guns thing as well
Yeah, but there is very little sense in using them.
A four legged tyrannid that has head spikes/tusks and functions like a fast shock cavalry unit, with a varian that instead has bio-acid sacs it can spit from so it becomes like a hellhound sort of thing
Kerrigan is the worst thing to happen to starcraft. If they ever add a "face" to tyranids I will straight up firebomb GW.
Dominatrix HQ choice
Nice Zoat.
Kroots who consumed tyranids and got taken over by the hivemind
>100% need more waifus.
>Tyranids don't need new units to diversify them, they're already suffering from an overage of model variety causing too many units to have overlapping, redundant and unclear battlefield roles.
>What they need are the rules for their core, iconic units to be tuned up to better represent what they're supposed to do. Warriors, Lictors, and Hormagaunts especially.
...But yeah, they actually need their play core tuned up better so the models they do have can properly fill battlefield roles.
Of course, GW always puts models first and the game second...
Having a relatable character that look humanoid for the Tyranids ruin both the space locust and the horde aspect of the faction.
Kerrigan is just waifu bait for gook gamers and nothing else. That and the fact that Starcraft 2's lore is fucking dog shit.
Having a relatable character is what will make them a not npc race. It's already cannon that the eldar have spoken to the hive mind anyways so why not give it a humanoid face? Doesn't even have to be a girl like kerrigan, could be like Duran or whatever.
A good way to reincorporate the old nids models to the new fluff is to make them into Zoats that got fully assimilated into the swarm.
Maybe let them use old Zoats weapons and biomorphic at the same time.
Please kill yourself and stop trying to ruin my swarm of alien locust.
>why not give it a humanoid face?
because theres no need for ot and it gets in the way of the alien swarm theme they've got going on..The hivemind can psychically interact or go through genestealer cultists if you really need some sort of communication. A "face" is completely unnecessary.
>gaunts, warriors and genestealer have a number of selectable "adaptations", like -1 to hit from range, -1 to hit in cc, +1 to saves, +1 movement etc., selectable at the starts of the game
>psionic powers that can switch these adaptations around
>nids can place infested terrain on the battlefield (either as an upgrade or psy power), to represent the corruption of biosphere
A pure Synapse HQ.
>Synapse:Shadow inna warp
>Cheapo as fuck
Maybe an aura for more than 1 specific unit
Maybe 2 Denys and no cast because why not.
~50pts price point
The ability to keep the Carnifexes as a unit of 1-3 to get that sweet Hydra buff
Some gaunt transports with weapon platforms
>centaur monster-nid, has four arms like a flakk cannon
>octopus/tentacle based monster- human upper half
>genemorphs/ooze-like shapeshifters
>T-rex looking monster- has melta/plasma breath
I’m thinking the Zerglings, but purple
thats pretty much what the neurothrope and prime already are, just not quite that cheap.
Can we make flesh hooks some kind of short-medium range sniper gun?
Rogue Trader era chaos Genestealer cults
Lurkers were fucking cool. How would we 40k that shit? Like it would attack in a line, like that Librarian spell? And it can only attack if it's taking cover (making it super good with Jorm)
Queen Bitch of the Universe was the best character in BW tho besides Zeratul.
Came here to post this, thank you.